  * create dependent objects before running each test
 public final function setUp()
     // run the default setUp() method first
     // create and insert a Profile to own the test Tweet
     $this->profile = new Profile(null, "@phpunit", "*****@*****.**", "+12125551212");
     // create the test Tweet
     $this->tweet = new Tweet(null, $this->profile->getProfileId(), "PHPUnit favorite test passing");
     // calculate the date (just use the time the unit test was setup...)
     $this->VALID_FAVORITEDATE = new DateTime();
 public static function fromUrl($url, $depth = 0)
     common_debug('MentionURL: trying to find a profile for ' . $url);
     $url = preg_replace('#https?://#', 'https://', $url);
     try {
         $profile = Profile::fromUri($url);
     } catch (UnknownUriException $ex) {
     if (!$profile instanceof Profile) {
         $profile = self::findProfileByProfileURL($url);
     $url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url);
     if (!$profile instanceof Profile) {
         try {
             $profile = Profile::fromUri($url);
         } catch (UnknownUriException $ex) {
     if (!$profile instanceof Profile) {
         $profile = self::findProfileByProfileURL($url);
     if (!$profile instanceof Profile) {
         $hcard = mention_url_representative_hcard($url);
         if (!$hcard) {
             return null;
         $mention_profile = new Mention_url_profile();
         $profile = new Profile();
         $profile->profileurl = $hcard['url'][0];
         $profile->fullname = $hcard['name'][0];
         preg_match('/\\/([^\\/]+)\\/*$/', $profile->profileurl, $matches);
         if (!$hcard['nickname']) {
             $hcard['nickname'] = array($matches[1]);
         $profile->nickname = $hcard['nickname'][0];
         $profile->created = common_sql_now();
         $mention_profile->profile_id = $profile->insert();
         if (!$mention_profile->profile_id) {
             return null;
         $mention_profile->profileurl = $profile->profileurl;
         if (!$mention_profile->insert()) {
             if ($depth > 0) {
                 return null;
             } else {
                 return self::fromUrl($url, $depth + 1);
         } else {
     return $profile;
 static function createAnonProfile()
     // Get the anon user's IP, and turn it into a nickname
     list($proxy, $ip) = common_client_ip();
     // IP + time + random number should help to avoid collisions
     $baseNickname = $ip . '-' . time() . '-' . common_good_rand(5);
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->nickname = $baseNickname;
     $id = $profile->insert();
     if (!$id) {
         // TRANS: Server exception.
         throw new ServerException(_m("Could not create anonymous user session."));
     // Stick the Profile ID into the nickname
     $orig = clone $profile;
     $profile->nickname = 'anon-' . $id . '-' . $baseNickname;
     $result = $profile->update($orig);
     if (!$result) {
         // TRANS: Server exception.
         throw new ServerException(_m("Could not create anonymous user session."));
     common_log(LOG_INFO, "AnonymousFavePlugin - created profile for anonymous user from IP: " . $ip . ', nickname = ' . $profile->nickname);
     return $profile;
Beispiel #4
  * Register a new user account and profile and set up default subscriptions.
  * If a new-user welcome message is configured, this will be sent.
  * @param array $fields associative array of optional properties
  *              string 'bio'
  *              string 'email'
  *              bool 'email_confirmed' pass true to mark email as pre-confirmed
  *              string 'fullname'
  *              string 'homepage'
  *              string 'location' informal string description of geolocation
  *              float 'lat' decimal latitude for geolocation
  *              float 'lon' decimal longitude for geolocation
  *              int 'location_id' geoname identifier
  *              int 'location_ns' geoname namespace to interpret location_id
  *              string 'nickname' REQUIRED
  *              string 'password' (may be missing for eg OpenID registrations)
  *              string 'code' invite code
  *              ?string 'uri' permalink to notice; defaults to local notice URL
  * @return mixed User object or false on failure
 static function register($fields)
     // MAGICALLY put fields into current scope
     $profile = new Profile();
     if (!empty($email)) {
         $email = common_canonical_email($email);
     $nickname = common_canonical_nickname($nickname);
     $profile->nickname = $nickname;
     if (!User::allowed_nickname($nickname)) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Attempted to register a nickname that is not allowed: %s", $profile->nickname), __FILE__);
         return false;
     $profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($nickname);
     if (!empty($fullname)) {
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     if (!empty($homepage)) {
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     if (!empty($bio)) {
         $profile->bio = $bio;
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $profile->location = $location;
         $loc = Location::fromName($location);
         if (!empty($loc)) {
             $profile->lat = $loc->lat;
             $profile->lon = $loc->lon;
             $profile->location_id = $loc->location_id;
             $profile->location_ns = $loc->location_ns;
     $profile->created = common_sql_now();
     $user = new User();
     $user->nickname = $nickname;
     // Users who respond to invite email have proven their ownership of that address
     if (!empty($code)) {
         $invite = Invitation::staticGet($code);
         if ($invite && $invite->address && $invite->address_type == 'email' && $invite->address == $email) {
             $user->email = $invite->address;
     if (isset($email_confirmed) && $email_confirmed) {
         $user->email = $email;
     // This flag is ignored but still set to 1
     $user->inboxed = 1;
     // Set default-on options here, otherwise they'll be disabled
     // initially for sites using caching, since the initial encache
     // doesn't know about the defaults in the database.
