Beispiel #1
 public function add($order_id)
     AuthPlugins::required($this, array('销售经理', '销售顾问'));
     $order_id = abs(intval($order_id));
     if (!$this->is_post() || !$order_id) {
         return false;
      * 上传方案附件
     $file_path = FileSystem::Upload($_FILES['attachment'], false);
     if (!$file_path) {
         HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/detail/' . $order_id, '文件上传失败:' . FileSystem::$message, $this->smarty);
      * 写入方案表
     parent::load('model', 'order');
     $solution = new Solution();
     $solution->order_id = $order_id;
     $solution->solution_code = trim(strip_tags($_POST['solution_code']));
     $solution->name = trim(strip_tags($_POST['name']));
     $solution->attachment = $file_path;
     $solution->price = abs(intval($_POST['price']));
     HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/detail/' . $order_id, '添加方案成功', $this->smarty);
function list_import_prepare()
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $periods = new Period();
    echo 'LIST periods table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $courses = new Course();
    echo 'LIST courses table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $groups = new Group();
    echo 'LIST groups table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $rooms = new Room();
    echo 'LIST rooms table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $participants = new Participant();
    echo 'LIST participants table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $CI->db->simple_query('TRUNCATE TABLE `course_task_set_type_rel`');
    echo 'LIST course_task_set_type_rel table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $categories = new Category();
    echo 'LIST categories table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $tasks = new Task();
    unlink_recursive('private/uploads/task_files/', FALSE);
    unlink_recursive('private/uploads/unit_tests/', FALSE);
    echo 'LIST tasks table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $CI->db->simple_query('TRUNCATE TABLE `task_category_rel`');
    echo 'LIST task_category_rel table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $task_set_types = new Task_set_type();
    echo 'LIST task_set_types table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $task_sets = new Task_set();
    echo 'LIST task_sets table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $comments = new Comment();
    echo 'LIST comments table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $solutions = new Solution();
    unlink_recursive('private/uploads/solutions/', FALSE);
    echo 'LIST solutions table truncated ...' . "\n";
    $CI->db->simple_query('TRUNCATE TABLE `task_task_set_rel`');
    echo 'LIST task_task_set_rel table truncated ...' . "\n";
 public function render()
     $course = new Course();
     $course->get_by_id((int) @$this->config['course_id']);
     $this->parser->assign('course', $course);
     if ($course->exists()) {
         $solutions = new Solution();
         $solutions->select_func('COUNT', '@id', 'count');
         $solutions->where('revalidate', 1);
         $solutions->where_related('task_set', 'id', '${parent}.id');
         $solutions->where_related('student/participant/course', 'id', $course->id);
         $solutions->where_related('student/participant', 'allowed', 1);
         $task_sets = new Task_set();
         $task_sets->select_subquery($solutions, 'solutions_count');
         $task_sets->where_related('solution', 'revalidate', 1);
         $task_sets->where_related('solution/student/participant/course', 'id', $course->id);
         $task_sets->where_related('solution/student/participant', 'allowed', 1);
         $task_sets->order_by_with_overlay('name', 'ASC');
         $this->parser->assign('task_sets', $task_sets);
  * 编辑解决方案
 function actionEdit()
     $form = new QForm('solution', url('solutions/edit'));
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'id', array('_ui' => 'hidden'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'name', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '解决方案名'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'content', array('_ui' => 'fckeditor', '_label' => '内容', 'class' => "txt", 'height' => '500px', 'width' => '60%'));
     $solu_id = (int) $this->_context->id;
     $data = Solution::find($solu_id)->query();
     if ($this->_context->isPOST() && $form->invalidate($_POST)) {
         try {
             return $this->_redirectMessage('修改成功', '修改改页面成功', url('solutions/index'));
         } catch (QValidator_ValidateFailedException $ex) {
     $this->_view['form'] = $form;
Beispiel #5

class Solution
    public $m = ['a' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '|__|', 'bot' => '|  |'], 'b' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '|__\\', 'bot' => '|__/'], 'c' => ['top' => ' __', 'mid' => '|  ', 'bot' => '|__'], 'd' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '|  \\', 'bot' => '|__/'], 'e' => ['top' => ' __', 'mid' => '|_ ', 'bot' => '|__'], 'f' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '|_  ', 'bot' => '|   '], 'g' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '| _ ', 'bot' => '|__|'], 'h' => ['top' => '    ', 'mid' => '|__|', 'bot' => '|  |'], 'i' => ['top' => ' ', 'mid' => '|', 'bot' => '|'], 'j' => ['top' => '  - ', 'mid' => '  | ', 'bot' => ' _| '], 'k' => ['top' => '   ', 'mid' => '|_/', 'bot' => '|  \\'], 'l' => ['top' => '   ', 'mid' => '|  ', 'bot' => '|__'], 'm' => ['top' => '    ', 'mid' => '|\\/|', 'bot' => '|  |'], 'n' => ['top' => '    ', 'mid' => '|\\ |', 'bot' => '| \\|'], 'o' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '|  |', 'bot' => '|__|'], 'p' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '|__|', 'bot' => '|   '], 'r' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '| _|', 'bot' => '|  \\'], 's' => ['top' => ' -- ', 'mid' => '|__ ', 'bot' => ' __|'], 't' => ['top' => '___', 'mid' => ' | ', 'bot' => ' | '], 'u' => ['top' => '    ', 'mid' => '|  |', 'bot' => '|__|'], 'w' => ['top' => '    ', 'mid' => '|  |', 'bot' => '|/\\|'], 'y' => ['top' => '   ', 'mid' => '\\_/', 'bot' => ' | '], 'z' => ['top' => ' __ ', 'mid' => '  / ', 'bot' => ' /_ ']];
    public $ip, $arr;
    function run($ip)
        $this->ip = $ip;
        $this->arr = explode(" ", strtolower($this->ip));
    function printSeg($seg)
        foreach ($this->arr as $k => $w) {
            $chArr = str_split($w);
            foreach ($chArr as $c) {
                echo $this->m[$c][$seg];
                echo " ";
            echo $k == count($this->arr) - 1 ? "\n" : "   ";
$i = new Solution();
$i->run('how are you');
        } else {
            if ($head->next == null) {
                $head->next = $p;
            } else {
                $start = $head;
                while ($start->next != null) {
                    $start = $start->next;
                $start->next = $p;
        return $head;
    function display($head)
        $start = $head;
        while ($start) {
            echo $start->data, ' ';
            $start = $start->next;
$T = intval(fgets(STDIN));
$head = null;
$mylist = new Solution();
while ($T-- > 0) {
    $data = intval(fgets(STDIN));
    $head = $mylist->insert($head, $data);
$head = $mylist->removeDuplicates($head);
    public $headNode = NULL;
    public $lastInsertedNode = NULL;
    function insert($head, $data)
        if ($this->headNode === NULL) {
            $this->headNode = new Node($data);
            $this->lastInsertedNode = $this->headNode;
        } else {
            $LLNode = new Node($data);
            $this->lastInsertedNode->next = $LLNode;
            $this->lastInsertedNode = $LLNode;
        return $this->headNode;
    function display($head)
        $start = $head;
        while ($start != null) {
            echo $start->data, ' ';
            $start = $start->next;
$T = intval(fgets(STDIN));
$head = null;
$mylist = new Solution();
while ($T-- > 0) {
    $data = intval(fgets(STDIN));
    $head = $mylist->insert($head, $data);
Beispiel #8
 private function get_valuation_table_data($course_id, $group_id = NULL, $condensed = FALSE)
     $table_data = array('header' => array(), 'content' => array());
     $course = new Course();
     $group = new Group();
     $group->get_by_id((int) $group_id);
     if ($course->exists()) {
         $students = new Student();
         $students->select('id, fullname, email');
         $students->include_related('participant/group', array('id', 'name'));
         $students->where_related('participant/course', 'id', $course->id);
         $students->where_related('participant', 'allowed', 1);
         if ($group->exists()) {
             $students->where_related('participant/group', 'id', (int) $group_id);
         $task_sets_out_of_group_ids = array(0);
         $task_sets_data = array();
         $task_sets_ids = array();
         $projects_ids = array();
         if ($group->exists()) {
             $students_filter = new Student();
             $students_filter->where_related('participant/course', 'id', $course->id);
             $students_filter->where_related('participant', 'allowed', 1);
             $students_filter->where_related('participant/group', 'id', (int) $group->id);
             $solutions_filter = new Solution();
             $solutions_filter->where_in_subquery('student_id', $students_filter);
