regexp_replace() static public method

See also:
static public regexp_replace ( $pattern, $replacement, $subject, $limit ) : mixed
$pattern string Regular expression
$replacement string String to replace matches in $subject with
$subject string String to apply regular expression to
$limit int Number of replacements to perform, maximum, or -1 for no limit.
return mixed
  * Display user login form.
  * Redirect to user index page if user is already validated.
 function index($args, $request)
     if (Validation::isLoggedIn()) {
     if (Config::getVar('security', 'force_login_ssl') && $request->getProtocol() != 'https') {
         // Force SSL connections for login
     $sessionManager = SessionManager::getManager();
     $session = $sessionManager->getUserSession();
     $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
     // If the user wasn't expecting a login page, i.e. if they're new to the
     // site and want to submit a paper, it helps to explain why they need to
     // register.
     if ($request->getUserVar('loginMessage')) {
         $templateMgr->assign('loginMessage', $request->getUserVar('loginMessage'));
     $templateMgr->assign('username', $session->getSessionVar('username'));
     $templateMgr->assign('remember', $request->getUserVar('remember'));
     $templateMgr->assign('source', $request->getUserVar('source'));
     $templateMgr->assign('showRemember', Config::getVar('general', 'session_lifetime') > 0);
     // For force_login_ssl with base_url[...]: make sure SSL used for login form
     $loginUrl = $this->_getLoginUrl($request);
     if (Config::getVar('security', 'force_login_ssl')) {
         $loginUrl = PKPString::regexp_replace('/^http:/', 'https:', $loginUrl);
     $templateMgr->assign('loginUrl', $loginUrl);
  * @copydoc Filter::process()
  * @param $citationString string
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &process(&$input)
     $nullVar = null;
     $queryParams = array('demo' => '3', 'textlines' => $input);
     // Parscit web form - the result is (mal-formed) HTML
     if (is_null($result = $this->callWebService(PARSCIT_WEBSERVICE, $queryParams, XSL_TRANSFORMER_DOCTYPE_STRING, 'POST'))) {
         return $nullVar;
     $result = html_entity_decode($result);
     // Detect errors.
     if (!PKPString::regexp_match('/.*<algorithm[^>]+>.*<\\/algorithm>.*/s', $result)) {
         $translationParams = array('filterName' => $this->getDisplayName());
         $this->addError(__('submission.citations.filter.webserviceResultTransformationError', $translationParams));
         return $nullVar;
     // Screen-scrape the tagged portion and turn it into XML.
     $xmlResult = PKPString::regexp_replace('/.*<algorithm[^>]+>(.*)<\\/algorithm>.*/s', '\\1', $result);
     $xmlResult = PKPString::regexp_replace('/&/', '&amp;', $xmlResult);
     // Transform the result into an array of meta-data.
     if (is_null($metadata = $this->transformWebServiceResults($xmlResult, dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'parscit.xsl'))) {
         return $nullVar;
     // Extract a publisher from the place string if possible.
     $metadata =& $this->fixPublisherNameAndLocation($metadata);
     return $this->getNlm30CitationDescriptionFromMetadataArray($metadata);
  * @copydoc Filter::process()
  * @param $isbn string
  * @return MetadataDescription a looked up citation description
  *  or null if the filter fails
 function &process($isbn)
     $nullVar = null;
     // Instantiate the web service request
     $lookupParams = array('access_key' => $this->getApiKey(), 'index1' => 'isbn', 'results' => 'details,authors', 'value1' => $isbn);
     // Call the web service
     if (is_null($resultDOM =& $this->callWebService(ISBNDB_WEBSERVICE_URL, $lookupParams))) {
         return $nullVar;
     // Transform and pre-process the web service result
     if (is_null($metadata =& $this->transformWebServiceResults($resultDOM, dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'isbndb.xsl'))) {
         return $nullVar;
     // Extract place and publisher from the combined entry.
     $metadata['publisher-loc'] = PKPString::trimPunctuation(PKPString::regexp_replace('/^(.+):.*/', '\\1', $metadata['place-publisher']));
     $metadata['publisher-name'] = PKPString::trimPunctuation(PKPString::regexp_replace('/.*:([^,]+),?.*/', '\\1', $metadata['place-publisher']));
     // Reformat the publication date
     $metadata['date'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/^[^\\d{4}]+(\\d{4}).*/', '\\1', $metadata['date']);
     // Clean non-numerics from ISBN
     $metadata['isbn'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^\\dX]*/', '', $isbn);
     // Set the publicationType
     $metadata['[@publication-type]'] = NLM30_PUBLICATION_TYPE_BOOK;
     return $this->getNlm30CitationDescriptionFromMetadataArray($metadata);
  * Split a string into a clean array of keywords
  * @param $text string
  * @param $allowWildcards boolean
  * @return array of keywords
 static function filterKeywords($text, $allowWildcards = false)
     $minLength = Config::getVar('search', 'min_word_length');
     $stopwords = self::_loadStopwords();
     // Join multiple lines into a single string
     if (is_array($text)) {
         $text = join("\n", $text);
     $cleanText = Core::cleanVar($text);
     // Remove punctuation
     $cleanText = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[!"\\#\\$%\'\\(\\)\\.\\?@\\[\\]\\^`\\{\\}~]/', '', $cleanText);
     $cleanText = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[\\+,:;&\\/<=>\\|\\\\]/', ' ', $cleanText);
     $cleanText = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[\\*]/', $allowWildcards ? '%' : ' ', $cleanText);
     $cleanText = PKPString::strtolower($cleanText);
     // Split into words
     $words = PKPString::regexp_split('/\\s+/', $cleanText);
     // FIXME Do not perform further filtering for some fields, e.g., author names?
     // Remove stopwords
     $keywords = array();
     foreach ($words as $k) {
         if (!isset($stopwords[$k]) && PKPString::strlen($k) >= $minLength && !is_numeric($k)) {
             $keywords[] = PKPString::substr($k, 0, SEARCH_KEYWORD_MAX_LENGTH);
     return $keywords;
  * Format XML for single DC element.
  * @param $propertyName string
  * @param $value array
  * @param $multilingual boolean optional
 function formatElement($propertyName, $values, $multilingual = false)
     if (!is_array($values)) {
         $values = array($values);
     // Translate the property name to XML syntax.
     $openingElement = str_replace(array('[@', ']'), array(' ', ''), $propertyName);
     $closingElement = PKPString::regexp_replace('/\\[@.*/', '', $propertyName);
     // Create the actual XML entry.
     $response = '';
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         if ($multilingual) {
             $key = str_replace('_', '-', $key);
             foreach ($value as $subValue) {
                 if ($key == METADATA_DESCRIPTION_UNKNOWN_LOCALE) {
                     $response .= "\t<{$openingElement}>" . OAIUtils::prepOutput($subValue) . "</{$closingElement}>\n";
                 } else {
                     $response .= "\t<{$openingElement} xml:lang=\"{$key}\">" . OAIUtils::prepOutput($subValue) . "</{$closingElement}>\n";
         } else {
             $response .= "\t<{$openingElement}>" . OAIUtils::prepOutput($value) . "</{$closingElement}>\n";
     return $response;
  * @see Filter::process()
  * @param $input string
  * @return mixed array
 function &process(&$input)
     // The default implementation assumes that raw citations are
     // separated with line endings.
     // 1) Remove empty lines and normalize line endings.
     $input = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[\\r\\n]+/s', "\n", $input);
     // 2) Remove trailing/leading line breaks.
     $input = trim($input, "\n");
     // 3) Break up at line endings.
     if (empty($input)) {
         $citations = array();
     } else {
         $citations = explode("\n", $input);
     // 4) Remove numbers from the beginning of each citation.
     foreach ($citations as $index => $citation) {
         $citations[$index] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/^\\s*[\\[#]?[0-9]+[.)\\]]?\\s*/', '', $citation);
     return $citations;
Beispiel #7
  * Display user login form.
