<?php require_once 'db.inc.php'; require_once 'facilities.inc.php'; require_once 'swiftmailer/swift_required.php'; $subheader = __("Data Center Rack Request"); if ($config->ParameterArray["RackRequests"] != "enabled" || !$person->RackRequest) { // No soup for you. header('Location: ' . redirect()); exit; } $Dept = new Department(); $cab = new Cabinet(); $dev = new Device(); $req = new RackRequest(); $contact = new People(); $tmpContact = new People(); $formfix = $error = ''; $contactList = $person->GetUserList(); //We only need to worry about sending email in the event this is a new submission and no other time. if (isset($_POST["action"])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['requestid']) && $_REQUEST['requestid'] > 0) { $req->RequestID = $_REQUEST['requestid']; $req->GetRequest(); $contact->PersonID = $req->RequestorID; $contact->GetPerson(); } $tmpContact->PersonID = $_POST["requestorid"]; $tmpContact->GetPerson(); // If any port other than 25 is specified, assume encryption and authentication if ($config->ParameterArray['SMTPPort'] != 25) {
function UpdateRequest() { global $dbh; $this->MakeSafe(); $old = new RackRequest(); $old->RequestID = $this->RequestID; $old->GetRequest(); $sql = "UPDATE fac_RackRequest SET RequestTime=now(), RequestorID={$this->RequestorID},\r\n\t\tLabel=\"{$this->Label}\", SerialNo=\"{$this->SerialNo}\", MfgDate=\"{$this->MfgDate}\", \r\n\t\tAssetTag=\"{$this->AssetTag}\", ESX={$this->ESX}, Owner={$this->Owner}, \r\n\t\tDeviceHeight=\"{$this->DeviceHeight}\", EthernetCount={$this->EthernetCount}, \r\n\t\tVLANList=\"{$this->VLANList}\", SANCount={$this->SANCount}, SANList=\"{$this->SANList}\",\r\n\t\tDeviceClass=\"{$this->DeviceClass}\", DeviceType=\"{$this->DeviceType}\",\r\n\t\tLabelColor=\"{$this->LabelColor}\", CurrentLocation=\"{$this->CurrentLocation}\",\r\n\t\tSpecialInstructions=\"{$this->SpecialInstructions}\"\r\n\t\tWHERE RequestID={$this->RequestID};"; if ($dbh->query($sql)) { class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this, $old) : ''; $this->MakeDisplay(); return true; } else { return false; } }
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fac_VMInventory LIMIT 1) AS VMcount FROM fac_Device LIMIT 1;'; $row = $dbh->query($sql)->fetch(); $ITSdevices = $row['Devices']; $ITSservers = $row['Servers']; $ITSsize = $row['Size']; $ITSVM = $row['VMcount']; $ITSpower = $row['Power']; $ITSheat = $ITSpower * 3.412 / 12000; $dc = new DataCenter(); $dcList = $dc->GetDCList(); // Build table to display pending rack requests for inclusion later $rackrequest = ''; if ($config->ParameterArray["RackRequests"] == "enabled" && $person->RackAdmin) { $rackrequest = "<h3>" . __("Pending Rack Requests") . "</h3>\n<div class=\"table whiteborder rackrequest\">\n<div>\n <div>" . __("Submit Time") . "</div>\n <div>" . __("Requestor") . "</div>\n <div>" . __("System Name") . "</div>\n <div>" . __("Department") . "</div>\n <div>" . __("Due By") . "</div>\n</div>\n"; $rack = new RackRequest(); $tmpContact = new People(); $dept = new Department(); $rackList = $rack->GetOpenRequests(); foreach ($rackList as $request) { $tmpContact->PersonID = $request->RequestorID; $tmpContact->GetPerson(); $dept->DeptID = $request->Owner; $dept->GetDeptByID(); $reqDate = getdate(strtotime($request->RequestTime)); $dueDate = date('M j Y H:i:s', mktime($reqDate['hours'], $reqDate['minutes'], $reqDate['seconds'], $reqDate['mon'], $reqDate['mday'] + 1, $reqDate['year'])); if (strtotime($dueDate) - strtotime('now') < intval($config->ParameterArray['RackOverdueHours'] * 3600)) { $colorCode = 'overdue'; } elseif (strtotime($dueDate) - strtotime('now') < intval($config->ParameterArray['RackWarningHours'] * 3600)) { $colorCode = 'soon'; } else {