  * Recursively copy a folder and its contents
  * http://aidan.dotgeek.org/lib/?file=function.copyr.php
  * @author      Aidan Lister <*****@*****.**>
  * @version     1.0.1
  * @param       string   $source    Source path
  * @param       string   $dest      Destination path
  * @return      bool     Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 function copyDir($source, $dest)
     // Simple copy for a file
     if (is_file($source)) {
         return File::copy($source, $dest);
     // Make destination directory
     if (!File::isDir($dest)) {
     // Loop through the folder
     $dir = dir($source);
     while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
         // Skip pointers
         if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
         // Deep copy directories
         if ($dest !== "{$source}/{$entry}") {
             MyFile::copyDir("{$source}/{$entry}", "{$dest}/{$entry}");
     // Clean up
     return true;
  * Returns true if the template is a valid template set
 function validate()
     // first of all, check that the folder exists
     if (!File::isDir($this->_fullName)) {
     // now check that all the basic files are available
     foreach ($this->_basicFiles as $basicFile) {
         if (!File::isReadable($this->_fullName . $basicFile)) {
             return ERROR_MISSING_BASE_FILES;
     return true;
 function getTemplateSubFolders($folder)
     $templateSubFolders = array();
     $files = Glob::myGlob($folder, "*");
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (File::isDir($file)) {
             $tmp['name'] = basename($file);
             if ($tmp['name'] != "backups") {
                 array_push($templateSubFolders, $tmp);
     return $templateSubFolders;
 function getTemplateFiles($folder)
     $templateFiles = array();
     $files = Glob::myGlob($folder, "*");
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (!File::isDir($file)) {
             $tmp['name'] = basename($file);
             $tmp['size'] = filesize($file);
             $tmp['isEditable'] = $this->isValidExtension($tmp['name']);
             $tmp['isImage'] = $this->isImage($tmp['name']);
             $tmp['url'] = $file;
             array_push($templateFiles, $tmp);
     return $templateFiles;
Beispiel #5
        $this->message .= "articles_text table updated successfully!<br/>";
        return true;
    function perform()
        $updaters = array("updateArticleCategories", "updateArticleComments", "updateBlogs", "updateAlbums", "updateResources", "updateArticleText");
        // loop through each one of the methods to take care of updating one of the tables
        foreach ($updaters as $method) {
            $result = $this->{$method}();
            if (!$result) {
                $this->_view = new WizardView("update3");
                return false;
        // everything went fine so we can show the final page!
        $this->_view = new WizardView("update4");
        $this->_view->setValue("message", $this->message);
        return true;
// check if the "./tmp" folder is writable by us, otherwise
// throw an error before the user gets countless errors
// from Smarty
if (!File::isWritable(TEMP_FOLDER) || !File::isDir(TEMP_FOLDER)) {
    print "<span style=\"color:red; font-size: 14px;\">Error</span><br/><br/>This wizard needs the " . TEMP_FOLDER . " folder to be writable by the web server user.<br/><br/>Please correct that and try again.";
//// main part ////
$controller = new Controller($_actionMap, "nextStep");
 function view()
     $this->Form->setAttribute('action', extension_filemanager::baseURL() . 'properties/?file=' . $_GET['file']);
     $file = new File(DOCROOT . $this->_FileManager->getStartLocation() . $_GET['file']);