     $user->emailnotifysub = 1;
     $user->emailnotifyfav = 1;
     $user->emailnotifynudge = 1;
     $user->emailnotifymsg = 1;
     $user->emailnotifyattn = 1;
     $user->emailmicroid = 1;
     $user->emailpost = 1;
     $user->jabbermicroid = 1;
     $user->viewdesigns = 1;
     $user->created = common_sql_now();
     if (Event::handle('StartUserRegister', array(&$user, &$profile))) {
         $id = $profile->insert();
         if (empty($id)) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
         $user->id = $id;
         if (!empty($uri)) {
             $user->uri = $uri;
         } else {
             $user->uri = common_user_uri($user);
         if (!empty($password)) {
             // may not have a password for OpenID users
             $user->password = common_munge_password($password, $id);
         $result = $user->insert();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($user, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
         // Everyone gets an inbox
         $inbox = new Inbox();
         $inbox->user_id = $user->id;
         $inbox->notice_ids = '';
         $result = $inbox->insert();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($inbox, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
         // Everyone is subscribed to themself
         $subscription = new Subscription();
         $subscription->subscriber = $user->id;
         $subscription->subscribed = $user->id;
         $subscription->created = $user->created;
         $result = $subscription->insert();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($subscription, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
         if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
             $confirm = new Confirm_address();
             $confirm->code = common_confirmation_code(128);
             $confirm->user_id = $user->id;
             $confirm->address = $email;
             $confirm->address_type = 'email';
             $result = $confirm->insert();
             if (!$result) {
                 common_log_db_error($confirm, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 return false;
         if (!empty($code) && $user->email) {
         // Default system subscription
         $defnick = common_config('newuser', 'default');
         if (!empty($defnick)) {
             $defuser = User::staticGet('nickname', $defnick);
             if (empty($defuser)) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Default user %s does not exist.", $defnick), __FILE__);
             } else {
                 Subscription::start($user, $defuser);
         if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
             mail_confirm_address($user, $confirm->code, $profile->nickname, $email);
         // Welcome message
         $welcome = common_config('newuser', 'welcome');
         if (!empty($welcome)) {
             $welcomeuser = User::staticGet('nickname', $welcome);
             if (empty($welcomeuser)) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Welcome user %s does not exist.", $defnick), __FILE__);
             } else {
                 $notice = Notice::saveNew($welcomeuser->id, sprintf(_('Welcome to %1$s, @%2$s!'), common_config('site', 'name'), $user->nickname), 'system');
         Event::handle('EndUserRegister', array(&$profile, &$user));
     return $user;
 protected function ensureProfile($twuser)
     // check to see if there's already a profile for this user
     $profileurl = 'https://twitter.com/' . $twuser->screen_name;
     try {
         $profile = $this->getProfileByUrl($twuser->screen_name, $profileurl);
         $this->updateAvatar($twuser, $profile);
         return $profile;
     } catch (NoResultException $e) {
         common_debug(__METHOD__ . ' - Adding profile and remote profile ' . "for Twitter user: {$profileurl}.");
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->nickname = $twuser->screen_name;
     $profile->fullname = $twuser->name;
     $profile->homepage = $twuser->url;
     $profile->bio = $twuser->description;
     $profile->location = $twuser->location;
     $profile->profileurl = $profileurl;
     $profile->created = common_sql_now();
     try {
         $id = $profile->insert();
         // insert _should_ throw exception on failure
         if (empty($id)) {
             throw new Exception('Failed insert');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         common_log(LOG_WARNING, __METHOD__ . " Couldn't insert profile: " . $e->getMessage());
         common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
         return false;
     $this->updateAvatar($twuser, $profile);
     return $profile;
Beispiel #6
 static function register($fields)
     # MAGICALLY put fields into current scope
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->nickname = $nickname;
     $profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($nickname);
     if (!empty($fullname)) {
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     if (!empty($homepage)) {
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     if (!empty($bio)) {
         $profile->bio = $bio;
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $profile->location = $location;
     $profile->created = common_sql_now();
     $id = $profile->insert();
     if (empty($id)) {
         common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
         return false;
     $user = new User();
     $user->id = $id;
     $user->nickname = $nickname;
     if (!empty($password)) {
         # may not have a password for OpenID users
         $user->password = common_munge_password($password, $id);
     # Users who respond to invite email have proven their ownership of that address
     if (!empty($code)) {
         $invite = Invitation::staticGet($code);
         if ($invite && $invite->address && $invite->address_type == 'email' && $invite->address == $email) {
             $user->email = $invite->address;
     $inboxes = common_config('inboxes', 'enabled');
     if ($inboxes === true || $inboxes == 'transitional') {
         $user->inboxed = 1;
     $user->created = common_sql_now();
     $user->uri = common_user_uri($user);
     $result = $user->insert();
     if (!$result) {
         common_log_db_error($user, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
         return false;
     # Everyone is subscribed to themself
     $subscription = new Subscription();
     $subscription->subscriber = $user->id;
     $subscription->subscribed = $user->id;
     $subscription->created = $user->created;
     $result = $subscription->insert();
     if (!$result) {
         common_log_db_error($subscription, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
         return false;
     if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
         $confirm = new Confirm_address();
         $confirm->code = common_confirmation_code(128);
         $confirm->user_id = $user->id;
         $confirm->address = $email;
         $confirm->address_type = 'email';
         $result = $confirm->insert();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($confirm, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
     if (!empty($code) && $user->email) {
     if ($email && !$user->email) {
         mail_confirm_address($user, $confirm->code, $profile->nickname, $email);
     return $user;
  * Save passed profile
  * Stores the OMB profile $profile. Overwrites an existing entry.
