Beispiel #1
$this->renderPartial('home/featuredVideo', ['model' => $featuredVideo]);

		<div class="row margin-bottom row-most-viewed-pick-agent">
if (isset($mostViewed[0])) {
    $instruction = $mostViewed[0];
    $info = $instruction->property->getShortAddressString(', ');
    $priceInfo = $instruction->dea_qualifier === Deal::QUALIFIER_POA ? Deal::QUALIFIER_POA : Locale::formatPrice($instruction->dea_marketprice);
				<div class="span4 home-container-small"
					 style="background-image: url(<?php 
    echo $instruction->getMainImage()->getMediaImageURIPath('_large');
					<div class="top-part"></div>
					<div class="bottom-part">
						<div class="inner-padding">
							<div class="header">
								<a href="/topTwenty" class="white-text-shadow">MOST VIEWED</a>
							<div class="content">
    echo CHtml::link($info . ' ' . $priceInfo, "/details/" . $instruction->dea_id, ['class' => 'gray hover bold white-text-shadow']);
Beispiel #2
    echo $form->hiddenField($model, 'off_timestamp', ['value' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
						<div class="control-group">
							<label class="control-label"><?php 
    echo $form->controlLabel($model, 'off_price');

							<div class="controls">
								<span class="text"><?php 
    echo Locale::formatPrice($model->off_price);
						<div class="control-group">
							<label class="control-label"><?php 
    echo $form->controlLabel($model, 'off_status');

							<div class="controls hint">
    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'off_status', Offer::getStatuses(), ['disabled' => $model->off_status == Offer::STATUS_DELETED]);
								<div class="block titles">
									<div class="inner-block">
										<h3 class="title">
											<a href="<?php 
    echo $this->detailPage($instruction->dea_id);
    echo $instruction->property->getShortAddressString(', ', true);

										<div class="subtitle">
    echo Locale::formatPrice($instruction->getPrice(isset($_GET['Deal']['priceMode']) ? $_GET['Deal']['priceMode'] : ""), $instruction->dea_type == 'Sales' ? false : true, isset($_GET['Deal']['priceMode']) ? $_GET['Deal']['priceMode'] : "");
    if ($instruction->getQualifier()) {
											<div class="vertical-separator"></div>
        echo $instruction->getQualifier();
										<div class="vertical-separator"></div>

 * @var $this  InstructionController
 * @var $model Deal
 * @var $form  AdminForm
$form = $this->beginWidget('AdminForm', ['id' => 'custom-mailshot-form', 'htmlOptions' => array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')]);
$propTitle = $model->property->getShortAddressString(', ', true);
$price = Locale::formatPrice($model->dea_marketprice, $model->dea_type == 'Sales' ? false : true);
<div class="row-fluid">
	<div class="span12">
			<div class="block-header">Send custom mailshot</div>
			<div class="clearfix"></div>
			<div class="control-group">
				<label class="control-label" for="">mailshot type</label>

				<div class="controls"><?php 
echo CHtml::dropDownList('mailshot[type]', 'new', Deal::getMailshotTypes());
			<div class="control-group">
				<label class="control-label" for="">mailshot Text</label>

				<div class="controls"><?php 
echo CHtml::textArea('mailshot[body]', '', array('class' => 'input-xxlarge'));
        echo $clientName . $offerPrice;
echo $form->endControlGroup();

	<div class="control-group">
		<label class="control-label">Price</label>

		<div class="controls text">
if ($model->dea_type == 'Lettings') {
    echo Locale::formatPrice($model->dea_marketprice, true, 'pcm') . ' - ' . Locale::formatPrice($model->getPrice('p/w'), true, 'p/w');
} else {
    $thisPrice = $model->getPrice();
    echo Locale::formatCurrency($thisPrice);
    echo $tenure = empty($thisPrice) ? ' (Valuation)' : ' ' . $model->dea_tenure;

