public function reporteEjercidoRms($proyecto_id) { $rms = Rm::whereProyectoId($proyecto_id)->get(['id']); $egresos_id = []; foreach ($rms as $rm) { $rm_obj = RM::find($rm->id); //Exlusión de egresos de vales comprobados $egresos_id_comprobados = $this->getEgresosComprobados($rm_obj); $egresos_query = $rm->egresos()->where('cuenta_id', 1); if (count($egresos_id_comprobados) > 0) { $egresos_query->whereNotIn('', $egresos_id_comprobados); } $nvo = $egresos_query->get([''])->lists('id')->all(); $egresos_id = array_merge($egresos_id, $nvo); } $ejercido_rm = Egreso::whereIn('id', $egresos_id)->with('benef', 'cuenta', 'user')->get(); return $ejercido_rm; }
/** * @before _session * @after _csrfToken */ public function register() { $this->seo(array("title" => "Advertiser Register", "description" => "Register")); $view = $this->getActionView(); $view->set('errors', []); $token = RM::post("token", ''); if (RM::post("action") == "register" && $this->verifyToken($token)) { $this->_advertiserRegister($this->org, $view); } }
/** * @before _secure * @todo @Faizan_Ayubi Remove UNSAFE Actions from GET Request */ public function postback($id) { $this->JSONView(); $view = $this->getActionView(); $postback = PostBack::first(["id" => $id, "org_id" => $this->org->_id]); if ($postback) { switch (strtolower(RM::type())) { case 'delete': $postback->delete(); $view->set('message', 'PostBack Deleted Successfully'); break; case 'post': $postback->live = (int) RM::post("live"); $postback->save(); $view->set('message', 'PostBack Updated Successfully'); break; } } else { $view->set('message', "Invalid Request!!"); } }
/** * @before _secure * @after _displayData */ public function platforms($id = null) { $this->seo(["title" => "Platform wise click stats"]); $view = $this->getActionView(); $org = $this->org; $clickCol = Registry::get("MongoDB")->clicks; // find the platforms $platforms = \Platform::all(['user_id' => ['$in' => $org->users('advertisers')]], ['_id', 'url']); if (count($platforms) === 0) { return $view->set(['platforms' => [], 'publishers' => []]); } $key = array_rand($platforms); $url = RM::get('link', $platforms[$key]->url); // find ads having this url $ads = \Ad::all(['org_id' => $org->_id], ['_id', 'url']); $in = Utils::mongoObjectId(array_keys($ads)); $matched = []; foreach ($ads as $a) { $regex = preg_quote($url, '.'); if (preg_match('#^' . $regex . '#', $a->url)) { $matched[] = Utils::mongoObjectId($a->_id); } } if (count($matched) === 0) { $query['adid'] = ['$in' => $in]; } else { $query['adid'] = ['$in' => $matched]; } $query['is_bot'] = false; $query['created'] = Db::dateQuery($this->start, $this->end); $records = $clickCol->aggregate([['$match' => $query], ['$projection' => ['_id' => 1, 'pid' => 1]], ['$group' => ['_id' => '$pid', 'count' => ['$sum' => 1]]], ['$sort' => ['count' => -1]]]); $result = []; $publishers = []; foreach ($records as $r) { $obj = (object) $r; $id = Utils::getMongoID($obj->_id); $user = User::first(['_id' => $id], ['_id', 'name']); $result[$id] = (object) ['_id' => $user->_id, 'name' => $user->name, 'clicks' => $obj->count]; } $view->set(['platforms' => $platforms, 'link' => $url, 'publishers' => $result]); }
/** * @before _secure */ public function platforms($id = null) { $this->seo(array("title" => "Platforms")); $view = $this->getActionView(); $query['user_id'] = ['$in' => $this->org->users('publisher')]; $limit = RM::get("limit", 20); $page = RM::get("page", 1); $property = RM::get("property", ''); $value = RM::get("value"); if (in_array($property, ["live", "user_id"])) { $query["{$property} = ?"] = $value; } else { if (in_array($property, ["url"])) { $query[$property] = Utils::mongoRegex($value); } } if (RM::type() === 'POST') { $p = \Platform::first(['_id' => $id, 'user_id' => $query['user_id']]); if (!