Beispiel #1
$submit = ImportHTTPVar("submit", VAR_ALPHA | VAR_SPACE, array(gettext("Delete Selected"), gettext("Delete ALL on Screen"), _ENTIREQUERY));
$export = intval(ImportHTTPVar("complete", VAR_DIGIT));
// Called from report_launcher.php
/* increment the view if necessary */
$page_title = gettext("Sensor Listing");
/* Connect to the Alert database */
$db = NewBASEDBConnection($DBlib_path, $DBtype);
$db->baseDBConnect($db_connect_method, $alert_dbname, $alert_host, $alert_port, $alert_user, $alert_password, 0, 1);
if ($event_cache_auto_update == 1) {
$criteria_clauses = ProcessCriteria();
// Include base_header.php
PrintBASESubHeader($page_title, $page_title, $cs->GetBackLink(), 1);
$mssp = Session::show_entities();
//intval($conf->get_conf("alienvault_mssp", FALSE));
// Use accumulate tables only when timestamp criteria is not hour sensitive
$use_ac = $criteria_clauses[3];
$nevents = "count(distinct acid_event.plugin_id, acid_event.plugin_sid)";
// use ac_acid_event
if ($use_ac) {
    $from = " FROM po_acid_event as acid_event " . $criteria_clauses[0] . ", device LEFT JOIN alienvault.sensor ON";
    $where = $criteria_clauses[4] != "" ? " WHERE " . $criteria_clauses[4] : " ";
    $where2 = $criteria_clauses[5] != "" ? " WHERE " . $criteria_clauses[5] : " ";
    $counter = "sum(acid_event.cnt) as event_cnt";
    $from1 = " FROM acid_event " . $criteria_clauses[0] . ", device LEFT JOIN alienvault.sensor ON";
    $where1 = $criteria_clauses[1] != "" ? " WHERE " . $criteria_clauses[1] : " ";
    $from2 = " FROM po_acid_event as acid_event " . $criteria_clauses[0];
} else {
    $from = $from1 = " FROM acid_event " . $criteria_clauses[0] . ", device LEFT JOIN alienvault.sensor ON";
function print_form($import_type)
    $config = array('networks' => array('contexts' => array('show_tree' => Session::show_entities(), 'default_value' => Session::get_default_ctx()), 'chk_iic' => array('show' => TRUE, 'checked' => FALSE), 'help' => array('Version 4.x.x' => array('format' => _('"Netname"*;"CIDRs(CIDR1,CIDR2,...)"*;"Description";"Asset value"*;"Net ID"'), 'example' => '"Net_1";",";"' . _('Short description') . '";"2";"479D45C0BBF22B4458BD2F8EE09ECAC2"'), 'Version 3.x.x' => array('format' => _('"Netname"*;"CIDRs(CIDR1,CIDR2,...)"*;"Description";"Asset value";"Sensors(Sensor1,Sensor2,...)"*'), 'example' => '"Net_1";",";"' . _('Short description') . '";"2";","'))), 'welcome_wizard_nets' => array('contexts' => array('show_tree' => FALSE, 'default_value' => Session::get_default_ctx()), 'chk_iic' => array('show' => FALSE, 'checked' => TRUE), 'help' => array('Version 4.x.x' => array('format' => _('"Netname"*;"CIDRs(CIDR1,CIDR2,...)"*;"Description"'), 'example' => '"Net_1";",";"' . _('Short description') . '"'))));
    if (!array_key_exists($import_type, $config)) {
        echo ossim_error(_('Error! Import Type not found'));
    } else {
    	<div id='av_info'></div>
    	<form name='form_csv' id='form_csv' method='POST' action='import_all_nets_ajax.php' enctype='multipart/form-data' target='iframe_upload'>        
			<input type="hidden" name="ctx" id="ctx" value="<?php 
        echo $config[$import_type]['contexts']['default_value'];
			<input type="hidden" name="import_type" id="import_type" value="<?php 
        echo $import_type;
            <table id='form_container'>
        if ($config[$import_type]['contexts']['show_tree'] == TRUE) {
    				<tr class='left'>
    				    <td class="td_title">
            echo _('Select the Entity for the nets');
    					<td class='td_content'>    											
    						<table id="t_tree">    							
        							<td class='noborder'>
        							    <div id="tree"></div>
            						<td id='td_es'>
            						    <span class='bold'><?php 
            echo _('Entity selected');
            						    <span id="entity_selected"> - </span>
        $top_class = $import_type == 'welcome_wizard_nets' ? 'td_top' : '';
        //Input File
                    <td class='td_title <?php 
        echo $top_class;
