  * Get the id of the plan entry which ultimately contains this entry
 public static function get_ancestor_entryid(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer)
     $entryid = (string) $entry->id;
     if (!isset(self::$ancestors[$entryid])) {
         self::$ancestors[$entryid] = null;
         $child = $entry;
         while ($child) {
             $childid = (string) $child->id;
             if (!isset(self::$parents[$childid])) {
                 self::$parents[$childid] = null;
                 foreach ($child->link as $link) {
                     $href = (string) $link['href'];
                     if ($href != $entryid && $importer->curie_equals($link['rel'], PluginImportLeap::NS_LEAP, 'is_part_of') && $importer->entry_has_strategy($href, self::STRATEGY_IMPORT_AS_PLAN, 'plans')) {
                         self::$parents[$childid] = $href;
             if (!self::$parents[$childid]) {
             if ($child = $importer->get_entry_by_id(self::$parents[$childid])) {
                 self::$ancestors[$entryid] = self::$parents[$childid];
     return self::$ancestors[$entryid];
  * Given an entry, see if it's attached to one of the special selections 
  * representing a Mahara resume group. If so, return the display order it 
  * should have in that group.
  * We look for the special Mahara selections only, because entries could be 
  * in more than one selection, with different display orders in each.
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry    The entry to check
  * @param PluginImportLeap $importer The importer
  * @param string $selectiontype      The type of selection we're checking to 
  *                                   see if the entry is part of - one of the 
  *                                   special Mahara resume selections
  * @return int The display order of the element in the selection, should it 
  *             be in one - else null
 private static function get_display_order_for_entry(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer, $selectiontype)
     static $cache = array();
     $found = false;
     foreach ($entry->link as $link) {
         if ($importer->curie_equals($link['rel'], $importer->get_leap2a_namespace(), 'is_part_of') && isset($link['href'])) {
             $href = (string) $link['href'];
             if (isset($cache[$href])) {
                 $found = true;
             } else {
                 if ($potentialselection = $importer->get_entry_by_id($href)) {
                     if (PluginImportLeap::is_rdf_type($potentialselection, $importer, 'selection')) {
                         if (PluginImportLeap::is_correct_category_scheme($potentialselection, $importer, 'selection_type', 'Grouping')) {
                             if (count($potentialselection->xpath('mahara:artefactplugin[@mahara:type="' . $selectiontype . '"]')) == 1) {
                                 $cache[$href] = true;
                                 $found = true;
             if ($found) {
                 $leapattributes = $importer->get_attributes($link, $importer->get_leap2a_namespace());
                 $displayorder = isset($leapattributes['display_order']) && intval($leapattributes['display_order']) > 0 ? $leapattributes['display_order'] : '';
                 return $displayorder;
Beispiel #3
  * Import data about the feed author.
  * If we have a persondata element for them, we can import lots of
  * different information about them into Mahara's profile section.
  * Otherwise, we can only import some very basic information from the
  * <author> element.
  * TODO: Refactor this to combine it with add_import_entry_request_author_data()
  * @param PluginImportLeap $importer The importer
  * @param string $persondataid       The ID of the person entry corresponding
  *                                   to the author, if there is one
 public static function import_author_data(PluginImportLeap $importer, $persondataid)
     $namespaces = $importer->get_namespaces();
     $ns = $namespaces[$importer->get_leap2a_namespace()];
     if ($persondataid) {
         // Grab all the leap:persondata elements and import them
         $person = $importer->get_entry_by_id($persondataid);
         // The introduction comes from the entry content
         if (!self::$personcontentblank) {
             $introduction = new ArtefactTypeIntroduction(0, array('owner' => $importer->get('usr')));
             $introduction->set('title', PluginImportLeap::get_entry_content($person, $importer));
         // Most of the rest of the profile data comes from leap:persondata elements
         $persondata = $person->xpath($ns . ':persondata');
         foreach ($persondata as $item) {
             $leapattributes = PluginImportLeap::get_attributes($item, $importer->get_leap2a_namespace());
             if (isset($leapattributes['field'])) {
                 self::import_persondata($importer, $item, $leapattributes);
             } else {
                 // 'Field' is required
                 // http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/2009-03/Leap2A_personal_data#field
                 $importer->trace('WARNING: persondata element did not have leap:field attribute');
         // The information about someone's name is much more comprehensive
         // in Leap than what Mahara has, so we have to piece it together
         self::import_namedata($importer, $persondata);
         // People can have address info associated with them
         $addressdata = $person->xpath($ns . ':spatial');
         if (is_array($addressdata) && count($addressdata) == 1) {
             self::import_addressdata($importer, $addressdata[0]);
         // Set default profile icon. We look at rel="related" links on this
         // element, and take the first one that we turned into a profile
         // icon to be the default. In future versions of the spec, we may use
         // a "depicts" type relationship to explicitly identify them.