  * Throws exceptions in case of error.
  * @param OMB_Profile $profile   The OMB profile which should be saved
  * @access public
 public function saveProfile($omb_profile)
     if (common_profile_url($omb_profile->getNickname()) == $omb_profile->getProfileURL()) {
         throw new Exception('Not implemented');
     } else {
         $remote = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $omb_profile->getIdentifierURI());
         if ($remote) {
             $exists = true;
             $profile = Profile::staticGet($remote->id);
             $orig_remote = clone $remote;
             $orig_profile = clone $profile;
             // XXX: compare current postNotice and updateProfile URLs to the ones
             // stored in the DB to avoid (possibly...) above attack
         } else {
             $exists = false;
             $remote = new Remote_profile();
             $remote->uri = $omb_profile->getIdentifierURI();
             $profile = new Profile();
         $profile->nickname = $omb_profile->getNickname();
         $profile->profileurl = $omb_profile->getProfileURL();
         $fullname = $omb_profile->getFullname();
         $profile->fullname = is_null($fullname) ? '' : $fullname;
         $homepage = $omb_profile->getHomepage();
         $profile->homepage = is_null($homepage) ? '' : $homepage;
         $bio = $omb_profile->getBio();
         $profile->bio = is_null($bio) ? '' : $bio;
         $location = $omb_profile->getLocation();
         $profile->location = is_null($location) ? '' : $location;
         if ($exists) {
         } else {
             $profile->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
             # current time
             $id = $profile->insert();
             if (!$id) {
                 // TRANS: Exception thrown when creating a new profile fails in OAuth store.
                 throw new Exception(_('Error inserting new profile.'));
             $remote->id = $id;
         $avatar_url = $omb_profile->getAvatarURL();
         if ($avatar_url) {
             if (!$this->add_avatar($profile, $avatar_url)) {
                 // TRANS: Exception thrown when creating a new avatar fails in OAuth store.
                 throw new Exception(_('Error inserting avatar.'));
         } else {
             $avatar = $profile->getOriginalAvatar();
             if ($avatar) {
             $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_PROFILE_SIZE);
             if ($avatar) {
             $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_STREAM_SIZE);
             if ($avatar) {
             $avatar = $profile->getAvatar(AVATAR_MINI_SIZE);
             if ($avatar) {
         if ($exists) {
             if (!$remote->update($orig_remote)) {
                 // TRANS: Exception thrown when updating a remote profile fails in OAuth store.
                 throw new Exception(_('Error updating remote profile.'));
         } else {
             $remote->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
             # current time
             if (!$remote->insert()) {
                 // TRANS: Exception thrown when creating a remote profile fails in OAuth store.
                 throw new Exception(_('Error inserting remote profile.'));
Beispiel #8
  * test grabbing a Profile by email
 public function testGetValidProfileByEmail()
     // count the number of rows and save it for later
     $numRows = $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("profile");
     // create a new Profile and insert to into mySQL
     $profile = new Profile(null, $this->VALID_ATHANDLE, $this->VALID_EMAIL, $this->VALID_PHONE);
     // grab the data from mySQL and enforce the fields match our expectations
     $pdoProfile = Profile::getProfileByEmail($this->getPDO(), $profile->getEmail());
     $this->assertSame($numRows + 1, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("profile"));
     $this->assertSame($pdoProfile->getAtHandle(), $this->VALID_ATHANDLE);
     $this->assertSame($pdoProfile->getEmail(), $this->VALID_EMAIL);
     $this->assertSame($pdoProfile->getPhone(), $this->VALID_PHONE);
Beispiel #9
 static function register($fields)
     if (!empty($fields['userid'])) {
         $profile = Profile::getKV('id', $fields['userid']);
         if ($profile && !$profile->hasRight(Right::CREATEGROUP)) {
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Attempted group creation from banned user: " . $profile->nickname);
             // TRANS: Client exception thrown when a user tries to create a group while banned.
             throw new ClientException(_('You are not allowed to create groups on this site.'), 403);
     $fields['nickname'] = Nickname::normalize($fields['nickname']);
     // MAGICALLY put fields into current scope
     // @fixme kill extract(); it makes debugging absurdly hard
     $defaults = array('nickname' => null, 'fullname' => null, 'homepage' => null, 'description' => null, 'location' => null, 'uri' => null, 'mainpage' => null, 'aliases' => array(), 'userid' => null);
     $fields = array_merge($defaults, $fields);
     $group = new User_group();
     if (empty($uri)) {
         // fill in later...