        echo _('Choose a CSV file');
                    <td class='td_content'>                    
                        <input name='file_csv' id='file_csv' type='file' size='38'/>                        
        if ($config[$import_type]['chk_iic']['show'] == TRUE) {
            $checked_iic = $config[$import_type]['chk_iic']['checked'] == TRUE ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                            <span class='ignore_span'>
                                <input type='checkbox' name='iic' id='iic' <?php 
            echo $checked_iic;
                                <label for='iic' style='margin-left: 2px;'><?php 
            echo _('Ignore invalid characters');
        } else {
            $chk_iic_value = $config[$import_type]['chk_iic']['checked'] == TRUE ? '1' : '0';
                            <input type='hidden' name='iic' id='iic' value="<?php 
            echo $chk_iic_value;
        				<td class='td_content'>
        					<div id='c_send'>
        						<input type='button' name='send' id='send' value='<?php 
        echo _('Import');
                    <td class='td_title'>
        echo _('Formats allowed');
                    <td class='td_content'>
                        <table id='t_format'>   
        foreach ($config[$import_type]['help'] as $version => $help_data) {
                				    <td class='td_version'>
            echo $version;
                				    <td class='td_format'>
            echo $help_data['format'];
                				    <td class='td_example'>
            echo $help_data['example'];
    				<td class='td_title'>
        echo _('Notes');
                    <td class='td_content'>                           
                        <ul id='note_list'>
        echo _('Characters allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., :, _ and -');
        echo _('Values marked with (*) are mandatory');
            <div id='c_resume'></div>
            <iframe name="iframe_upload" id="iframe_upload" style="display:none;"></iframe>
Beispiel #3
// data to fill report_data
if (is_array($_SESSION["server"]) && $_SESSION["server"][0] != "") {
    $_conn = $dbo->custom_connect($_SESSION["server"][0], $_SESSION["server"][2], $_SESSION["server"][3]);
} else {
    $_conn = $dbo->connect();
while (($myrow = $result->baseFetchRow()) && $i < $qs->GetDisplayRowCnt()) {
    $ctx = $myrow["ctx"];
    $product_type = GetSourceType($myrow["product_type"], $db);
    $total_occurances = $myrow["events"];
    $urlp = "base_qry_main.php?new=1&submit=" . gettext("Query DB") . "&sourcetype=" . urlencode($myrow["product_type"]);
    //$urlp = "base_stat_ptypes.php?sort=occur_d&sourcetype=".urlencode($myrow["product_type"]);
    qroPrintEntry('&nbsp;&nbsp<a href="' . $urlp . '">' . $product_type . '</a>', 'left', "", "nowrap");
    qroPrintEntry('&nbsp;<a href="' . $urlp . '">' . Util::number_format_locale($total_occurances, 0) . '</a>', "center", "", "");
    qroPrintEntry(Session::show_entities() && !empty($entities[$ctx]) ? $entities[$ctx] : (Session::show_entities() ? _("Unknown") : GetSensorName($ctx, $db)), "center", "", "");
    qroPrintEntry("&nbsp<A class='usig' id='sg" . $myrow["product_type"] . "-{$ctx}' HREF='{$urlp}'>-</a>", "left", "", "");
    qroPrintEntry("<div id='ts" . $myrow["product_type"] . "-{$ctx}'>-</div>", "center", "", "nowrap");
    $prev_time = null;
echo "\n</FORM>\n";
if ($debug_time_mode >= 1) {
Beispiel #4
                        <td class="left">
                            <select name="location" id="location" class='vfield'>
    $locations = Locations::get_list($conn);
    foreach ($locations as $lc) {
        echo "<option value='" . $lc->get_id() . "'>" . $lc->get_name() . "</option>";
} else {
    if (Session::show_entities()) {
        $e_url = Menu::get_menu_url('../acl/entities.php', 'configuration', 'administration', 'users', 'structure');
                                <label for='entities'><?php 
        echo _('Context') . required();