             $task_sets_out_of_group = new Task_set();
             $task_sets_out_of_group->where_in_subquery('id', $solutions_filter);
             $task_sets_out_of_group->where('published', 1);
             $task_sets_out_of_group_ids = $task_sets_out_of_group->all_to_single_array('id');
             $task_sets_out_of_group_ids[] = 0;
         $content_type_task_set = new Task_set();
         $content_type_task_set->select('id, name, content_type, group_id, task_set_type_id');
         $content_type_task_set->include_related('task_set_type', 'name');
         $content_type_task_set->include_related('group', 'name');
         $content_type_task_set->where('content_type', 'task_set');
         $content_type_task_set->where('published', 1);
         $content_type_task_set->order_by_related_with_constant('task_set_type', 'name', 'asc');
         $content_type_task_set->order_by('task_set_type_id', 'asc');
         $content_type_task_set->order_by('publish_start_time', 'asc');
         if ($group->exists()) {
             $content_type_task_set->group_start('', 'OR ');
             $content_type_task_set->or_where('group_id', NULL);
             $content_type_task_set->or_where('group_id', (int) $group_id);
             $content_type_task_set->where_subquery(0, '(SELECT COUNT(`tsp`.`id`) AS `count` FROM `task_set_permissions` tsp WHERE `tsp`.`task_set_id` = `task_sets`.`id` AND `tsp`.`enabled` = 1)');
             $content_type_task_set->group_start('', 'OR ');
             $content_type_task_set->where_related('task_set_permission', 'group_id', (int) $group_id);
             $content_type_task_set->where_related('task_set_permission', 'enabled', 1);
             $content_type_task_set->or_where_in('id', $task_sets_out_of_group_ids);
         $header_items = array();
         if ($content_type_task_set->result_count() > 0) {
             $last_task_set_type_id = NULL;
             foreach ($content_type_task_set->all as $task_set) {
                 $permissions = new Task_set_permission();
                 $permissions->select('id, group_id');
                 $permissions->include_related('group', 'name');
                 $permissions->where('enabled', 1);
                 if ($permissions->result_count() > 0) {
                     $group_ids = array();
                     $group_names = array();
                     foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                         $group_ids[] = $permission->group_id;
                         $group_names[] = $this->lang->text($permission->group_name);
                     $task_sets_data[$task_set->id] = array('group_id' => $group_ids, 'group_name' => $group_names);
                 } else {
                     $task_sets_data[$task_set->id] = array('group_id' => array($task_set->group_id), 'group_name' => $this->lang->text($task_set->group_name));
                 if ($task_set->task_set_type_id !== $last_task_set_type_id) {
                     $last_task_set_type_id = $task_set->task_set_type_id;
                     $header_items[] = array('type' => 'task_set_type', 'id' => $task_set->task_set_type_id, 'name' => $this->lang->text($task_set->task_set_type_name), 'title' => '');
                 if (!$condensed) {
                     $header_items[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'id' => $task_set->id, 'name' => $this->lang->get_overlay_with_default('task_sets', $task_set->id, 'name', $task_set->name), 'title' => is_array($task_sets_data[$task_set->id]['group_name']) ? implode(', ', $task_sets_data[$task_set->id]['group_name']) : $task_sets_data[$task_set->id]['group_name']);
                 $task_sets_ids[] = $task_set->id;
         $table_data['header']['content_type_task_set'] = array('content_type_name' => $this->lang->line('admin_solutions_valuation_tables_header_content_type_task_sets'), 'items' => $header_items);
         $content_type_project = new Task_set();
         $content_type_project->where('content_type', 'project');
         $content_type_project->where('published', 1);
         $content_type_project->order_by_related_with_constant('task_set_type', 'name', 'asc');
         $content_type_project->order_by('publish_start_time', 'asc');
         $header_items = array();
         if ($content_type_project->result_count() > 0) {
             foreach ($content_type_project->all as $project) {
                 if (!$condensed) {
                     $header_items[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'id' => $project->id, 'name' => $this->lang->get_overlay_with_default('task_sets', $project->id, 'name', $project->name), 'title' => '');
                 $projects_ids[] = $project->id;
         $table_data['header']['content_type_project'] = array('content_type_name' => $this->lang->line('admin_solutions_valuation_tables_header_content_type_project'), 'items' => $header_items);
         foreach ($students as $student) {
             $student_line = array('fullname' => $student->fullname, 'email' => $student->email, 'id' => $student->id, 'total_points' => 0, 'task_sets_points' => array(), 'task_sets_points_total' => 0, 'projects_points' => array(), 'projects_points_total' => 0);
             $solutions_data = array();
             if ($content_type_task_set->result_count() > 0 || $content_type_project->result_count() > 0) {
                 $solutions = new Solution();
                 $solutions->select('task_set_id, points, tests_points, not_considered, revalidate');
                 if (count($task_sets_ids) > 0) {
                     $solutions->or_where_in('task_set_id', $task_sets_ids);
                 if (count($projects_ids) > 0) {
                     $solutions->or_where_in('task_set_id', $projects_ids);
                 foreach ($solutions as $solution) {
                     $solutions_data[$solution->task_set_id] = array('points' => is_null($solution->points) && is_null($solution->tests_points) ? NULL : $solution->points + $solution->tests_points, 'not_considered' => $solution->not_considered, 'revalidate' => $solution->revalidate);
             $task_sets_points_array = array();
             if ($content_type_task_set->result_count() > 0) {
                 $task_sets_points = 0;
                 $last_task_set_type_id = NULL;
                 $last_task_set_type_key = NULL;
                 foreach ($content_type_task_set->all as $task_set) {
                     if ($last_task_set_type_id !== $task_set->task_set_type_id) {
                         $last_task_set_type_id = $task_set->task_set_type_id;
                         $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set_type', 'points' => 0, 'flag' => 'ok');
                         $last_task_set_type_key = count($task_sets_points_array) - 1;
                     $points = 0;
                     if (isset($solutions_data[$task_set->id])) {
                         if ($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['not_considered']) {
                             if (!$condensed) {
                                 $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => '*', 'flag' => 'notConsidered');
                         } else {
                             if (is_null($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points'])) {
                                 if (!$condensed) {
                                     $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => '!', 'flag' => 'revalidate');
                             } elseif ($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['revalidate']) {
                                 if (!$condensed) {
                                     $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => $solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points'], 'flag' => 'revalidate');
                                 $points = floatval($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points']);
                             } else {
                                 if (!$condensed) {
                                     $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => $solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points'], 'flag' => 'ok');
                                 $points = floatval($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points']);
                     } else {
                         if (!$condensed) {
                             if (!is_null($task_sets_data[$task_set->id]['group_id'][0]) && !in_array($student->participant_group_id, $task_sets_data[$task_set->id]['group_id'])) {
                                 $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => '-', 'flag' => 'notInGroup');
                             } else {
                                 $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => 'x', 'flag' => 'notSubmitted');
                     $task_sets_points += $points;
                     $task_sets_points_array[$last_task_set_type_key]['points'] += $points;
                     $student_line['total_points'] += $points;
                     $student_line['task_sets_points_total'] = $task_sets_points;
             $student_line['task_sets_points'] = $task_sets_points_array;
             $task_sets_points_array = array();
             if ($content_type_project->result_count() > 0) {
                 $task_sets_points = 0;
                 foreach ($content_type_project as $task_set) {