if ($model->owner) {
		<div class="control-group">
			<label class="control-label">Vendors</label>
" class="btn btn-small">Show All</a>
$editColumn = array('type' => 'raw', 'htmlOptions' => ['class' => 'centered-text'], 'value' => function (Deal $data) {
    $html = CHtml::link(CHtml::image('/images/sys/admin/icons/edit-icon.png', 'Edit instruction'), InstructionController::generateLinkToInstruction($data->dea_id));
    $html .= CHtml::link(CHtml::image('/images/sys/admin/icons/print-icon.png', 'Print instruction'), ['/property/pdf', 'id' => $data->dea_id], ['target' => '_blank']);
    return $html;
$this->widget('AdminGridView', array('id' => 'instruction-list', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'selectableRows' => 1000, 'selectionChanged' => 'instructionListSelectionChanged', 'title' => 'INSTRUCTIONS', 'columns' => array($editColumn, 'dea_id::ID', array('name' => 'dea_created', 'header' => 'created', 'value' => function (Deal $data) {
    return Date::formatDate('d/m/Y', $data->dea_created);
}), array('name' => 'dea_marketprice', 'header' => 'Price', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function (Deal $data) {
    return Locale::formatPrice($data->dea_marketprice, $data->dea_type == Deal::TYPE_LETTINGS);
}), array('name' => 'negotiator.use_fname', 'header' => "Neg'", 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function (Deal $data) {
    if (!$data->negotiator) {
        return '<span class="negotiator-color empty"></span>N/A';
    return '<span class="negotiator-color" style="background: #' . $data->negotiator->use_colour . '"></span><span title="' . $data->negotiator->getFullName() . '">' . $data->negotiator->getInitials() . '</span>';
}), array('name' => 'address.fullAddressString', 'value' => function (Deal $data) {
    return $data->address ? $data->address->getFullAddressString(", ") : '';
}, 'header' => 'Address'), array('name' => 'address.postcode', 'header' => 'Postcode'), array('name' => 'owners', 'header' => 'Vendors', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => function (Deal $data) {
    $owners = [];
    foreach ($data->owner as $key => $owner) {
        $owners[] = CHtml::link($owner->getFullName(), Yii::app()->createUrl('admin4/client/update', ['id' => $owner->cli_id]), ['class' => 'table-link']);
    return implode(', ', $owners);
}), $editColumn)));

 * @var $instructionVideos
<div class="row margin-bottom">
	<div class="span12 scroll-gallery-container">
foreach ($instructionVideos as $i => $video) {
    $instruction = $video->instruction;
    $photo = $instruction->photos && $instruction->getMainImage()->getMediaImageURIPath(Media::SUFFIX_THUMB1) ? $instruction->getMainImage()->getMediaImageURIPath(Media::SUFFIX_THUMB1) : Icon::NO_IMAGE_AVAILABLE;
    $info = $instruction->property->getLine(3) . '<br>' . Locale::formatPrice($instruction->dea_marketprice);
			<div class="home-video-container <?php 
    echo !$i ? 'first' : '';
				 style="background-image: url(<?php 
    echo $photo;
				<div class="top-part">
					<a href="<?php 
    echo $video->videoId;
						<img src="<?php 
Beispiel #8
    foreach ($offers as $offer) {

						<tr <?php 
        echo $offer->off_status == Offer::STATUS_ACCEPTED ? 'class="accepted-offer"' : '';
        echo Date::formatDate('d/m/Y', $offer->off_timestamp);
        echo Locale::formatPrice($offer->off_price);
								<span class="negotiator-color"
									  style="background: #<?php 
        echo $offer->negotiator->use_colour;
        echo $offer->negotiator->getFullName();
        $clientList = [];
        foreach ($offer->clients as $client) {

 * @var $this  SiteController
 * @var $model InstructionVideo
$title = $model->instruction->property->getShortAddressString(', ') . ' ' . ($model->instruction->dea_qualifier === Deal::QUALIFIER_POA ? Deal::QUALIFIER_POA : Locale::formatPrice($model->instruction->dea_marketprice));