     $FileManager =& $this->_Parent->ExtensionManager->create('filemanager');
     $formHasErrors = is_array($this->_errors) && !empty($this->_errors);
     if ($formHasErrors) {
         $this->pageAlert('An error occurred while processing this form. <a href="#error">See below for details.</a>', AdministrationPage::PAGE_ALERT_ERROR);
     if (isset($_GET['result'])) {
         switch ($_GET['result']) {
             case 'saved':
                 $this->pageAlert(__('%s updated successfully', array($file->isDir() ? 'Folder' : 'File')), Alert::SUCCESS);
     $path = extension_filemanager::baseURL() . 'browse/';
     $breadcrumb = '';
     $pathelements = explode('/', $_GET['file']);
     foreach ($pathelements as $element) {
         if ($element != '') {
             $path .= $element . '/';
             $breadcrumb .= ' / ' . ($element == end($pathelements) ? $element : Widget::Anchor($element, $path)->generate());
     $this->appendSubheading(trim($FileManager->getStartLocationLink(), '/') . $breadcrumb);
     $fields = array();
     $fieldset = new XMLElement('fieldset');
     $fieldset->setAttribute('class', 'settings');
     $fieldset->appendChild(new XMLElement('legend', 'Essentials'));
     $div = new XMLElement('div');
     $div->setAttribute('class', 'group');
     $label = Widget::Label('Name');
     $label->appendChild(Widget::Input('fields[name]', General::sanitize($file->name())));
     if (isset($this->_errors['name'])) {
         $div->appendChild(Widget::wrapFormElementWithError($label, $this->_errors['name']));
     } else {
     $label = Widget::Label('Permissions');
     $label->appendChild(Widget::Input('fields[permissions]', General::sanitize($file->permissions())));
     if (isset($this->_errors['permissions'])) {
         $div->appendChild(Widget::wrapFormElementWithError($label, $this->_errors['permissions']));
     } else {
     if (!$file->isDir() && in_array(File::fileType($file->name()), array(File::CODE, File::DOC))) {
         $fieldset = new XMLElement('fieldset');
         $fieldset->setAttribute('class', 'settings');
         $fieldset->appendChild(new XMLElement('legend', 'Editor'));
         $label = Widget::Label('Contents');
         $label->appendChild(Widget::Textarea('fields[contents]', '25', '50', General::sanitize($file->contents()), array('class' => 'code')));
         if (isset($this->_errors['contents'])) {
             $fieldset->appendChild(Widget::wrapFormElementWithError($label, $this->_errors['contents']));
         } else {
     if (!$file->isDir() && File::fileType($file->name()) == File::IMAGE) {
         $fieldset = new XMLElement('fieldset');
         $fieldset->setAttribute('class', 'settings');
         $fieldset->appendChild(new XMLElement('legend', 'Preview'));
         $img = new XMLElement('img');
         $img->setAttribute('src', URL . $FileManager->getStartLocation() . $_GET['file']);
         $img->setAttribute('alt', $file->name());
     $div = new XMLElement('div');
     $div->setAttribute('class', 'actions');
     if (is_writeable(DOCROOT . $this->_FileManager->getStartLocation() . $_GET['file'])) {
         $div->appendChild(Widget::Input('action[save]', 'Save Changes', 'submit', array('accesskey' => 's')));
         $button = new XMLElement('button', 'Delete');
         $button->setAttributeArray(array('name' => 'action[delete]', 'class' => 'confirm delete', 'title' => 'Delete this ' . ($file->isDir() ? 'Folder' : 'File')));
     } else {
         $notice = new XMLElement('p', 'The server does not have permission to edit this file.');
         $notice->setAttribute('class', 'inactive');
  * @private
  * Factored out from above...