  * Redirect to user index page if user is already validated.
 function index($args, $request)
     if (Validation::isLoggedIn()) {
     if (Config::getVar('security', 'force_login_ssl') && $request->getProtocol() != 'https') {
         // Force SSL connections for login
     $sessionManager = SessionManager::getManager();
     $session = $sessionManager->getUserSession();
     $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
     $templateMgr->assign(array('loginMessage' => $request->getUserVar('loginMessage'), 'username' => $session->getSessionVar('username'), 'remember' => $request->getUserVar('remember'), 'source' => $request->getUserVar('source'), 'showRemember' => Config::getVar('general', 'session_lifetime') > 0));
     // For force_login_ssl with base_url[...]: make sure SSL used for login form
     $loginUrl = $this->_getLoginUrl($request);
     if (Config::getVar('security', 'force_login_ssl')) {
         $loginUrl = PKPString::regexp_replace('/^http:/', 'https:', $loginUrl);
     $templateMgr->assign('loginUrl', $loginUrl);
Beispiel #8
  * @see Form::fetch()
 function fetch($request)
     $templateMgr = TemplateManager::getManager($request);
     // The form description depends on the current state
     // of the selection process: do we select a filter template
     // or configure the settings of a selected template?
     $filter =& $this->getFilter();
     if (is_a($filter, 'Filter')) {
         $displayName = $filter->getDisplayName();
         $templateMgr->assign('filterDisplayName', $displayName);
         if (count($filter->getSettings())) {
             // We need a filter specific translation key so that we
             // can explain the filter's configuration options.
             // We use the display name to generate such a key as this
             // is probably easiest for translators to understand.
             // This also has the advantage that we can explain
             // composite filters individually.
             // FIXME: When we start to translate display names then
             // please make sure that you use the en-US key for this
             // processing. Alternatively we might want to introduce
             // an alphanumeric "filter key" to the filters table.
             $filterKey = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', $displayName);
             $filterKey = strtolower(substr($filterKey, 0, 1)) . substr($filterKey, 1);
             $formDescriptionKey = $this->getDescription() . '.' . $filterKey;
         } else {
             $formDescriptionKey = $this->getDescription() . 'Confirm';
     } else {
         $templateMgr->assign('filterDisplayName', '');
         $formDescriptionKey = $this->getDescription() . 'Template';
     $templateMgr->assign('formTitle', $this->getTitle());
     $templateMgr->assign('formDescription', $formDescriptionKey);
     return parent::fetch($request);
  * Converts a string with a single person
  * to an NLM name description.
  * TODO: add initials from all given names to initials
  *       element
  * @param $personString string
  * @param $title boolean true to parse for title
  * @param $degrees boolean true to parse for degrees
  * @return MetadataDescription an NLM name description or null
  *  if the string could not be converted
 function &_parsePersonString($personString, $title, $degrees)
     // Expressions to parse person strings, ported from CiteULike person
     // plugin, see
     static $personRegex = array('title' => '(?:His (?:Excellency|Honou?r)\\s+|Her (?:Excellency|Honou?r)\\s+|The Right Honou?rable\\s+|The Honou?rable\\s+|Right Honou?rable\\s+|The Rt\\.? Hon\\.?\\s+|The Hon\\.?\\s+|Rt\\.? Hon\\.?\\s+|Mr\\.?\\s+|Ms\\.?\\s+|M\\/s\\.?\\s+|Mrs\\.?\\s+|Miss\\.?\\s+|Dr\\.?\\s+|Sir\\s+|Dame\\s+|Prof\\.?\\s+|Professor\\s+|Doctor\\s+|Mister\\s+|Mme\\.?\\s+|Mast(?:\\.|er)?\\s+|Lord\\s+|Lady\\s+|Madam(?:e)?\\s+|Priv\\.-Doz\\.\\s+)+', 'degrees' => '(,\\s+(?:[A-Z\\.]+))+', 'initials' => '(?:(?:[A-Z]\\.){1,3}[A-Z]\\.?)|(?:(?:[A-Z]\\.\\s){1,3}[A-Z]\\.?)|(?:[A-Z]{1,4})|(?:(?:[A-Z]\\.-?){1,4})|(?:(?:[A-Z]\\.-?){1,3}[A-Z]\\.?)|(?:(?:[A-Z]-){1,3}[A-Z])|(?:(?:[A-Z]\\s){1,3}[A-Z]\\.?)|(?:(?:[A-Z]-){1,3}[A-Z]\\.?)', 'prefix' => 'Dell(?:[a|e])?(?:\\s|$)|Dalle(?:\\s|$)|D[a|e]ll\'(?:\\s|$)|Dela(?:\\s|$)|Del(?:\\s|$)|[Dd]e(?:\\s|$)(?:La(?:\\s|$)|Los(?:\\s|$))?|[Dd]e(?:\\s|$)|[Dd][a|i|u](?:\\s|$)|L[a|e|o](?:\\s|$)|[D|L|O]\'|St\\.?(?:\\s|$)|San(?:\\s|$)|[Dd]en(?:\\s|$)|[Vv]on(?:\\s|$)(?:[Dd]er(?:\\s|$))?|(?:[Ll][ea](?:\\s|$))?[Vv]an(?:\\s|$)(?:[Dd]e(?:n|r)?(?:\\s|$))?', 'givenName' => '(?:[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,.;()]{2,}|[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,.;()]{2,}\\-[^ \\t\\n\\r\\f\\v,.;()]{2,})');
     // The expressions for given name, suffix and surname are the same
     $personRegex['surname'] = $personRegex['suffix'] = $personRegex['givenName'];
     $personRegex['double-surname'] = "(?:" . $personRegex['surname'] . "\\s)*" . $personRegex['surname'];
     // Shortcut for prefixed surname
     $personRegexPrefixedSurname = "(?P<prefix>(?:" . $personRegex['prefix'] . ")?)(?P<surname>" . $personRegex['surname'] . ")";
     $personRegexPrefixedDoubleSurname = "(?P<prefix>(?:" . $personRegex['prefix'] . ")?)(?P<surname>" . $personRegex['double-surname'] . ")";
     // Instantiate the target person description
     $personDescription = new MetadataDescription('lib.pkp.plugins.metadata.nlm30.schema.Nlm30NameSchema', $this->_assocType);
     // Clean the person string
     $personString = trim($personString);
     // 1. Extract title and degree from the person string and use this as suffix
     $suffixString = '';
     $results = array();
     if ($title && PKPString::regexp_match_get('/^(' . $personRegex['title'] . ')/i', $personString, $results)) {
         $suffixString = trim($results[1], ',:; ');
         $personString = PKPString::regexp_replace('/^(' . $personRegex['title'] . ')/i', '', $personString);
     if ($degrees && PKPString::regexp_match_get('/(' . $personRegex['degrees'] . ')$/i', $personString, $results)) {
         $degreesArray = explode(',', trim($results[1], ','));
         foreach ($degreesArray as $key => $degree) {
             $degreesArray[$key] = PKPString::trimPunctuation($degree);
         $suffixString .= ' - ' . implode('; ', $degreesArray);
         $personString = PKPString::regexp_replace('/(' . $personRegex['degrees'] . ')$/i', '', $personString);
     if (!empty($suffixString)) {
         $personDescription->addStatement('suffix', $suffixString);
     // Space initials when followed by a given name or last name.
     $personString = PKPString::regexp_replace('/([A-Z])\\.([A-Z][a-z])/', '\\1. \\2', $personString);
     // 2. Extract names and initials from the person string
     // The parser expressions are ordered by specificity. The most specific expressions
     // come first. Only if these specific expressions don't work will we turn to less
     // specific ones. This avoids parsing errors. It also explains why we don't use the
     // ?-quantifier for optional elements like initials or middle name where they could
     // be misinterpreted.
