private function saveProduct($is_new = true) { if ($is_new == true && $this->req['product']['name'] == "" || $this->req['product']['id'] == "" && $is_new == false) { return false; } $valid = true; // add checks here if ($valid == true) { $file = new FileTransfer(); $json_template = json_decode($this->req['product']['templatefile'], true); $images = ""; if (isset($json_template['objects'][0])) { foreach ($json_template['objects'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['type'] == "image" && strpos($v['src'], "/temp/") != false) { $new_url = $file->move($v['src']); if ($new_url != "") { $this->req['product']['templatefile'] = str_replace($v['src'], $new_url, $this->req['product']['templatefile']); } } if ($v['type'] == "image") { $images = $images . "##" . $v['src']; } } } if ($json_template['overlayImage']['type'] == "image") { $new_url = $file->move($json_template['overlayImage']['src']); if ($new_url != "") { $this->req['product']['templatefile'] = str_replace($json_template['overlayImage']['src'], $new_url, $this->req['product']['templatefile']); } } if ($is_new == true) { $this->productModel = new ProductModel(); } else { $temp = $this->productModel->fetchProductById($this->req['product']['id']); $this->productModel = $temp[0]; $str_old_template = $this->productModel->getTemplateFile(); $json_old_template = json_decode($str_old_template, true); if (isset($json_old_template['objects'][0])) { foreach ($json_old_template['objects'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['type'] == "image" && strpos($images, $v['src']) == false) { $file->delete($v['src']); } } } $this->productModel->setProductId($this->req['product']['id']); } $this->productModel->setTitle($this->req['product']['name']); $this->productModel->setSku($this->req['product']['sku']); $this->productModel->setModel($this->req['product']['model']); $this->productModel->setDescription($this->req['product']['description']); $this->productModel->setInStock($this->req['product']['instock']); $this->productModel->setInsertTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->productModel->setIsActive($this->req['product']['status']); $this->productModel->setMetaDescription($this->req['product']['meta_description']); $this->productModel->setMetaKeywords($this->req['product']['meta_keywords']); $this->productModel->setPrice($this->req['product']['price']); $this->productModel->setQty($this->req['product']['qty']); $this->productModel->setSummary($this->req['product']['summary']); if (strlen($this->req['product']['templatefile']) < 40) { $this->req['product']['templatefile'] = ""; } $this->productModel->setTemplateFile($this->req['product']['templatefile']); $this->productModel->setUpdateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->productModel->setCategories("," . implode(",", $this->req['product']['categories']) . ","); $this->productModel->setSalePrice($this->req['product']['sprice']); $this->productModel->setSoldQty($this->req['product']['sold_qty']); $this->productModel->setPreference($this->req['product']['pref']); $fileurl = $file->upload('fileupload1'); $fileurl = $file->move($fileurl); if ($is_new == true) { $this->productModel->setImageFile($fileurl); $this->productModel->insert(); } else { if ($fileurl != "") { $file->delete($this->productModel->getImageFile()); $this->productModel->setImageFile($fileurl); } $this->productModel->update(); } if (is_array($this->req['product']['atr']) && count($this->req['product']['atr']) > 0) { $ahc = new AttributeHelper(); $ahc->saveProductAttributesValue($this->req['product']['atr'], $this->productModel->getProductId()); } if ($this->productModel->isSuccess() == 1) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSettingsForm() { $form = parent::getSettingsForm(); $form['advanced']['port']['#default_value'] = 21; return $form; }
public function downloadzip($orderid) { if ($this->isAdmin == true) { if ($orderid != "") { $data = $this->getOrderDetails($orderid); $filetrans = new FileTransfer(); if ($data != null) { foreach ($data['orderdetail'] as $od) { if ($od['t'] != null) { $file64 = $od['t']->getTemplateimage(); $filesUrls[] = $filetrans->base64ToImage($file64, $od['p']->getProductid() . "_" . @str_replace(" ", "-", $od['p']->getModel()) . "_" . $od['t']->getTemplateid()); $json_template = json_decode($od['t']->getTemplate(), true); if (isset($json_template['objects'][0])) { foreach ($json_template['objects'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['type'] == "image") { $filesUrls[] = $v['src']; } } } } else { $filesUrls[] = $od['p']->getImageFile(); } $name .= $od['p']->getModel() . "_"; } $return = $filetrans->generateZip($orderid . "_" . $name . rand(0, 1000), $filesUrls); if ($data['order']->getStatus() == "pending") { $data['order']->setStatus("printing"); $data['order']->update(); } } } } if ($return == "") { echo "failed"; } else { echo $return; } }