 function _getTemplateFileInfo($templateName, $layout, $blogInfo)
     // build the file name
     if ($blogInfo == null) {
         $templateFileName = $layout . '/' . $templateName . '.template';
         $templateFolder = TemplateSetStorage::getBaseTemplateFolder();
     } else {
         // might be the case that the template is not local but global, so
         // by default, global templates will always have preference over
         // local templates. If the template is global, then
         $baseTemplateFolder = TemplateSetStorage::getBaseTemplateFolder();
         $globalTemplateFolder = $baseTemplateFolder . '/' . $layout;
         $localTemplateFolder = $baseTemplateFolder . '/' . BLOG_BASE_TEMPLATE_FOLDER . $blogInfo->getId() . '/' . $layout;
         //print("local = $localTemplateFolder - global = $globalTemplateFolder<br/>");
         $templateFileName = $layout . '/' . $templateName . '.template';
         if (!File::isDir($globalTemplateFolder)) {
             //$templateFileName = $layout."/".$templateName.".template";
             $templateFolder = $baseTemplateFolder . '/' . BLOG_BASE_TEMPLATE_FOLDER . $blogInfo->getId();
         } else {
             $templateFolder = $baseTemplateFolder . '/';
     $result['templateFileName'] = $templateFileName;
     $result['templateFolder'] = $templateFolder;
     return $result;
Beispiel #8

require_once '../../lib/base/boot.php';
$f = new File(__FILE__);
#$t = getrusage();
#$t = doubleval($t['ru_utime.tv_sec']*1000) + doubleval($t['ru_utime.tv_usec']/1000000);
#printf("User time: %f", $t);
    function download($id)
        $conditions = array('conditions' => array('Halaman.lesson_id' => $id), 'order' => array('Halaman.order' => 'ASC'));
        $isi = $this->Halaman->find('all', $conditions);
        $lesson = $this->Halaman->Lesson->read(null, $id);
        $this->kosongin(WWW_ROOT . DS . 'wow_book/files/*');
        $servername = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        foreach ($isi as $item) {
            $source = $this->getContents($item['Halaman']['content'], 'http://' . $servername . '/skope/app/webroot/', '"');
            $count = $item['Halaman']['order'];
            $count = 0;
            foreach ($source as $row) {
                //echo $count.' '.$row."</br>";
                $row = str_replace("%20", " ", $row);
                mkdir(dirname(WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/" . $row), 0777, true);
                copy(WWW_ROOT . $row, WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/" . $row);
            $source2 = $this->getContents($item['Halaman']['content'], 'src="/skope/files/image_mikroskop/', '"');
            foreach ($source2 as $row2) {
                //echo $count.' '.$row."</br>";
                $row2 = trim(str_replace("%20", " ", $row2));
                mkdir(dirname(WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/image_mikroskop/" . $row2), 0777, true);
                copy(WWW_ROOT . "files/image_mikroskop/" . $row2, WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/image_mikroskop/" . $row2);
            $source3 = $this->getContents($item['Halaman']['content'], 'src="/skope/files/video_mikroskop/', '"');
            foreach ($source3 as $row2) {
                //echo $count.' '.$row."</br>";
                $row2 = trim(str_replace("%20", " ", $row2));
                mkdir(dirname(WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/video_mikroskop/" . $row2), 0777, true);
                copy(WWW_ROOT . "files/video_mikroskop/" . $row2, WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/video_mikroskop/" . $row2);
        $isifeature = '<!doctype html>
		<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html lang="en" class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]-->
			<meta charset="utf-8">
			.js #features {
			margin-left: -12000px; width: 100%;
			<!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine (even in intranet) & Chrome Frame
			   Remove this if you use the .htaccess -->
			<meta charset="utf-8">
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		    <!--  Mobile viewport optimized: j.mp/bplateviewport -->
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		    <!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags -->
		    <meta name="description" content="">
			<!-- Bootstrap core CSS -->
			<!-- CSS : implied media="all" -->
		    <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
		    <link href="wow_book.css" rel="stylesheet">
		    <link href="css/preview.css" rel="stylesheet">
		    <link href="css/nanoscroller.css" rel="stylesheet">
		    <link href="css/component_lesson.css" rel="stylesheet">
			<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
			<div id="container">
			<div id="main">