         $uri = null;
     if (empty($mainpage)) {
         $mainpage = common_local_url('showgroup', array('nickname' => $nickname));
     // We must create a new, incrementally assigned profile_id
     $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->nickname = $nickname;
     $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     $profile->profileurl = $mainpage;
     $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     $profile->bio = $description;
     $profile->location = $location;
     $profile->created = common_sql_now();
     $group->nickname = $profile->nickname;
     $group->fullname = $profile->fullname;
     $group->homepage = $profile->homepage;
     $group->description = $profile->bio;
     $group->location = $profile->location;
     $group->mainpage = $profile->profileurl;
     $group->created = $profile->created;
     $id = $profile->insert();
     if ($id === false) {
         throw new ServerException(_('Profile insertion failed'));
     $group->profile_id = $id;
     $group->uri = $uri;
     if (isset($fields['join_policy'])) {
         $group->join_policy = intval($fields['join_policy']);
     } else {
         $group->join_policy = 0;
     if (isset($fields['force_scope'])) {
         $group->force_scope = intval($fields['force_scope']);
     } else {
         $group->force_scope = 0;
     if (Event::handle('StartGroupSave', array(&$group))) {
         $result = $group->insert();
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($group, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Server exception thrown when creating a group failed.
             throw new ServerException(_('Could not create group.'));
         if (!isset($uri) || empty($uri)) {
             $orig = clone $group;
             $group->uri = common_local_url('groupbyid', array('id' => $group->id));
             $result = $group->update($orig);
             if (!$result) {
                 common_log_db_error($group, 'UPDATE', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server exception thrown when updating a group URI failed.
                 throw new ServerException(_('Could not set group URI.'));
         $result = $group->setAliases($aliases);
         if (!$result) {
             // TRANS: Server exception thrown when creating group aliases failed.
             throw new ServerException(_('Could not create aliases.'));
         $member = new Group_member();
         $member->group_id = $group->id;
         $member->profile_id = $userid;
         $member->is_admin = 1;
         $member->created = $group->created;
         $result = $member->insert();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($member, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Server exception thrown when setting group membership failed.
             throw new ServerException(_('Could not set group membership.'));
         self::blow('profile:groups:%d', $userid);
         if ($local) {
             $local_group = new Local_group();
             $local_group->group_id = $group->id;
             $local_group->nickname = $nickname;
             $local_group->created = common_sql_now();
             $result = $local_group->insert();
             if (!$result) {
                 common_log_db_error($local_group, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Server exception thrown when saving local group information failed.
                 throw new ServerException(_('Could not save local group info.'));
         Event::handle('EndGroupSave', array($group));
     return $group;
 function ensureProfile($user)
     // check to see if there's already a profile for this user
     $profileurl = 'http://twitter.com/' . $user->screen_name;
     $profile = Profile::staticGet('profileurl', $profileurl);
     if ($profile) {
         if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
             common_debug("Profile for {$profile->nickname} found.");
         // Check to see if the user's Avatar has changed
         $this->checkAvatar($user, $profile);
         return $profile->id;
     } else {
         if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
             common_debug('Adding profile and remote profile ' . "for Twitter user: {$profileurl}");
         $profile = new Profile();
         $profile->nickname = $user->screen_name;
         $profile->fullname = $user->name;
         $profile->homepage = $user->url;
         $profile->bio = $user->description;
         $profile->location = $user->location;
         $profile->profileurl = $profileurl;
         $profile->created = common_sql_now();
         $id = $profile->insert();
         if (empty($id)) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
         // check for remote profile
         $remote_pro = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $profileurl);
         if (!$remote_pro) {
             $remote_pro = new Remote_profile();
             $remote_pro->id = $id;
             $remote_pro->uri = $profileurl;
             $remote_pro->created = common_sql_now();
             $rid = $remote_pro->insert();
             if (empty($rid)) {
                 common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 return false;
         $this->saveAvatars($user, $id);
         return $id;
Beispiel #11
if (empty($fullname)) {
    echo 'username required';
if (empty($email)) {
    echo 'email required';
if (empty($password)) {
    echo 'password required';
$profile = new Profile();
$profile->fullname = $fullname;
$profile->email = $email;
$profile->created = common_sql_now();
$profile_id = $profile->insert();
if (!$profile_id) {
    common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
$profile_role = new Profile_role();
$profile_role->profile_id = $profile_id;
$profile_role->role = Profile_role::SUPERADMIN;
$profile_role->created = common_sql_now();
$pnew = Profile::staticGet($profile_id);
$orig = clone $pnew;
$pnew->password = common_munge_password($password, $profile_id);
echo "Done!";
Beispiel #12
        $requestObject = json_decode($requestContent);
        // make sure form is filled out fully, to prevent db issues
        if (empty($requestObject->profileName) === true) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Must chose a user name", 405);
        if (empty($requestObject->profileEmail) === true) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("Must use a valid email", 405);
        if (empty($requestObject->profilePassword) === true) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException("password cannot be empty", 405);
        // sanitize the email
        $profileSalt = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32));
        $profileEmailActivation = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8));
        // create the hash
        $profileHash = hash_pbkdf2("sha512", $requestObject->profilePassword, $profileSalt, 262144, 128);
        // create a new Profile, and insert into db
        $profile = new Profile(null, $requestObject->profileEmail, $profileEmailActivation, $profile->insert($pdo));
        $reply->message = "A new Profile has been created";
    } else {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid HTTP method");
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    $reply->status = $exception->getCode();
    $reply->message = $exception->getMessage();
} catch (\TypeError $typeError) {
    $reply->status = $typeError->getCode();
    $reply->message = $typeError->getMessage();
header("Content-type: application/json");
echo json_encode($reply);
Beispiel #13
function linkback_profile($entry, $mf2, $response, $target)
    if (isset($entry['properties']['author']) && isset($entry['properties']['author'][0]['properties'])) {
        $author = $entry['properties']['author'][0]['properties'];
    } else {
        $author = linkback_hcard($mf2, $response->getEffectiveUrl());
    if (!$author) {
        $author = array('name' => array($entry['name']));
    if (!$author['url']) {
        $author['url'] = array($response->getEffectiveUrl());
    $user = User::getKV('uri', $author['url'][0]);
    if ($user instanceof User) {
        common_log(LOG_INFO, "Linkback: ignoring linkback from local user: {$url}");
        return true;
    try {
        $profile = Profile::fromUri($author['url'][0]);
    } catch (UnknownUriException $ex) {
    if (!$profile instanceof Profile) {
        $profile = Profile::getKV('profileurl', $author['url'][0]);
    if (!$profile instanceof Profile) {
        $profile = new Profile();
        $profile->profileurl = $author['url'][0];
        $profile->fullname = $author['name'][0];
        $profile->nickname = $author['nickname'] ? $author['nickname'][0] : str_replace(' ', '', $author['name'][0]);
        $profile->created = common_sql_now();
    return array($profile, $author);
Beispiel #14
 function saveRemoteProfile(&$req)