         foreach ($person->link as $link) {
             if ($importer->curie_equals($link['rel'], '', 'related') && isset($link['href'])) {
                 $artefactids = $importer->get_artefactids_imported_by_entryid((string) $link['href']);
                 if (count($artefactids) == 1 && ($potentialicon = artefact_instance_from_id($artefactids[0]))) {
                     if ($potentialicon->get('artefacttype') == 'profileicon') {
                         $importer->get('usrobj')->profileicon = $potentialicon->get('id');
                         // The first one we find in the export is the profile icon
     } else {
         $author = $importer->get('xml')->xpath('//a:feed/a:author[1]');
         $author = $author[0];
         if (!isset($author->name)) {
             throw new ImportException($importer, 'TODO: get_string: <author> must include <name> - http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/2009-03/Leap2A_relationships#Author');
         $name = (string) $author->name;
         if (false !== strpos($name, ' ')) {
             list($firstname, $lastname) = explode(' ', $name, 2);
             self::create_artefact($importer, 'firstname', trim($firstname));
             self::create_artefact($importer, 'lastname', trim($lastname));
         } else {
             // Blatant assumtion that the <name> is a first name
             self::create_artefact($importer, 'firstname', trim($name));
         if (isset($author->email)) {
             self::create_artefact($importer, 'email', (string) $author->email);
         if (isset($author->uri)) {
             $uri = (string) $author->uri;
             if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $uri)) {
                 self::create_artefact($importer, 'officialwebsite', (string) $author->uri);
Beispiel #4
  * Fix comments to point to the right view.  Probably more
  * appropriate in setup_relationships.  To do that we would have
  * to change that call to happen after views are created.
 public static function setup_view_relationships_from_request(PluginImportLeap $importer)
     if ($entry_requests = get_records_select_array('import_entry_requests', 'importid = ? AND entrytype = ?', array($importer->get('importertransport')->get('importid'), 'comment'))) {
         foreach ($entry_requests as $entry_request) {
             $commentids = unserialize($entry_request->artefactmapping);
             $comment = new ArtefactTypeComment($commentids[0]);
             if ($comment->get('onartefact')) {
             $entry = $importer->get_entry_by_id($entry_request->entryid);
             $referentid = self::get_referent_entryid($entry, $importer);
             if ($viewid = $importer->get_viewid_imported_by_entryid($referentid)) {
                 $comment->set('onview', $viewid);
             } else {
                 // Nothing to link this comment to, so leave it in the temporary view.