                            <td class="nobborder">
                                <table id='t_entities' class="transparent">
                                        <td class="noborder left">
                                            <div id="tree"></div>
Beispiel #5
    if ($addr_type == 1) {
        if ($no_ip) {
            $url_criteria = BuildSrcIPFormVars(NULL_IP);
        } else {
            $url_criteria = BuildSrcIPFormVars($currentIP);
    } else {
        if ($addr_type == 2) {
            if ($no_ip) {
                $url_criteria = BuildDstIpFormVars(NULL_IP);
            } else {
                $url_criteria = BuildDstIPFormVars($currentIP);
    $sens = Session::show_entities() && !empty($entities[$ctx]) ? $entities[$ctx] : (Session::show_entities() ? _("Unknown") : GetSensorName($ctx, $db));
    qroPrintEntry($sens, "center", "middle");
    qroPrintEntry('<A HREF="' . $tmp_iplookup . $url_criteria . '">' . Util::number_format_locale($num_events, 0) . '</A>', "center", "middle");
    qroPrintEntry('<A HREF="' . $tmp_iplookup2 . $url_criteria . '">' . Util::number_format_locale($num_sig, 0) . '</A>', "center", "middle");
    qroPrintEntry(Util::number_format_locale($num_ip, 0), "center", "middle");
    if (file_exists("../kml/GoogleEarth.php") && $currentIP != "" && $currentIP != "::") {
        qroPrintEntry("<a href='' onclick='\"../kml/TourConfig.php?type={$addr_type_name}&ip={$currentIP}\",\"IP {$currentIP} " . ($addr_type == 2 ? _("sources") : _("destinations")) . " - Goggle Earth API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img align='absmiddle' title='" . _("Geolocation Tour") . "' src='../pixmaps/google_earth_icon.png' border='0'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' onclick='\"../kml/IPGoogleMap.php?type={$addr_type_name}&ip={$currentIP}\",\"IP {$currentIP} " . ($addr_type == 2 ? _("sources") : _("destinations")) . " - Goggle Maps API\",\"width=1024,height=700,scrollbars=NO,toolbar=1\");return false'><img title='" . _("Geolocation Map") . "' align='absmiddle' src='../pixmaps/google_maps_icon.png' border='0'></a>");
    } else {
    // report_data
    $report_data[] = array($currentIP, '', $num_sig, $num_ip, "", "", "", "", "", "", $sens, intval($_GET['addr_type']), 0, $num_events, $country_img);
$query = GET('query') != "" ? GET('query') : "";
$directive_id = GET('directive_id');
$intent = intval(GET('intent'));
$sensor_query = GET('sensor_query');
$tag = GET('tag');
$num_events = GET('num_events');
$num_events_op = GET('num_events_op');
$date_from = GET('date_from');
$date_to = GET('date_to');
$ds_id = GET('ds_id');
$ds_name = GET('ds_name');
$beep = intval(GET('beep'));
$sec = POST('sEcho');
//$tags            = Tags::get_list($conn);
$tags_html = Tags::get_list_html($conn);
if (Session::is_pro() && Session::show_entities()) {
    list($entities, $_children, $_num_ent) = Acl::get_entities($conn, '', '', true, false);
ossim_valid($order, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Order"));
ossim_valid($torder, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Order Direction"));
ossim_valid($delete, OSS_HEX, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Delete"));
ossim_valid($close, OSS_HEX, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Close"));
ossim_valid($open, OSS_HEX, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Open"));
ossim_valid($delete_day, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SPACE, OSS_PUNC, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Delete_day"));
ossim_valid($query, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_PUNC_EXT, OSS_SPACE, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Query"));
ossim_valid($autorefresh, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Autorefresh"));
ossim_valid($refresh_time, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Refresh_time"));
ossim_valid($directive_id, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Directive_id"));
ossim_valid($intent, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Intent"));
ossim_valid($src_ip, OSS_IP_ADDRCIDR_0, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Src_ip"));
