public function __construct($attributes) { if (is_object($attributes)) { $attributes = (array) $attributes; } parent::__construct($attributes); }
/** * Generates inline javascript containing element's defaults and (available) options * * @return string */ private function _generateInlineScript() { // we store values and options with id of first select rather than with // the element's name since the former has more chances to be unique $selectId = reset($this->elements)->getId(); $cr = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak'); $js = "qf.elements.hierselect.defaults['{$selectId}'] = " . HTML_QuickForm2_JavascriptBuilder::encode($this->_values) . ";{$cr}"; $jsParts = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->options); $i++) { $jsParts[] = empty($this->options[$i]) ? '{}' : HTML_QuickForm2_JavascriptBuilder::encode($this->_prepareOptions($this->options[$i], $i)); } $js .= "qf.elements.hierselect.options['{$selectId}'] = [{$cr}" . implode(",{$cr}", $jsParts) . "{$cr}];"; return $js; }
public function testUniqueIdsGeneratedWithoutIndexes() { HTML_Common2::setOption('id_force_append_index', false); $this->testUniqueIdsGenerated(); }
public static function _renderFieldset(HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer $renderer, HTML_QuickForm2_Container_Fieldset $fieldset) { $break = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak'); $html[] = '<fieldset' . $fieldset->getAttributes(true) . '>'; $label = $fieldset->getLabel(); if (!empty($label)) { $html[] = sprintf('<legend id="%s-legend">%s</legend>', $fieldset->getId(), $label); } $elements = array_pop($renderer->html); $html[] = implode($break, $elements); $html[] = '</fieldset>'; return implode($break, $html) . $break; }
public static function parseAttributes($attrString) { return parent::parseAttributes($attrString); }
/** * Class constructor * * @param string $name Element name * @param string|array $attributes HTML attributes (either a string or an array) * @param array $data Element data (label, options used for element setup) */ public function __construct($name = null, $attributes = null, array $data = array()) { parent::__construct($attributes); $this->setName($name); // Autogenerating the id if not set on previous steps if ('' == $this->getId()) { $this->setId(); } if (!empty($data)) { $this->data = array_merge($this->data, $data); } }
public function __toString() { require_once 'HTML/QuickForm2/Renderer.php'; $cr = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak'); return $this->render(HTML_QuickForm2_Renderer::factory('default')->setTemplateForId($this->getId(), '{content}'))->__toString() . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">{$cr}//<![CDATA[{$cr}" . $this->_generateInitScript() . "{$cr}//]]>{$cr}</script>"; }
/** * Finishes rendering a form, called after processing contained elements * * @param HTML_QuickForm2_Node Form being rendered */ public function finishForm(HTML_QuickForm2_Node $form) { $formTpl = str_replace(array('{attributes}', '{hidden}', '{errors}'), array($form->getAttributes(true), $this->hiddenHtml, $this->outputGroupedErrors()), $this->findTemplate($form, '{content}')); $this->hiddenHtml = ''; // required note if (!$this->hasRequired || $form->toggleFrozen() || empty($this->options['required_note'])) { $formTpl = preg_replace('!<qf:reqnote>.*</qf:reqnote>!isU', '', $formTpl); } else { $formTpl = str_replace(array('<qf:reqnote>', '</qf:reqnote>', '{reqnote}'), array('', '', $this->options['required_note']), $formTpl); } $break = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak'); $script = $this->getJavascriptBuilder()->getFormJavascript($form->getId()); $this->html[0] = array(str_replace('{content}', $break . implode($break, $this->html[0]), $formTpl) . (empty($script) ? '' : $break . $script)); }
/** * Returns the element's content wrapped in <script></script> tags * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $cr = HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak'); return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">{$cr}//<![CDATA[{$cr}" . $this->data['content'] . "{$cr}//]]>{$cr}</script>"; }
/** * Class constructor * * @param string Element name * @param mixed Attributes (either a string or an array) * @param array Element data (label, options and data used for element creation) */ public function __construct($name = null, $attributes = null, $data = null) { parent::__construct($attributes); $this->setName($name); // Autogenerating the id if not set on previous steps if ('' == $this->getId()) { $this->setId(); } if (!is_null($data)) { $this->data = $data; } }
public function testAnyOptionAllowed() { HTML_Common2::setOption('foobar', 'baz'); $this->assertEquals('baz', HTML_Common2::getOption('foobar')); }
<?php /** * @package Am_Form */ if (!defined('INCLUDED_AMEMBER_CONFIG')) { die("Direct access to this location is not allowed"); } HTML_Common2::setOption('charset', 'UTF-8'); /** * Adds the following functionality to QF2 forms: * - adds submit detecition * - adds init() method support * - adds JqueryValidation rendering */ class Am_Form extends HTML_QuickForm2 { protected $width; protected static $_usedIds = array(); protected $prolog = null; protected $epilog = null; function __construct($id = null, $attributes = null, $method = 'post') { $this->addFilter(array(__CLASS__, '_trimArray')); if ($id === null) { $id = get_class($this); } $i = 0; $suggestId = $id; while (isset(self::$_usedIds[$suggestId])) { $suggestId = $id . '-' . ++$i;
