Beispiel #1
            if ($template->is_error() == FALSE) {
                if (isset($userfld)) {
                foreach ($template->userfld as $value) {
                    $mail->Body .= sprintf("%s: %s\n", $value["descrip"], $value["value"]);
            if (!@$mail->Send()) {
                $formerror .= my_("E-mail message was not sent") . "\n";
                $formerror .= my_("Mailer Error: ") . $mail->ErrorInfo;
            } else {
                insert($w, textbr(my_("IP request E-mail message sent")));
        } else {
            $formerror .= my_("Request could not be created - possibly a duplicate request") . "\n";
myError($w, $p, $formerror, FALSE);
// display opening text
insert($w, heading(3, "{$title}."));
insert($w, textbrbr(my_("Complete the details below to request an IP address. An administrator will need to action the request before an address will be allocated.")));
// create list of customers to display based on REQUESTCUST variable
$sql = "";
$lst = split(",", REQUESTCUST);
if (REQUESTCUST != "" and !empty($lst)) {
    foreach ($lst as $value) {
        $i = (int) $value;
        // force to int