     # FIXME: we should really do this when the consumer comes
     # back for an access token. If they never do, we've got stuff in a
     # weird state.
     $nickname = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_nickname');
     $fullname = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_fullname');
     $profile_url = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_profile');
     $homepage = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_homepage');
     $bio = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_bio');
     $location = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_location');
     $avatar_url = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee_avatar');
     $listenee = $req->get_parameter('omb_listenee');
     $remote = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $listenee);
     if ($remote) {
         $exists = true;
         $profile = Profile::staticGet($remote->id);
         $orig_remote = clone $remote;
         $orig_profile = clone $profile;
     } else {
         $exists = false;
         $remote = new Remote_profile();
         $remote->uri = $listenee;
         $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->nickname = $nickname;
     $profile->profileurl = $profile_url;
     if (!is_null($fullname)) {
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     if (!is_null($homepage)) {
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     if (!is_null($bio)) {
         $profile->bio = $bio;
     if (!is_null($location)) {
         $profile->location = $location;
     if ($exists) {
     } else {
         $profile->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
         # current time
         $id = $profile->insert();
         if (!$id) {
             return false;
         $remote->id = $id;
     if ($exists) {
         if (!$remote->update($orig_remote)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $remote->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
         # current time
         if (!$remote->insert()) {
             return false;
     if ($avatar_url) {
         if (!$this->addAvatar($profile, $avatar_url)) {
             return false;
     $user = common_current_user();
     $datastore = omb_oauth_datastore();
     $consumer = $this->getConsumer($datastore, $req);
     $token = $this->getToken($datastore, $req, $consumer);
     $sub = new Subscription();
     $sub->subscriber = $user->id;
     $sub->subscribed = $remote->id;
     $sub->token = $token->key;
     # NOTE: request token, not valid for use!
     $sub->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
     # current time
     if (!$sub->insert()) {
         return false;
     return true;

require_once "/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/encrypted-config.php";
require_once "profile.php";
$pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/etc/apache2/data-design/vhooker.ini");
$profile = new Profile(null, 1, "this is from PHP");
$profile->setProfile("now I changed the message");
 function ensureProfile($user)
     // check to see if there's already a profile for this user
     $profileurl = 'http://twitter.com/' . $user->screen_name;
     $profile = $this->getProfileByUrl($user->screen_name, $profileurl);
     if (!empty($profile)) {
         common_debug($this->name() . " - Profile for {$profile->nickname} found.");
         // Check to see if the user's Avatar has changed
         $this->checkAvatar($user, $profile);
         return $profile;
     } else {
         common_debug($this->name() . ' - Adding profile and remote profile ' . "for Twitter user: {$profileurl}.");
         $profile = new Profile();
         $profile->nickname = $user->screen_name;
         $profile->fullname = $user->name;
         $profile->homepage = $user->url;
         $profile->bio = $user->description;
         $profile->location = $user->location;
         $profile->profileurl = $profileurl;
         $profile->created = common_sql_now();
         try {
             $id = $profile->insert();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() . ' Couldn\'t insert profile - ' . $e->getMessage());
         if (empty($id)) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             return false;
         // check for remote profile
         $remote_pro = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $profileurl);
         if (empty($remote_pro)) {
             $remote_pro = new Remote_profile();
             $remote_pro->id = $id;
             $remote_pro->uri = $profileurl;
             $remote_pro->created = common_sql_now();
             try {
                 $rid = $remote_pro->insert();
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, $this->name() . ' Couldn\'t save remote profile - ' . $e->getMessage());
             if (empty($rid)) {
                 common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 return false;
         $this->saveAvatars($user, $id);
         return $profile;
 function handle($args)
     if (common_logged_in()) {
         $this->clientError(_('You can use the local subscription!'));
     $omb = $_SESSION['oauth_authorization_request'];
     if (!$omb) {
         $this->clientError(_('Not expecting this response!'));
     common_debug('stored request: ' . print_r($omb, true), __FILE__);
     $req = OAuthRequest::from_request();
     $token = $req->get_parameter('oauth_token');
     # I think this is the success metric
     if ($token != $omb['token']) {
         $this->clientError(_('Not authorized.'));
     $version = $req->get_parameter('omb_version');
     if ($version != OMB_VERSION_01) {
         $this->clientError(_('Unknown version of OMB protocol.'));
     $nickname = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_nickname');
     if (!$nickname) {
         $this->clientError(_('No nickname provided by remote server.'));
     $profile_url = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_profile');
     if (!$profile_url) {
         $this->clientError(_('No profile URL returned by server.'));
     if (!Validate::uri($profile_url, array('allowed_schemes' => array('http', 'https')))) {