     $personExpressions = array('/^' . $personRegexPrefixedSurname . '$/i', '/^(?P<initials>' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')\\s' . $personRegexPrefixedSurname . '$/', '/^' . $personRegexPrefixedSurname . ',?\\s(?P<initials>' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')$/', '/^' . $personRegexPrefixedDoubleSurname . ',\\s(?P<givenName>' . $personRegex['givenName'] . ')\\s(?P<initials>' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')$/', '/^(?P<givenName>' . $personRegex['givenName'] . ')\\s(?P<initials>' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')\\s' . $personRegexPrefixedSurname . '$/', '/^' . $personRegexPrefixedDoubleSurname . ',\\s(?P<givenName>(?:' . $personRegex['givenName'] . '\\s)+)(?P<initials>' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')$/', '/^(?P<givenName>(?:' . $personRegex['givenName'] . '\\s)+)(?P<initials>' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')\\s' . $personRegexPrefixedSurname . '$/', '/^' . $personRegexPrefixedDoubleSurname . ',(?P<givenName>(?:\\s' . $personRegex['givenName'] . ')+)$/', '/^(?P<givenName>(?:' . $personRegex['givenName'] . '\\s)+)' . $personRegexPrefixedSurname . '$/', '/^\\s*(?P<surname>' . $personRegex['surname'] . ')(?P<suffix>(?:\\s+' . $personRegex['suffix'] . ')?)\\s*,\\s*(?P<initials>(?:' . $personRegex['initials'] . ')?)\\s*\\((?P<givenName>(?:\\s*' . $personRegex['givenName'] . ')+)\\s*\\)\\s*(?P<prefix>(?:' . $personRegex['prefix'] . ')?)$/', '/^(?P<givenName>' . $personRegex['givenName'] . ')\\.(?P<surname>' . $personRegex['double-surname'] . ')$/', '/^(?P<surname>.*)$/');
     $results = array();
     foreach ($personExpressions as $expressionId => $personExpression) {
         if ($nameFound = PKPString::regexp_match_get($personExpression, $personString, $results)) {
             // Given names
             if (!empty($results['givenName'])) {
                 // Split given names
                 $givenNames = explode(' ', trim($results['givenName']));
                 foreach ($givenNames as $givenName) {
                     $personDescription->addStatement('given-names', $givenName);
             // Initials (will also be saved as given names)
             if (!empty($results['initials'])) {
                 $results['initials'] = str_replace(array('.', '-', ' '), array('', '', ''), $results['initials']);
                 for ($initialNum = 0; $initialNum < PKPString::strlen($results['initials']); $initialNum++) {
                     $initial = $results['initials'][$initialNum];
                     $personDescription->addStatement('given-names', $initial);
             // Surname
             if (!empty($results['surname'])) {
                 // Correct all-upper surname
                 if (strtoupper($results['surname']) == $results['surname']) {
                     $results['surname'] = ucwords(strtolower($results['surname']));
                 $personDescription->addStatement('surname', $results['surname']);
             // Prefix/Suffix
             foreach (array('prefix', 'suffix') as $propertyName) {
                 if (!empty($results[$propertyName])) {
                     $results[$propertyName] = trim($results[$propertyName]);
                     $personDescription->addStatement($propertyName, $results[$propertyName]);
     return $personDescription;
Beispiel #10
  * Create and return an issue node, either as work or as manifestation.
  * @param $doc DOMDocument
  * @param $pubObject Issue
  * @return DOMElement
 function createIssueNode($doc, $pubObject)
     $deployment = $this->getDeployment();
     $context = $deployment->getContext();
     $cache = $deployment->getCache();
     $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin();
     $request = Application::getRequest();
     $router = $request->getRouter();
     $issueNodeName = $this->isWork($context, $plugin) ? 'DOISerialIssueWork' : 'DOISerialIssueVersion';
     $issueNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), $issueNodeName);
     // Notification type (mandatory)
     $doi = $pubObject->getStoredPubId('doi');
     $registeredDoi = $pubObject->getData('medra::registeredDoi');
     assert(empty($registeredDoi) || $registeredDoi == $doi);
     $notificationType = empty($registeredDoi) ? O4DOI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NEW : O4DOI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_UPDATE;
     $issueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'NotificationType', $notificationType));
     // DOI (mandatory)
     $issueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DOI', htmlspecialchars($doi, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
     // DOI URL (mandatory)
     $url = $router->url($request, $context->getPath(), 'article', 'view', $pubObject->getBestIssueId(), null, null, true);
     if ($plugin->isTestMode($context)) {
         // Change server domain for testing.
         $url = PKPString::regexp_replace('#://[^\\s]+/index.php#', '://', $url);
     $issueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DOIWebsiteLink', $url));
     // DOI strucural type
     $structuralType = $this->isWork($context, $plugin) ? 'Abstraction' : 'DigitalFixation';
     $issueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DOIStructuralType', $structuralType));
     // Registrant (mandatory)
     $issueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'RegistrantName', htmlspecialchars($plugin->getSetting($context->getId(), 'registrantName'), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
     // Registration authority (mandatory)
     $issueNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'RegistrationAuthority', 'mEDRA'));
     // Work/ProductIdentifier - proprietary ID
     $pubObjectProprietaryId = $context->getId() . '-' . $pubObject->getId();
     $workOrProduct = $this->isWork($context, $plugin) ? 'Work' : 'Product';
     $issueNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, $workOrProduct, O4DOI_ID_TYPE_PROPRIETARY, $pubObjectProprietaryId));
     // Issue/journal and object locale precedence.
     $journalLocalePrecedence = $objectLocalePrecedence = $this->getObjectLocalePrecedence($context, null, null);
     // Serial Publication (mandatory)
     $issueNode->appendChild($this->createSerialPublicationNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence, O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_HTML));
     // Journal Issue (mandatory)
     $issueId = $pubObject->getId();
     if (!$cache->isCached('issues', $issueId)) {
         $cache->add($pubObject, null);
     $issueNode->appendChild($this->createJournalIssueNode($doc, $pubObject, $journalLocalePrecedence));
     // Object Description 'OtherText'
     $descriptions = $this->getTranslationsByPrecedence($pubObject->getDescription(null), $objectLocalePrecedence);
     foreach ($descriptions as $locale => $description) {
         $issueNode->appendChild($this->createOtherTextNode($doc, $locale, $description));
     // 4) issue (as-work and as-manifestation):
     // related works:
     // - includes articles-as-work
     $articleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
     /* @var $articleDao PublishedArticleDAO */
     $articlesByIssue = $articleDao->getPublishedArticles($issueId);
     $galleyDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleGalleyDAO');
     /* @var $galleyDao ArticleGalleyDAO */
     $galleysByIssue = array();
     foreach ($articlesByIssue as $relatedArticle) {
         $articleProprietaryId = $context->getId() . '-' . $pubObject->getId() . '-' . $relatedArticle->getId();
         $relatedArticleIds = array(O4DOI_ID_TYPE_PROPRIETARY => $articleProprietaryId);
         $doi = $relatedArticle->getStoredPubId('doi');
         if (!empty($doi)) {
             $relatedArticleIds[O4DOI_ID_TYPE_DOI] = $doi;
         $issueNode->appendChild($this->createRelatedNode($doc, 'Work', O4DOI_RELATION_INCLUDES, $relatedArticleIds));
         // Collect galleys by issue
         $galleysByArticle = $galleyDao->getBySubmissionId($relatedArticle->getId())->toArray();
         $galleysByIssue = array_merge($galleysByIssue, $galleysByArticle);
         unset($relatedArticle, $relatedArticleIds);
     // related products:
     // - includes articles-as-manifestation
     foreach ($galleysByIssue as $relatedGalley) {
         $galleyProprietaryId = $context->getId() . '-' . $pubObject->getId() . '-' . $relatedGalley->getSubmissionId() . '-g' . $relatedGalley->getId();
         $relatedGalleyIds = array(O4DOI_ID_TYPE_PROPRIETARY => $galleyProprietaryId);
         $doi = $relatedGalley->getStoredPubId('doi');
         if (!empty($doi)) {
             $relatedGalleyIds[O4DOI_ID_TYPE_DOI] = $doi;
         $issueNode->appendChild($this->createRelatedNode($doc, 'Product', O4DOI_RELATION_INCLUDES, $relatedGalleyIds));
         unset($relatedGalley, $relatedGalleyIds);
     return $issueNode;
Beispiel #11
  * Mark an object as "registered"
  * by saving it's DOI to the object's
  * "registeredDoi" setting.