ossim_valid($dst_ip, OSS_IP_ADDRCIDR_0, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _("Dst_ip"));
Beispiel #7
$report_unit = POST('reportUnit');
$type = POST('Type');
$date_from = POST('date_from');
$date_to = POST('date_to');
ossim_valid($user, OSS_USER, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('User'));
ossim_valid($report_unit, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SCORE, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('reportUnit'));
ossim_valid($type, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Type'));
ossim_valid($date_from, OSS_DATE, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Date From'));
ossim_valid($date_to, OSS_DATE, OSS_NULLABLE, 'illegal:' . _('Date To'));
if (ossim_error()) {
    echo 'error###' . ossim_get_error_clean();
//Variable field
$pro = Session::is_pro();
$var_field = Session::show_entities() ? "Context" : "Sensor";
Security_DB_Unique_Address - Types: 1, 2
Security_DB_Source_Port - Types: 0, 1, 2
Security_DB_Destination_Port - Types: 0, 1, 2
$type_id = array("Security_DB_Events" => "33", "Security_DB_Unique_Events" => "36", "Security_DB_Sensors" => "38", "Security_DB_Unique_Address" => "40", "Security_DB_Source_Port" => "42", "Security_DB_Destination_Port" => "44", "Security_DB_Unique_Plugin" => "46", "Security_DB_Unique_Country_Events" => "48", "SIEM_Events_Unique_IP_Links" => "37");
$fields = array("Security_DB_Events" => "dataV1, dataV2, dataV3, dataV4, dataV5, dataV6, dataV10, dataV11, dataI1", "Security_DB_Unique_Events" => "dataV1, dataV2, dataI2, dataI3", "Security_DB_Sensors" => "dataV7, dataV8, dataV1, dataI2", "Security_DB_Unique_Address" => "dataV1, cell_data, dataV11, dataI3, dataV3, dataV4", "Security_DB_Source_Port" => "dataV1, dataV11, dataI3, dataV2", "Security_DB_Destination_Port" => "dataV1, dataV11, dataI3, dataV2", "Security_DB_Unique_Plugin" => "dataV1, dataV11, dataI1, dataV2", "Security_DB_Unique_Country_Events" => "dataV1, cell_data, dataV3, dataI1, dataI2, dataI3", "SIEM_Events_Unique_IP_Links" => "dataV1, cell_data, dataV3, dataV4, dataV5, dataI1, dataI2, dataI3");
//Query Parameters
$params = array();
Beispiel #8
function print_form($import_type)
    $config = array('hosts' => array('contexts' => array('show_tree' => Session::show_entities(), 'default_value' => Session::get_default_ctx()), 'chk_iic' => array('show' => TRUE, 'checked' => FALSE), 'help' => array('Version 4.x.x, 5.x.x' => array('format' => _('"IPs(IP1,IP2,...)";"Hostname";"FQDNs(FQDN1,FQDN2,...)";"Description";"Asset Value";"Operating System";"Latitude";"Longitude";"Asset ID";"External Asset";"Device Types(Type1,Type2,...)"'), 'header' => '"IPs";"Hostname";"FQDNs";"Description";"Asset Value";"Operating System";"Latitude";"Longitude";"Asset ID";"External Asset";"Device Type"', 'example' => '"";"Host-1";",";"' . _('Short description') . '";"2";"Windows";"23.78";"121.45";"379D45C0BBF22B4458BD2F8EE09ECCC2";0;"Server:Mail Server"'), 'Version 3.x.x' => array('format' => _('"IP";"Hostname";"FQDNs(FQDN1,FQDN2,...)";"Description";"Asset Value";"Sensors(Sensor1,Sensor2,...)";"Operating System";"Latitude";"Longitude"'), 'header' => '"IP";"Hostname";"FQDNs";"Description";"Asset Value";"Sensors";"Operating System";"Latitude";"Longitude"', 'example' => '"";"Host-1";",";"' . _('Short description') . '";"2";",";"Windows";"23.78";"121.45"'))), 'welcome_wizard_hosts' => array('contexts' => array('show_tree' => FALSE, 'default_value' => Session::get_default_ctx()), 'chk_iic' => array('show' => FALSE, 'checked' => TRUE), 'help' => array('Version 4.x.x or higher' => array('format' => _('"IPs(IP1,IP2,...)";"Hostname";"Description";"Operating System";"Device Type(Type1,Type2,...)"'), 'header' => _('"IPs";"Hostname";"Description";"Operating System";"Device Type"'), 'example' => '"";"Host-1";"' . _('Short description') . '";"Windows";"Server,Network Device"'))));
    $paths = Asset::get_path_url(FALSE);
    $form_action = $paths['asset']['controllers'] . 'import_all_hosts_ajax.php';
    if (!array_key_exists($import_type, $config)) {
        echo ossim_error(_('Error! Import Type not found'));
    } else {
        <div id='av_info'></div>

