Inheritance: extends WP_Date_Query
  * Takes SQL query part, and translates it into an ES filter
  * @param $query
  * @return array ES filter
 protected function get_es_filter_for_clause($query)
     // The sub-parts of a $where part.
     $filter_parts = array();
     $column = !empty($query['column']) ? $query['column'] : $this->column;
     $compare = $this->get_compare($query);
     $inclusive = !empty($query['inclusive']) && $query['inclusive'] === true ? true : false;
     // Assign greater- and less-than values.
     $lt = 'lt';
     $gt = 'gt';
     if ($inclusive) {
         $lt .= 'e';
         $gt .= 'e';
     // Range queries.
     if (!empty($query['after'])) {
         $range_filters = array("{$column}" => array("{$gt}" => $this->build_mysql_datetime($query['after'])));
     if (!empty($query['before'])) {
         $range_filters = empty($range_filters[$column]) ? array("{$column}" => array("{$lt}" => array())) : $range_filters;
         $range_filters[$column][$lt] = $this->build_mysql_datetime($query['before']);
     if (!empty($query['after']) || !empty($query['before'])) {
         $filter_parts['range_filters'] = $range_filters;
     // Specific value queries.
     $date_parameters = array('year' => !empty($query['year']) ? $query['year'] : false, 'month' => !empty($query['month']) ? $query['month'] : false, 'week' => !empty($query['week']) ? $query['week'] : false, 'dayofyear' => !empty($query['dayofyear']) ? $query['dayofyear'] : false, 'day' => !empty($query['day']) ? $query['day'] : false, 'dayofweek' => !empty($query['dayofweek']) ? $query['dayofweek'] : false, 'dayofweek_iso' => !empty($query['dayofweek_iso']) ? $query['dayofweek_iso'] : false, 'hour' => !empty($query['hour']) ? $query['hour'] : false, 'minute' => !empty($query['minute']) ? $query['minute'] : false, 'second' => !empty($query['second']) ? $query['second'] : false, 'm' => !empty($query['m']) ? $query['m'] : false);
     if (empty($date_parameters['month']) && !empty($query['monthnum'])) {
         $date_parameters['month'] = $query['monthnum'];
     if (empty($date_parameters['week']) && !empty($query['w'])) {
         $date_parameters['week'] = $query['w'];
     foreach ($date_parameters as $param => $value) {
         if (false === $value) {
     if ($date_parameters) {
         $date_terms = array('must' => array(), 'should' => array(), 'must_not' => array());
         foreach ($date_parameters as $param => $value) {
             if ('=' === $compare) {
                 $date_terms['must'][]['term']["date_terms.{$param}"] = $value;
             } else {
                 if ('!=' === $compare) {
                     $date_terms['must_not'][]['term']["date_terms.{$param}"] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ('IN' === $compare) {
                         foreach ($value as $in_value) {
                             $date_terms['should'][]['term']["date_terms.{$param}"] = $in_value;
                     } else {
                         if ('NOT IN' === $compare) {
                             foreach ($value as $in_value) {
                                 $date_terms['must_not'][]['term']["date_terms.{$param}"] = $in_value;
                         } else {
                             if ('BETWEEN' === $compare) {
                                 $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"] = array();
                                 $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"]['gte'] = $value[0];
                                 $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"]['lte'] = $value[1];
                                 $filter_parts['range_filters'] = $range_filter;
                             } else {
                                 if ('NOT BETWEEN' === $compare) {
                                     $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"] = array();
                                     $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"]['gt'] = $value[0];
                                     $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"]['lt'] = $value[1];
                                     $filter_parts['range_filters'] = array('not' => $range_filter);
                                 } else {
                                     if (strpos($compare, '>') !== false) {
                                         $range = strpos($compare, '=') !== false ? 'gte' : 'gt';
                                         $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"] = array();
                                         $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"][$range] = $value;
                                         $filter_parts['range_filters'] = $range_filter;
                                     } else {
                                         if (strpos($compare, '<') !== false) {
                                             $range = strpos($compare, '=') !== false ? 'lte' : 'lt';
