Beispiel #1
	} else {
			<li class="empty">글이 없습니다.</li>
			<?php echo drawAdminBoxEnd();?>

		<!-- new version -->
		<div id="new_version_sidebar" class="sidebar_item">
	list($feedItems, $totalFeedItems) = FeedItem::getFeedItems('blogURL','',Feed::blogURL2Id(''),1,10);
	if($totalFeedItems==0) { // 자동등록된 공지사항 피드를 삭제하였을경우 .. 동적으로 읽어 온다.
		list($status, $feed, $xml) = Feed::getRemoteFeed('');
		if($status == 0) {
			$feedItems = Feed::getFeedItems($xml);
			if(count($feedItems) > 10) $feedItems = array_slice($feedItems, 0,10);
			$totalFeedItems = count($feedItems);
		<?php echo drawAdminBoxBegin('new_version');?>
			<div class="title">
				<a href="" target="_blank"><?php echo _t('다운로드');?></a> <span class="subtitle"><?php echo _t('현재버전');?> v<?php echo BLOGLOUNGE_VERSION;?></span>
			<div class="line"></div>
			<div class="data">
Beispiel #2
	define('ROOT', '..');
	include ROOT . '/lib/include.php';

	// 글 목록

	$searchType = $accessInfo['action'];
	$searchKeyword = func::decode($accessInfo['value']);

	if ($searchType=='tag') {
    } else if ($searchType=='blogURL') { // 블로그주소			
		if(!empty($searchKeyword)) {
			$searchFeedId = Feed::blogURL2Id('http://'.str_replace('http://', '', $searchKeyword));
			$searchExtraValue = $searchFeedId;
	} else if($searchType=='archive') { // 날짜..
		$targetDate = (!Validator::is_digit($searchKeyword) || strlen($searchKeyword) != 8) ? date("Ymd") : $searchKeyword;
		$tDate = substr($targetDate, 0, 4).'-'.substr($targetDate, 4, 2).'-'.substr($targetDate, 6, 2);
		$tStart = strtotime("$tDate 00:00:00");

		if(isset($accessInfo['pass'][0]) && Validator::is_digit($accessInfo['pass'][0]) && strlen($accessInfo['pass'][0]) == 8) {
			$targetDate = $accessInfo['pass'][0];
			$tDate = substr($targetDate, 0, 4).'-'.substr($targetDate, 4, 2).'-'.substr($targetDate, 6, 2);
			$tEnd = strtotime("$tDate 00:00:00");
			$searchExtraValue = array('start'=>$tStart,'end'=>$tEnd);
		} else {
			$searchExtraValue = $tStart;
Beispiel #3
	define('ROOT', '..');
	include ROOT . '/lib/include.php';
	$searchFeedId = $accessInfo['action'];
	$searchType = 'blogURL';
	if(is_numeric($searchFeedId)) {
		$searchKeyword = 'http://'.str_replace('http://', '', Feed::get($searchFeedId, 'blogURL'));	
		$searchExtraValue = $searchFeedId;
	} else {
		$searchKeyword = 'http://'.str_replace('http://', '', $accessInfo['address']);
		$searchExtraValue = Feed::blogURL2Id('http://'.str_replace('http://', '', $searchKeyword));

	include ROOT . '/lib/begin.php';

	$pageCount = $skinConfig->postList; // ÆäÀÌÁö°¹¼ö
	list($posts, $totalFeedItems) = FeedItem::getFeedItems($searchType, $searchKeyword, $searchExtraValue, $page, $pageCount);
	$paging = Func::makePaging($page, $pageCount, $totalFeedItems);

	include ROOT . '/lib/piece/message.php';
	include ROOT . '/lib/piece/postlist.php';
	include ROOT . '/lib/end.php';
		function getFeedItemsQuery($searchType, $searchKeyword, $searchExtraValue,$viewDelete = false,$owner = 0) {	
			global $db, $database, $config;

			$sQuery = '';

			if (($searchType=='tag' || $searchType=='tag+group_category') && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {		
				$tagIds = array();
				$tags = explode(',',$searchKeyword);

				if($tagResult = $db->queryAll('SELECT id FROM '.$database['prefix'].'Tags WHERE name IN ('.Func::implode_string(',',$tags).')')) {
					foreach($tagResult as $tagItem) array_push($tagIds, $tagItem['id']);

				if (empty($tagIds)) {
					return array(null,0);
				} else {
					if($searchType == 'tag') {
						$sQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations r ON (r.item = AND (r.type = "feed")) WHERE r.tag IN ('.implode(',',$tagIds).')';
					} else if($searchType == 'tag+group_category') {
						$sQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations r ON (r.item = AND (r.type = "feed" || r.type = "group_category")) WHERE r.tag IN ('.implode(',',$tagIds).')';