        <form name='form_csv' id='form_csv' method='POST' action='<?php 
        echo $form_action;
' enctype='multipart/form-data' target='iframe_upload'>
            <input type="hidden" name="ctx" id="ctx" value="<?php 
        echo $config[$import_type]['contexts']['default_value'];
            <input type="hidden" name="import_type" id="import_type" value="<?php 
        echo $import_type;

            <table id='form_container'>

        if ($config[$import_type]['contexts']['show_tree'] == TRUE) {
                    <tr class='left'>
                        <td class="td_title">
            echo _('Select the Entity for the assets');

                        <td class='td_content'>
                            <table id="t_tree">
                                    <td class='noborder'>
                                        <div id="tree"></div>

                                    <td id='td_es'>
                                        <span class='bold'><?php 
            echo _('Entity selected');
                                        <span id="entity_selected"> - </span>
        //Input File
                    <td class='td_title'>
        echo _('Choose a CSV file');

                    <td class='td_content'>
                        <input name='file_csv' id='file_csv' type='file' size='38'/>
        if ($config[$import_type]['chk_iic']['show'] == TRUE) {
            $checked_iic = $config[$import_type]['chk_iic']['checked'] == TRUE ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                            <span class='ignore_span'>
                                <input type='checkbox' name='iic' id='iic' <?php 
            echo $checked_iic;
                                <label for='iic' style='margin-left: 2px;'><?php 
            echo _('Ignore invalid characters (Hostnames)');
        } else {
            $chk_iic_value = $config[$import_type]['chk_iic']['checked'] == TRUE ? '1' : '0';
                            <input type='hidden' name='iic' id='iic' value="<?php 
            echo $chk_iic_value;

                        <td class='td_content'>
                            <div id='c_send'>
                                <input type='button' name='send' id='send' value='<?php 
        echo _('Import');

                    <td class='td_title'>
        echo _('Formats allowed');

                    <td class='td_content'>
                        <table id='t_format'>
        foreach ($config[$import_type]['help'] as $version => $help_data) {
                                    <td class='td_version'>
            echo $version;

                                    <td class='td_format'>
            echo _('Format');
            echo $help_data['format'];

                                    <td class='td_header'>
            echo _('Header');
            echo $help_data['header'];

                                    <td class='td_example'>
            echo _('Example');
            echo $help_data['example'];



                    <td class='td_title'>
        echo _('Notes');

                    <td class='td_content'>
                        <ul id='note_list'>
        echo _('IP address and sensor fields cannot be empty');
        echo _('Hostname syntax defined by RFC 1123');
        if ($import_type == 'hosts') {
            echo _('FQDN syntax defined by RFC 1035, RFC 1123 and RFC 2181');
            echo _('Valid Operating System values');
                                    <div style='padding-left: 10px; font-style: italic;'>
                                        Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, Solaris, Cisco, AIX,HP-UX, Tru64, IRIX, BSD/OS, SunOS, Plan9 <?php 
            echo _('or');
        } else {
            echo _('Valid Operating System values');
:</span> <span class='italic'>Windows <?php 
            echo _('or');
            echo _('Valid Device Types');
:</span> <span class='italic'>Server <?php 
            echo _('or');
 Network Device</span>