				<img id="click_to_open" src="images/click_to_open.png" alt="click to open" />
		  		<div id="features">';
        $isifeature .= '<div class="feaature bk-book book-1 bk-bookdefault viewlesson">
				<div class="bk-front">
			        <div class="bk-cover">
			                <span>' . $lesson['Lesson']['author'] . '</span>
			                <span style="text-transform:uppercase;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['title'] . '</span><br/>
			                <span style="font-size:0.5em;font-family:arial,helvetica;text-transform:lowercase;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['description'] . '</span>
			        <div class="bk-cover-back"></div>
				<div class="feature">
					<div class="contenttextbook nano">
						<div class="nano-content">
							<div class="contentareablock titlearea">
			                <span>' . $lesson['Lesson']['author'] . '</span>
			                <h1 style="text-transform:uppercase;font-size:43px;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['title'] . '</h1>
			                <span style="font-size:1em;font-family:arial,helvetica;text-transform:lowercase;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['description'] . '</span>
			            	<p>Kelas :  ' . $lesson['Lesson']['grade_id'] . '
			            	<br/>Pelajaran :  ' . $lesson['Pelajaran']['nama'] . '</p>
			            	<p style="font-weight:bold;">---- KELOMPOK ----</p>
			            	<p>' . nl2br($lesson['Lesson']['kelompok']) . '</p>

				<div class="feature">
					<div class="contenttextbook nano">
						<div class="nano-content">
							<div class="contentareablock titlearea">
        foreach ($isi as $item) {
            $item['Halaman']['content'] = str_replace("http://" . $servername . "/skope/app/webroot/", "files/", $item['Halaman']['content']);
            $item['Halaman']['content'] = str_replace("/skope/files/image_mikroskop/", "files/image_mikroskop/", $item['Halaman']['content']);
            $item['Halaman']['content'] = str_replace("/skope/files/video_mikroskop/", "files/video_mikroskop/", $item['Halaman']['content']);
            $isifeature .= '<div class="echo">
									<div class="contenttextbook nano">
										<div class="nano-content">
											<div class="contentareablock">
											<h2 style="font-size:37px;">' . $item['Halaman']['deskripsi_halaman'] . '</h2>
											 ' . $item['Halaman']['content'] . '
        $isifeature .= '</div><nav class="navigasiwow">
						<li><a id="first"     href="#" title="goto first page"   >First page</a></li>
						<li><a id="back"      href="#" title="go back one page"  >Back</a></li>
						<li><a id="next"      href="#" title="go foward one page">Next</a></li>
						<li><a id="last"      href="#" title="goto last page"    >last page</a></li>
						<li><a id="zoomin"    href="#" title="zoom in"           >Zoom In</a></li>
						<li><a id="zoomout"   href="#" title="zoom out"          >Zoom Out</a></li>
						<li><a id="slideshow" href="#" title="start slideshow"   >Slide Show</a></li>
						<li><a id="flipsound" href="#" title="flip sound on/off" >Flip sound</a></li>
				</div> <!--! end of #container -->
				<script type="text/javascript" src="wow_book.min.js"></script>
				<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.nanoscroller.min.js"></script>
				position: absolute;
				display: inline-block;
				right: 0;
				width: 61px;
				padding: 5px 10px;
			.makecenter > a {
				color: #000;
				background-color: transparent;
				border: 1px solid;
				margin: 2px;
				<script type="text/javascript" src="wow_conf.js"></script>
				<script type="text/javascript" src="js/plugins.js"></script>
				<script type="text/javascript" src="js/script.js"></script>
        $path = WWW_ROOT . DS . 'wow_book/index.html';
        $file = new File($path, true, 0777);
        $file->open('w', true);
        // Get real path for our folder
        $rootPath = realpath(WWW_ROOT . DS . 'wow_book');
        // Initialize archive object
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $zip->open('file.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
        // Create recursive directory iterator
        /** @var SplFileInfo[] $files */
        $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootPath), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
        foreach ($files as $name => $file) {
            // Skip directories (they would be added automatically)
            if (!$file->isDir()) {
                // Get real and relative path for current file
                $filePath = $file->getRealPath();
                $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($rootPath) + 1);
                // Add current file to archive
                $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath);
        // Zip archive will be created only after closing object