  * We prefix the setting with the plug-in's
  * id so that we do not get name clashes
  * when several DOI registration plug-ins
  * are active at the same time.
  * @parem $request Request
  * @param $object Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
  * @parem $testPrefix string
 function markRegistered($request, $object, $testPrefix)
     $registeredDoi = $object->getPubId('doi');
     if ($this->isTestMode($request)) {
         $registeredDoi = PKPString::regexp_replace('#^[^/]+/#', $testPrefix . '/', $registeredDoi);
     $this->saveRegisteredDoi($object, $registeredDoi);
Beispiel #12
  * Retrieve the DOI of an object. The DOI will be
  * patched if we are in test mode.
  * @param $object Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
  * @return string
 function _getDoi(&$object)
     $doi = $object->getPubId('doi');
     if (!empty($doi) && $this->getTestMode()) {
         $doi = PKPString::regexp_replace('#^[^/]+/#', MEDRA_WS_TESTPREFIX . '/', $doi);
     return $doi;
Beispiel #13
  * Strip SQL comments from SQL string.
  * @param $sql string
 function stripComments(&$sql)
     $sql = trim(PKPString::regexp_replace(sprintf('/^\\s*%s(.*)$/m', $this->commentDelim), '', $sql));
Beispiel #14
  * Translate query keywords.
  * @param $searchPhrase string
  * @return The translated search phrase.
 function _translateSearchPhrase($searchPhrase, $backwards = false)
     static $queryKeywords;
     if (is_null($queryKeywords)) {
         // Query keywords.
         $queryKeywords = array(PKPString::strtoupper(__('search.operator.not')) => 'NOT', PKPString::strtoupper(__('search.operator.and')) => 'AND', PKPString::strtoupper(__('search.operator.or')) => 'OR');
     if ($backwards) {
         $translationTable = array_flip($queryKeywords);
     } else {
         $translationTable = $queryKeywords;
     // Translate the search phrase.
     foreach ($translationTable as $translateFrom => $translateTo) {
         $searchPhrase = PKPString::regexp_replace("/(^|\\s){$translateFrom}(\\s|\$)/i", "\\1{$translateTo}\\2", $searchPhrase);
     return $searchPhrase;
Beispiel #15
  * Suggest a username given the first and last names.
  * @return string
 static function suggestUsername($firstName, $lastName)
     $initial = PKPString::substr($firstName, 0, 1);
     $suggestion = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '', PKPString::strtolower($initial . $lastName));
     $userDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('UserDAO');
     for ($i = ''; $userDao->userExistsByUsername($suggestion . $i); $i++) {
     return $suggestion . $i;
Beispiel #16
  * @see PubIdPlugin::getPubId()
 function getPubId($pubObject, $preview = false)
     $urn = $pubObject->getStoredPubId($this->getPubIdType());
     if (!$urn) {
         // Determine the type of the publishing object
         $pubObjectType = $this->getPubObjectType($pubObject);
         // Initialize variables for publication objects
         $issue = $pubObjectType == 'Issue' ? $pubObject : null;
         $article = $pubObjectType == 'Article' ? $pubObject : null;
         $galley = $pubObjectType == 'Galley' ? $pubObject : null;
         // Get the journal id of the object
         if (in_array($pubObjectType, array('Issue', 'Article'))) {
             $journalId = $pubObject->getJournalId();
         } else {
             // Retrieve the published article
             assert(is_a($pubObject, 'SubmissionFile'));
             $articleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('ArticleDAO');
             $article = $articleDao->getById($pubObject->getArticleId(), null, true);
             if (!$article) {
                 return null;
             // Now we can identify the journal
             $journalId = $article->getJournalId();
         // get the journal
         $journal = $this->getJournal($journalId);
         if (!$journal) {
             return null;
         $journalId = $journal->getId();
         // Check whether URNs are enabled for the given object type
         $urnEnabled = $this->getSetting($journalId, "enable{$pubObjectType}URN") == '1';
         if (!$urnEnabled) {
             return null;
         // Retrieve the issue
         if (!is_a($pubObject, 'Issue')) {
             $issueDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
             $issue = $issueDao->getIssueByArticleId($article->getId(), $journal->getId());
         // Retrieve the URN prefix
         $urnPrefix = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'urnPrefix');
         if (empty($urnPrefix)) {
             return null;
         // Generate the URN suffix
         $urnSuffixSetting = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'urnSuffix');
         switch ($urnSuffixSetting) {
             case 'publisherId':
                 $urnSuffix = (string) call_user_func_array(array($pubObject, "getBest{$pubObjectType}Id"), array(&$journal));
                 // When the suffix equals the object's ID then
                 // require an object-specific prefix to be sure that the suffix is unique
                 if ($pubObjectType != 'Article' && $urnSuffix === (string) $pubObject->getId()) {
                     $urnSuffix = strtolower_codesafe($pubObjectType[0]) . $urnSuffix;
                 if (!empty($urnSuffix)) {
                     $urn = $urnPrefix . $urnSuffix;
                     if ($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'checkNo')) {
                         $urn .= $this->_calculateCheckNo($urn);
             case 'customIdentifier':
                 $urnSuffix = $pubObject->getData('urnSuffix');
                 if (!empty($urnSuffix)) {
                     $urn = $urnPrefix . $urnSuffix;
             case 'pattern':
                 $urnSuffix = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), "urn{$pubObjectType}SuffixPattern");
                 // %j - journal initials
                 $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%j/', PKPString::strtolower($journal->getAcronym($journal->getPrimaryLocale())), $urnSuffix);
                 // %x - custom identifier
                 if ($pubObject->getStoredPubId('publisher-id')) {
                     $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%x/', $pubObject->getStoredPubId('publisher-id'), $urnSuffix);
                 if ($issue) {
                     // %v - volume number
                     $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%v/', $issue->getVolume(), $urnSuffix);
                     // %i - issue number
                     $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%i/', $issue->getNumber(), $urnSuffix);
                     // %Y - year
                     $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%Y/', $issue->getYear(), $urnSuffix);
                 if ($article) {
                     // %a - article id
                     $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%a/', $article->getId(), $urnSuffix);
                     // %p - page number
                     if ($article->getPages()) {
                         $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%p/', $article->getPages(), $urnSuffix);
                 if ($galley) {
                     // %g - galley id
                     $urnSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%g/', $galley->getId(), $urnSuffix);
                 if (!empty($urnSuffix)) {
                     $urn = $urnPrefix . $urnSuffix;
                     if ($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'checkNo')) {
                         $urn .= $this->_calculateCheckNo($urn);
                 $urnSuffix = PKPString::strtolower($journal->getAcronym($journal->getPrimaryLocale()));
                 if ($issue) {
                     $urnSuffix .= '.v' . $issue->getVolume() . 'i' . $issue->getNumber();
                 } else {
                     $urnSuffix .= '.v%vi%i';
                 if ($article) {
                     $urnSuffix .= '.' . $article->getId();
                 if ($galley) {
                     $urnSuffix .= '.g' . $galley->getId();
                 $urn = $urnPrefix . $urnSuffix;
                 if ($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'checkNo')) {
                     $urn .= $this->_calculateCheckNo($urn);
         if ($urn && !$preview) {
             $this->setStoredPubId($pubObject, $pubObjectType, $urn);
     return $urn;
  * Take an NLM preliminary meta-data array and fix publisher-loc
  * and publisher-name entries:
  * - If there is a location but no name then try to extract a
  *   publisher name from the location string.
