  * Execute the report
  * @param $options   array
 function execute($options = array())
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI, $HEADER_LOADED;
     // Require (for pager) when not called by displayCriteriasForm
     if (isset($_POST['list_limit'])) {
         $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'] = $_POST['list_limit'];
     $limit = $_SESSION['glpilist_limit'];
     if (isset($_POST["display_type"])) {
         $output_type = $_POST["display_type"];
         if ($output_type < 0) {
             $output_type = -$output_type;
             $limit = 0;
     } else {
         $output_type = Search::HTML_OUTPUT;
     $title = $this->title;
     if ($this->subname) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), $title, $this->subname);
     $res = $DB->query($this->sql);
     $nbtot = $res ? $DB->numrows($res) : 0;
     if ($limit) {
         $start = isset($_GET["start"]) ? $_GET["start"] : 0;
         if ($start >= $nbtot) {
             $start = 0;
         if ($start > 0 || $start + $limit < $nbtot) {
             $res = $DB->query($this->sql . " LIMIT {$start},{$limit}");
     } else {
         $start = 0;
     if ($nbtot == 0) {
         if (!$HEADER_LOADED) {
             Html::header($title, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "utils", "report");
         echo "<div class='center'><font class='red b'>" . __('No item found') . "</font></div>";
     } else {
         if ($output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_PORTRAIT || $output_type == Search::PDF_OUTPUT_LANDSCAPE) {
             include GLPI_ROOT . "/lib/ezpdf/class.ezpdf.php";
         } else {
             if ($output_type == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
                 if (!$HEADER_LOADED) {
                     Html::header($title, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "utils", "report");
                 echo "<div class='center'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
                 echo "<tr><th>" . $title . "</th></tr>\n";
                 echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2 center'><td class='center'>";
                 echo "<form method='POST' action='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?start={$start}'>\n";
                 $param = "";
                 foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                     if (is_array($val)) {
                         foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                             echo "<input type='hidden' name='" . $key . "[{$k}]' value='{$v}' >";
                             if (!empty($param)) {
                                 $param .= "&";
                             $param .= $key . "[" . $k . "]=" . urlencode($v);
                     } else {
                         echo "<input type='hidden' name='" . $key . "' value='{$val}' >";
                         if (!empty($param)) {
                             $param .= "&";
                         $param .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($val);
                 echo "</td></tr>";
                 echo "</table></div>";
                 Html::printPager($start, $nbtot, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $param);
     if (!isset($_POST["display_type"]) || $_POST["display_type"] == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
         if (isset($options['withmassiveaction']) && class_exists($options['withmassiveaction'])) {
             echo "<form method='post' name='massiveaction_form' id='massiveaction_form' action=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/massiveaction.php\">";
     plugin_reports_checkRight($this->plug, $this->name, "r");
     if ($res && $nbtot > 0) {
         $nbcols = $DB->num_fields($res);
         $nbrows = $DB->numrows($res);
         echo Search::showHeader($output_type, $nbrows, $nbcols, true);
         echo Search::showNewLine($output_type);
         $num = 1;
         // fill $sqlcols with default sql query fields so we can validate $columns
         $sqlcols = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nbcols; $i++) {
             $colname = $DB->field_name($res, $i);
             $sqlcols[] = $colname;
         $colsname = array();
         // if $columns is not empty, display $columns
         if (count($this->columns) > 0) {
             foreach ($this->columns as $colname => $column) {
                 // display only $columns that are valid
                 if (in_array($colname, $sqlcols)) {
                     $column->showTitle($output_type, $num);
                     $colsname[$colname] = $column;
         } else {
             // else display default columns from SQL query
             foreach ($sqlcols as $colname) {
                 $column = new PluginReportsColumn($colname, $colname);
                 $column->showTitle($output_type, $num);
                 $colsname[$colname] = $column;
         echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
         $prev = "";
         for ($row_num = 2; $row = $DB->fetch_assoc($res); $row_num++) {
             $crt = "";
             foreach ($this->group_by as $colname) {
                 if (isset($row[$colname])) {
                     $crt .= $row[$colname] . "####";
             echo Search::showNewLine($output_type);
             $num = 1;
             foreach ($colsname as $colname => $column) {
                 //If value needs to be modified on the fly
                 if (isset($this->columns_mapping[$colname]) && isset($this->columns_mapping[$colname][$row[$colname]])) {
                     $new_value = $this->columns_mapping[$colname][$row[$colname]];
                     $row[$colname] = $new_value;
                 if (!in_array($colname, $this->group_by)) {
                     $column->showValue($output_type, $row, $num, $row_num);
                 } else {
                     if ($crt == $prev) {
                         $column->showValue($output_type, $output_type == Search::CSV_OUTPUT ? $row : array(), $num, $row_num);
                     } else {
                         $column->showValue($output_type, $row, $num, $row_num, true);
             // Each column
             echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
             $prev = $crt;
         // Each row
         if (isset($options['withtotal']) && $options['withtotal']) {
             echo Search::showNewLine($output_type);
             $num = 1;
             foreach ($colsname as $colname => $column) {
                 $column->showTotal($output_type, $num, $row_num);
             echo Search::showEndLine($output_type);
     echo Search::showFooter($output_type, $title);
     if (!isset($_POST["display_type"]) || $_POST["display_type"] == Search::HTML_OUTPUT) {
         if (isset($options['withmassiveaction']) && class_exists($options['withmassiveaction'])) {
             Html::openArrowMassives("massiveaction_form", true);
             $options = array();