                     $points = 0;
                     if (isset($solutions_data[$task_set->id])) {
                         if ($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['not_considered']) {
                             if (!$condensed) {
                                 $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => '*', 'flag' => 'notConsidered');
                         } else {
                             if (is_null($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points'])) {
                                 if (!$condensed) {
                                     $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => '!', 'flag' => 'revalidate');
                             } elseif ($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['revalidate']) {
                                 if (!$condensed) {
                                     $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => $solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points'], 'flag' => 'revalidate');
                                 $points = floatval($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points']);
                             } else {
                                 if (!$condensed) {
                                     $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => $solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points'], 'flag' => 'ok');
                                 $points = floatval($solutions_data[$task_set->id]['points']);
                     } else {
                         if (!$condensed) {
                             $task_sets_points_array[] = array('type' => 'task_set', 'points' => 'x', 'flag' => 'notSubmitted');
                     $task_sets_points += $points;
                     $student_line['total_points'] += $points;
                     $student_line['projects_points_total'] = $task_sets_points;
             $student_line['projects_points'] = $task_sets_points_array;
             $table_data['content'][] = $student_line;
     return $table_data;
Beispiel #9
 public function index($worker_id = 0)
     $test_queue = new Test_queue();
     $execute_tests = FALSE;
     try {
         $test_queue->where('worker', NULL);
         $test_queue->where('status', 0);
         $test_queue->where('version >', 0);
         $test_queue->group_start(' NOT ');
         $test_queue->where('task_set_id', NULL);
         $test_queue->group_start(' NOT ');
         $test_queue->where('student_id', NULL);
         $test_queue->order_by('priority', 'asc');
         $test_queue->order_by('start', 'asc');
         $sql_query = $test_queue->get_sql();
         $sql_query = rtrim($sql_query, '; ' . "\n\r") . ' FOR UPDATE;';
         if ($test_queue->exists()) {
             $test_queue->worker = (int) $worker_id;
             $test_queue->status = 1;
             $test_queue->exec_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $test_queue->where('worker', NULL);
             $test_queue->where('status', 0);
             if ($test_queue->save()) {
                 $execute_tests = TRUE;
             } else {
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($test_queue->exists() && $execute_tests) {
         $task_set = new Task_set();
         $task_set->include_related('course', 'test_scoring_deadline');
         $student = new Student();
         $tests = new Test();
         try {
             if ($task_set->exists() && $student->exists() && $tests->exists()) {
                 $version = $test_queue->version;
                 $run_evaluation = $task_set->enable_tests_scoring > 0 && $task_set->course_test_scoring_deadline >= date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ? TRUE : FALSE;
                 $score_percent = array();
                 $score_points = array();
                 $bonus_percent = array();
                 $bonus_points = array();
                 $total_tests_count = $tests->result_count();
                 foreach ($tests as $test) {
                     $test_queue->single_test_exec_start = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                     $files = $task_set->get_student_files($student->id, (int) $version);
                     if (isset($files[(int) $version]['filepath']) && file_exists($files[(int) $version]['filepath'])) {
                         $test_object = $this->load->test($test->type);
                         $token = '';
                         //echo 'Test queue ' . $test_queue->id . ' is running test ' . $test->id . ' ... ' . PHP_EOL;
                         try {
                             $test_output = $test_object->run($files[(int) $version]['filepath'], $run_evaluation && $test->enable_scoring > 0, $student->id, $token);
                             $test_score = $test_object->get_last_test_score();
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $test_output = $e->getMessage();
                             $test_score = 0;
                         $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'result_text', $test_output);
                         $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'evaluation_table', $test_object->get_last_test_scoring());
                         $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'result', $test_object->get_last_exit_code());
                         //echo 'Test queue ' . $test_queue->id . ' is done with test ' . $test->id . ' ... ' . PHP_EOL;
                         if ($run_evaluation && $test->enable_scoring > 0) {
                             $task_id = $test->task_id;
                             $this->db->where('task_set_id', $task_set->id);
                             $this->db->where('task_id', (int) $task_id);
                             $query = $this->db->get('task_task_set_rel');
                             if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
                                 $task_rel = $query->row_object();
                                 $min = (double) $task_rel->test_min_points;
                                 $max = (double) $task_rel->test_max_points;
                                 $percent = (double) $test_score / 100.0;
                                 $points = (1.0 - $percent) * $min + $percent * $max;
                                 if ($task_rel->bonus_task == 0) {
                                     $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'percent_points', $test_score);
                                     $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'points', $points);
                                     $score_percent[$task_id] = isset($score_percent[$task_id]) ? $score_percent[$task_id] + $percent : $percent;
                                     $percent = (double) $score_percent[$task_id];
                                     $points = (1.0 - $percent) * $min + $percent * $max;
                                     $score_points[$task_id] = $points;
                                 } else {
                                     $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'percent_bonus', $test_score);
                                     $test_queue->set_join_field($test, 'bonus', $points);
                                     $bonus_percent[$task_id] = isset($bonus_percent[$task_id]) ? $bonus_percent[$task_id] + $percent : $percent;
                                     $percent = (double) $bonus_percent[$task_id];
                                     $points = (1.0 - $percent) * $min + $percent * $max;
                                     $bonus_points[$task_id] = $points;
                     } else {
                         $test_queue->worker = NULL;
                         $test_queue->status = 3;
                         $test_queue->finish = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $tests = new Test();
                 $tests->where_related('task/task_set', 'id', $task_set->id);
                 $tests->where('type', $test_queue->test_type);
                 $tests->where('enable_scoring >', 0);
                 $tests->where('task_task_task_set_rel.bonus_task', 0);
                 $test_count = $tests->result_count();
                 $min_results = $task_set->test_min_needed > $test_count ? $test_count : $task_set->test_min_needed;
                 $course = new Course();
                 $course->where_related_task_set('id', $task_set->id);
                 $min_points_limit = -$course->default_points_to_remove;
                 if ($test_count > 0 && $run_evaluation) {
                     $max_results = $task_set->test_max_allowed < count($score_points) ? $task_set->test_max_allowed : count($score_points);
                     arsort($score_points, SORT_NUMERIC);
                     $i = 0;
                     $total_score = 0;
                     foreach ($score_points as $task_id => $points) {
                         if ($i < $max_results) {
                             $total_score += $points;
                         } else {
                     $total_score = $total_score < $min_points_limit ? $min_points_limit : $total_score;
                     $total_bonus = array_sum($bonus_points);
                     $total_score += $total_bonus;
                     if (count($score_points) >= $min_results) {
                         $solution = new Solution();