  * - Make sure that location and name are not the same.
  * - Copy institution to publisher if no publisher is set,
  *   otherwise leave the institution.
  * @param $metadata array
  * @return array
 function &fixPublisherNameAndLocation(&$metadata)
     if (isset($metadata['publisher-loc'])) {
         // Extract publisher-name from publisher-loc if we don't have a
         // publisher-name in the parsing result.
         if (empty($metadata['publisher-name'])) {
             $metadata['publisher-name'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/.*:([^,]+),?.*/', '\\1', $metadata['publisher-loc']);
         // Remove publisher-name from publisher-loc
         $metadata['publisher-loc'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/^(.+):.*/', '\\1', $metadata['publisher-loc']);
         // Check that publisher-name and location are not the same
         if (!empty($metadata['publisher-name']) && $metadata['publisher-name'] == $metadata['publisher-loc']) {
     // Copy the institution property (if any) as the publisher-name
     if (isset($metadata['institution']) && (!isset($metadata['publisher-name']) || empty($metadata['publisher-name']))) {
         $metadata['publisher-name'] = $metadata['institution'];
     // Clean the result
     foreach (array('publisher-name', 'publisher-loc') as $publisherProperty) {
         if (isset($metadata[$publisherProperty])) {
             $metadata[$publisherProperty] = PKPString::trimPunctuation($metadata[$publisherProperty]);
     return $metadata;
  * Take a citation string and clean/normalize it
  * @param $citationString string
  * @return string
 function _cleanCitationString($citationString)
     // 1) If the string contains non-UTF8 characters, convert it to UTF-8
     if (Config::getVar('i18n', 'charset_normalization') && !PKPString::utf8_compliant($citationString)) {
         $citationString = PKPString::utf8_normalize($citationString);
     // 2) Strip slashes and whitespace
     $citationString = trim(stripslashes($citationString));
     // 3) Normalize whitespace
     $citationString = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[\\s]+/', ' ', $citationString);
     return $citationString;
  * Sanitize a value to be used in a file path.
  * Removes any characters except alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.
  * @param $var string
  * @return string
 static function cleanFileVar($var)
     return PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^\\w\\-]/', '', $var);
Beispiel #20
  * Create an identifier element with the object's DOI.
  * @param $object Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
  * @param $relationType string One of the DATACITE_RELTYPE_* constants.
  * @return XMLNode|DOMImplementation|null Can be null if the given ID Type
  *  has not been assigned to the given object.
 function &_relatedIdentifierElement(&$object, $relationType)
     $id = $object->getStoredPubId('doi');
     if (empty($id)) {
         return $nullVar;
         $nullVar = null;
     if ($this->getTestMode()) {
         $id = PKPString::regexp_replace('#^[^/]+/#', DATACITE_API_TESTPREFIX . '/', $id);
     return $this->createElementWithText('relatedIdentifier', $id, array('relatedIdentifierType' => DATACITE_IDTYPE_DOI, 'relationType' => $relationType));
Beispiel #21
  * Create a serial version node.
  * @param $doc DOMDocument
  * @param $issn string
  * @param $productForm One of the O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_* constants
  * @param $epubFormat O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_*
  * @return DOMElement
 function createSerialVersionNode($doc, $issn, $productForm, $epubFormat = null)
     $deployment = $this->getDeployment();
     $context = $deployment->getContext();
     $serialVersionNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'SerialVersion');
     // Proprietary Journal Identifier
     if ($productForm == O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_ELECTRONIC) {
         $serialVersionNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, 'Product', O4DOI_ID_TYPE_PROPRIETARY, $context->getId()));
     // ISSN
     if (!empty($issn)) {
         $issn = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $issn);
         $serialVersionNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, 'Product', O4DOI_ID_TYPE_ISSN, $issn));
     // Product Form
     $serialVersionNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'ProductForm', $productForm));
     if ($productForm == O4DOI_PRODUCT_FORM_ELECTRONIC) {
         // ePublication Format
         if ($epubFormat) {
             $serialVersionNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'EpubFormat', $epubFormat));
         // ePublication Format Description
         $serialVersionNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'EpubFormatDescription', 'Open Journal Systems (OJS)'));
     return $serialVersionNode;
  * @copydoc Filter::process()
  * @param $input string
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &process(&$input)
     $citationString =& $input;
     // Initialize the parser result array
     $matches = array();
     $metadata = array();
     // Parse out any embedded URLs
     $urlPattern = '(<?(https?://([-\\w\\.]+)+(:\\d+)?(/([\\w/_\\.,]*(\\?[^\\s>]+)?)?)?)>?)';
     if (PKPString::regexp_match_get($urlPattern, $citationString, $matches)) {
         // Assume that the URL is a link to the resource.
         $metadata['uri'] = $matches[1];
         // Remove the URL from the citation string
         $citationString = PKPString::regexp_replace($urlPattern, '', $citationString);
         // If the URL is a link to PubMed, save the PMID
         $pmIdExpressions = array('/list_uids=(?P<pmId>\\d+)/i', '/pubmed.*details_term=(?P<pmId>\\d+)/i', '/pubmedid=(?P<pmId>\\d+)/i');
         foreach ($pmIdExpressions as $pmIdExpression) {
             if (PKPString::regexp_match_get($pmIdExpression, $matches[1], $pmIdMatches)) {
                 $metadata['pub-id[@pub-id-type="pmid"]'] = $pmIdMatches['pmId'];
     // Parse out an embedded PMID and remove from the citation string
     $pmidPattern = '/pmid:?\\s*(\\d+)/i';
     if (PKPString::regexp_match_get($pmidPattern, $citationString, $matches)) {
         $metadata['pub-id[@pub-id-type="pmid"]'] = $matches[1];
         $citationString = PKPString::regexp_replace($pmidPattern, '', $citationString);
     // Parse out an embedded DOI and remove it from the citation string
     $doiPattern = '/doi:?\\s*(\\S+)/i';
     if (PKPString::regexp_match_get($doiPattern, $citationString, $matches)) {
         $metadata['pub-id[@pub-id-type="doi"]'] = $matches[1];
         $citationString = PKPString::regexp_replace($doiPattern, '', $citationString);
     // Parse out the access date if we have one and remove it from the citation string
     $accessDatePattern = '/accessed:?\\s*([\\s\\w]+)/i';
     if (PKPString::regexp_match_get($accessDatePattern, $citationString, $matches)) {
         $metadata['access-date'] = $matches[1];
         $citationString = PKPString::regexp_replace($accessDatePattern, '', $citationString);
     // Clean out square brackets
     $citationString = PKPString::regexp_replace('/\\[(\\s*(pubmed|medline|full text)\\s*)*]/i', '', $citationString);
     // Book citation
     $unparsedTail = '';
     if (PKPString::regexp_match_get("/\\s*(?P<authors>[^\\.]+)\\.\\s*(?P<source>.*?)\\s*(?P<publisherLoc>[^\\.]*):\\s*(?P<publisherName>[^:]*?);\\s*(?P<date>\\d\\d\\d\\d.*?)(?P<tail>.*)/", $citationString, $matches)) {
         $metadata['[@publication-type]'] = NLM30_PUBLICATION_TYPE_BOOK;
         $metadata['author'] = $matches['authors'];
         $metadata['source'] = $matches['source'];
         $metadata['publisher-loc'] = $matches['publisherLoc'];
         $metadata['publisher-name'] = $matches['publisherName'];
         $metadata['date'] = $matches['date'];
         $unparsedTail = $matches['tail'];
         // Journal citation
     } elseif (PKPString::regexp_match_get("/\\s*(?P<authors>[^\\.]+)\\.\\s*(?P<titleSource>.*)\\s*(?P<date>\\d\\d\\d\\d.*?);(?P<volumeAndIssue>[^:]+):(?P<tail>.*)/", $citationString, $matches)) {
         $metadata['[@publication-type]'] = NLM30_PUBLICATION_TYPE_JOURNAL;
         $metadata['author'] = $matches['authors'];
         $titleSource = array();
         if (PKPString::regexp_match_get("/(.*[\\.!\\?])(.*)/", trim($matches['titleSource'], " ."), $titleSource)) {
             $metadata['article-title'] = $titleSource[1];
             $metadata['source'] = $titleSource[2];
         $metadata['date'] = $matches['date'];
         $volumeAndIssue = array();
         if (PKPString::regexp_match_get("/([^\\(]+)(\\(([^\\)]+)\\))?/", $matches['volumeAndIssue'], $volumeAndIssue)) {
             $metadata['volume'] = $volumeAndIssue[1];
             if (isset($volumeAndIssue[3])) {
                 $metadata['issue'] = $volumeAndIssue[3];
         $unparsedTail = $matches['tail'];
         // Web citation with or without authors
     } elseif (PKPString::regexp_match_get("/\\s*(?P<citationSource>.*?)\\s*URL:\\s*(?P<tail>.*)/", $citationString, $matches)) {
         $unparsedTail = $matches['tail'];
         $citationParts = explode(".", trim($matches['citationSource'], '. '));
         switch (count($citationParts)) {
             case 0:
                 // This case should never occur...