         $this->clientError(_('Invalid profile URL returned by server.'));
     if ($profile_url == common_local_url('showstream', array('nickname' => $nickname))) {
         $this->clientError(_('You can use the local subscription!'));
     common_debug('listenee: "' . $omb['listenee'] . '"', __FILE__);
     $user = User::staticGet('nickname', $omb['listenee']);
     if (!$user) {
         $this->clientError(_('User being listened to doesn\'t exist.'));
     $other = User::staticGet('uri', $omb['listener']);
     if ($other) {
         $this->clientError(_('You can use the local subscription!'));
     $fullname = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_fullname');
     $homepage = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_homepage');
     $bio = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_bio');
     $location = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_location');
     $avatar_url = $req->get_parameter('omb_listener_avatar');
     list($newtok, $newsecret) = $this->access_token($omb);
     if (!$newtok || !$newsecret) {
         $this->clientError(_('Couldn\'t convert request tokens to access tokens.'));
     # XXX: possible attack point; subscribe and return someone else's profile URI
     $remote = Remote_profile::staticGet('uri', $omb['listener']);
     if ($remote) {
         $exists = true;
         $profile = Profile::staticGet($remote->id);
         $orig_remote = clone $remote;
         $orig_profile = clone $profile;
         # XXX: compare current postNotice and updateProfile URLs to the ones
         # stored in the DB to avoid (possibly...) above attack
     } else {
         $exists = false;
         $remote = new Remote_profile();
         $remote->uri = $omb['listener'];
         $profile = new Profile();
     $profile->nickname = $nickname;
     $profile->profileurl = $profile_url;
     if (!is_null($fullname)) {
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     if (!is_null($homepage)) {
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     if (!is_null($bio)) {
         $profile->bio = $bio;
     if (!is_null($location)) {
         $profile->location = $location;
     if ($exists) {
     } else {
         $profile->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
         # current time
         $id = $profile->insert();
         if (!$id) {
             $this->serverError(_('Error inserting new profile'));
         $remote->id = $id;
     if ($avatar_url) {
         if (!$this->add_avatar($profile, $avatar_url)) {
             $this->serverError(_('Error inserting avatar'));
     $remote->postnoticeurl = $omb['post_notice_url'];
     $remote->updateprofileurl = $omb['update_profile_url'];
     if ($exists) {
         if (!$remote->update($orig_remote)) {
             $this->serverError(_('Error updating remote profile'));
     } else {
         $remote->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
         # current time
         if (!$remote->insert()) {
             $this->serverError(_('Error inserting remote profile'));
     if ($user->hasBlocked($profile)) {
         $this->clientError(_('That user has blocked you from subscribing.'));
     $sub = new Subscription();
     $sub->subscriber = $remote->id;
     $sub->subscribed = $user->id;
     $sub_exists = false;
     if ($sub->find(true)) {
         $sub_exists = true;
         $orig_sub = clone $sub;
     } else {
         $sub_exists = false;
         $sub->created = DB_DataObject_Cast::dateTime();
         # current time
     $sub->token = $newtok;
     $sub->secret = $newsecret;
     if ($sub_exists) {
         $result = $sub->update($orig_sub);
     } else {
         $result = $sub->insert();
     if (!$result) {
         common_log_db_error($sub, $sub_exists ? 'UPDATE' : 'INSERT', __FILE__);
         $this->clientError(_('Couldn\'t insert new subscription.'));
     # Notify user, if necessary
     mail_subscribe_notify_profile($user, $profile);
     # Clear the data
     # If we show subscriptions in reverse chron order, this should
     # show up close to the top of the page
     common_redirect(common_local_url('subscribers', array('nickname' => $user->nickname)));
Beispiel #18

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: OldManVin
 * Date: 1/22/2016
 * Time: 12:01 PM
require_once "/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/encrypted -config.php";
$pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/ect/apache2/data-design/dfontaine1/ini");
require_once "/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/encrypted-config.php";
require_once "your-class-file.php";
//now use the PDO object normally
$tweet = new Profile(null, 1, "this is from php");
$tweet->setProfile("now i change the message");
Beispiel #19
function initGroupProfileId()
    printfnq("Ensuring all User_group entries have a Profile and profile_id...");
    $group = new User_group();
    $group->whereAdd('NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM profile WHERE id = user_group.profile_id)');
    while ($group->fetch()) {
        try {
            // We must create a new, incrementally assigned profile_id
            $profile = new Profile();
            $profile->nickname = $group->nickname;
            $profile->fullname = $group->fullname;
            $profile->profileurl = $group->mainpage;
            $profile->homepage = $group->homepage;
            $profile->bio = $group->description;
            $profile->location = $group->location;
            $profile->created = $group->created;
            $profile->modified = $group->modified;
            $id = $profile->insert();
            if (empty($id)) {
                throw new Exception('Profile insertion failed, profileurl: ' . $profile->profileurl);
            $group->query("UPDATE user_group SET profile_id={$id} WHERE id={$group->id}");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            printfv("Error initializing Profile for group {$group->nickname}:" . $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #20
  * Look up, and if necessary create, an Ostatus_profile for the remote
  * entity with the given webfinger address.
