Beispiel #1
// header template
$templates->includeTemplate('header', 'admin');
require_once $include_dir . "adminmenu.php";
print "<div id=\"" . CSS_ID_ADMIN_MAIN . "\">\n";
print "<h1>Questions</h1>";
// question = 0 used for create new
print "<form method=\"get\" action=\"" . ADMIN_EDIT_QUIZ_FILE . "\">\n";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"new\" />\n";
print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add new quiz\">\n";
print "</form>\n";
print "<table class=\"" . CSS_CLASS_ADMIN_TABLE . "\">\n";
print <<<EOT
\t<th>Quiz name</th>
/** Display questions - could use a table formatter function, but for now coded in this file **/
foreach ($all_quizzes->getQuizNameArray() as $this_quizname => $this_title) {
    print "<tr>\n";
    print "<td><a href=\"" . ADMIN_EDIT_QUIZ_FILE . "?quiz=" . $this_quizname . "\">{$this_quizname}</a></td>";
    print "<td><a href=\"" . ADMIN_EDIT_QUIZ_FILE . "?quiz=" . $this_quizname . "\">{$this_title}</a></td>";
    // this column left if we want to add a list option
    print "<td></td>\n";
    print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
print "</div>\n";
// footer template
$templates->includeTemplate('footer', 'admin');
Beispiel #2
// adminsetup is within the admin directory - this will load the main setup.php as well
require_once "adminsetup.php";
// Authentication class required for admin functions
require_once $include_dir . "SimpleAuth.php";
// add this here as not required for some pages (which use Quiz.php instead)
require_once $include_dir . "Quizzes.php";
/*** Further setup ***/
// get all the quizzes and add to object (use to check unique quizname)
$all_quizzes = new Quizzes();
$quiz_array = $qdb->getQuizzesAll();
// add this one to allQuizzes
foreach ($quiz_array as $this_quiz_array) {
    $all_quizzes->addQuiz(new Quiz($this_quiz_array));
// get list of all quizzes to show / check for updates
$quiz_array = $all_quizzes->getQuizNameArray();
/*** Authentication ***/
// user must be logged in for any admin functions
// this needs to be before we output anything as it uses sessions (cookies)
$auth = new SimpleAuth($settings->getSetting('admin_login_username'), $settings->getSetting('admin_login_password'), $settings->getSetting('admin_login_expirytime'));
// if not logged in redirect to login page
$status = $auth->checkLogin();
if ($status != 1) {
    // no from as use default which goes back to this page
    header("Location: " . ADMIN_LOGIN_FILE . "?status={$status}");
    // header will redirect to a new page so we just close this script
    //Important to stop script here
// If we reach here then login was successful
$sessionUsername = $auth->getUser();