  * Called by index.php, this function is responsible for rendering the current
  * page on the Frontend. Two delegates are fired, AdminPagePreGenerate and
  * AdminPagePostGenerate. This function runs the Profiler for the page build
  * process.
  * @uses AdminPagePreGenerate
  * @uses AdminPagePostGenerate
  * @see core.Symphony#__buildPage()
  * @see boot.getCurrentPage()
  * @param string $page
  *  The result of getCurrentPage, which returns the $_GET['symphony-page']
  *  variable.
  * @throws Exception
  * @throws SymphonyErrorPage
  * @return string
  *  The HTML of the page to return
 public function display($page)
     Symphony::Profiler()->sample('Page build process started');
     // Add XSRF token to form's in the backend
     if (self::isXSRFEnabled() && isset($this->Page->Form)) {
      * Immediately before generating the admin page. Provided with the page object
      * @delegate AdminPagePreGenerate
      * @param string $context
      *  '/backend/'
      * @param HTMLPage $oPage
      *  An instance of the current page to be rendered, this will usually be a class that
      *  extends HTMLPage. The Symphony backend uses a convention of contentPageName
      *  as the class that extends the HTMLPage
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AdminPagePreGenerate', '/backend/', array('oPage' => &$this->Page));
     $output = $this->Page->generate();
      * Immediately after generating the admin page. Provided with string containing page source
      * @delegate AdminPagePostGenerate
      * @param string $context
      *  '/backend/'
      * @param string $output
      *  The resulting backend page HTML as a string, passed by reference
     Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('AdminPagePostGenerate', '/backend/', array('output' => &$output));
     Symphony::Profiler()->sample('Page built');
     return $output;
 public function generate($page = null)
     $this->Html->setDTD('<!DOCTYPE html>');
     $this->Html->setAttribute('lang', Lang::get());
     $this->addHeaderToPage('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
     $this->addHeaderToPage('Expires', 'Mon, 12 Dec 1982 06:14:00 GMT');
     $this->addHeaderToPage('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
     $this->addHeaderToPage('Pragma', 'no-cache');
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('meta', null, array('charset' => 'UTF-8')), 1);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(APPLICATION_URL . '/assets/css/installer.min.css', 'screen', 30);
     return parent::generate($page);
 public function generate()
     $this->Html->setDTD('<!DOCTYPE html>');
     $this->Html->setAttribute('lang', Lang::get());
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('meta', NULL, array('charset' => 'UTF-8')), 1);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(SYMPHONY_URL . '/assets/css/symphony.css', 'screen', 30);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(SYMPHONY_URL . '/assets/css/symphony.grids.css', 'screen', 31);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(SYMPHONY_URL . '/assets/css/symphony.forms.css', 'screen', 32);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(SYMPHONY_URL . '/assets/css/symphony.frames.css', 'screen', 33);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(SYMPHONY_URL . '/assets/css/installer.css', 'screen', 40);
     return parent::generate();
Beispiel #4

include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.htmlpage.php';
$Page = new HTMLPage();
$Page->Html->setDTD('<!DOCTYPE html>');
$Page->Html->setAttribute('xml:lang', 'en');
$Page->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('meta', NULL, array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')), 0);
$Page->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('link', NULL, array('rel' => 'icon', 'href' => URL . '/symphony/assets/images/bookmark.png', 'type' => 'image/png')), 20);
$Page->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/symphony/assets/error.css', 'screen', 30);
$Page->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . URL . '/symphony/assets/legacy.css" type="text/css"><![endif]--'), 40);
$Page->addHeaderToPage('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$Page->addHeaderToPage('Symphony-Error-Type', 'generic');
if (isset($additional['header'])) {
$Page->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', array(__('Symphony'), $heading)));
$div = new XMLElement('div', NULL, array('id' => 'description'));
$div->appendChild(new XMLElement('h1', $heading));
$div->appendChild(is_object($errstr) ? $errstr : new XMLElement('p', trim($errstr)));
print $Page->generate();
 function generate($page, $xml, $xsl, $output, $parameters)