  * This should never return null -- you will either get an object or
  * an exception will be thrown.
  * @param string $addr webfinger address
  * @return Ostatus_profile
  * @throws Exception on error conditions
  * @throws OStatusShadowException if this reference would obscure a local user/group
 public static function ensureWebfinger($addr)
     // First, try the cache
     $uri = self::cacheGet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr));
     if ($uri !== false) {
         if (is_null($uri)) {
             // Negative cache entry
             // TRANS: Exception.
             throw new Exception(_m('Not a valid webfinger address.'));
         $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('uri', $uri);
         if ($oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile) {
             return $oprofile;
     // Try looking it up
     $oprofile = Ostatus_profile::getKV('uri', Discovery::normalize($addr));
     if ($oprofile instanceof Ostatus_profile) {
         self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->getUri());
         return $oprofile;
     // Now, try some discovery
     $disco = new Discovery();
     try {
         $xrd = $disco->lookup($addr);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Save negative cache entry so we don't waste time looking it up again.
         // @todo FIXME: Distinguish temporary failures?
         self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), null);
         // TRANS: Exception.
         throw new Exception(_m('Not a valid webfinger address.'));
     $hints = array_merge(array('webfinger' => $addr), DiscoveryHints::fromXRD($xrd));
     // If there's an Hcard, let's grab its info
     if (array_key_exists('hcard', $hints)) {
         if (!array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints) || $hints['hcard'] != $hints['profileurl']) {
             $hcardHints = DiscoveryHints::fromHcardUrl($hints['hcard']);
             $hints = array_merge($hcardHints, $hints);
     // If we got a feed URL, try that
     $feedUrl = null;
     if (array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) {
         $feedUrl = $hints['feedurl'];
         try {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, "Discovery on acct:{$addr} with feed URL " . $hints['feedurl']);
             $oprofile = self::ensureFeedURL($hints['feedurl'], $hints);
             self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->getUri());
             return $oprofile;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed creating profile from feed URL '{$feedUrl}': " . $e->getMessage());
             // keep looking
     // If we got a profile page, try that!
     $profileUrl = null;
     if (array_key_exists('profileurl', $hints)) {
         $profileUrl = $hints['profileurl'];
         try {
             common_log(LOG_INFO, "Discovery on acct:{$addr} with profile URL {$profileUrl}");
             $oprofile = self::ensureProfileURL($hints['profileurl'], $hints);
             self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->getUri());
             return $oprofile;
         } catch (OStatusShadowException $e) {
             // We've ended up with a remote reference to a local user or group.
             // @todo FIXME: Ideally we should be able to say who it was so we can
             // go back and refer to it the regular way
             throw $e;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             common_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed creating profile from profile URL '{$profileUrl}': " . $e->getMessage());
             // keep looking
             // @todo FIXME: This means an error discovering from profile page
             // may give us a corrupt entry using the webfinger URI, which
             // will obscure the correct page-keyed profile later on.
     // XXX: try hcard
     // XXX: try FOAF
     if (array_key_exists('salmon', $hints)) {
         $salmonEndpoint = $hints['salmon'];
         // An account URL, a salmon endpoint, and a dream? Not much to go
         // on, but let's give it a try
         $uri = 'acct:' . $addr;
         $profile = new Profile();
         $profile->nickname = self::nicknameFromUri($uri);
         $profile->created = common_sql_now();
         if (!is_null($profileUrl)) {
             $profile->profileurl = $profileUrl;
         $profile_id = $profile->insert();
         if ($profile_id === false) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Exception. %s is a webfinger address.
             throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not save profile for "%s".'), $addr));
         $oprofile = new Ostatus_profile();
         $oprofile->uri = $uri;
         $oprofile->salmonuri = $salmonEndpoint;
         $oprofile->profile_id = $profile_id;
         $oprofile->created = common_sql_now();
         if (!is_null($feedUrl)) {
             $oprofile->feeduri = $feedUrl;
         $result = $oprofile->insert();
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($oprofile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Exception. %s is a webfinger address.
             throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not save OStatus profile for "%s".'), $addr));
         self::cacheSet(sprintf('ostatus_profile:webfinger:%s', $addr), $oprofile->getUri());
         return $oprofile;
     // TRANS: Exception. %s is a webfinger address.
     throw new Exception(sprintf(_m('Could not find a valid profile for "%s".'), $addr));
Beispiel #21
  * Register a new user account and profile and set up default subscriptions.
  * If a new-user welcome message is configured, this will be sent.