             case 1:
                 // Assume this to be a title for the web site.
                 $metadata['article-title'] = $citationParts[0];
             case 2:
                 // Assume the format: Authors. Title.
                 $metadata['author'] = $citationParts[0];
                 $metadata['article-title'] = $citationParts[1];
                 // Assume the format: Authors. Article Title. Journal Title.
                 $metadata['author'] = array_shift($citationParts);
                 // The last part is assumed to be the journal title
                 $metadata['source'] = array_pop($citationParts);
                 // Everything in between is assumed to belong to the article title
                 $metadata['article-title'] = implode('.', $citationParts);
     // TODO: Handle in-ref titles, eg. with editor lists
     // Extract page numbers if possible
     $pagesPattern = "/^[:p\\.\\s]*(?P<fpage>[Ee]?\\d+)(-(?P<lpage>\\d+))?/";
     if (!empty($unparsedTail) && PKPString::regexp_match_get($pagesPattern, $unparsedTail, $matches)) {
         $metadata['fpage'] = $matches['fpage'];
         if (isset($matches['lpage'])) {
             $metadata['lpage'] = $matches['lpage'];
         // Add the unparsed part of the citation string as a comment so it doesn't get lost.
         $comment = PKPString::trimPunctuation(PKPString::regexp_replace($pagesPattern, '', $unparsedTail));
         if (!empty($comment)) {
             $metadata['comment'] = $comment;
     // Make the meta-data fully NLM citation compliant
     $metadata =& $this->postProcessMetadataArray($metadata);
     // Create the NLM citation description
     return $this->getNlm30CitationDescriptionFromMetadataArray($metadata);
  * Build the test file UI as understood by Selenium.
  * @param string $fileFormat The test file format, e.g. "pdf".
  * @return string
 private function _getTestFileUri($fileFormat)
     $testFile = 'tests/functional/pages/editor/test-files/test-article.' . $fileFormat;
     $testFile = realpath($testFile);
     if (Core::isWindows()) {
         $testFile = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $testFile);
         $testFile = PKPString::regexp_replace('%^[A-Z]:/%', '/', $testFile);
     $testFile = 'file://' . $testFile;
     return $testFile;
  * Create and return the article (as work or as manifestation) node.
  * @param $doc DOMDocument
  * @param $pubObject PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
  * @return DOMElement
 function createArticleNode($doc, $pubObject)
     $deployment = $this->getDeployment();
     $context = $deployment->getContext();
     $cache = $deployment->getCache();
     $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin();
     $request = Application::getRequest();
     $router = $request->getRouter();
     assert(is_a($pubObject, 'PublishedArticle') && $this->isWork($context, $plugin) || is_a($pubObject, 'ArticleGalley') && !$this->isWork($context, $plugin));
     if (is_a($pubObject, 'PublishedArticle')) {
         $galley = null;
         $article = $pubObject;
         if (!$cache->isCached('articles', $article->getId())) {
             $cache->add($article, null);
         $articleNodeName = 'DOISerialArticleWork';
         $workOrProduct = 'Work';
         $epubFormat = O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_HTML;
     } else {
         $galley = $pubObject;
         $galleyFile = $galley->getFile();
         if ($cache->isCached('articles', $galley->getSubmissionId())) {
             $article = $cache->get('articles', $galley->getSubmissionId());
         } else {
             $publishedArticleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
             /* @var $publishedArticleDao PublishedArticleDAO */
             $article = $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($galley->getSubmissionId());
             if ($article) {
                 $cache->add($article, null);
         $articleNodeName = 'DOISerialArticleVersion';
         $workOrProduct = 'Product';
         $epubFormat = null;
         if ($galley->isPdfGalley()) {
             $epubFormat = O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_PDF;
         } else {
             if ($galley->getRemoteURL() || $galleyFile->getFileType() == 'text/html') {
                 $epubFormat = O4DOI_EPUB_FORMAT_HTML;
     $articleNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), $articleNodeName);
     // Notification type (mandatory)
     $doi = $pubObject->getStoredPubId('doi');
     $registeredDoi = $pubObject->getData('medra::registeredDoi');
     assert(empty($registeredDoi) || $registeredDoi == $doi);
     $notificationType = empty($registeredDoi) ? O4DOI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NEW : O4DOI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_UPDATE;
     $articleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'NotificationType', $notificationType));
     // DOI (mandatory)
     $articleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DOI', $doi));
     // DOI URL (mandatory)
     $urlPath = $article->getBestArticleId();
     if ($galley) {
         $urlPath = array($article->getBestArticleId(), $galley->getBestGalleyId());
     $url = $router->url($request, $context->getPath(), 'article', 'view', $urlPath);
     if ($plugin->isTestMode($context)) {
         // Change server domain for testing.
         $url = PKPString::regexp_replace('#://[^\\s]+/index.php#', '://', $url);
     $articleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DOIWebsiteLink', $url));
     // DOI strucural type
     $articleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'DOIStructuralType', $this->getDOIStructuralType()));
     // Registrant (mandatory)
     $articleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'RegistrantName', $plugin->getSetting($context->getId(), 'registrantName')));
     // Registration authority (mandatory)
     $articleNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'RegistrationAuthority', 'mEDRA'));
     // WorkIdentifier - proprietary ID
     $pubObjectProprietaryId = $context->getId() . '-' . $article->getIssueId() . '-' . $article->getId();
     if ($galley) {
         $pubObjectProprietaryId .= '-g' . $galley->getId();
     $articleNode->appendChild($this->createIdentifierNode($doc, $workOrProduct, O4DOI_ID_TYPE_PROPRIETARY, $pubObjectProprietaryId));
     // Issue/journal locale precedence.
     $journalLocalePrecedence = $this->getObjectLocalePrecedence($context, null, null);
     // Serial Publication (mandatory)
     $articleNode->appendChild($this->createSerialPublicationNode($doc, $journalLocalePrecedence, $epubFormat));
     // Journal Issue (mandatory)
     $issueId = $article->getIssueId();
     if ($cache->isCached('issues', $issueId)) {
         $issue = $cache->get('issues', $issueId);
     } else {
         $issueDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
         /* @var $issueDao IssueDAO */
         $issue = $issueDao->getById($issueId, $context->getId());
         if ($issue) {
             $cache->add($issue, null);
     $articleNode->appendChild($this->createJournalIssueNode($doc, $issue, $journalLocalePrecedence));
     // Object locale precedence.
