getUserEmail() public static method

public static getUserEmail ( $user )
Beispiel #1
  * Exports this task in iCalendar format.
  * @param Horde_Icalendar $calendar  A Horde_Icalendar object that acts as
  *                                   the container.
  * @return Horde_Icalendar_Vtodo  A vtodo component of this task.
 public function toiCalendar(Horde_Icalendar $calendar)
     $vTodo = Horde_Icalendar::newComponent('vtodo', $calendar);
     $v1 = $calendar->getAttribute('VERSION') == '1.0';
     $vTodo->setAttribute('UID', $this->uid);
     if (!empty($this->assignee)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('ATTENDEE', Nag::getUserEmail($this->assignee), array('ROLE' => 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'));
     $vTodo->setAttribute('ORGANIZER', !empty($this->organizer) ? Nag::getUserEmail($this->organizer) : Nag::getUserEmail($this->owner));
     if (!empty($this->name)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('SUMMARY', $this->name);
     if (!empty($this->desc)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('DESCRIPTION', $this->desc);
     if (isset($this->priority)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('PRIORITY', $this->priority);
     if (!empty($this->parent_id) && !empty($this->parent)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('RELATED-TO', $this->parent->uid);
     if ($this->private) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('CLASS', 'PRIVATE');
     if (!empty($this->start)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('DTSTART', $this->start);
     if ($this->due) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('DUE', $this->due);
         if ($this->alarm) {
             if ($v1) {
                 $vTodo->setAttribute('AALARM', $this->due - $this->alarm * 60);
             } else {
                 $vAlarm = Horde_Icalendar::newComponent('valarm', $vTodo);
                 $vAlarm->setAttribute('ACTION', 'DISPLAY');
                 $vAlarm->setAttribute('TRIGGER;VALUE=DURATION', '-PT' . $this->alarm . 'M');
     if ($this->completed) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('STATUS', 'COMPLETED');
         $vTodo->setAttribute('COMPLETED', $this->completed_date ? $this->completed_date : $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
         $vTodo->setAttribute('PERCENT-COMPLETE', '100');
     } else {
         if (!empty($this->estimate)) {
             $vTodo->setAttribute('PERCENT-COMPLETE', $this->actual / $this->estimate * 100);
         if ($v1) {
             $vTodo->setAttribute('STATUS', 'NEEDS ACTION');
         } else {
             $vTodo->setAttribute('STATUS', 'NEEDS-ACTION');
     // Recurrence.
     // We may have to implicitely set DTSTART if not set explicitely, may
     // some clients choke on missing DTSTART attributes while RRULE exists.
     if ($this->recurs()) {
         if ($v1) {
             $rrule = $this->recurrence->toRRule10($calendar);
         } else {
             $rrule = $this->recurrence->toRRule20($calendar);
         if (!empty($rrule)) {
             $vTodo->setAttribute('RRULE', $rrule);
         /* The completions represent deleted recurrences */
         foreach ($this->recurrence->getCompletions() as $exception) {
             if (!empty($exception)) {
                 // Use multiple EXDATE attributes instead of EXDATE
                 // attributes with multiple values to make Apple iCal
                 // happy.
                 list($year, $month, $mday) = sscanf($exception, '%04d%02d%02d');
                 $vTodo->setAttribute('EXDATE', array(new Horde_Date($year, $month, $mday)), array('VALUE' => 'DATE'));
     if ($this->tags) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('CATEGORIES', implode(', ', $this->tags));
     /* Get the task's history. */
     $created = $modified = null;
     try {
         $log = $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_History')->getHistory('nag:' . $this->tasklist . ':' . $this->uid);
         foreach ($log as $entry) {
             switch ($entry['action']) {
                 case 'add':
                     $created = $entry['ts'];
                 case 'modify':
                     $modified = $entry['ts'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     if (!empty($created)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute($v1 ? 'DCREATED' : 'CREATED', $created);
         if (empty($modified)) {
             $modified = $created;
     if (!empty($modified)) {
         $vTodo->setAttribute('LAST-MODIFIED', $modified);
     return $vTodo;
Beispiel #2
  * Sends out iTip task notification to the assignee.
  * Can be used to send task invitations, updates, and cancellations.
  * @param Nag_Task $task  The task in question.