        $this->layout = 'default_blank';
  * @public
 function checkMediumSizePreviewsStorageFolder($ownerId)
     $previewsFolder = GalleryResourceStorage::getMediumSizePreviewsFolder($ownerId);
     if ($previewsFolder[strlen($previewsFolder) - 1] == "/") {
         $previewsFolder = substr($previewsFolder, 0, strlen($previewsFolder) - 1);
     if (!File::isDir($previewsFolder)) {
         // folder does not exist, so we should try to create it
         if (!File::createDir($previewsFolder, 0755)) {
             throw new Exception("Could not create user storage folder for medium size previews: " . $previewsFolder);
             return false;
     if (!File::isReadable($previewsFolder)) {
         throw new Exception($previewsFolder . " user previews storage folder exists but it is not readable!");
         return false;
     return true;
  * refreshes the list of folders from disk
 function getPluginListFromFolder()
     $pluginList = array();
     $pluginFiles = Glob::glob($this->_pluginDir, "*");
     if (!is_array($pluginFiles)) {
         return $pluginList;
     foreach ($pluginFiles as $pluginFile) {
         if (File::isDir($pluginFile)) {
             // build up the name of the file
             $pluginId = array_pop(explode("/", $pluginFile));
             $pluginFileName = "plugin" . $pluginId . ".class.php";
             $pluginFullPath = PLOG_CLASS_PATH . "{$pluginFile}/{$pluginFileName}";
             // and try to include it
             if (File::isReadable($pluginFile . "/" . $pluginFileName)) {
                 $pluginList[] = $pluginId;
     return $pluginList;
Beispiel #12
 private function getFolders()
     $folders = array();
     // If we're running in advanced directory mode, get information about the folders
     if ($_SESSION['directoryMode'] == 'ADVANCED') {
         $path = File::getUserSandboxPath();
         // If we're not at the user's top-level folder, show the parent folder
         if ($_SESSION['cwd'] != $_SESSION['userPath']) {
             $folders[] = '..';
         foreach (scandir($path) as $file) {
             if (File::isDir($file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                 $folders[] = $file;
     return $folders;
  * Creates the blog-specific folder where templates are stored.
  * If the folder is not there, it will be created. If it is already there,
  * then nothing will happen.
  * @param blogId The identifier of the blog.
 function createBlogTemplateFolder($blogId)
     // make sure that the blog-specific folder exists
     $templateFolder = $this->getBaseTemplateFolder();
     $blogTemplateFolder = "{$templateFolder}/blog_" . $blogId;
     if (!File::isDir($blogTemplateFolder)) {
     return $blogTemplateFolder;
    function download($id)
        $conditions = array('conditions' => array('Halaman.lesson_id' => $id), 'order' => array('Halaman.order' => 'ASC'));
        $isi = $this->Halaman->find('all', $conditions);
        $lesson = $this->Halaman->Lesson->read(null, $id);
        $this->kosongin(WWW_ROOT . DS . 'wow_book/files/*');
        $servername = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
        //echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
        $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
        //returns the current URL
        $parts = explode('/', $url);
        foreach ($isi as $item) {
            $source = $this->getContents($item['Halaman']['content'], 'http://' . $servername . '/' . $parts[1] . '/app/webroot/', '"');
            $count = $item['Halaman']['order'];
            $count = 0;
            foreach ($source as $row) {
                //echo $count.' '.$row."</br>";
                $row = str_replace("%20", " ", $row);
                mkdir(dirname(WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/" . $row), 0777, true);
                copy(WWW_ROOT . $row, WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/" . $row);
            $source2 = $this->getContents($item['Halaman']['content'], 'src="/' . $parts[1] . '/source/SKOPE/image_mikroskop/', '"');
            foreach ($source2 as $row2) {
                //echo $count.' '.$row."</br>";
                $row2 = trim(str_replace("%20", " ", $row2));
                mkdir(dirname(WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/image_mikroskop/" . $row2), 0777, true);
                copy(WWW_ROOT . "source/SKOPE/image_mikroskop/" . $row2, WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/image_mikroskop/" . $row2);
            $source3 = $this->getContents($item['Halaman']['content'], 'src="/' . $parts[1] . '/source/SKOPE/video_mikroskop/', '"');
            foreach ($source3 as $row2) {
                //echo $count.' '.$row."</br>";
                $row2 = trim(str_replace("%20", " ", $row2));
                mkdir(dirname(WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/video_mikroskop/" . $row2), 0777, true);