     $this->addHeaderToPage('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
     $this->Html->setDTD('<!DOCTYPE html>');
     //PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"
     $this->Html->setAttribute('lang', __LANG__);
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('meta', NULL, array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')), 0);
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('link', NULL, array('rel' => 'icon', 'href' => URL . '/symphony/assets/images/bookmark.png', 'type' => 'image/png')), 20);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/symphony/assets/debug.css', 'screen', 40);
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . URL . '/symphony/assets/legacy.css" type="text/css"><![endif]--'), 50);
     $this->addScriptToHead(URL . '/symphony/assets/admin.js', 60);
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s', array(__('Symphony'), __('Debug'), $page['title'])));
     $h1 = new XMLElement('h1');
     $h1->appendChild(Widget::Anchor($page['title'], $this->_query_string ? '?' . trim($this->_query_string, '&') : '.'));
     $utilities = $this->__findUtilitiesInXSL($xsl);
     $this->Body->appendChild($this->__buildJump($page, $xsl, $_GET['debug'], $utilities));
     if ($_GET['debug'] == 'params') {
     } elseif ($_GET['debug'] == 'xml' || strlen(trim($_GET['debug'])) <= 0) {
         $this->Body->appendChildArray($this->__buildCodeBlock($xml, 'xml'));
     } elseif ($_GET['debug'] == 'result') {
         $this->Body->appendChildArray($this->__buildCodeBlock($output, 'result'));
     } else {
         if ($_GET['debug'] == basename($page['filelocation'])) {
             $this->Body->appendChildArray($this->__buildCodeBlock($xsl, basename($page['filelocation'])));
         } elseif ($_GET['debug'][0] == 'u') {
             if (is_array($this->_full_utility_list) && !empty($this->_full_utility_list)) {
                 foreach ($this->_full_utility_list as $u) {
                     if ($_GET['debug'] != 'u-' . basename($u)) {
                     $this->Body->appendChildArray($this->__buildCodeBlock(@file_get_contents(UTILITIES . '/' . basename($u)), 'u-' . basename($u)));
     return parent::generate();
  * Appends the `$this->Header`, `$this->Contents` and `$this->Footer`
  * to `$this->Wrapper` before adding the ID and class attributes for
  * the `<body>` element. After this has completed the parent's generate
  * function is called which will convert the `XMLElement`'s into strings
  * ready for output
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     return parent::generate();
  * Called when page is generated, this function calls each of the other
  * other functions in this page to build the Header, the Navigation,
  * the Jump menu and finally the content. This function calls it's parent
  * generate function
  * @see toolkit.HTMLPage#generate()
  * @return string
 public function build()
     $header = new XMLElement('div');
     $header->setAttribute('id', 'header');
     $jump = new XMLElement('div');
     $jump->setAttribute('id', 'jump');
     $content = new XMLElement('div');
     $content->setAttribute('id', 'content');
     return parent::generate();
Beispiel #8

include_once TOOLKIT . '/class.htmlpage.php';
$Page = new HTMLPage();
$Page->Html->setDTD('<!DOCTYPE html>');
$Page->Html->setAttribute('xml:lang', 'en');
$Page->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('meta', NULL, array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')), 0);
$Page->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/symphony/assets/error.css', 'screen', 30);
$Page->addHeaderToPage('HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error');
$Page->addHeaderToPage('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
$Page->addHeaderToPage('Symphony-Error-Type', 'generic');
if (isset($e->getAdditional()->header)) {
$Page->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', array(__('Symphony'), $e->getHeading())));
$div = new XMLElement('div', NULL, array('id' => 'description'));
$div->appendChild(new XMLElement('h1', $e->getHeading()));
$div->appendChild($e->getMessageObject() instanceof XMLElement ? $e->getMessageObject() : new XMLElement('p', trim($e->getMessage())));
$output = $Page->generate();
header(sprintf('Content-Length: %d', strlen($output)));
echo $output;
  * Appends the `$this->Header`, `$this->Context` and `$this->Contents`
  * to `$this->Wrapper` before adding the ID and class attributes for
  * the `<body>` element. This function will also place any Drawer elements
  * in their relevant positions in the page. After this has completed the
  * parent `generate()` is called which will convert the `XMLElement`'s
  * into strings ready for output.
