 $comment = new RMComment($id);
 if ($comment->isNew()) {
     redirect_header(XOOPS_URL, 1, __('Specified comment does not exist!', 'rmcommon'));
 $status = $xoopsUser->isAdmin($comment->getVar('id_obj')) ? rmc_server_var($_POST, 'status', $comment->getVar('status')) : $comment->getVar('status');
 $status = $status == 'approved' ? $status : 'unapproved';
 $user = $xoopsUser->isAdmin($comment->getVar('id_obj')) ? rmc_server_var($_POST, 'user', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')) : $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
 $content = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'content', '');
 if ($content == '') {
     redirect_header('post_comment.php?id=' . $id . '&ret=' . urlencode($ret) . '&action=edit', 2, __('You must provide a text for comment!', 'rmcommon'));
 // save basic info in comment object
 $comment->setVar('content', $content);
 $comment->setVar('status', $status);
 // Modify, if neccessary, the user
 $cuser = new RMCommentUser($comment->getVar('user'));
 if ($cuser->getVar('xuid') != $user) {
     if ($user == 0) {
         $cuser->setVar('xuid', 0);
     } else {
         $xuser = new XoopsUser($user);
         $cuser = new RMCommentUser($xuser->getVar('email'));
         $cuser->setVar('name', $xuser->getVar('uname'));
         $cuser->setVar('email', $xuser->getVar('email'));
         $cuser->setVar('xuid', $user);
         $cuser->setVar('url', $xuser->getVar('url'));
Beispiel #2
function save_comment()
    global $xoopsSecurity;
    $id = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'id', 0);
    $page = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'page', 1);
    $filter = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'filter', '');
    $w = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'w', '1');
    $qs = "id={$id}&w={$w}&page={$page}&filter={$filter}";
    if (!$xoopsSecurity->check()) {
        redirectMsg('comments.php?action=edit&' . $qs, __('Sorry, session token expired!', 'rmcommon'), 1);
    if ($id <= 0) {
        redirectMsg('comments.php', __('Comment ID not specified!', 'rmcommon'), 1);
    $comment = new RMComment($id);
    if ($comment->isNew()) {
        redirectMsg('comments.php?' . $qs, __('Specified comment does not exist!', 'rmcommon'), 1);
    $status = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'status', 'unapproved');
    $status = $status == 'approved' ? $status : 'unapproved';
    $user = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'user', 0);
    $content = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'content', '');
    // save basic info in comment object
    $comment->setVar('content', $content);
    $comment->setVar('status', $status);
    // Modify, if neccessary, the user
    $cuser = new RMCommentUser($comment->getVar('user'));
    if ($cuser->getVar('xuid') != $user) {
        if ($user == 0) {
            $cuser->setVar('xuid', 0);
        } else {
            $xuser = new XoopsUser($user);
            $cuser = new RMCommentUser($xuser->getVar('email'));
            $cuser->setVar('name', $xuser->getVar('uname'));
            $cuser->setVar('email', $xuser->getVar('email'));
            $cuser->setVar('xuid', $user);
            $cuser->setVar('url', $xuser->getVar('url'));
        $comment->setVar('user', $cuser->id());
    if ($comment->save()) {
        redirectMsg('comments.php?' . $qs, __('Comment updated successfully!', 'rmcommon'), 0);
    } else {
        redirectMsg('comments.php?action=edit&' . $qs, __('Errros ocurrs while trying to update comment!', 1) . '<br />' . $comment->errors(), 1);