  * 登录
 public function login()
     $user = $this->getR('user');
     $pwd = $this->convertPwd($this->getR('pwd'));
     $this->_modelUser = $this->getGlobal('model/User', 'Model_User');
     $userResult = $this->_modelUser->findByUser($user);
     if (!$userResult) {
         return array('status' => -1, 'info' => '账号不存在', 'data' => null);
     if ($userResult['pwd'] != $pwd) {
         return array('status' => -1, 'info' => '用户名密码错误', 'data' => null);
     $this->_modelUser->update(array('login_count' => '@@@+1'), "id={$userResult['id']}");
     return array('status' => 1, 'info' => '登录成功', 'data' => null);
Beispiel #2
  * 删除部门
 private function _departmentDel()
     if ($this->_modelDepartment->delById($_GET['Id'])) {
         $this->_modelUser->update(array('department_id' => '0'), "department_id={$_GET['Id']}");
     } else {
         $this->_utilMsg->showMsg('删除部门失败', -2);
Beispiel #3
 public function updateAction()
     $table = new Model_User();
     $set = array('tb_user' => 'mingri');
     $where = 'id = 2';
     if ($table->update($set, $where)) {
         $this->view->update = "修改成功!";
     } else {
         $this->view->update = "该数据不存在或已经被修改过";
Beispiel #4
 public function setlangAction()
     $this->referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     $lang = $this->_getParam("language");
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $umodel = new Model_User();
         $data = (array) $auth->getIdentity();
         $data['lang'] = $lang;
         $auth->getStorage()->write((object) $data);
     setcookie("lang", $lang, null, '/');
     if ($this->hasValidReferer()) {
         $new_url = explode("/", $this->referer);
         if (count($new_url) > 3 && strlen($new_url[3]) > 0) {
             $new_url[3] = $lang;
         $this->_redirect(join("/", $new_url), array('code' => 301));
     } else {
         $this->_redirect('/', array('code' => 301));
Beispiel #5
  * Check if we need to login the user or display the form, same form for normal user and admin
 public function action_login()
     //if user loged in redirect home
     if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
     } elseif ($this->request->post() and CSRF::valid('login')) {
         $blocked_login = FALSE;
         // Load the user
         $user = new Model_User();
         $user->where('email', '=', core::post('email'))->where('status', 'in', array(Model_User::STATUS_ACTIVE, Model_User::STATUS_SPAM))->limit(1)->find();
         // Check if we must block this login attempt.
         if ($user->loaded() and $user->failed_attempts > 2) {
             // failed 2 or 3 attempts, wait 1 minute until next attempt
             if ($user->failed_attempts < 5 and $user->last_failed > Date::unix2mysql(strtotime('-1 minute'))) {
                 $blocked_login = TRUE;
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Login has been temporarily disabled due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please try again in a minute.'));
             } elseif ($user->failed_attempts > 4 and $user->last_failed > Date::unix2mysql(strtotime('-24 hours'))) {
                 $blocked_login = TRUE;
                 Alert::set(Alert::ERROR, __('Login has been temporarily disabled due to too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please try again in 24 hours.'));
         //not blocked so try to login
         if (!$blocked_login) {
             Auth::instance()->login(core::post('email'), core::post('password'), (bool) core::post('remember'));
             //redirect index
             if (Auth::instance()->logged_in()) {
                 if ($user->loaded()) {
                     $user->failed_attempts = 0;
                     try {
                         // Save the user
                     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(500, $e->getMessage());
                 //is an admin so redirect to the admin home
             } else {
                 Form::set_errors(array(__('Wrong email or password') . '. ' . '<a class="alert-link" href="' . Route::url('oc-panel', array('directory' => 'user', 'controller' => 'auth', 'action' => 'forgot')) . '">' . __('Have you forgotten your password?') . '</a>'));
                 if ($user->loaded()) {
                     // this is fifth failed attempt, invalidate token?
                     if ($user->failed_attempts == 4) {
                         $user->token = NULL;
                         $user->user_agent = NULL;
                         $user->token_created = NULL;
                         $user->token_expires = NULL;
                     $user->failed_attempts = new Database_Expression('failed_attempts + 1');
                     $user->last_failed = Date::unix2mysql(time());
                     try {
                         // Save the user
                     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(500, $e->getMessage());
     //Login page
     $this->template->title = __('Login');
     $this->template->meta_description = __('Login to') . ' ' . Core::config('general.site_name');
     $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/auth/login');
  * Allow a user to reset his password after he had forgotten it.