            <div id='c_resume'></div>

            <iframe name="iframe_upload" id="iframe_upload" style='display:none;'></iframe>

        		<td class='noborder left'>
if (Session::show_entities() && $ctx == '') {
                        <div id="portsmsg"><i><?php 
    echo _('Select first an Entity to select ports');
        			<table id="t_ports" class="transparent" <?php 
if (Session::show_entities() && $ctx == '') {
        				    <td class="noborder"><?php 
echo _("<span class='bold'>Type</span> here the port");
                        	<td class="noborder">    					
                        		<input type="text" id="ports_name" name="ports_name" value=""/>
				//Search box (Handler Keyup and Blur)
                $('#send, #search_location, #latitude, #longitude').attr('disabled', 'disabled');          
			// Entities tree
if (Session::show_entities() && !$locations_id) {
    				initAjax: { url: "../tree.php?key=contexts&extra_options=local" },
    				clickFolderMode: 2,
    				onActivate: function(dtnode) {
    					var key =, "");
    					if (key != "") 
    echo _("Context selected");
: <b>""</b>");
Beispiel #11
$addr_type = intval(GET('addr_type'));
$type = array("33" => "Events", "38" => "Sensors", "36" => "Unique_Events", "46" => "Unique_Plugins", "40" => "Unique_Addresses", "42" => "Source_Port", "44" => "Destination_Port", "37" => "Unique_IP_links", "48" => "Unique_Country_Events");
$tz = Util::get_timezone();
$current_cols_titles = array("SIGNATURE" => _("Signature"), "ENTITY" => _("Context"), "DATE" => _("Date") . " " . Util::timezone($tz), "IP_PORTSRC" => _("Source"), "IP_PORTDST" => _("Destination"), "SENSOR" => _("Sensor"), "OTX" => _("OTX"), "IP_SRC" => _("Src IP"), "IP_DST" => _("Dst IP"), "IP_SRC_FQDN" => _("Src IP FQDN"), "IP_DST_FQDN" => _("Dst IP FQDN"), "PORT_SRC" => _("Src Port"), "PORT_DST" => _("Dst Port"), "ASSET" => _("Asset S->D"), "PRIORITY" => _("Prio"), "RELIABILITY" => _("Rel"), "RISK" => _("Risk"), "IP_PROTO" => _("L4-proto"), "USERDATA1" => _("Userdata1"), "USERDATA2" => _("Userdata2"), "USERDATA3" => _("Userdata3"), "USERDATA4" => _("Userdata4"), "USERDATA5" => _("Userdata5"), "USERDATA6" => _("Userdata6"), "USERDATA7" => _("Userdata7"), "USERDATA8" => _("Userdata8"), "USERDATA9" => _("Userdata9"), "USERNAME" => _("Username"), "FILENAME" => _("Filename"), "PASSWORD" => _("Password"), "PAYLOAD" => _("Payload"), "PLUGIN_ID" => _("Data Source ID"), "PLUGIN_SID" => _("Event Type ID"), "PLUGIN_DESC" => _("Data Source Description"), "PLUGIN_NAME" => _("Data Source Name"), "PLUGIN_SOURCE_TYPE" => _("Source Type"), "PLUGIN_SID_CATEGORY" => _("Category"), "PLUGIN_SID_SUBCATEGORY" => _("SubCategory"), 'SRC_USERDOMAIN' => _("IDM User@Domain Src IP"), 'DST_USERDOMAIN' => _("IDM User@Domain Dst IP"), 'SRC_HOSTNAME' => _("IDM Source"), 'DST_HOSTNAME' => _("IDM Destination"), 'SRC_MAC' => _("IDM MAC Src IP"), 'DST_MAC' => _("IDM MAC Dst IP"), 'REP_PRIO_SRC' => _("Rep Src IP Prio"), 'REP_PRIO_DST' => _("Rep Dst IP Prio"), 'REP_REL_SRC' => _("Rep Src IP Rel"), 'REP_REL_DST' => _("Rep Dst IP Rel"), 'REP_ACT_SRC' => _("Rep Src IP Act"), 'REP_ACT_DST' => _("Rep Dst IP Act"), 'DEVICE' => _("Device IP"));
$user = $_SESSION["_user"];
$path_conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"];
/* database connect */
$db = new ossim_db(true);
$conn = $db->connect();
//$conn = $db->custom_connect('localhost',$path_conf->get_conf("ossim_user"),$path_conf->get_conf("ossim_pass"));
$config = new User_config($conn);
$default_view = $config->get($login, 'custom_view_default', 'php', "siem") != "" ? $config->get($login, 'custom_view_default', 'php', "siem") : ($idm_enabled ? 'IDM' : 'default');
$output_name = $type[$rtype] . "_" . $user . "_" . date("Y-m-d", time()) . ".csv";
$csv_header = "";
$csv_body = "";
$var_data = Session::show_entities() ? "Context" : "Sensor";
if ($type[$rtype] == "Events") {
    $sql = "SELECT dataV1, dataV2, dataV11, dataV3, dataV5, dataV10, cell_data\n            FROM datawarehouse.report_data WHERE id_report_data_type={$rtype} and user='******'";
    if ($_SESSION['current_cview'] != $default_view) {
        foreach ($_SESSION['views'][$_SESSION['current_cview']]['cols'] as $colname) {
            if ($csv_header != "") {
                $csv_header .= ";";
            $csv_header .= $current_cols_titles[$colname];
        $csv_header .= "\n";
    } else {
        $csv_header .= "Signature;Date;{$var_data};Source;Destination;Risk\n";
} else {
    if ($type[$rtype] == "Sensors") {