                         $solution->where('task_set_id', $task_set->id);
                         $solution->where('student_id', $student->id);
                         $save_solution = FALSE;
                         $solution_not_considered = FALSE;
                         $solution_disable_evaluation = FALSE;
                         $best_old_score = $min_points_limit;
                         if ($solution->exists()) {
                             if ($solution->not_considered == 0) {
                                 if ($solution->disable_evaluation_by_tests == 0) {
                                     if ($solution->tests_points < $total_score || is_null($solution->tests_points)) {
                                         $solution->tests_points = $total_score;
                                         $solution->teacher_id = NULL;
                                         $solution->best_version = (int) $version;
                                         $solution->revalidate = 0;
                                         $save_solution = TRUE;
                                     } else {
                                         $best_old_score = $solution->tests_points;
                                 } else {
                                     $solution_disable_evaluation = TRUE;
                             } else {
                                 $solution_not_considered = TRUE;
                         } else {
                             $solution->tests_points = $total_score;
                             $solution->comment = '';
                             $solution->teacher_id = NULL;
                             $solution->best_version = (int) $version;
                             $solution->task_set_id = $task_set->id;
                             $solution->student_id = $student->id;
                             $solution->revalidate = 0;
                             $save_solution = TRUE;
                         if ($save_solution) {
                             $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_new_points_added');
                         } else {
                             if (!$solution_disable_evaluation) {
                                 if (!$solution_not_considered) {
                                     $test_queue->result_message = sprintf($this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_nothing_to_update'), $total_score, $best_old_score);
                                 } else {
                                     $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_solution_not_considered');
                             } else {
                                 $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_solution_disable_evaluation');
                         $test_queue->points = $total_score - $total_bonus;
                         $test_queue->bonus = $total_bonus;
                     } else {
                         $test_queue->result_message = sprintf($this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_minimum_number_of_test_not_selected'), $min_results);
                     $result_table_tasks = new Task();
                     $result_table_tasks->where_related_task_set('id', $task_set->id);
                     $result_table_tasks->order_by('`task_task_set_rel`.`sorting`', 'asc');
                     $test_queue->result_html = $this->parser->parse('backend/tests/evaluation_table.tpl', array('tasks' => $result_table_tasks, 'real_points' => $score_points, 'bonus_points' => $bonus_points, 'real_percentage' => $score_percent, 'bonus_percentage' => $bonus_percent, 'max_results' => $max_results), TRUE);
                     $test_queue->worker = NULL;
                     $test_queue->status = 2;
                     $test_queue->finish = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 } else {
                     if ($total_tests_count && !$run_evaluation) {
                         $test_queue->worker = NULL;
                         $test_queue->status = 2;
                         $test_queue->finish = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                         $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_testing_finished');
                     } else {
                         $test_queue->worker = NULL;
                         $test_queue->status = 3;
                         $test_queue->finish = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                         $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_no_test_selected');
             } else {
                 $test_queue->worker = NULL;
                 $test_queue->status = 3;
                 $test_queue->finish = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_configuration_error');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $test_queue->worker = NULL;
             $test_queue->status = 3;
             $test_queue->finish = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $test_queue->result_message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_execution_error');
             $test_queue->result_html = '<pre>' . $e->getMessage() . '</pre>';
     //@unlink($test_locks_path . 'worker_' . (int)$worker_id . '_lock.txt');
Beispiel #10
 public function run_comparation()
     $task_sets_setup_data = $this->input->post('task_sets_setup');
     $solutions_data = $this->input->post('solutions');
     $moss_setup_data = $this->input->post('moss_setup');
     $moss_base_files_data = $this->input->post('moss_base_files');
     $course = new Course();
     $course->get_by_id((int) $task_sets_setup_data['course']);
     $task_set = new Task_set();
     $task_set->get_by_id(isset($task_sets_setup_data['task_set']) ? (int) $task_sets_setup_data['task_set'] : 0);
     $languages = $this->config->item('moss_langs_for_list');
     $this->parser->assign(array('course' => $course, 'task_set' => $task_set, 'languages' => $languages));
     $this->parser->assign('moss_enabled', $this->is_moss_user_id_set());
     if ($course->exists() && $task_set->exists()) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('solutions', 'lang:admin_moss_list_solutions_form_field_solution_selection', 'callback__selected_solutions');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('moss_setup[l]', 'lang:admin_moss_list_solutions_form_field_language', 'required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('moss_setup[m]', 'lang:admin_moss_list_solutions_form_field_sensitivity', 'required|integer|greater_than[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('moss_setup[n]', 'lang:admin_moss_list_solutions_form_field_matching_files', 'required|integer|greater_than[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_message('_selected_solutions', $this->lang->line('admin_moss_list_solutions_validation_callback_selected_solutions'));
         if ($this->form_validation->run() && $this->is_moss_user_id_set()) {
             $solutions = new Solution();
             $solutions->order_by_related_as_fullname('student', 'fullname', 'asc');
             $this->parser->assign('solutions', $solutions);
             $tasks = new Task();
             $base_files_list = array();
             foreach ($tasks as $task) {
                 $base_files_list[$task->id] = array('task_id' => $task->id, 'task_name' => $this->lang->get_overlay_with_default('tasks', $task->id, 'name', $task->name), 'files' => $this->construct_base_files_for_task($task->id));
             $this->parser->assign('base_files_list', $base_files_list);
             $path = $this->get_random_hash_folder($course->id, $task_set->id);
             $path_source = $path . '/source';
             $path_base = $path . '/base';
             @mkdir($path_source, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
             @mkdir($path_base, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
             $all_extracted = TRUE;
             $moss_langs_extensions = $this->config->item('moss_langs_file_extensions');
             if (isset($moss_langs_extensions[$moss_setup_data['l']])) {
                 $file_extensions = $moss_langs_extensions[$moss_setup_data['l']];
             } else {
                 $all_extracted = FALSE;
             foreach ($solutions_data as $id => $config) {
                 if (!$all_extracted) {
                 if (isset($config['selected']) && $config['selected'] == 1) {
                     $version = isset($config['version']) ? $config['version'] : 0;
                     $student = isset($config['student']) ? $config['student'] : 0;
                     $file = $task_set->get_student_files($student, $version);
                     if (count($file) == 1) {
                         $file = $file[$version];
                         $subdir = '/' . normalize($file['file_name']) . '_sid-' . $file['student_id'] . '_ver-' . $file['version'];
                         $extract_path = $path_source . $subdir;
                         @mkdir($extract_path, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
                         $status = $task_set->extract_student_zip_to_folder($file['file'], $extract_path, $file_extensions);
                         $all_extracted = $all_extracted && $status;
             if (is_array($moss_base_files_data) && count($moss_base_files_data)) {
                 foreach ($moss_base_files_data as $task_id => $path_array) {