  * @return void
 public function resetpasswordAction()
     $this->view->title = __('reset password page title');
     $authVars = Garp_Auth::getInstance()->getConfigValues();
     $activationCode = $this->getRequest()->getParam('c');
     $activationEmail = $this->getRequest()->getParam('e');
     $expirationColumn = $authVars['forgotpassword']['activation_code_expiration_date_column'];
     $userModel = new Model_User();
     $activationCodeClause = 'MD5(CONCAT(' . $userModel->getAdapter()->quoteIdentifier($authVars['forgotpassword']['activation_token_column']) . ',' . 'MD5(email),' . 'MD5(' . $userModel->getAdapter()->quote($authVars['salt']) . '),' . 'MD5(id)' . ')) = ?';
     $select = $userModel->select()->where($activationCodeClause, $activationCode)->where('MD5(email) = ?', $activationEmail);
     $user = $userModel->fetchRow($select);
     if (!$user) {
         $this->view->error = __('reset password user not found');
     if (strtotime($user->{$expirationColumn}) < time()) {
         $this->view->error = __('reset password link expired');
     if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
     $password = $this->getRequest()->getPost('password');
     if (!$password) {
         $this->view->formError = sprintf(__('%s is a required field'), ucfirst(__('password')));
     if (!empty($authVars['forgotpassword']['repeatPassword']) && !empty($authVars['forgotpassword']['repeatPasswordField'])) {
         $repeatPasswordField = $this->getRequest()->getPost($authVars['forgotpassword']['repeatPasswordField']);
         if ($password != $repeatPasswordField) {
             $this->view->formError = __('the passwords do not match');
     // Update the user's password and send him along to the login page
     $updateClause = $userModel->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $user->id);
     $userModel->update(array('password' => $password, $authVars['forgotpassword']['activation_token_column'] => null, $authVars['forgotpassword']['activation_code_expiration_date_column'] => null), $updateClause);
Beispiel #7
     if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) {
         //echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br>";
     } else {
         //if (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]))
         $manipulator = new ImageManipulator($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]);
         // resizing to 200x200
         $manipulator->resample($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["file"]["type"], 200, 200);
         //echo "after";
         $fileName = global_common::FOLDER_AVATAR . $currentUser[global_mapping::UserID] . '_' . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
         $userUpdate = $objUser->getUserByID($currentUser[global_mapping::UserID]);
         $userUpdate[global_mapping::Avatar] = $fileName;
         //echo $fileName;
         //echo $userUpdate[global_mapping::IsActive];
         $result = $objUser->update($userUpdate[global_mapping::UserID], $userUpdate[global_mapping::UserName], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Password], $userUpdate[global_mapping::FullName], $userUpdate[global_mapping::BirthDate], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Address], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Phone], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Email], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Sex], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Identity], $userUpdate[global_mapping::RoleID], $userUpdate[global_mapping::UserRankID], $userUpdate[global_mapping::Avatar], $userUpdate[global_mapping::AccountID], $userUpdate[global_mapping::IsActive]);
         //echo $result;
         $_SESSION[global_common::SES_C_USERINFO] = $currentUser = $userUpdate;
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $fileName);
         //	move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],
         //			global_common::FOLDER_AVATAR  . $currentUser[global_mapping::UserID].$_FILES["file"]["name"]);
 } else {
     global_common::writeLog("Invalid file");
     //echo "Invalid file";
 public function change2Action()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $aNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Nolotiro');
     $locationtemp = $aNamespace->locationTemp;
     $this->view->page_title .= $this->view->translate('change location');
     //if is get overwrite the localtemp value
     if ($_GET['location']) {
         $locationtemp = $_GET['location'];
     $places = $this->getYahooGeoWoeidList($locationtemp, $this->view->lang);
     //check if we got response from yahoo geo api
     if ($places === false) {
         $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('I can not connect to Yahoo geo service, sorry!'));
         $this->_redirect('/' . $this->view->lang . '/woeid/' . $aNamespace->location . '/give');
     //check if the yahoo geo api returns no results!
     if (count($places->place) == 0) {
         $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('No location found named:') . '  "' . $locationtemp . '"');
         $this->_redirect('/' . $this->view->lang . '/woeid/' . $aNamespace->location . '/give');
     //if just one result then jump straight to change location
     if (count($places->place) == 1) {
         //if the user is logged then update the woeid value in ddbb, if not just update the session location value
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
         if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
             require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/User.php';
             $model = new Model_User();
             $data['id'] = $auth->getIdentity()->id;
             $data['woeid'] = (int) $places->place->woeid;
             $userUpdateLocation = $model->update($data);
         $aNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Nolotiro');
         $aNamespace->location = (int) $places->place->woeid;
         setcookie('location', (int) $places->place->woeid, null, '/');
         $name = $places->place->name . ', ' . $places->place->admin1 . ', ' . $places->place->country;
         $aNamespace->locationName = $name;
         //location name
         $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('Location changed successfully to:') . ' ' . $name);
         $this->_redirect('/' . $this->view->lang . '/woeid/' . $places->place->woeid . '/give');
     $form = $this->_getLocationChange2Form($locationtemp);
     // assign the form to the view
     $this->view->locationtemp = $locationtemp;
     $this->view->places = $places;
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $counter = 0;
     //*** here add the select values to the form from yahoo xml result
     foreach ($places->place as $item) {
         $name = $item->name . ', ' . $item->admin1 . ', ' . $item->country;
         $woeid = (string) $item->woeid;
         //we have to cast to string item to not disturb the zend form translate parser!