<div class="span4 home-container-small"
	 style="background-image: url(<?php 
echo $model->instruction->getMainImage()->getMediaImageURIPath('_large');
	<div class="top-part">
		<a href="//<?php 
echo $model->videoId;
			<img src="<?php 
	<div class="bottom-part">
		<div class="inner-padding">
			<div class="header">
				<a href="//<?php 
echo $model->videoId;
    public function emailText($format, $email, $name = null, $viewing = true)
        if (!$name) {
            // any false value can't be name
            $name = $recipient = $email;
        } else {
            $recipient = $name . ' (' . $email . ')';
        /** @var $officeData Office[] */
        if ($format === 'html') {
            $contactUsText = '<p>Contact our ' . $this->deal->branch->bra_title . ' office on ' . $this->deal->branch->bra_tel . '</p>
							<p>' . $this->deal->dea_strapline . '<br />' . $this->deal->property->address->getLine(3) . ', ' . $this->deal->property->getFirstPostcodePart() . '<br />' . Locale::formatPrice($this->deal->dea_marketprice, $this->deal->dea_type == 'sales' ? false : true) . '<br />
							<a href="http://' . Yii::app()->params['hostname'] . '/details/' . $this->deal->dea_id . '">' . Yii::app()->params['hostname'] . '/details/' . $this->deal->dea_id . '</a></p>
            if ($viewing) {
                return '<html>
				<span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; color:#000000">
				<p>Hi ' . $name . ',</p>
				<p>Many thanks for your interest. We will be getting back to you shortly to confirm your viewing. Please do call us at any time if you would like to speak to a negotiator to discuss your requirements further.</p>
				' . $contactUsText . '
				<p>Kind Regards,<br>Wooster & Stock</p>
				' . EmailHelper::signature() . '

				' . EmailHelper::disclaimer($recipient);
            } else {
                return '<span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; color:#000000">
				<p>Hi ' . $name . ',</p>
				<p>Many thanks for your interest. We will let you know if this property comes back on the market. Please do call us at any time if you would like to speak to a negotiator to discuss your requirements further.</p>
				' . $contactUsText . '
				<p>Kind Regards,<br>Wooster & Stock</p>
				' . EmailHelper::signature() . '

				' . EmailHelper::disclaimer($recipient);
        } else {
            if ($viewing) {
                return 'Hi ' . $name . ',

							Many thanks for your interest. We will be getting back to you shortly to confirm your viewing. Please do call us at any
							time if you would like to speak to a negotiator to discuss your requirements further.

							Contact our ' . $this->deal->branch->bra_title . ' office on ' . $this->deal->branch->bra_tel . '

							' . $this->deal->dea_strapline . '
							' . $this->deal->property->address->getLine(3) . ', ' . $this->deal->property->getFirstPostcodePart() . '
							' . Locale::formatPrice($this->deal->dea_marketprice, $this->deal->dea_type == 'sales' ? false : true) . '<br />
							' . Yii::app()->params['hostname'] . '/details/' . $this->deal->dea_id . '

							' . EmailHelper::signature(EmailHelper::TYPE_TEXT) . '

							' . EmailHelper::disclaimer($recipient, EmailHelper::TYPE_TEXT);
            } else {
                return 'Hi ' . $name . ',

				Many thanks for your interest. We will let you know if this property comes back on the market. Please do call us at any
				time if you would like to speak to a negotiator to discuss your requirements further.

				Contact our ' . $this->deal->branch->bra_title . ' office on ' . $this->deal->branch->bra_tel . '

				' . $this->deal->dea_strapline . '
				' . $this->deal->property->address->getLine(3) . ', ' . $this->deal->property->getFirstPostcodePart() . '
				' . Locale::formatPrice($this->deal->dea_marketprice, $this->deal->dea_type == 'sales' ? false : true) . '<br />
				' . Yii::app()->params['hostname'] . '/details/' . $this->deal->dea_id . '
				' . EmailHelper::signature(EmailHelper::TYPE_TEXT) . '

				' . EmailHelper::disclaimer($recipient, EmailHelper::TYPE_TEXT);