$p) { return $view->set('message', "Invalid Request!!"); } try { $updateAble = ['live', 'user_id', 'url']; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $updateAble)) { $p->{$key} = $value; } } $p->save(); return $view->set('message', 'Platform updated!!'); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $view->set('message', "Invalid Request Parameters!!"); } } if (RM::type() === 'DELETE') { $p = \Platform::first(['_id' => $id, 'user_id' => $query['user_id']]); if (!$p) { return $view->set('message', "Invalid Request!!"); } $p->delete(); return $view->set('message', "Platform Removed!!"); } $platforms = Platform::all($query, [], 'created', 'desc', $limit, $page); $count = Platform::count($query); $view->set("platforms", $platforms)->set("count", $count)->set("property", $property)->set("value", $value)->set("limit", $limit)->set("page", $page); }
/** * @before _secure */ public function settings() { $this->seo(array("title" => "Campaign: Settings")); $view = $this->getActionView(); $user = $this->user; $org = $this->org; if (RM::type() === 'DELETE') { switch (RM::get("action")) { case 'commDel': $comm = Commission::first(['_id' => RM::get("comm_id"), "org_id" => $this->org->_id]); if ($comm) { $comm->delete(); $view->set('message', 'Commission removed!!'); } else { $view->set('message', 'Invalid request!!'); } return; } } if (RM::type() == 'POST') { $action = RM::post('action', ''); switch ($action) { case 'commadd': case 'commedit': $fields = ['model' => RM::post('model'), 'rate' => RM::post('rate'), 'coverage' => RM::post('coverage') ?? ['ALL']]; $comm_id = RM::post('comm_id'); if ($comm_id) { $comm = Commission::first(['_id' => $comm_id, 'org_id' => $this->org->_id]); if (!$comm) { $view->set('Invalid Request!!'); break; } } else { $comm = new Commission(['org_id' => $this->org->_id]); } foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $comm->{$key} = $value; } $comm->save(); //echo "<pre>", print_r($_POST), "</pre>";die(); $view->set('message', 'Commission saved successfully!!'); break; case 'domains': $message = $org->updateDomains(); $this->setOrg($org); $view->set('message', $message); break; case 'categories': $success = Category::updateNow($this->org); if ($success) { $msg = 'Categories updated Successfully!!'; } else { $msg = 'Failed to delete some categories because in use by campaigns!!'; } $view->set('message', $msg); break; } $this->setUser($user); } $commissions = Commission::all(['org_id' => $this->org->_id]); $categories = \Category::all(['org_id' => $this->org->_id]); $view->set('categories', $categories)->set('hideRevenue', true)->set('commissions', $commissions); }
/** * @before _secure */ public function update($invoice_id) { $this->JSONView(); $view = $this->getActionView(); $i = \Invoice::first(["_id = ?" => $invoice_id, "org_id = ?" => $this->org->_id]); if (!$i || RM::type() !== 'POST') { return $view->set('message', 'Invalid Request!!'); } $view->set('message', 'Updated successfully!!'); $allowedFields = ['live']; foreach ($allowedFields as $f) { $i->{$f} = RM::post($f, $i->{$f}); } $i->save(); $view->set('invoice', $i); }
/** * @before _session * @after _csrfToken */ public function register() { $this->seo(array("title" => "Publisher Register", "description" => "Register")); $view = $this->getActionView(); $view->set('errors', []); $afields = Meta::search('customField', $this->org); $view->set('afields', $afields ?? []); $token = RM::post("token", ''); if (RM::post("action") == "register" && $this->verifyToken($token)) { $this->_publisherRegister($this->org, $view); } }
/** * @before _admin */ public function delete($record_id) { $this->JSONview(); if (RM::type() !== 'DELETE') { $this->_404(); } }