private function moveTemplate($tid) { // converts file urls from temp dir to final destination dir and update user templates database records $file = new FileTransfer(); $templateModel = new UsertemplateModel(); $templates = $templateModel->fetchTemplatesfromIds($tid); $template = $templates[0]; if ($template) { $json_template_str = $template->getTemplate(); $json_template = json_decode($json_template_str, true); $images = ""; if (isset($json_template['objects'][0])) { foreach ($json_template['objects'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['type'] == "image" && strpos($v['src'], "/temp/") != false) { $new_url = $file->move($v['src']); if ($new_url != "") { $json_template_str = str_replace($v['src'], $new_url, $json_template_str); } } if ($v['type'] == "image") { $images = $images . "##" . $v['src']; } } } if ($json_template['overlayImage']['type'] == "image") { $new_url = $file->move($json_template['overlayImage']['src']); if ($new_url != "") { $json_template_str = str_replace($json_template['overlayImage']['src'], $new_url, $json_template_str); } } $template->setTemplate($json_template_str); $template->update(); } }
function downloadaFile() { $ft = new FileTransfer($_SESSION['sHost'], $_SESSION['sApp'], $_SESSION['sUserAgent']); $var0 = trim($_POST['token'], " "); $ft->setAuthToken($var0); $var1 = trim($_POST['durl'], " "); $ft->setAuthToken($var0); if (isset($_POST['psw'])) { $var2 = trim($_POST['psw'], " "); $response = $ft->downloadaFileWS($var1, $var2); } else { $response = $ft->downloadaFileWS($var1); } if ($response !== 'fail') { header("Location: {$response}"); } else { header("Location: ./dwn.php?err=3"); } }
public function index() { $ft = new FileTransfer(); echo $ft->upload("fileupload"); }
$config[$update_id] = new stdClass(); $config[$update_id]->sitename = ''; // 新規の場合はパスワード必須 $config[$update_id]->password = required_param("password{$update_id}"); } else { // 更新の場合はパスワードがフォームに自動入力されないので // 入力値が空でなければ更新 if ($new_password = optional_param("password{$update_id}")) { $config[$update_id]->password = $new_password; } } if (!empty($url)) { // リポジトリサイト名をHTTP通信で取得 require_once './lib/FileTransfer.php'; $tmp_file = tempnam(make_upload_directory('temp/download', FALSE), 'title'); $response = FileTransfer::downloadFile($tmp_file, "{$url}/course/format/repository/title.php", array('instance' => $instance, 'username' => $config[$update_id]->username, 'password' => $config[$update_id]->password, 'usersite' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'sitename' => $SITE->fullname)); if (preg_match('@^HTTP/1.. (\\d+) @', $response, $m)) { // HTTPステータスコード $status_code = intval($m[1]); switch ($status_code) { case 200: // OK $sitename = file_get_contents($tmp_file); if (strspn($sitename, "\r\n")) { // 改行文字が含まれていたらRepository側で // PHPエラーが発生したと判断 } else { $config[$update_id]->sitename = $sitename; SharingCart_Repository::setConfig($USER, $config); $succeeded = TRUE; }
public function downloada_file($download_url = null) { $ft = new \FileTransfer(\Session::get('ysi.sHost'), \Session::get('ysi.sApp'), \Session::get('ysi.sUserAgent')); $ft->setAuthToken(\Session::get('ysi.sToken')); $response = $ft->downloadaFileWS(trim($download_url)); if ($response !== 'fail') { header("Location: {$response}"); } else { echo '<h3>There was an error while downloading file.</h3>'; } exit; }
foreach ($materials as $id => $fields) { // フィールドを分解 // @see /course/format/repository/RepositoryMaterial.php # download() list($sha1, $type, $icon, $text) = explode('|', $fields, 4); // ダウンロードボタンがクリックされたら、教材ファイルをHTTP通信により取得 if (!empty($downloads[$id])) { $user_dir = make_user_directory($USER->id); $temp_dir = make_upload_directory('temp/download', false); $zip_name = SharingCart_Repository::getDownloadName($id); if (!is_dir($user_dir) || !is_dir($temp_dir)) { throw new SharingCart_RepositoryException('Directory creation failure'); } if (is_file($user_dir . '/' . $zip_name)) { throw new SharingCart_RepositoryException('File already exists'); } $response_header = FileTransfer::downloadFile($temp_dir . '/' . $zip_name, $repository_wwwroot . '/course/format/repository/material.php', array('mode' => 'transfer', 'material' => $id, 'sessionkey' => $sessionkey)); // ダウンロードしたファイルのハッシュを比較してダウンロード成功かチェック if (sha1_file($temp_dir . '/' . $zip_name) == $sha1) { if (!rename($temp_dir . '/' . $zip_name, $user_dir . '/' . $zip_name)) { throw new SharingCart_RepositoryException('File rename failure'); } $sharing_cart = new stdClass(); $sharing_cart->user = $USER->id; $sharing_cart->name = $type; $sharing_cart->icon = $icon; $sharing_cart->text = $text; $sharing_cart->time = time(); $sharing_cart->file = $zip_name; sharing_cart_table::insert_record($sharing_cart); $completes[$id] = TRUE; }