			} else if ($searchType=='blogURL' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
				$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
				$searchFeedId = $searchExtraValue;
				if(empty($searchFeedId)) {
					$searchFeedId = Feed::blogURL2Id('http://'.str_replace('http://', '', $searchKeyword));
				if(!empty($searchFeedId)) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE i.feed = '.$searchFeedId;
				} else {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE 1=0 ';
			} else if ($searchType=='user' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
				$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
				$searchFeedId = $searchExtraValue;
				if(empty($searchFeedId)) {

					if(is_numeric($searchKeyword)) {
						$user = User::getById($searchKeyword);
					} else {
						$user = User::getByloginId($searchKeyword);
					$searchFeedId = Feed::getIdListByOwner($user['id']);
				if(!empty($searchFeedId)) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE i.feed IN ('.implode(",",$searchFeedId).')';
				} else {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE 1=0 ';
			} else if ($searchType=='author' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
				$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
				if(!empty($searchKeyword)) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE = "' . $searchKeyword . '"';
				} else {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE 1=0 ';
			} else if ($searchType=='title+description' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);

					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.description LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';				
			}  else if ($searchType=='title' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);

					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.title LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';				
			} else if ($searchType=='description' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)){		
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);

					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.description LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';				
			} else if ($searchType=='focus'){		
					$sQuery =  ' WHERE i.focus = "'.$searchKeyword.'"';		
			} else if ($searchType=='group') {
				if(!empty($searchExtraValue)) {
					$tagId = $db->pick('SELECT id FROM '.$database['prefix'].'Tags WHERE name="'.$db->escape(urldecode($searchExtraValue)).'"');
					if($tagId) {
						$tagId = $tagId[0];
						$sQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'TagRelations r ON (r.item = AND r.type = "group_category") ';

				if(!is_numeric($searchKeyword)) {
					$group = Group::getByName($searchKeyword);
					$searchKeyword = $group['id'];
				if($searchKeyword) {	
					$feedIds = Group::getFeedIdList($searchKeyword);
					$sQuery .= ' WHERE i.feed IN (' . implode(',',$feedIds) .')';

					if($tagId) {
						$sQuery .= ' AND r.tag="'.$tagId.'"';

			} else if ($searchType=='category') {
				if(is_numeric($searchKeyword)) {
					$category = Category::getById($searchKeyword);
				} else {
					$category = Category::getByName($searchKeyword);

				if($category) {
					$sQuery = ' WHERE c.category = ' . $category['id'];
			} else if ($searchType == 'archive' && !Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {
				if(is_array($searchExtraValue) && array_key_exists('start',$searchExtraValue) && array_key_exists('end',$searchExtraValue)) {
					$tStart = $searchExtraValue['start'];
					$tEnd = $searchExtraValue['end'] + 86400;
				} else {
					$tStart = $searchExtraValue;
					$tEnd = $tStart + 86400;

				$tQuery = ' WHERE i.written > '.$tStart.' AND i.written < '.$tEnd.' ';
				if (strpos($sQuery, 'WHERE') !== false) {
					$sQuery = str_replace('WHERE ', $tQuery.' AND (', $sQuery);
					$sQuery .= ')';
				} else {
					$sQuery .= $tQuery;

			} else {
				if (!Validator::is_empty($searchKeyword)) {
					$searchKeyword = UTF8::bring($searchKeyword);
					$keyword = $db->escape($searchKeyword);
					if(empty($searchExtraValue)) { // all : title, description, tags, permlink						
						$sQuery =  ' WHERE LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.title LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.description LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.tags LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" OR i.permalink LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"';					
					} else { // custom					
						$sQuery = ' WHERE ' . $searchExtraValue;

			// boomDownReactor, boomDownReactorLimit : 리액터가 숨기기일때 쿼리에서 제외 파트 추가 ( 특정수만큼 붐다운(비추천)한글은 제외하거나 특정기능..
			if(isset($config)) {
				if (($config->boomDownReactor == 'hide') && ($config->boomDownReactLimit > 0)) {
					$bQuery = ' WHERE (i.boomDown <= '.$config->boomDownReactLimit.') ';
					if (strpos($sQuery, 'WHERE') !== false) {
						$sQuery = str_replace('WHERE ', $bQuery.' AND (', $sQuery);
						$sQuery .= ')';
					} else {
						$sQuery .= $bQuery;

			if(empty($owner)) {
				if($viewDelete) {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기 + 삭제된 글 보이기		
					if(!isAdmin()) {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") ';
					} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") ';
				} else {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기
					if(!isAdmin()) {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "y") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") ';
					} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility != "d") ';
			} else {		
				if($viewDelete) {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기		
				//	if(!isAdmin()) {
				//		$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "d") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	}
				} else {
					// 공개된 블로그만 뽑기		
				//	if(!isAdmin()) {
				//		$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility = "y") AND (i.feedVisibility = "y") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	} else {
						$bQuery = ' WHERE  (i.visibility != "d") AND (f.owner = ' . $owner . ')';
				//	}

			if($viewDelete) {
				if(strpos($sQuery, 'Feeds f') === false ) {
				$bQuery = ' LEFT JOIN '.$database['prefix'].'Feeds f ON ( = i.feed) ' . $bQuery;

			if (strpos($sQuery, 'WHERE') !== false) {
				$sQuery = str_replace('WHERE ', $bQuery.' AND (', $sQuery);
				$sQuery .= ')';
			} else {
				$sQuery .= $bQuery;
			return $sQuery;