                     if (!$all_extracted) {
                     if (is_array($path_array) && count($path_array)) {
                         foreach ($path_array as $path_hash => $file_path) {
                             if (!$all_extracted) {
                             if (preg_match('/\\.zip(?P<indexNumberBox>\\[(?P<zipIndexNumber>[0-9]+)\\])$/', $file_path, $matches)) {
                                 $zipfile = mb_substr($file_path, 0, mb_strlen($file_path) - mb_strlen($matches['indexNumberBox']));
                                 $zipindex = (int) $matches['zipIndexNumber'];
                                 $zip = new ZipArchive();
                                 if ($zip->open($zipfile)) {
                                     @mkdir($path_base . '/' . $task_id . '/' . $path_hash, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
                                     if (!$zip->extractTo($path_base . '/' . $task_id . '/' . $path_hash, $zip->getNameIndex($zipindex))) {
                                         $all_extracted = FALSE;
                                 } else {
                                     $all_extracted = FALSE;
                             } else {
                                 @mkdir($path_base . '/' . $task_id . '/' . $path_hash, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
                                 $path_info = pathinfo($file_path);
                                 if (!copy($file_path, $path_base . '/' . $task_id . '/' . $path_hash . '/' . $path_info['basename'])) {
                                     $all_extracted = FALSE;
             if (!$all_extracted) {
                 unlink_recursive($path, TRUE);
             $this->parser->assign('all_extracted', $all_extracted);
             $this->parser->assign('path', $path);
             $this->parser->assign('moss_config', $moss_setup_data);
         } else {
Beispiel #11
 public function upload_solution($task_set_id_url, $task_id_url)
     $task_set_id = url_get_id($task_set_id_url);
     $task_id = url_get_id($task_id_url);
     $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $student = new Student();
     $course = new Course();
     $course->where_related('active_for_student', 'id', $student->id);
     $course->where_related('participant', 'student_id', $student->id);
     $course->where_related('participant', 'allowed', 1);
     $course->include_related('period', 'name');
     $task_set = new Task_set();
     $task_set->where('published', 1);
     $task_set->where('publish_start_time <=', $date);
     $task_set->or_where('publish_start_time', NULL);
     $task = $task_set->task->include_join_fields()->get_by_id($task_id);
     $project_selection = new Project_selection();
     if ($student->exists() && $course->exists() && $task_set->exists() && $task->exists() && $project_selection->exists()) {
         if ($date <= $task_set->upload_end_time) {
             $config['upload_path'] = 'private/uploads/solutions/task_set_' . intval($task_set_id) . '/';
             $config['allowed_types'] = 'zip';
             $config['max_size'] = intval($this->config->item('maximum_solition_filesize'));
             $current_version = $task_set->get_student_file_next_version($student->id);
             $config['file_name'] = $student->id . '_' . $this->normalize_student_name($student) . '_' . substr(md5(time() . rand(-500000, 500000)), 0, 4) . '_' . $current_version . '.zip';
             @mkdir($config['upload_path'], DIR_READ_MODE);
             $this->load->library('upload', $config);
             if ($this->upload->do_upload('file')) {
                 $solution = new Solution();
                 $solution->where('task_set_id', $task_set->id);
                 $solution->where('student_id', $student->id);
                 $revalidate = 1;
                 if ($solution->exists()) {
                     $solution->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                     $solution->revalidate = $revalidate;
                 } else {
                     $solution = new Solution();
                     $solution->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                     $solution->revalidate = $revalidate;
                     $solution->save(array('student' => $student, 'task_set' => $task_set));
                 $solution_version = new Solution_version();
                 $solution_version->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                 $solution_version->version = $current_version;
                 if ($this->db->trans_status()) {
                     $log = new Log();
                     $log->add_student_solution_upload_log(sprintf($this->lang->line('projects_task_solution_upload_log_message'), $config['file_name']), $student, $solution->id);
                     $this->messages->add_message('lang:projects_task_solution_uploaded', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS);
                     $this->output->set_internal_value('task_set_id', $solution->task_set_id);
                     $this->output->set_internal_value('task_id', $task->id);
                 } else {
                     @unlink($config['upload_path'] . $config['file_name']);
                     $this->messages->add_message('lang:projects_task_solution_canceled_due_db_error', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
                 redirect(create_internal_url('projects/task/' . $task_set_id_url . '/' . $task_id_url));
             } else {
                 $this->parser->assign('file_error_message', $this->upload->display_errors('', ''));
                 $this->task($task_set_id_url, $task_id_url);
         } else {
             $this->messages->add_message('lang:projects_task_solution_upload_time_error', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
             redirect(create_internal_url('projects/task/' . $task_set_id_url . '/' . $task_id_url));
     } else {
         $this->messages->add_message('lang:projects_task_solution_database_data_wrong_error', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
         redirect(create_internal_url('projects/task/' . $task_set_id_url . '/' . $task_id_url));
Beispiel #12

global $user;
if (isset($mo_request[1]) && is_numeric($mo_request[1])) {
    $solution = new Solution($mo_request[1]);
    if (!$solution->getSID() || $solution->getInfo('uid') != $user->getUID()) {
        require_once $mo_theme_floder . '404.php';
    echo '<h2>提交:#' . $solution->getInfo('id') . '</h2>';
    echo '用户:#' . $solution->getInfo('uid') . '<br>';
    echo '问题:#<a href="/?r=problem/' . $solution->getInfo('pid') . '">' . $solution->getInfo('pid') . '</a><br>';
    echo '语言:#' . $solution->getInfo('language') . '<br>';
    echo '评测机:#' . $solution->getInfo('client') . '<br><br>';
    if ($solution->getInfo('state') <= 0) {
        echo '评测中,当前状态:' . $solution->getInfo('state') . '<br>';
    } else {
        echo '总耗时:' . $solution->getInfo('used_time') . 'MS 最大使用内存:' . $solution->getInfo('used_memory') . 'KB<br>';
        echo '<table width="100%" border="1">
					  <td width="20%"><strong>测试数据</strong></td>
					  <td width="30%"><strong>耗时(MS)</strong></td>
					  <td width="30%"><strong>内存(KB)</strong></td>
					  <td width="20%"><strong>结果</strong></td>
        $detail_time = explode(' ', $solution->getInfo('detail_time'));
        $detail_memory = explode(' ', $solution->getInfo('detail_memory'));
        $detail_result = explode(' ', $solution->getInfo('detail_result'));
        $turn = count($detail_result);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $turn && $detail_result[$i]; ++$i) {
Beispiel #13
 public function runQuery($s)
     $qc = new QueryCompiler($this);
     $s = trim($s);
     $query = $qc->compile($s);
     if ($query == null) {
         // query could not be compiled
         $this->writeLn("Illegal query.");
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($this->debugOn > 1) {
             // if in debug mode, display query WAM code
             $this->writeLn("----- BEGIN QUERYCODE -----");
             $this->writeLn("------ END QUERYCODE ------");
         // add query to program in memory and
         // update the labels for jumping hin und her
     // reset the WAM's registers and jump to label "query$" (the current query, of course)
     $this->programCounter = $this->p->getLabelIndex("query\$");
     $stackResult = array();
     $getOut = false;
     do {
         $result = new Solution();
         $this->stringBuffer = $result;
         $ms = microtime(true);
         $result->elapsedTime = microtime(true) - $ms;
         $result->opCount = $this->opCount;
         $result->backtrackCount = $this->backtrackCount;
         if ($this->failed) {
             // if execution failed, just tell that
             $result->succeed = false;
             $getOut = true;
         } else {
             $result->succeed = true;
             // if there are any query variables (e.g. in "start(X, Y)", X and Y would be such variables),
             // display their current values and ask the user if he/she wants to see more possible solutions
             if ($this->displayQCount > 0) {
                 $this->write("Success: ");
                 $cnt = 0;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
                     // yes, we do not allow more than 100 query variables!