                copy(WWW_ROOT . "source/SKOPE/video_mikroskop/" . $row2, WWW_ROOT . "wow_book/files/video_mikroskop/" . $row2);
        $isifeature = '
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			<div id="videocontent">
				<div id="example_video_1">
			<div id="penelitiancontent">
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				<img id="click_to_open" src="images/click_to_open.png" alt="click to open" />
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        $isifeature .= '<div class="feaature bk-book book-1 bk-bookdefault viewlesson">
						<div class="bk-front">
					        <div class="bk-cover ' . $lesson['Lesson']['color'] . '">
					                <span>' . $lesson['Lesson']['author'] . '</span>
					                <span style="text-transform:uppercase;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['title'] . '</span><br/>
					                <span style="font-size:0.5em;font-family:arial,helvetica;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['description'] . '</span>
					        <div class="bk-cover-back"></div>
						<div class="feature">
							<div class="contenttextbook nano">
								<div class="nano-content">
									<div class="contentareablock titlearea">
					                <!--<span>' . $lesson['Lesson']['author'] . '</span>-->	
					                <h1 style="text-transform:uppercase;font-size:43px;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['title'] . '</h1>
					                <span style="font-size:1em;font-family:arial,helvetica;margin-top:10px;display:block;">' . $lesson['Lesson']['description'] . '</span>
					            	<p style="margin-top:150px;display:block;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.1em;">' . $lesson['Pelajaran']['nama'] . ' - ' . $lesson['Grade']['details'] . '</p>
					            	<p style="font-weight:normal;margin-top:20px;display:block;">dibuat oleh:
									<p style="margin-top:7px;display:block;">
					            	' . $lesson['Lesson']['author'] . '
					            	<br/>' . nl2br($lesson['Lesson']['kelompok']) . '</p>

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        foreach ($isi as $item) {
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            $item['Halaman']['content'] = str_replace("/" . $parts[1] . "/source/SKOPE/image_mikroskop/", "files/image_mikroskop/", $item['Halaman']['content']);
            $item['Halaman']['content'] = str_replace("/" . $parts[1] . "/source/SKOPE/video_mikroskop/", "files/video_mikroskop/", $item['Halaman']['content']);
            $isifeature .= '<div class="feature">
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									<div class="nano-content">
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										<h2 style="font-size:33px;background-color:#66CAE8;color:#fff;padding:10px;margin-left:-10px;">' . $item['Halaman']['deskripsi_halaman'] . '</h2>
										' . $item['Halaman']['content'] . '
        $countpages = count($isi);
        if ($countpages % 2 == 0) {
            $isifeature .= '<div class="feature">
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        } elseif ($countpages == 0) {
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			          file: "opening/opening_skope.flv",
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				jwplayer("example_video_1").onComplete(function() {
        $path = WWW_ROOT . DS . 'wow_book/index.html';
        $file = new File($path, true, 0777);
        $file->open('w', true);
        // Get real path for our folder
        $rootPath = realpath(WWW_ROOT . DS . 'wow_book');
        // Initialize archive object
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $zip->open('file.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
        // Create recursive directory iterator
        /** @var SplFileInfo[] $files */
        $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootPath), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
        foreach ($files as $name => $file) {
            // Skip directories (they would be added automatically)
            if (!$file->isDir()) {
                // Get real and relative path for current file
                $filePath = $file->getRealPath();
                $relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($rootPath) + 1);
                // Add current file to archive
                $zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath);
        // Zip archive will be created only after closing object
        //system("cmd /c ".$pathbatch);
        $this->layout = 'default_blank';
  * removes a directory, optinally in a recursive fashion
  * @param dirName
  * @param recursive Whether to recurse through all subdirectories that
  * are within the given one and remove them.