  * @see core.HTMLPage#generate()
  * @return string
 public function generate()
     // Add horizontal drawers (inside #context)
     if (isset($this->Drawer['horizontal'])) {
     // Add vertical-left drawers (between #context and #contents)
     if (isset($this->Drawer['vertical-left'])) {
     // Add vertical-right drawers (after #contents)
     if (isset($this->Drawer['vertical-right'])) {
     return parent::generate();
 public function generate()
     return parent::generate();
Beispiel #11
 function generate($page, $profiler, $database)
     $this->addHeaderToPage('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
     $this->Html->setDTD('<!DOCTYPE html>');
     //PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"
     $this->Html->setAttribute('lang', __LANG__);
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('meta', NULL, array('http-equiv' => 'Content-Type', 'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')), 0);
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('link', NULL, array('rel' => 'icon', 'href' => URL . '/symphony/assets/images/bookmark.png', 'type' => 'image/png')), 20);
     $this->addStylesheetToHead(URL . '/symphony/assets/debug.css', 'screen', 40);
     $this->addElementToHead(new XMLElement('!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="' . URL . '/symphony/assets/legacy.css" type="text/css"><![endif]--'), 50);
     $this->addScriptToHead(URL . '/symphony/assets/admin.js', 60);
     $this->setTitle(__('%1$s &ndash; %2$s &ndash; %3$s', array(__('Symphony'), __('Page Profiler'), $page['title'])));
     $h1 = new XMLElement('h1');
     $h1->appendChild(Widget::Anchor($page['title'], $this->_query_string ? '?' . trim($this->_query_string, '&') : '.'));
     $jump = new XMLElement('ul', NULL, array('id' => 'jump'));
     $records = array();
     $dbstats = $database->getStatistics();
     $profile_group = strlen(trim($_GET['profile'])) == 0 ? 'general' : $_GET['profile'];
     $records['general'] = $profiler->retrieveGroup('General');
     if (is_array($records['general']) && !empty($records['general'])) {
         $jump->appendChild(self::__appendNavigationItem('General Details', '?profile=general' . $this->_query_string, $profile_group == 'general'));
     $records['data-sources'] = $profiler->retrieveGroup('Datasource');
     if (is_array($records['data-sources']) && !empty($records['data-sources'])) {
         $jump->appendChild(self::__appendNavigationItem('Data Source Execution', '?profile=data-sources' . $this->_query_string, $profile_group == 'data-sources'));
     $records['events'] = $profiler->retrieveGroup('Event');
     if (is_array($records['events']) && !empty($records['events'])) {
         $jump->appendChild(self::__appendNavigationItem('Event Execution', '?profile=events' . $this->_query_string, $profile_group == 'events'));
     $jump->appendChild(self::__appendNavigationItem('Full Page Render Statistics', '?profile=render-statistics' . $this->_query_string, $profile_group == 'render-statistics'));
     if (is_array($dbstats['slow-queries']) && !empty($dbstats['slow-queries'])) {
         $records['slow-queries'] = array();
         foreach ($dbstats['slow-queries'] as $q) {
             $records['slow-queries'][] = array($q['time'], $q['query'], NULL, NULL, false);
         $jump->appendChild(self::__appendNavigationItem('Slow Query Details', '?profile=slow-queries' . $this->_query_string, $profile_group == 'slow-queries'));
     switch ($profile_group) {
         case 'general':
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl', NULL, array('id' => 'general'));
             foreach ($records['general'] as $r) {
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', $r[0]));
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', $r[1] . ' s'));
         case 'data-sources':
             $ds_total = 0;
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl', NULL, array('id' => 'data-sources'));
             foreach ($records['data-sources'] as $r) {
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', $r[0]));
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', $r[1] . ' s'));
                 $ds_total += $r[1];
         case 'events':
             $event_total = 0;
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl', NULL, array('id' => 'events'));
             foreach ($records['events'] as $r) {
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', $r[0]));
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', $r[1] . ' s'));
                 $event_total += $r[1];
         case 'render-statistics':
             $xml_generation = $profiler->retrieveByMessage('XML Generation');
             $xsl_transformation = $profiler->retrieveByMessage('XSLT Transformation');
             $records = array(array(__('Total Database Queries'), $dbstats['queries'], NULL, NULL, false), array(__('Slow Queries (> 0.09s)'), count($dbstats['slow-queries']), NULL, NULL, false), array(__('Total Time Spent on Queries'), $dbstats['total-query-time']), array(__('Time Triggering All Events'), $event_total), array(__('Time Running All Data Sources'), $ds_total), array(__('XML Generation Function'), $xml_generation[1]), array(__('XSLT Generation'), $xsl_transformation[1]), array(__('Output Creation Time'), $profiler->retrieveTotalRunningTime()));
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl', NULL, array('id' => 'render-statistics'));
             foreach ($records as $r) {
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', $r[0]));
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', $r[1] . (isset($r[4]) && $r[4] == false ? '' : ' s')));
         case 'slow-queries':
             $dl = new XMLElement('dl', NULL, array('id' => 'slow-queries'));
             foreach ($records['slow-queries'] as $r) {
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dt', $r[0]));
                 $dl->appendChild(new XMLElement('dd', $r[1] . (isset($r[4]) && $r[4] == false ? '' : ' s')));
     return parent::generate();