public function __toString() { $prefix = $this->getIndent(); if ($comment = $this->getComment()) { $prefix .= '<!-- ' . $comment . ' -->' . HTML_Common2::getOption('linebreak') . $this->getIndent(); } if (!$this->tagName) { return $prefix . $this->getContent(); } elseif ('' != $this->getContent()) { return $prefix . '<' . $this->tagName . $this->getAttributes(true) . '>' . $this->getContent() . '</' . $this->tagName . '>'; } else { return $prefix . '<' . $this->tagName . $this->getAttributes(true) . ($this->forceClosingTag ? '></' . $this->tagName . '>' : ' />'); } }
/** * Returns the default message(s) for the given ID and language * * If $langId is not given, language set via * <code> * HTML_Common2::setOption('language', '...'); * </code> * will be used. * * @param array Message ID * @param string Language, will use the default if not given * @return array|string|null */ public function get(array $messageId, $langId = null) { if (empty($langId)) { $langId = HTML_Common2::getOption('language'); } $key = array_shift($messageId); if (empty($this->messages[$key]) || empty($this->messages[$key][$langId])) { return null; } $message = $this->messages[$key][$langId]; while (!empty($messageId)) { $key = array_shift($messageId); if (empty($message[$key])) { return null; } $message = $message[$key]; } return $message; }
/** * Class constructor * * Sets the $config data from the primary config.php file as a class variable. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->config =& get_config(); // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 20-JAN-2014. // Load additional configuration data for languages. $c = array(); $config = array(); if (file_exists(COMMONPATH . 'config/lang.php')) { require COMMONPATH . 'config/lang.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (file_exists(COMMONPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/lang.php')) { require COMMONPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/lang.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/lang.php')) { require APPPATH . 'config/lang.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/lang.php')) { require APPPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/lang.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } $c['hide_default_uri_segment'] = !empty($c['hide_default_uri_segment']); $languages = isset($c['languages']) && is_array($c['languages']) ? $c['languages'] : array(); foreach ($languages as $key => $value) { if (!isset($value['direction'])) { $languages[$key]['direction'] = 'ltr'; } if (!isset($value['uri_segment'])) { $languages[$key]['uri_segment'] = $value['code']; } } $c['languages'] = $languages; $c['default_language'] = $this->config['language']; if (!isset($c['enabled_languages']) && !is_array($c['enabled_languages'])) { $c['enabled_languages'] = array($c['default_language']); } if (!in_array($c['default_language'], $c['enabled_languages'])) { $c['enabled_languages'][] = $c['default_language']; } $this->config = array_replace_recursive($this->config, $c); // global $DETECT_URL; // Set the base_url automatically if none was provided if (empty($this->config['base_url'])) { $this->set_item('base_url', $DETECT_URL['base_url']); } else { $this->set_item('base_url', http_build_url($this->config['base_url'], array('scheme' => $DETECT_URL['server_protocol'], 'port' => $DETECT_URL['port']))); } if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { define('BASE_URL', $this->add_slash($this->base_url())); } if (!defined('BASE_URI')) { define('BASE_URI', $DETECT_URL['base_uri']); } if (!defined('SERVER_URL')) { define('SERVER_URL', $this->add_slash(substr(BASE_URL, 0, strlen(BASE_URL) - strlen(BASE_URI)))); } if (!defined('SITE_URL')) { define('SITE_URL', $this->add_slash($this->site_url())); } if (!defined('SITE_URI')) { define('SITE_URI', '/' . str_replace(SERVER_URL, '', SITE_URL)); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URI')) { define('CURRENT_URI', $DETECT_URL['current_uri']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URL')) { define('CURRENT_URL', rtrim(SERVER_URL, '/') . CURRENT_URI); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URL_IS_HTTPS')) { define('CURRENT_URL_IS_HTTPS', $DETECT_URL['is_https']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URL_PROTOCOL')) { define('CURRENT_URL_PROTOCOL', $DETECT_URL['server_protocol']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URL_HOST')) { define('CURRENT_URL_HOST', $DETECT_URL['server_name']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URL_PORT')) { define('CURRENT_URL_PORT', $DETECT_URL['port']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URI_STRING')) { define('CURRENT_URI_STRING', $DETECT_URL['current_uri_string']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_QUERY_STRING')) { define('CURRENT_QUERY_STRING', $DETECT_URL['current_query_string']); } // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 