                     if ($this->displayQValue[$i]) {
                         $key = $this->queryVariables[$i]->name;
                         $value = $this->queryVariables[$i];
                         $result->setQueryVar($key, $value->toArrayValue());
                         // if Q[i] is to be displayed, just do that
                         $this->write($key . " = " . $value);
                         if ($cnt < $this->displayQCount) {
                             $this->write(", ");
                         } else {
             } else {
             // we see other choice while there is any
             if ($this->choicePoint !== null) {
             } else {
                 $getOut = true;
         $stackResult[] = $result;
     } while (!$getOut);
     return $stackResult;
Beispiel #14
    $connection->name = '';
    $connection->last_ping = 0;
    $connection->deadline = Timer::add(5, function () use($connection) {
        $connection->deadline = 0;
        sendMsg($connection, array('action' => 'refuse'));
        p("A client timeout logging in. ( IP = {$connection->IP} )");
    p("A new client has joined. ( IP = {$connection->IP} )");
$worker_tasker->onMessage = function ($connection, $data) {
    $data = json_decode($data, True);
    if ($connection->IP == '' && isset($data['pass'], $data['task']) && $data['pass'] == sha1(DB_PASS)) {
        if (!isset($data['task']['action'])) {
            $solution = new Solution($data['task']);
        } else {
            switch ($data['task']['action']) {
                case 'kill':
    if ($data == NULL || !isset($data['action'])) {
        p("Json decoding failed or in bad format. ( cid = {$connection->cid}, IP = {$connection->IP} )");
    switch ($data['action']) {
Beispiel #15
 public function details($log_id)
     $log = new Log();
     if ($log->exists()) {
         if ($log->log_type == Log::LOG_TYPE_STUDENT_SOLUTION_UPLOAD || $log->log_type == Log::LOG_TYPE_TEACHER_SOLUTION_UPLOAD) {
             $solution = new Solution();
             $solution->get_by_id((int) $log->affected_row_primary_id);
             $this->parser->assign('solution', $solution);
         } elseif ($log->log_type == Log::LOG_TYPE_STUDENT_SOLUTION_DOWNLOAD) {
             $additional_data = unserialize($log->additional_data);
             $task_set = new Task_set();
             $this->parser->assign(array('task_set' => $task_set, 'filename' => @$additional_data['solution_file']));
     $this->parser->parse('backend/logs/details.tpl', array('log' => $log));
 public function create_one($params = [])
     global $_PST;
Beispiel #17
 public function upload_solution($task_set_id = 0)
     $task_set = $this->get_task_set_by_id($course, $group, $student, $task_set_id);
     $task_sets = $this->filter_valid_task_sets($task_set);
     $filtered_task_set = count($task_sets) == 1 ? $task_sets[0] : new Task_set();
     if ($filtered_task_set->id == intval($task_set_id) && $this->can_upload_file($filtered_task_set, $course)) {
         $allowed_file_types_array = trim($filtered_task_set->allowed_file_types) != '' ? array_map('trim', explode(',', $filtered_task_set->allowed_file_types)) : array();
         $config['upload_path'] = 'private/uploads/solutions/task_set_' . intval($task_set_id) . '/';
         $config['allowed_types'] = 'zip' . (count($allowed_file_types_array) ? '|' . implode('|', $allowed_file_types_array) : '');
         $config['max_size'] = intval($this->config->item('maximum_solition_filesize'));
         $current_version = $filtered_task_set->get_student_file_next_version($student->id);
         $config['file_name'] = $student->id . '_' . $this->normalize_student_name($student) . '_' . substr(md5(time() . rand(-500000, 500000)), 0, 4) . '_' . $current_version . '.zip';
         @mkdir($config['upload_path'], DIR_READ_MODE, TRUE);
         $this->load->library('upload', $config);
         if ($this->upload->do_upload('file')) {
             $upload_data = $this->upload->data();
             $mimes = $this->upload->mimes_types('zip');
             if (is_array($mimes) && !in_array($upload_data['file_type'], $mimes) || is_string($mimes) && $upload_data['file_type'] != $mimes) {
                 if (!$this->zip_plain_file_to_archive($upload_data['full_path'], $upload_data['client_name'], $upload_data['file_path'])) {
                     $this->messages->add_message('lang:tasks_task_error_cant_zip_file', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
                     redirect(create_internal_url('tasks/task/' . intval($task_set_id)));
             $solution = new Solution();
             $solution->where('task_set_id', $filtered_task_set->id);
             $solution->where('student_id', $student->id);
             $revalidate = 1;
             if ($course->test_scoring_deadline >= date('Y-m-d H:i:s') && $filtered_task_set->enable_tests_scoring == 1 && $filtered_task_set->allowed_test_types != '') {
                 $test_types = explode(',', $filtered_task_set->allowed_test_types);
                 $tests = new Test();
                 $tests->where_related('task/task_set', 'id', $filtered_task_set->id);
                 $tests->where('enabled', 1);
                 $tests->where('enable_scoring', 1);
                 $tests->where_in('type', $test_types);
                 $revalidate = $tests->count() > 0 ? 0 : 1;
             if ($solution->exists()) {
                 $solution->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                 $solution->revalidate = $revalidate;
             } else {
                 $solution = new Solution();
                 $solution->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                 $solution->revalidate = $revalidate;
                 $solution->save(array('student' => $student, 'task_set' => $filtered_task_set));
             $solution_version = new Solution_version();
             $solution_version->ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
             $solution_version->version = $current_version;
             if ($this->db->trans_status()) {
                 $log = new Log();
                 $log->add_student_solution_upload_log(sprintf($this->lang->line('tasks_task_solution_upload_log_message'), $config['file_name']), $student, $solution->id);
                 $this->messages->add_message('lang:tasks_task_solution_uploaded', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_SUCCESS);
                 $this->output->set_internal_value('task_set_id', $solution->task_set_id);
             } else {
                 @unlink($config['upload_path'] . $config['file_name']);
                 $this->messages->add_message('lang:tasks_task_solution_canceled_due_db_error', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
             redirect(create_internal_url('tasks/task/' . intval($task_set_id)));
         } else {
             $this->parser->assign('file_error_message', $this->upload->display_errors('', ''));
     } else {
         $this->messages->add_message('lang:tasks_task_error_cant_upload_solution', Messages::MESSAGE_TYPE_ERROR);
         redirect(create_internal_url('tasks/task/' . intval($task_set_id)));
Beispiel #18
if (!isset($_SESSION["loggedUser"]) || $_SESSION["loggedUser"] == null) {
if (get_class($_SESSION["loggedUser"]) != "Team") {
$sql_get_solution = "SELECT c.context_id as 'context_id' FROM solutions s, contexts c WHERE s.context_id = c.context_id AND s.assignment_id = " . $_SESSION["assignment"]->getId() . " AND c.user_id = " . $_SESSION["loggedUser"]->getId();
$conn = db_connect();
$solution = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_get_solution);
if (mysqli_num_rows($solution) == 0) {
    $cid = new_solution($conn, $_SESSION["loggedUser"]->getId(), $_SESSION["assignment"]->getId());
} else {
    $cid = mysqli_fetch_array($solution)['context_id'];
$solution = new Solution($conn, $cid, $_SESSION["loggedUser"], $_SESSION["assignment"]);
if (isset($_POST['checkbox'])) {
    $solution->deleteAttachments($conn, $_POST['checkbox']);
if (isset($_POST['textPopis']) && $_POST['textPopis'] != $solution->getTxt()) {
    $solution->setTxt($conn, $_POST['textPopis']);
if (isset($_POST['textVideo']) && $_POST['textVideo'] != "") {
    $solution->uploadVideo($conn, $_POST['textVideo']);
if (isset($_FILES['uploadedFiles'])) {
    $fileCount = count($_FILES['uploadedFiles']["name"]);
    if ($fileCount != 0 && $_FILES['uploadedFiles']["name"][0] != "") {
        $solution->uploadFiles($conn, $_FILES['uploadedFiles']);
Beispiel #19
 public function evaluate_test_result($task_set_id, $student_id, $version, $test_type, $token)
     $task_set = new Task_set();
     $task_set->include_related('course', 'test_scoring_deadline');
     $task_set->get_by_id((int) $task_set_id);
     $student = new Student();
     $student->get_by_id((int) $student_id);
     $output = new stdClass();
     $output->result = FALSE;
     $output->message = '';
     $output->points_new = 0;
     $output->points_before = 0;
     if ($task_set->exists() && $student->exists()) {
         if ($task_set->course_test_scoring_deadline >= date('Y-m-d H:i:s') && $task_set->enable_tests_scoring > 0) {
             $results = $this->test_score->get_data_for_student($student->id, $token, $test_type);