  * @param array $fields associative array of optional properties
  *              string 'bio'
  *              string 'email'
  *              bool 'email_confirmed' pass true to mark email as pre-confirmed
  *              string 'fullname'
  *              string 'homepage'
  *              string 'location' informal string description of geolocation
  *              float 'lat' decimal latitude for geolocation
  *              float 'lon' decimal longitude for geolocation
  *              int 'location_id' geoname identifier
  *              int 'location_ns' geoname namespace to interpret location_id
  *              string 'nickname' REQUIRED
  *              string 'password' (may be missing for eg OpenID registrations)
  *              string 'code' invite code
  *              ?string 'uri' permalink to notice; defaults to local notice URL
  * @return  User object
  * @throws  Exception on failure
 static function register(array $fields)
     // MAGICALLY put fields into current scope
     $profile = new Profile();
     if (!empty($email)) {
         $email = common_canonical_email($email);
     // Normalize _and_ check whether it is in use. Throw NicknameException on failure.
     $profile->nickname = Nickname::normalize($nickname, true);
     $profile->profileurl = common_profile_url($profile->nickname);
     if (!empty($fullname)) {
         $profile->fullname = $fullname;
     if (!empty($homepage)) {
         $profile->homepage = $homepage;
     if (!empty($bio)) {
         $profile->bio = $bio;
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $profile->location = $location;
         $loc = Location::fromName($location);
         if (!empty($loc)) {
             $profile->lat = $loc->lat;
             $profile->lon = $loc->lon;
             $profile->location_id = $loc->location_id;
             $profile->location_ns = $loc->location_ns;
     $profile->created = common_sql_now();
     $user = new User();
     $user->nickname = $profile->nickname;
     $invite = null;
     // Users who respond to invite email have proven their ownership of that address
     if (!empty($code)) {
         $invite = Invitation::getKV($code);
         if ($invite instanceof Invitation && $invite->address && $invite->address_type == 'email' && $invite->address == $email) {
             $user->email = $invite->address;
     if (isset($email_confirmed) && $email_confirmed) {
         $user->email = $email;
     // Set default-on options here, otherwise they'll be disabled
     // initially for sites using caching, since the initial encache
     // doesn't know about the defaults in the database.
     $user->emailnotifysub = 1;
     $user->emailnotifynudge = 1;
     $user->emailnotifymsg = 1;
     $user->emailnotifyattn = 1;
     $user->emailmicroid = 1;
     $user->emailpost = 1;
     $user->jabbermicroid = 1;
     $user->created = common_sql_now();
     if (Event::handle('StartUserRegister', array($profile))) {
         $id = $profile->insert();
         if ($id === false) {
             common_log_db_error($profile, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Profile data could not be inserted for some reason.
             throw new ServerException(_m('Could not insert profile data for new user.'));
         $user->id = $id;
         if (!empty($uri)) {
             $user->uri = $uri;
         } else {
             $user->uri = common_user_uri($user);
         if (!empty($password)) {
             // may not have a password for OpenID users
             $user->password = common_munge_password($password, $id);
         $result = $user->insert();
         if ($result === false) {
             common_log_db_error($user, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: User data could not be inserted for some reason.
             throw new ServerException(_m('Could not insert user data for new user.'));
         // Everyone is subscribed to themself
         $subscription = new Subscription();
         $subscription->subscriber = $user->id;
         $subscription->subscribed = $user->id;
         $subscription->created = $user->created;
         $result = $subscription->insert();
         if (!$result) {
             common_log_db_error($subscription, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
             // TRANS: Subscription data could not be inserted for some reason.
             throw new ServerException(_m('Could not insert subscription data for new user.'));
         // Mark that this invite was converted
         if (!empty($invite)) {
         if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
             $confirm = new Confirm_address();
             $confirm->code = common_confirmation_code(128);
             $confirm->user_id = $user->id;
             $confirm->address = $email;
             $confirm->address_type = 'email';
             $result = $confirm->insert();
             if (!$result) {
                 common_log_db_error($confirm, 'INSERT', __FILE__);
                 // TRANS: Email confirmation data could not be inserted for some reason.
                 throw new ServerException(_m('Could not insert email confirmation data for new user.'));
         if (!empty($code) && $user->email) {
         // Default system subscription
         $defnick = common_config('newuser', 'default');
         if (!empty($defnick)) {
             $defuser = User::getKV('nickname', $defnick);
             if (empty($defuser)) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Default user %s does not exist.", $defnick), __FILE__);
             } else {
                 Subscription::ensureStart($profile, $defuser->getProfile());
         if (!empty($email) && !$user->email) {
             mail_confirm_address($user, $confirm->code, $profile->nickname, $email);
         // Welcome message
         $welcome = common_config('newuser', 'welcome');
         if (!empty($welcome)) {
             $welcomeuser = User::getKV('nickname', $welcome);
             if (empty($welcomeuser)) {
                 common_log(LOG_WARNING, sprintf("Welcome user %s does not exist.", $defnick), __FILE__);
             } else {
                 $notice = Notice::saveNew($welcomeuser->id, sprintf(_('Welcome to %1$s, @%2$s!'), common_config('site', 'name'), $user->nickname), 'system');
         Event::handle('EndUserRegister', array($profile));
     if (!$user instanceof User) {
         throw new ServerException('User could not be registered. Probably an event hook that failed.');
     return $user;