     $objectLocalePrecedence = $this->getObjectLocalePrecedence($context, $article, $galley);
     // Content Item (mandatory for articles)
     $articleNode->appendChild($this->createContentItemNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $objectLocalePrecedence));
     return $articleNode;
Beispiel #25
  * Do the actual web service request.
  * @param $action string
  * @param $arg string
  * @param $attachment array
  * @return boolean|string True for success, an error message otherwise.
 function _doRequest($action, $arg, $attachment = null)
     // Build the multipart SOAP message from scratch.
     $soapMessage = '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" ' . 'xmlns:med="">' . '<SOAP-ENV:Header/>' . '<SOAP-ENV:Body>' . "<med:{$action}>{$arg}</med:{$action}>" . '</SOAP-ENV:Body>' . '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
     $soapMessageId = $this->_getContentId($action);
     if ($attachment) {
         assert(count($attachment) == 1);
         $request = "--MIME_boundary\r\n" . $this->_getMimePart($soapMessageId, $soapMessage) . "--MIME_boundary\r\n" . $this->_getMimePart(key($attachment), current($attachment)) . "--MIME_boundary--\r\n";
         $contentType = 'multipart/related; type="text/xml"; boundary="MIME_boundary"';
     } else {
         $request = $soapMessage;
         $contentType = 'text/xml';
     // Prepare HTTP session.
     $curlCh = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_POST, true);
     // Set up basic authentication.
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->_auth);
     // Set up SSL.
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     // Make SOAP request.
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_URL, $this->_endpoint);
     $extraHeaders = array('SOAPAction: "' . $action . '"', 'Content-Type: ' . $contentType, 'UserAgent: OJS-mEDRA');
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $extraHeaders);
     curl_setopt($curlCh, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
     $result = true;
     $response = curl_exec($curlCh);
     // We do not localize our error messages as they are all
     // fatal errors anyway and must be analyzed by technical staff.
     if ($response === false) {
         $result = 'OJS-mEDRA: Expected string response.';
     if ($result === true && ($status = curl_getinfo($curlCh, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)) != MEDRA_WS_RESPONSE_OK) {
         $result = 'OJS-mEDRA: Expected ' . MEDRA_WS_RESPONSE_OK . ' response code, got ' . $status . ' instead.';
     // Check SOAP response by simple string manipulation rather
     // than instantiating a DOM.
     if (is_string($response)) {
         $matches = array();
         PKPString::regexp_match_get('#<faultstring>([^<]*)</faultstring>#', $response, $matches);
         if (empty($matches)) {
             if ($attachment) {
                 assert(PKPString::regexp_match('#<returnCode>success</returnCode>#', $response));
             } else {
                 $parts = explode("\r\n\r\n", $response);
                 $result = array_pop($parts);
                 $result = PKPString::regexp_replace('/>[^>]*$/', '>', $result);
         } else {
             $result = 'mEDRA: ' . $status . ' - ' . $matches[1];
     } else {
         $result = 'OJS-mEDRA: Expected string response.';
     return $result;
Beispiel #26
  * Saving object's DOI to the object's
  * "registeredDoi" setting.
  * We prefix the setting with the plugin's
  * id so that we do not get name clashes
  * when several DOI registration plug-ins
  * are active at the same time.
  * @param $context Context
  * @param $object Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
  * @param $testPrefix string
 function saveRegisteredDoi($context, $object, $testPrefix = '10.1234')
     $registeredDoi = $object->getStoredPubId('doi');
     if ($this->isTestMode($context)) {
         $registeredDoi = PKPString::regexp_replace('#^[^/]+/#', $testPrefix . '/', $registeredDoi);
     $object->setData($this->getPluginSettingsPrefix() . '::' . DOI_EXPORT_REGISTERED_DOI, $registeredDoi);
  * Get the canonical URL of an object.
  * @param $request Request
  * @param $journal Journal
  * @param $object Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
 function _getObjectUrl($request, $journal, $object)
     $router = $request->getRouter();
     // Retrieve the article of article files.
     if (is_a($object, 'SubmissionFile')) {
         $articleId = $object->getArticleId();
         $cache = $this->getCache();
         if ($cache->isCached('articles', $articleId)) {
             $article = $cache->get('articles', $articleId);
         } else {
             $articleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
             /* @var $articleDao PublishedArticleDAO */
             $article = $articleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($articleId, $journal->getId(), true);
         assert(is_a($article, 'PublishedArticle'));
     $url = null;
     switch (true) {
         case is_a($object, 'Issue'):
             $url = $router->url($request, null, 'issue', 'view', $object->getBestIssueId($journal));
         case is_a($object, 'PublishedArticle'):
             $url = $router->url($request, null, 'article', 'view', $object->getBestArticleId($journal));
         case is_a($object, 'ArticleGalley'):
             $url = $router->url($request, null, 'article', 'view', array($article->getBestArticleId($journal), $object->getBestGalleyId($journal)));
     if ($this->isTestMode($request)) {
         // Change server domain for testing.
         $url = PKPString::regexp_replace('#://[^\\s]+/index.php#', '://', $url);
     return $url;
  * Fills the given citation description with
  * meta-data retrieved from Worldcat
  * @param $oclcId string
  * @return MetadataDescription
 function &_lookupWorldcat($oclcId)
     $nullVar = null;
     $lookupParams = array('wskey' => $this->getApiKey());
     if (is_null($resultDOM = $this->callWebService(WORLDCAT_WEBSERVICE_EXTRACT . urlencode($oclcId), $lookupParams))) {
         return $nullVar;
     if (is_null($metadata = $this->transformWebServiceResults($resultDOM, dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'worldcat.xsl'))) {
         return $nullVar;
     // FIXME: Use MARC parsed author field in XSL rather than full name
     // Clean non-numerics from ISBN
     if (!empty($metadata['isbn'])) {
         $metadata['isbn'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^\\dX]*/', '', $metadata['isbn']);
     // Clean non-numerics from issued date (year)
     if (!empty($metadata['date'])) {
         $metadata['date'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/,.*/', ', ', $metadata['date']);
         $metadata['date'] = PKPString::regexp_replace('/[^\\d{4}]/', '', $metadata['date']);
     $citationDescription =& $this->getNlm30CitationDescriptionFromMetadataArray($metadata);
     return $citationDescription;
Beispiel #29
  * @copydoc PKPPubIdPlugin::getPubId()
 function getPubId($pubObject)
     // Get the pub id type
     $pubIdType = $this->getPubIdType();
     // If we already have an assigned pub id, use it.
     $storedPubId = $pubObject->getStoredPubId($pubIdType);
     if ($storedPubId) {
         return $storedPubId;
     // Determine the type of the publishing object.
     $pubObjectType = $this->getPubObjectType($pubObject);
     // Initialize variables for publication objects.
     $submission = $pubObjectType == 'Submission' ? $pubObject : null;
     $representation = $pubObjectType == 'Representation' ? $pubObject : null;
     $submissionFile = $pubObjectType == 'SubmissionFile' ? $pubObject : null;
     // Get the context id.
     if ($pubObjectType == 'Submission') {
         $contextId = $pubObject->getContextId();
     } else {
         // Retrieve the submission.
         assert(is_a($pubObject, 'Representation') || is_a($pubObject, 'SubmissionFile'));
         $submissionDao = Application::getSubmissionDAO();
         $submission = $submissionDao->getById($pubObject->getSubmissionId(), null, true);
         if (!$submission) {
             return null;
         // Now we can identify the context.