             $tests = new Test();
             $tests->where_related('task/task_set', 'id', $task_set->id);
             $tests->where('type', $test_type);
             $tests->where('enable_scoring >', 0);
             $tests->where('task_task_task_set_rel.bonus_task', 0);
             //$output->debug = $tests->check_last_query(array('', ''), TRUE);
             $test_count = $tests->result_count();
             $min_results = $task_set->test_min_needed > $test_count ? $test_count : $task_set->test_min_needed;
             $course = new Course();
             $course->where_related_task_set('id', $task_set->id);
             $min_points_limit = -$course->default_points_to_remove;
             if ($test_count > 0) {
                 $total_score = 0;
                 $score_array = array();
                 $bonus_tasks_array = array();
                 $score_percentage = array();
                 $bonus_tasks_percentage = array();
                 if (count($results)) {
                     foreach ($results as $task_id => $score) {
                         $this->db->where('task_set_id', $task_set->id);
                         $this->db->where('task_id', (int) $task_id);
                         $query = $this->db->get('task_task_set_rel');
                         if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
                             $task_rel = $query->row_object();
                             $min = $task_rel->test_min_points;
                             $max = $task_rel->test_max_points;
                             $diff = abs($max - $min);
                             $score_percent = (double) $score / 100;
                             $sub_score = round(10 * ($min + $diff * $score_percent)) / 10;
                             if ($task_rel->bonus_task == 0) {
                                 $score_array[$task_id] = $sub_score;
                                 $score_percentage[$task_id] = $score;
                             } else {
                                 $bonus_tasks_array[$task_id] = $sub_score;
                                 $bonus_tasks_percentage[$task_id] = $score;
                 $max_results = $task_set->test_max_allowed < count($score_array) ? $task_set->test_max_allowed : count($score_array);
                 arsort($score_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($score_array as $task_id => $points) {
                     if ($i < $max_results) {
                         $total_score += $points;
                     } else {
                 $total_score = $total_score < $min_points_limit ? $min_points_limit : $total_score;
                 arsort($bonus_tasks_array, SORT_NUMERIC);
                 $total_score += array_sum($bonus_tasks_array);
                 if (count($score_array) >= $min_results) {
                     $tasks = new Task();
                     $tasks->where_related_task_set('id', $task_set_id);
                     $tasks->order_by('`task_task_set_rel`.`sorting`', 'asc');
                     //$output->debug = $tasks->check_last_query(array('', ''), TRUE);
                     $output->evaluation = $this->parser->parse('backend/tests/evaluation_table.tpl', array('tasks' => $tasks, 'real_points' => $score_array, 'bonus_points' => $bonus_tasks_array, 'real_percentage' => $score_percentage, 'bonus_percentage' => $bonus_tasks_percentage, 'max_results' => $max_results), TRUE);
                     $solution = new Solution();
                     $solution->where('task_set_id', $task_set->id);
                     $solution->where('student_id', $student->id);
                     $save_solution = FALSE;
                     $solution_not_considered = FALSE;
                     $output->points_new = $total_score;
                     if ($solution->exists()) {
                         if ($solution->not_considered == 0) {
                             $output->points_before = $solution->points;
                             if ($solution->points < $total_score || is_null($solution->points)) {
                                 $solution->points = $total_score;
                                 $solution->comment = '';
                                 $solution->teacher_id = NULL;
                                 $solution->best_version = (int) $version;
                                 $solution->revalidate = 0;
                                 $save_solution = TRUE;
                         } else {
                             $solution_not_considered = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         $solution->points = $total_score;
                         $solution->comment = '';
                         $solution->teacher_id = NULL;
                         $solution->best_version = (int) $version;
                         $solution->task_set_id = $task_set->id;
                         $solution->student_id = $student->id;
                         $solution->revalidate = 0;
                         $save_solution = TRUE;
                     if ($save_solution) {
                         $output->result = TRUE;
                     } else {
                         if (!$solution_not_considered) {
                             $output->message = sprintf($this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_nothing_to_update'), $output->points_new, $output->points_before);
                         } else {
                             $output->message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_solution_not_considered');
                 } else {
                     $output->message = sprintf($this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_minimum_number_of_test_not_selected'), $min_results);
             } else {
                 $output->message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_no_evaluationg_tests');
         } else {
             $output->message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_disabled');
     } else {
         $output->message = $this->lang->line('admin_tests_test_result_input_error');
Beispiel #20
 public function contract($order_id, $step = null)
     AuthPlugins::required($this, array('销售经理', '销售顾问'));
     $order_id = abs(intval($order_id));
     $order = Order::get_by_id($order_id);
     if (!$step) {
         $step = 'solution';
     $smarty = parent::load('smarty');
     $smarty->assign('order', $order);
     switch ($step) {
         case 'solution':
             $solution_id = abs(intval($_GET['id']));
             if ($solution_id) {
                  * 全部设为非选定方案
                  * 选定某个方案
                 HttpRedirect::to('order/contract/' . $order_id . '/paper');
             } else {
                 $solutions = Solution::get_by_order($order_id);
                 if (!$solutions) {
                     $message = '您还没有为此订单添加方案, 请返回添加';
                     HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/detail/' . $order_id, $message, $smarty);
                 $smarty->assign('page_title', '签约订单 - 选定方案 Step 1');
         case 'paper':
             if (!Solution::get_checked($order_id)) {
                 $message = '您还没有选择方案, 请返回选择';
                 HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/contract/' . $order_id . '/solution', $message, $smarty);
             if ($this->is_post() || $_FILES) {
                 $http_path = FileSystem::Upload($_FILES['paper_attachment'], false);
                 if (!FileSystem::$local_path) {
                     $message = '不支持的附件类型, 请检查';
                     HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/detail/' . $order_id, $message, $smarty);
                 $order->paper_attachment = $http_path;
                 HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/contract/' . $order_id . '/payment', '上传合同成功', $this->smarty);
             } else {
                 $smarty->assign('page_title', '签约订单 - 上传合同附件 Step 2');
         case 'payment':
             if ($this->is_post()) {
                  * 获取选定的订单方案
                 $solution = Solution::get_checked($order_id);
                 $first_pay = new Payment();
                 $first_pay->order_id = $order_id;
                 $first_pay->type = 'first';
                 $first_pay->price = abs(intval($_POST['deposit']));
                 $first_pay->invoice = abs(intval($_POST['invoice']));
                 $first_pay->public = abs(intval($_POST['pub']));
                 $first_pay->bank = trim(strip_tags($_POST['bank']));
                 $first_pay->is_payed = abs(intval($_POST['is_deposit']));
                 $second_pay = new Payment();
                 $second_pay->order_id = $order_id;
                 $second_pay->type = 'second';
                 $second_pay->price = abs(intval($_POST['payment']));
                 $second_pay->invoice = abs(intval($_POST['invoice']));
                 $second_pay->public = abs(intval($_POST['pub']));
                 $second_pay->bank = trim(strip_tags($_POST['bank']));
                 $second_pay->is_payed = abs(intval($_POST['is_payment']));
                 $last_pay = new Payment();
                 $last_pay->order_id = $order_id;
                 $last_pay->type = 'last';
                 $last_pay->price = abs(intval($_POST['last_pay']));
                 $last_pay->invoice = abs(intval($_POST['invoice']));