13-JAN-2014. if (!defined('DEFAULT_BASE_URL')) { if (APPSEGMENT != '') { define('DEFAULT_BASE_URL', preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($this->add_slash(APPSEGMENT), '/') . '$/', '', BASE_URL)); } else { define('DEFAULT_BASE_URL', BASE_URL); } } // // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 13-JAN-2014. if (!defined('DEFAULT_BASE_URI')) { if (APPSEGMENT != '') { define('DEFAULT_BASE_URI', preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($this->add_slash(APPSEGMENT), '/') . '$/', '', BASE_URI)); } else { define('DEFAULT_BASE_URI', BASE_URI); } } // // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 26-DEC-2013. // See if (!defined('IS_UTF8_CHARSET')) { define('IS_UTF8_CHARSET', strtolower($this->config['charset']) === 'utf-8'); } // // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 02-JAN-2016. HTML_Common2::setOption('charset', $this->config['charset']); // // Common Purpose File System Repositories $public_upload_path = $this->add_slash(isset($this->config['public_upload_path']) && $this->config['public_upload_path'] != '' ? $this->config['public_upload_path'] : DEFAULTFCPATH . 'upload/'); $this->set_item('public_upload_path', $public_upload_path); if (!defined('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_PATH')) { define('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_PATH', $public_upload_path); } $public_upload_url = $this->add_slash(isset($this->config['public_upload_url']) && $this->config['public_upload_url'] != '' ? str_replace(array('{default_base_url}', '{base_url}'), array(DEFAULT_BASE_URL, BASE_URL), $this->config['public_upload_url']) : DEFAULT_BASE_URL . 'upload/'); $this->set_item('public_upload_url', $public_upload_url); if (!defined('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_URL')) { define('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_URL', $public_upload_url); } $platform_upload_path = $this->add_slash(isset($this->config['platform_upload_path']) && $this->config['platform_upload_path'] != '' ? $this->config['platform_upload_path'] : PLATFORMPATH . 'upload/'); $this->set_item('platform_upload_path', $platform_upload_path); if (!defined('PLATFORM_UPLOAD_PATH')) { define('PLATFORM_UPLOAD_PATH', $platform_upload_path); } // Assets $c = array(); $config = array(); if (file_exists(COMMONPATH . 'config/asset.php')) { require COMMONPATH . 'config/asset.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (file_exists(COMMONPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/asset.php')) { require COMMONPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/asset.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/asset.php')) { require APPPATH . 'config/asset.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (file_exists(APPPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/asset.php')) { require APPPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/asset.php'; $c = array_replace_recursive($c, $config); $config = array(); } if (!defined('ASSET_URL')) { define('ASSET_URL', $this->add_slash($c['asset_url'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_URI')) { define('ASSET_URI', $this->add_slash($c['asset_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_ASSET_URL')) { define('THEME_ASSET_URL', $this->add_slash($c['theme_asset_url'])); } if (!defined('THEME_ASSET_URI')) { define('THEME_ASSET_URI', $this->add_slash($c['theme_asset_dir'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_IMG_URL')) { define('ASSET_IMG_URL', ASSET_URL . $this->add_slash($c['asset_img_dir'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_IMG_URI')) { define('ASSET_IMG_URI', ASSET_URI . $this->add_slash($c['asset_img_dir'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_JS_URL')) { define('ASSET_JS_URL', ASSET_URL . $this->add_slash($c['asset_js_dir'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_JS_URI')) { define('ASSET_JS_URI', ASSET_URI . $this->add_slash($c['asset_js_dir'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_CSS_URL')) { define('ASSET_CSS_URL', ASSET_URL . $this->add_slash($c['asset_css_dir'])); } if (!defined('ASSET_CSS_URI')) { define('ASSET_CSS_URI', ASSET_URI . $this->add_slash($c['asset_css_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_IMG_URL')) { define('THEME_IMG_URL', THEME_ASSET_URL . $this->add_slash($c['asset_img_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_IMG_URI')) { define('THEME_IMG_URI', THEME_ASSET_URI . $this->add_slash($c['asset_img_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_JS_URL')) { define('THEME_JS_URL', THEME_ASSET_URL . $this->add_slash($c['asset_js_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_JS_URI')) { define('THEME_JS_URI', THEME_ASSET_URI . $this->add_slash($c['asset_js_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_CSS_URL')) { define('THEME_CSS_URL', THEME_ASSET_URL . $this->add_slash($c['asset_css_dir'])); } if (!defined('THEME_CSS_URI')) { define('THEME_CSS_URI', THEME_ASSET_URI . $this->add_slash($c['asset_css_dir'])); } log_message('info', 'Config Class Initialized'); }