                 self::$savetempview = true;
  * Returns a list of entry IDs that are children of this folder
  * If necessary, this method can act recursively to find children at all 
  * levels under this folder
  * TODO: protection against circular references
  * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry    The folder to get children for
  * @param PluginImportLeap $importer The importer
  * @param boolean $recurse           Whether to return children at all levels below this folder
  * @return array A list of the entry IDs of children in this folder
 private static function get_children_of_folder(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer, $recurse = false)
     $children = array();
     // Get entries that this folder feels are a part of it
     foreach ($entry->link as $link) {
         if ($importer->curie_equals($link['rel'], $importer->get_leap2a_namespace(), 'has_part') && isset($link['href'])) {
             $child = $importer->get_entry_by_id((string) $link['href']);
             if ($child) {
                 if (self::is_file($child, $importer) || self::is_folder($child, $importer)) {
                     $children[] = (string) $link['href'];
                 } else {
                     $importer->trace("NOTICE: Child {$child->id} of folder {$entry->id} won't be imported by the file plugin because it is not a file or folder");
             } else {
                 $importer->trace("WARNING: folder {$entry->id} claims to have child {$link['href']} which does not exist");
     if ($recurse) {
         foreach ($children as $childid) {
             $child = $importer->get_entry_by_id($childid);
             if (self::is_folder($child, $importer)) {
                 $children = array_merge($children, self::get_children_of_folder($child, $importer, true));
     return $children;
Beispiel #6
  * Fix annotations to point to the right view.
 public static function setup_view_relationships_from_requests(PluginImportLeap $importer)
     // Get all the annotations imported.
     if ($entry_requests = get_records_select_array('import_entry_requests', 'importid = ? AND entrytype = ?', array($importer->get('importertransport')->get('importid'), 'annotation'))) {
         foreach ($entry_requests as $entry_request) {
             $annotationids = $importer->get_artefactids_imported_by_entryid($entry_request->entryid);
             $annotation = new ArtefactTypeAnnotation($annotationids[0]);
             if (!$annotation->get('id')) {
             $annotation_entry = $importer->get_entry_by_id($entry_request->entryid);
             $view_entry_request = self::get_referent_entryid($annotation_entry, $importer);
             // Now see which view had this entryid.
             if ($viewid = $importer->get_viewid_imported_by_entryid($view_entry_request)) {
                 // Set the view on the annotation.
                 $annotation->set('view', $viewid);
             } else {
                 // Nothing to link this annotation to, so leave it in the temporary view.
                 self::$savetempview = true;
Beispiel #7
  * Attaches files to blog posts
  * We look at the leap relationships to add attachments. Currently this
  * looks explicitly for the has_attachment relationship.
  * If importing an entry resulted in importing a new file (caused by the
  * entry having out-of-line content), we attach that file to the entry.
 public static function setup_relationships(SimpleXMLElement $entry, PluginImportLeap $importer, $strategy, array $otherentries)
     $newartefactmapping = array();
     switch ($strategy) {
         case self::STRATEGY_IMPORT_AS_BLOG:
             foreach ($otherentries as $entryid) {
                 $blogpostentry = $importer->get_entry_by_id($entryid);
                 // Get all attachments this blogpost things are attached to it
                 if (!isset($blogpostentry->link)) {
                 $blogpost = null;
                 foreach ($blogpostentry->link as $blogpostlink) {
                     if (!$blogpost) {
                         $artefactids = $importer->get_artefactids_imported_by_entryid((string) $blogpostentry->id);
                         $blogpost = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($artefactids[0]);
                     if ($id = $importer->create_attachment($entry, $blogpostlink, $blogpost)) {
                         $newartefactmapping[$link['href']][] = $id;
                     if ($blogpost) {
                 self::setup_outoflinecontent_relationship($blogpostentry, $importer);
         case self::STRATEGY_IMPORT_AS_ENTRY:
             $blogpostids = $importer->get_artefactids_imported_by_entryid((string) $entry->id);
             if (!isset($blogpostids[0])) {
                 // weird!
             $blogpost = new ArtefactTypeBlogPost($blogpostids[0]);
             foreach ($entry->link as $link) {
                 if ($id = $importer->create_attachment($entry, $link, $blogpost)) {
                     $newartefactmapping[$link['href']][] = $id;
             self::setup_outoflinecontent_relationship($entry, $importer);
             throw new ImportException($importer, 'TODO: get_string: unknown strategy chosen for importing entry');
     return $newartefactmapping;