                 $last_pay->public = abs(intval($_POST['pub']));
                 $last_pay->bank = trim(strip_tags($_POST['bank']));
                 $last_pay->is_payed = abs(intval($_POST['is_last_pay']));
                 $old_workflow = $order->Workflow->action;
                 $workflow = Workflow::get_by_alias('新增财务订单');
                 $order->Workflow = $workflow;
                  * 在用户表中写入客户的登录信息
                  * 登录名为客户填写的名字加订单ID
                  * 密码为'MG-客服ID-订单号'
                 $user = new User();
                 $user->username = $order->Customer->name . $order->id;
                 $user->password = User::generate_password(sprintf('MG-%s-%s', $order->customer_service_id, $order->id));
                 $user->Role[0] = Role::get_by_alias('客户');
                 $order->Customer->CustomerUser = $user;
                 $message = '恭喜您签约订单成功, 目前订单已转入财务管理页面';
                 HTTPRedirect::flash_to('order/list/6', $message, $smarty);
             } else {
                 $smarty->assign('page_title', '签约订单 - 付款信息 Step 3');
Beispiel #21

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/includes/functions.php";
page_head("Letná liga FLL");
if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedUser'])) {
} else {
$id = (int) $_GET["id"];
if ($link = db_connect()) {
    $_SESSION['solution'] = Solution::getFromDatabaseByID($link, $id);
if (isset($_SESSION['solution'])) {
    if (isset($_GET['comment'])) {
        $comment = $_SESSION['solution']->getComments()[$_GET['comment']];
        if ($_SESSION['loggedUser']->getId() == $comment->getAuthor()->getId()) {
            if (isset($_POST['commentText']) && $_POST['commentText'] != $comment->getTxt()) {
                $comment->setTxt($link, $_POST['commentText']);
            if (isset($_POST['commentPoints']) && $_POST['commentPoints'] != $comment->getPoints()) {
                $comment->setPoints($link, $_POST['commentPoints']);
  <div id="content">
Beispiel #22

include 'Solution.php';
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$sln = new Solution(5, 10);
$initialRandomArray = $sln->getArray();
$duplicatesArray = $sln->getDuplicates();
$uniqueElementsArray = $sln->getUnique();
$mostFrequentDuplicatedElement = $sln->getMostFrequentDuplicatedElement();
echo "Initial array: [ " . Solution::concatArray($initialRandomArray) . " ] <br />";
echo "Unique values: [ " . Solution::concatArray($uniqueElementsArray) . " ] <br />";
echo "Duplicated values: [ " . Solution::concatArray($duplicatesArray) . " ] <br />";
echo "Most frequent duplicated value: " . $mostFrequentDuplicatedElement;
Beispiel #23
function check_forgotten()
    global $db, $task;
    $sql = 'SELECT `id`, `pid`, `uid`, `code`, `state`, `language` FROM `mo_judge_solution` WHERE `state` = 0';
    $mark = $db->prepare($sql);
    $result = $db->execute($mark);
    if (!count($result)) {
        return 0;
    foreach ($result as $solution) {
        if (!isset($task[(int) $solution['id']])) {
            $data = array('sid' => $solution['id'], 'pid' => $solution['pid'], 'uid' => $solution['uid'], 'lang' => $solution['language'], 'code' => $solution['code']);
            $new_solution = new Solution($data);
    return True;
Beispiel #24

/* Три метода возвращают минимальное из двух переданных в него чисел
Написать public static методы: int min(int, int), long min(long, long), double min(double, double).
Каждый метод должен возвращать минимальное из двух переданных в него чисел.
class Solution
    public static function min($x, $y)
        if ($x > $y) {
            return $y;
        } elseif ($x < $y) {
            return $x;
        } else {
            return 'Equals';
echo Solution::min(332, 3);
Beispiel #25
 public function run_comparation()
     $task_sets_setup_data = $this->input->post('task_sets_setup');
     $solutions_data = $this->input->post('solutions');
     $comparator_setup_data = $this->input->post('comparator_setup');
     $course = new Course();
     $course->get_by_id((int) $task_sets_setup_data['course']);
     $task_set = new Task_set();
     $task_set->get_by_id(isset($task_sets_setup_data['task_set']) ? (int) $task_sets_setup_data['task_set'] : 0);
     $this->parser->assign(array('course' => $course, 'task_set' => $task_set));
     if ($course->exists() && $task_set->exists()) {
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('solutions', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_solution_selection', 'callback__selected_solutions');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('comparator_setup[threshold]', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_threshold', 'required|numeric|greater_than_equal[0]|less_than_equal[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('comparator_setup[min_tree_size]', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_min_tree_size', 'required|integer|greater_than_equal[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('comparator_setup[max_cutted_tree_size]', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_max_cutted_tree_size', 'required|integer|greater_than_field_or_equal[comparator_setup[min_tree_size]]');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('comparator_setup[branching_factor]', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_branching_factor', 'required|integer|greater_than_equal[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('comparator_setup[min_similarity]', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_minimum_similarity', 'required|numeric|greater_than_equal[0]|less_than_equal[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('comparator_setup[timeout]', 'lang:admin_comparator_list_solutions_form_field_timeout', 'required|integer|greater_than_equal[1]');
         $this->form_validation->set_message('_selected_solutions', $this->lang->line('admin_comparator_list_solutions_validation_callback_selected_solutions'));
         if ($this->form_validation->run()) {
             $solutions = new Solution();
             $solutions->order_by_related_as_fullname('student', 'fullname', 'asc');
             $this->parser->assign('solutions', $solutions);
             $path = $this->get_random_hash_folder($course->id, $task_set->id);
             $path_source = $path . '/source';
             $path_output = $path . '/output';
             @mkdir($path_source, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
             @mkdir($path_output, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
             $all_extracted = TRUE;
             foreach ($solutions_data as $id => $config) {
                 if (isset($config['selected']) && $config['selected'] == 1) {
                     $version = isset($config['version']) ? $config['version'] : 0;
                     $student = isset($config['student']) ? $config['student'] : 0;
                     $file = $task_set->get_student_files($student, $version);
                     if (count($file) == 1) {
                         $file = $file[$version];
                         $subdir = '/' . normalize($file['file_name']) . '_sid-' . $file['student_id'] . '_ver-' . $file['version'];
                         $extract_path = $path_source . $subdir;
                         @mkdir($extract_path, DIR_WRITE_MODE, TRUE);
                         $status = $task_set->extract_student_zip_to_folder($file['file'], $extract_path, array('java'));
                         $all_extracted = $all_extracted && $status;
             if (!$all_extracted) {
                 unlink_recursive($path, TRUE);
             $this->parser->assign('all_extracted', $all_extracted);
             $this->parser->assign('path', $path);
             $this->parser->assign('comparator_config', array('t' => $comparator_setup_data['threshold'], 'm' => $comparator_setup_data['min_tree_size'], 'cut' => $comparator_setup_data['max_cutted_tree_size'], 'bf' => $comparator_setup_data['branching_factor'], 'mp' => $comparator_setup_data['min_similarity'], 'timeout' => $comparator_setup_data['timeout'] * 60000));
         } else {
     } else {
Beispiel #26
  * Deletes relations (if parameters are set) or this object from database.
  * All solutions related to this task set will be deleted as well.
  * @param DataMapper|string $object related object to delete from relation.
  * @param string $related_field relation internal name.
 public function delete($object = '', $related_field = '')
     $this_id = $this->id;
     if (empty($object) && !is_array($object) && !empty($this_id)) {
         $solutions = new Solution();
         $solutions->get_by_related('task_set', 'id', $this_id);
         foreach ($solutions as $solution) {
     parent::delete($object, $related_field);
Beispiel #27
class Bird
class Lamp
class Pig
class Solution
    public function getObjectType($obj)
        if ($obj instanceof Cat) {
            echo "Cat";
        } elseif ($obj instanceof Dog) {
            echo "dog";
        } elseif ($obj instanceof Bird) {
            echo "Bird";
        } elseif ($obj instanceof Lamp) {
            echo "lamp";
        } else {
            echo "Unknown animal";
$s = new Solution();
$s->getObjectType(new Cat());
$s->getObjectType(new Dog());
$s->getObjectType(new Lamp());
$s->getObjectType(new Pig());