         $contextId = $submission->getContextId();
     // Check the context
     $context = $this->getContext($contextId);
     if (!$context) {
         return null;
     $contextId = $context->getId();
     // Check whether pub ids are enabled for the given object type.
     $objectTypeEnabled = $this->isObjectTypeEnabled($pubObjectType, $contextId);
     if (!$objectTypeEnabled) {
         return null;
     // Retrieve the pub id prefix.
     $pubIdPrefix = $this->getSetting($contextId, $this->getPrefixFieldName());
     if (empty($pubIdPrefix)) {
         return null;
     // Generate the pub id suffix.
     $suffixFieldName = $this->getSuffixFieldName();
     $suffixGenerationStrategy = $this->getSetting($contextId, $suffixFieldName);
     switch ($suffixGenerationStrategy) {
         case 'customId':
             $pubIdSuffix = $pubObject->getData($suffixFieldName);
         case 'pattern':
             $suffixPatternsFieldNames = $this->getSuffixPatternsFieldNames();
             $pubIdSuffix = $this->getSetting($contextId, $suffixPatternsFieldNames[$pubObjectType]);
             // %p - press initials
             $pubIdSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%p/', PKPString::strtolower($context->getAcronym($context->getPrimaryLocale())), $pubIdSuffix);
             // %x - custom identifier
             if ($pubObject->getStoredPubId('publisher-id')) {
                 $pubIdSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%x/', $pubObject->getStoredPubId('publisher-id'), $pubIdSuffix);
             if ($submission) {
                 // %m - monograph id
                 $pubIdSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%m/', $submission->getId(), $pubIdSuffix);
             if ($representation) {
                 // %f - publication format id
                 $pubIdSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%f/', $representation->getId(), $pubIdSuffix);
             if ($submissionFile) {
                 // %s - file id
                 $pubIdSuffix = PKPString::regexp_replace('/%s/', $submissionFile->getFileId(), $pubIdSuffix);
             $pubIdSuffix = PKPString::strtolower($context->getAcronym($context->getPrimaryLocale()));
             if ($submission) {
                 $pubIdSuffix .= '.' . $submission->getId();
             if ($representation) {
                 $pubIdSuffix .= '.' . $representation->getId();
             if ($submissionFile) {
                 $pubIdSuffix .= '.' . $submissionFile->getFileId();
     if (empty($pubIdSuffix)) {
         return null;
     // Costruct the pub id from prefix and suffix.
     $pubId = $this->constructPubId($pubIdPrefix, $pubIdSuffix, $contextId);
     return $pubId;
Beispiel #30
  * @see Filter::process()
  * @param $pubObject Issue|PublishedArticle|ArticleGalley
  * @return DOMDocument
 function &process(&$pubObject)
     // Create the XML document
     $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
     $doc->formatOutput = true;
     $deployment = $this->getDeployment();
     $context = $deployment->getContext();
     $plugin = $deployment->getPlugin();
     $cache = $plugin->getCache();
     // Get all objects
     $issue = $article = $galley = $galleyFile = null;
     if (is_a($pubObject, 'Issue')) {
         $issue = $pubObject;
         if (!$cache->isCached('issues', $issue->getId())) {
             $cache->add($issue, null);
     } elseif (is_a($pubObject, 'PublishedArticle')) {
         $article = $pubObject;
         if (!$cache->isCached('articles', $article->getId())) {
             $cache->add($article, null);
     } elseif (is_a($pubObject, 'ArticleGalley')) {
         $galley = $pubObject;
         $galleyFile = $galley->getFile();
         $articleId = $galley->getSubmissionId();
         if ($cache->isCached('articles', $articleId)) {
             $article = $cache->get('articles', $articleId);
         } else {
             $articleDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
             /* @var $articleDao PublishedArticleDAO */
             $article = $articleDao->getPublishedArticleByArticleId($pubObject->getSubmissionId(), $context->getId());
             if ($article) {
                 $cache->add($article, null);
     if (!$issue) {
         $issueId = $article->getIssueId();
         if ($cache->isCached('issues', $issueId)) {
             $issue = $cache->get('issues', $issueId);
         } else {
             $issueDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('IssueDAO');
             /* @var $issueDao IssueDAO */
             $issue = $issueDao->getById($issueId, $context->getId());
             if ($issue) {
                 $cache->add($issue, null);
     // The publisher is required.
     // Use the journal title as DataCite recommends for now.
     $publisher = $this->getPrimaryTranslation($context->getName(null), $objectLocalePrecedence);
     // The publication date is required.
     $publicationDate = isset($article) ? $article->getDatePublished() : null;
     if (empty($publicationDate)) {
         $publicationDate = $issue->getDatePublished();
     // Create the root node
     $rootNode = $this->createRootNode($doc);
     // Identify the object locale.
     $objectLocalePrecedence = $this->getObjectLocalePrecedence($context, $article, $galley);
     // DOI (mandatory)
     $doi = $pubObject->getStoredPubId('doi');
     if ($plugin->isTestMode($context)) {
         $doi = PKPString::regexp_replace('#^[^/]+/#', DATACITE_API_TESTPREFIX . '/', $doi);
     $rootNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'identifier', htmlspecialchars($doi, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
     $node->setAttribute('identifierType', DATACITE_IDTYPE_DOI);
     // Creators (mandatory)
     $rootNode->appendChild($this->createCreatorsNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $galleyFile, $publisher, $objectLocalePrecedence));
     // Title (mandatory)
     $rootNode->appendChild($this->createTitlesNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $galleyFile, $objectLocalePrecedence));
     // Publisher (mandatory)
     $rootNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'publisher', htmlspecialchars($publisher, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
     // Publication Year (mandatory)
     $rootNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'publicationYear', date('Y', strtotime($publicationDate))));
     // Subjects
     $subject = null;
     if (!empty($galleyFile) && is_a($galleyFile, 'SupplementaryFile')) {
         $subject = $this->getPrimaryTranslation($galleyFile->getSubject(null), $objectLocalePrecedence);
     } elseif (!empty($article)) {
         $subject = $this->getPrimaryTranslation($article->getSubject(null), $objectLocalePrecedence);
     if (!empty($subject)) {
         $subjectsNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'subjects');
         $subjectsNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'subject', htmlspecialchars($subject, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
     // Dates
     $rootNode->appendChild($this->createDatesNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $galleyFile, $publicationDate));
     // Language
     $rootNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'language', AppLocale::getIso1FromLocale($objectLocalePrecedence[0])));
     // Resource Type
     $resourceTypeNode = $this->createResourceTypeNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $galleyFile);
     if ($resourceTypeNode) {
     // Alternate Identifiers
     $rootNode->appendChild($this->createAlternateIdentifiersNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley));
     // Related Identifiers
     $relatedIdentifiersNode = $this->createRelatedIdentifiersNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley);
     if ($relatedIdentifiersNode) {
     // Sizes
     $sizesNode = $this->createSizesNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $galleyFile);
     if ($sizesNode) {
     // Formats
     if (!empty($galleyFile)) {
         $format = $galleyFile->getFileType();
         if (!empty($format)) {
             $formatsNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'formats');
             $formatsNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'format', htmlspecialchars($format, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
     // Rights
     $rightsURL = $article ? $article->getLicenseURL() : $context->getSetting('licenseURL');
     if (!empty($rightsURL)) {
         $rightsNode = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'rightsList');
         $rightsNode->appendChild($node = $doc->createElementNS($deployment->getNamespace(), 'rights', htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(Application::getCCLicenseBadge($rightsURL)), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
         $node->setAttribute('rightsURI', $rightsURL);
     // Descriptions
     $descriptionsNode = $this->createDescriptionsNode($doc, $issue, $article, $galley, $galleyFile, $objectLocalePrecedence);
     if ($descriptionsNode) {
     return $doc;