  * @param onlyFiles If the recursive mode is enabled, setting this to 'true' will
  * force the method to only remove files but not folders. The directory will not be
  * removed but all the files included it in (and all subdirectories) will be.
  * @return True if successful or false otherwise
  * @static
 function deleteDir($dirName, $recursive = false, $onlyFiles = false)
     // if the directory can't be read, then quit with an error
     if (!File::isReadable($dirName) || !File::exists($dirName)) {
         return false;
     // if it's not a file, let's get out of here and transfer flow
     // to the right place...
     if (!File::isDir($dirName)) {
         return File::delete($dirName);
     // Glob::myGlob is easier to use than Glob::glob, specially when
     // we're relying on the native version... This improved version
     // will automatically ignore things like "." and ".." for us,
     // making it much easier!
     $files = Glob::myGlob($dirName, "*");
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (File::isDir($file)) {
             // perform a recursive call if we were allowed to do so
             if ($recursive) {
                 File::deleteDir($file, $recursive, $onlyFiles);
         // File::delete can remove empty folders as well as files
         if (File::isReadable($file)) {
     // finally, remove the top-level folder but only in case we
     // are supposed to!
     if (!$onlyFiles) {
     return true;
  * Cleans all the temporary folders used by this class during
  * its execution.
  * @param $folder The name of the temporary folder used
  * @return Returns true
 function cleanUp($folder)
     if (!File::isDir($folder)) {
         return true;
     // recursively delete the folder
     File::deleteDir($folder, true);
     return true;
Beispiel #17
  * Synchronize the file system with the database
  * @return string The path to the synchronization log file
  * @throws \Exception If a parent ID entry is missing
 public static function syncFiles()
     // Try to raise the limits (see #7035)
     @ini_set('memory_limit', -1);
     @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $objDatabase = \Database::getInstance();
     // Lock the files table
     // Reset the "found" flag
     $objDatabase->query("UPDATE tl_files SET found=''");
     // Get a filtered list of all files
     $objFiles = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \Dbafs\Filter(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(TL_ROOT . '/' . \Config::get('uploadPath'), \FilesystemIterator::UNIX_PATHS | \FilesystemIterator::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS | \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $strLog = 'system/tmp/' . md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
     // Open the log file
     $objLog = new \File($strLog, true);
     $arrModels = array();
     // Create or update the database entries
     foreach ($objFiles as $objFile) {
         $strRelpath = str_replace(TL_ROOT . '/', '', $objFile->getPathname());
         // Get all subfiles in a single query
         if ($objFile->isDir()) {
             $objSubfiles = \FilesModel::findMultipleFilesByFolder($strRelpath);
             if ($objSubfiles !== null) {
                 while ($objSubfiles->next()) {
                     $arrModels[$objSubfiles->path] = $objSubfiles->current();
         // Get the model
         if (isset($arrModels[$strRelpath])) {
             $objModel = $arrModels[$strRelpath];
         } else {
             $objModel = \FilesModel::findByPath($strRelpath);
         if ($objModel === null) {
             // Add a log entry
             $objLog->append("[Added] {$strRelpath}");
             // Get the parent folder
             $strParent = dirname($strRelpath);
             // Get the parent ID
             if ($strParent == \Config::get('uploadPath')) {
                 $strPid = null;
             } else {
                 $objParent = \FilesModel::findByPath($strParent);
                 if ($objParent === null) {
                     throw new \Exception("No parent entry for {$strParent}");
                 $strPid = $objParent->uuid;
             // Create the file or folder
             if (is_file(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strRelpath)) {