         //glue together woeid and text to parse after with *
         $woeid = $woeid . '*' . $name;
         $location_options[$woeid] = $name;
         //check the first value of the array results to show the first selected to form
         if ($counter == 1) {
             $firstitem = $woeid;
     $form->addElement('select', 'location', array('validators'))->getElement('location')->addMultiOptions($location_options)->setValue($firstitem)->setRegisterInArrayValidator(false)->setIsArray(true);
     //this set select expanded
     // add the submit button
     $form->addElement('submit', 'submit', array('label' => 'Choose your location'));
     // check to see if this action has been POST'ed to
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             $formulario = $form->getValues();
             //parse the location value
             $values = explode("*", $formulario['location'][0]);
             //if the user is logged then update the woeid value in ddbb, if not just update the session location value
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
                 require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/models/User.php';
                 $model = new Model_User();
                 $data['id'] = $auth->getIdentity()->id;
                 $data['woeid'] = $values[0];
                 $userUpdateLocation = $model->update($data);
             $aNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Nolotiro');
             $aNamespace->location = $values[0];
             setcookie('location', $values[0], null, '/');
             $name = $item->name . ', ' . $item->admin1 . ', ' . $item->country;
             $aNamespace->locationName = $values[1];
             //location name
             $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('Location changed successfully to:') . ' ' . $values[1]);
             $this->_redirect('/' . $this->view->lang . '/woeid/' . $values[0] . '/give');
Beispiel #9
 public function lockAction()
     $id = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
     $this->view->userRole = $this->_helper->checkUserRole->check();
     //only admins have access to this action
     if ($this->view->userRole == 1) {
         $modelUser = new Model_User();
         $this->view->userToLock = $modelUser->fetchUser($id)->username;
         if ($this->view->userToLock == null) {
             //the user does not exists
             $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('This user does not exists'));
             $this->_redirect('/' . $this->lang . '/woeid/' . $this->location . '/give');
         if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
             $lock = $this->getRequest()->getPost('lock');
             if ($lock == 'Yes') {
                 //bye bye troll
                 $data['locked'] = 1;
                 $data['id'] = $id;
                 $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('User locked successfully.'));
                 $this->_redirect('/' . $this->view->lang . '/woeid/' . $this->location . '/give');
     } else {
         $this->_helper->_flashMessenger->addMessage($this->view->translate('You are not allowed to view this page'));
         $this->_redirect('/' . $this->lang . '/woeid/' . $this->location . '/give');
Beispiel #10
        $userRankID = $_pgR['UserRankID'];
        $userRankID = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($userRankID, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
        $avatar = $_pgR['Avatar'];
        $avatar = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($avatar, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
        $accountID = $_pgR['AccountID'];
        $accountID = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($accountID, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
        $isActived = $_pgR['IsActived'];
        $isActived = global_editor::rteSafe(html_entity_decode($isActived, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
        //$checkProduct = $objMenu->getMenuByName($_pgR['name']);
        //if ($checkProduct && $checkProduct['menu_id']!= $strID) {
        //	echo global_common::convertToXML($arrHeader, array("rs",'info'), array(0,global_common::STRING_NAME_EXIST), array(0,1));
        //	return;
        //$strName = $_pgR['name'];
        //$strDetail= $_pgR['detail'];
        $resultID = $objUser->update($userID, $userName, $password, $fullname, $birthDate, $address, $phone, $email, $sex, $identity, $roleID, $userRankID, $avatar, $accountID, $isActived);
        if ($resultID) {
            $arrHeader = global_common::getMessageHeaderArr($banCode);
            echo global_common::convertToXML($arrHeader, array("rs", "inf"), array(1, $result), array(0, 1));
        } else {
            echo global_common::convertToXML($arrHeader, array("rs"), array(0), array(0));
    } else {
        echo global_common::convertToXML($arrHeader, array("rs", 'info'), array(0, global_common::STRING_REQUIRE_LOGIN), array(0, 1));
} elseif ($_pgR['act'] == model_User::ACT_CHANGE_PAGE) {
    $intPage = $_pgR['p'];