 * @var $this        InstructionController
 * @var $model       Client
 * @var $instruction Deal
$price = Locale::formatPrice($instruction->dea_marketprice, $instruction->dea_type == Deal::TYPE_LETTINGS);
if ($instruction->dea_type == 'Lettings') {
    $price .= ' - ' . Locale::formatPrice($instruction->getPrice('pcm'), true, true);
$editColumn = array('type' => 'raw', 'htmlOptions' => ['class' => 'centered-text'], 'value' => function (Client $data) {
    $html = CHtml::link(CHtml::image('/images/sys/admin/icons/edit-icon.png', 'Edit instruction'), Yii::app()->createUrl('admin4/client/update', ['id' => $data->cli_id]));
    return $html;
$columns = array($editColumn, 'cli_id::id', 'cli_fname::Name', 'cli_sname::Surname', 'cli_saleemail::send sales emails', 'cli_email::Email', 'cli_salebed::Max bedrooms', 'cli_salemin::Min price', 'cli_salemax::Max price', 'cli_saleptype::property type', $editColumn);
if ($instruction->dea_type == Deal::TYPE_LETTINGS) {
    $columns = array($editColumn, 'cli_id::id', 'cli_fname::Name', 'cli_sname::Surname', 'cli_saleemail::send letting emails', 'cli_email::Email', 'cli_letbed::Max bedrooms', 'cli_letmin::Min price', 'cli_letmax::Max price', 'cli_letptype::property type', $editColumn);
<div class="row-fluid">
	<div class="span12">
			<div class="block-header">Instruction info</div>
			<div class="control-group shaded">
				<label class="control-label">Location</label>

				<div class="controls text"><?php 
echo $instruction->property->getAddressObject()->getFullAddressString(', ');
  * @param $price
  * @return string
 private function formatPrice($price)
     return $price ? html_entity_decode(Locale::formatPrice($price)) : '';
										<h3 class="title">
											<a href="<?php 
    echo $this->detailPage($instruction->dea_id);
    echo $instruction->property->getShortAddressString(', ', $isMobile ? false : true);
										<div class="subtitle">
    if ($instruction->dea_qualifier !== Deal::QUALIFIER_POA) {
        echo Locale::formatPrice($instruction->getPrice());
												<div class="vertical-separator"></div>
    if ($instruction->getQualifier()) {
        echo $instruction->getQualifier();
												<div class="vertical-separator"></div>
 public function getPriceWithQualifier(Deal $model)
     $price = Locale::formatPrice($model->dea_marketprice);
     if ($model->dea_qualifier === Deal::QUALIFIER_POA) {
         $price = "POA" . ($model->dea_tenure ? ',' : '');
     } elseif ($model->dea_qualifier !== Deal::QUALIFIER_NONE) {
         $price .= ' ' . $model->dea_qualifier . ($model->dea_tenure ? ',' : '');
     $price .= $model->dea_tenure ? " " . $model->dea_tenure : "";
     return $price;
Beispiel #15
		<div class="inner-block">
			<h3 class="title">
				<a href="<?php 
echo $detailPageUrl;
echo $data->property->getShortAddressString(', ', $isMobile ? false : true);
			<div class="subtitle">
if ($data->dea_qualifier !== Deal::QUALIFIER_POA) {
    echo Locale::formatPrice($data->getPrice(isset($_GET['Deal']['priceMode']) ? $_GET['Deal']['priceMode'] : ""));
					<div class="vertical-separator"></div>
if ($data->getQualifier()) {
    echo $data->getQualifier();
					<div class="vertical-separator"></div>
Beispiel #16
<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="span12">
            <div class="block-header">
                Manage Videos Sequence

            <div class="content sortable">
foreach ($instructionVideos as $instructionVideo) {
    /** @var $instruction Deal[ ] */
    $instruction = Deal::model()->findByPk($instructionVideo->instructionId, $criteria);
    if ($instruction) {
        $photo = $instruction->getMainImage() ? $instruction->getMainImage()->getMediaImageURIPath('_small') : '';
        $info = $instruction->property->getLine(3) . ', ' . $instruction->property->getFirstPostcodePart() . ' - ' . Locale::formatPrice($instruction->dea_marketprice, $instruction->dea_type == 'Sales' ? false : true);
        echo '<div data-id="' . $instructionVideo->id . '" class="video-box" style="background-image: url(' . $photo . ')">';
        echo '<div class="top-part">';
        echo '<img src="' . Icon::PUBLIC_VIDEO_PLAY_ICON . '" style="vertical-align:middle;">';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="bottom-part">';
        echo '<a href="' . $this->createUrl('/admin4/instruction/production/', ['id' => $instruction->dea_id]) . '##manageVideo">' . $info . '</a>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';