                 $objFile = new \File($strRelpath, true);
                 $objModel = new \FilesModel();
                 $objModel->pid = $strPid;
                 $objModel->tstamp = time();
                 $objModel->name = $objFile->name;
                 $objModel->type = 'file';
                 $objModel->path = $objFile->path;
                 $objModel->extension = $objFile->extension;
                 $objModel->found = 2;
                 $objModel->hash = $objFile->hash;
                 $objModel->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid();
             } else {
                 $objFolder = new \Folder($strRelpath);
                 $objModel = new \FilesModel();
                 $objModel->pid = $strPid;
                 $objModel->tstamp = time();
                 $objModel->name = $objFolder->name;
                 $objModel->type = 'folder';
                 $objModel->path = $objFolder->path;
                 $objModel->extension = '';
                 $objModel->found = 2;
                 $objModel->hash = $objFolder->hash;
                 $objModel->uuid = $objDatabase->getUuid();
         } else {
             // Check whether the MD5 hash has changed
             $objResource = $objFile->isDir() ? new \Folder($strRelpath) : new \File($strRelpath);
             $strType = $objModel->hash != $objResource->hash ? 'Changed' : 'Unchanged';
             // Add a log entry
             $objLog->append("[{$strType}] {$strRelpath}");
             // Update the record
             $objModel->found = 1;
             $objModel->hash = $objResource->hash;
     // Check for left-over entries in the DB
     $objFiles = \FilesModel::findByFound('');
     if ($objFiles !== null) {
         $arrMapped = array();
         $arrPidUpdate = array();
         while ($objFiles->next()) {
             $objFound = \FilesModel::findBy(array('hash=?', 'found=2'), $objFiles->hash);
             if ($objFound !== null) {
                 // Check for matching file names if the result is ambiguous (see #5644)
                 if ($objFound->count() > 1) {
                     while ($objFound->next()) {
                         if ($objFound->name == $objFiles->name) {
                             $objFound = $objFound->current();
                 // If another file has been mapped already, delete the entry (see #6008)
                 if (in_array($objFound->path, $arrMapped)) {
                     $objLog->append("[Deleted] {$objFiles->path}");
                 $arrMapped[] = $objFound->path;
                 // Store the PID change
                 if ($objFiles->type == 'folder') {
                     $arrPidUpdate[$objFound->uuid] = $objFiles->uuid;
                 // Add a log entry BEFORE changing the object
                 $objLog->append("[Moved] {$objFiles->path} to {$objFound->path}");
                 // Update the original entry
                 $objFiles->pid = $objFound->pid;
                 $objFiles->tstamp = $objFound->tstamp;
                 $objFiles->name = $objFound->name;
                 $objFiles->type = $objFound->type;
                 $objFiles->path = $objFound->path;
                 $objFiles->found = 1;
                 // Delete the newer (duplicate) entry
                 // Then save the modified original entry (prevents duplicate key errors)
             } else {
                 // Add a log entry BEFORE changing the object
                 $objLog->append("[Deleted] {$objFiles->path}");
                 // Delete the entry if the resource has gone
         // Update the PID of the child records
         if (!empty($arrPidUpdate)) {
             foreach ($arrPidUpdate as $from => $to) {
                 $objChildren = \FilesModel::findByPid($from);
                 if ($objChildren !== null) {
                     while ($objChildren->next()) {
                         $objChildren->pid = $to;
     // Close the log file
     // Reset the found flag
     $objDatabase->query("UPDATE tl_files SET found=1 WHERE found=2");
     // Unlock the tables
     // Return the path to the log file
     return $strLog;
Beispiel #18
 /** @ignore */
 public static function __test()
     $file = new File(__FILE__);