  * @param Horde_Notification_Handler $notification
  *        A notification object used to show result status.
  * @param integer $action
  *        The type of notification to send. One of the Nag::ITIP_* values.
  * @param Horde_Date $instance
  *        If cancelling a single instance of a recurring task, the date of
  *        this instance.
  * @param  string $range  The range parameter if this is a recurring event.
  *                        Possible values are self::RANGE_THISANDFUTURE
 public static function sendITipNotifications(Nag_Task $task, Horde_Notification_Handler $notification, $action, Horde_Date $instance = null, $range = null)
     global $injector, $registry, $nag_shares;
     if (!$task->assignee) {
     $ident = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Identity')->create($task->creator);
     if (!$ident->getValue('from_addr')) {
         $notification->push(sprintf(_("You do not have an email address configured in your Personal Information Preferences. You must set one %shere%s before event notifications can be sent."), $registry->getServiceLink('prefs', 'kronolith')->add(array('app' => 'horde', 'group' => 'identities'))->link(), '</a>'), 'horde.error', array('content.raw'));
     // Generate image mime part first and only once, because we
     // need the Content-ID.
     $image = self::getImagePart('big_invitation.png');
     $share = $nag_shares->getShare($task->tasklist);
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => NAG_TEMPLATES . '/itip'));
     new Horde_View_Helper_Text($view);
     $view->identity = $ident;
     $view->task = $task;
     $view->imageId = $image->getContentId();
     $email = Nag::getUserEmail($task->assignee);
     if (strpos($email, '@') === false) {
     /* Determine all notification-specific strings. */
     $method = 'REQUEST';
     switch ($action) {
         case self::ITIP_CANCEL:
             /* Cancellation. */
             $method = 'CANCEL';
             $filename = 'task-cancellation.ics';
             $view->subject = sprintf(_("Cancelled: %s"), $task->name);
             if (empty($instance)) {
                 $view->header = sprintf(_("%s has cancelled \"%s\"."), $ident->getName(), $task->name);
             } else {
                 $view->header = sprintf(_("%s has cancelled an instance of the recurring \"%s\"."), $ident->getName(), $task->name);
         case self::ITIP_UPDATE:
             if (!empty($task->organizer) && $task->organizer != Nag::getUserEmail($task->creator)) {
                 // Sending a progress update.
                 $method = 'REPLY';
             } else {
                 $method = 'UPDATE';
         case self::ITIP_REQUEST:
             if (empty($task->status) || $task->status == self::RESPONSE_NONE) {
                 /* Invitation. */
                 $filename = 'task-invitation.ics';
                 $view->subject = $task->name;
                 $view->header = sprintf(_("%s wishes to make you aware of \"%s\"."), $ident->getName(), $task->name);
             } else {
                 $filename = 'task-update.ics';
                 $view->subject = sprintf(_("Updated: %s."), $task->name);
                 $view->header = sprintf(_("%s wants to notify you about changes of \"%s\"."), $ident->getName(), $task->name);
     $view->attendees = $email;
     $view->organizer = empty($task->organizer) ? $registry->convertUserName($task->creator, false) : $task->organizer;
     /* Build the iCalendar data */
     $iCal = new Horde_Icalendar();
     $iCal->setAttribute('METHOD', $method);
     $vevent = $task->toiCalendar($iCal);
     /* text/calendar part */
     $ics = new Horde_Mime_Part();
     $ics->setContentTypeParameter('METHOD', $method);
     /* application/ics part */
     $ics2 = clone $ics;
     /* multipart/mixed part */
     $multipart = new Horde_Mime_Part();
     $inner = self::buildMimeMessage($view, 'notification', $image);
     $recipient = $method != 'REPLY' ? new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($email) : new Horde_Mail_Rfc822_Address($task->organizer);
     $mail = new Horde_Mime_Mail(array('Subject' => $view->subject, 'To' => $recipient, 'From' => $ident->getDefaultFromAddress(true), 'User-Agent' => 'Nag ' . $registry->getVersion()));
     try {
         $notification->push(sprintf(_("The task request notification to %s was successfully sent."), $recipient), 'horde.success');
     } catch (Horde_Mime_Exception $e) {
         $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was an error sending a task request notification to %s: %s"), $recipient, $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()), 'horde.error');