                                             $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"] = array();
                                             $range_filter["date_terms.{$param}"][$range] = $value;
                                             $filter_parts['range_filters'] = $range_filter;
         $date_terms = array_filter($date_terms);
         if (!empty($date_terms)) {
             $filter_parts['date_terms'] = $date_terms;
     return $filter_parts;
  * Format WP query args for ES
  * @param array $args
  * @since 0.9.0
  * @return array
 public function format_args($args)
     if (!empty($args['post_per_page'])) {
         $posts_per_page = $args['post_per_page'];
     } else {
         $posts_per_page = get_option('posts_per_page');
     $formatted_args = array('from' => 0, 'size' => $posts_per_page);
      * Order and Orderby arguments
      * Used for how Elasticsearch will sort results
      * @since 1.1
     // Set sort order, default is 'desc'
     if (!empty($args['order'])) {
         $order = $this->parse_order($args['order']);
     } else {
         $order = 'desc';
     // Set sort type
     if (!empty($args['orderby'])) {
         $sort = $this->parse_orderby($args['orderby'], $order);
         if (false !== $sort) {
             $formatted_args['sort'] = $sort;
     // Either nothing was passed or the parse_orderby failed, use default sort
     if (empty($args['orderby']) || false === $sort) {
         // Default sort is to use the score (based on relevance)
         $default_sort = array(array('_score' => array('order' => $order)));
         $default_sort = apply_filters('ep_set_default_sort', $default_sort, $order);
         $formatted_args['sort'] = $default_sort;
     $filter = array('and' => array());
     $use_filters = false;
      * Tax Query support
      * Support for the tax_query argument of WP_Query
      * Currently only provides support for the 'AND' relation between taxonomies
      * @use field = slug
      *      terms array
      * @since 0.9.1
     if (!empty($args['tax_query'])) {
         $tax_filter = array();
         foreach ($args['tax_query'] as $single_tax_query) {
             if (!empty($single_tax_query['terms']) && !empty($single_tax_query['field']) && 'slug' === $single_tax_query['field']) {
                 $terms = (array) $single_tax_query['terms'];
                 // Set up our terms object
                 $terms_obj = array('terms.' . $single_tax_query['taxonomy'] . '.slug' => $terms);
                 // Use the AND operator if passed
                 if (!empty($single_tax_query['operator']) && 'AND' === $single_tax_query['operator']) {
                     $terms_obj['execution'] = 'and';
                 // Add the tax query filter
                 $tax_filter[]['terms'] = $terms_obj;
         if (!empty($tax_filter)) {
             $filter['and'][]['bool']['must'] = $tax_filter;
         $use_filters = true;
      * 'category_name' arg support.
      * @since 1.5
     if (!empty($args['category_name'])) {
         $terms_obj = array('terms.category.slug' => array($args['category_name']));
         $filter['and'][]['bool']['must'] = array('terms' => $terms_obj);
         $use_filters = true;
      * Author query support
      * @since 1.0
     if (!empty($args['author'])) {
         $filter['and'][] = array('term' => array('' => $args['author']));
         $use_filters = true;
     } elseif (!empty($args['author_name'])) {
         $filter['and'][] = array('term' => array('post_author.raw' => $args['author']));
         $use_filters = true;
      * Simple date params support
      * @since 1.3
     if ($date_filter = EP_WP_Date_Query::simple_es_date_filter($args)) {
         $filter['and'][] = $date_filter;
         $use_filters = true;
      * 'date_query' arg support.
     if (!empty($args['date_query'])) {
         $date_query = new EP_WP_Date_Query($args['date_query']);
         $date_filter = $date_query->get_es_filter();
         if (array_key_exists('and', $date_filter)) {
             $filter['and'][] = $date_filter['and'];
             $use_filters = true;
      * 'meta_query' arg support.
      * Relation supports 'AND' and 'OR'. 'AND' is the default. For each individual query, the
      * following 'compare' values are supported: =, !=, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS. '=' is the default.
      * 'type' is NOT support at this time.
      * @since 1.3
     if (!empty($args['meta_query'])) {
         $meta_filter = array();
         $relation = 'must';
         if (!empty($args['meta_query']['relation']) && 'or' === strtolower($args['meta_query']['relation'])) {
             $relation = 'should';
         foreach ($args['meta_query'] as $single_meta_query) {
             if (!empty($single_meta_query['key'])) {
                 $terms_obj = false;
                 $compare = '=';
                 if (!empty($single_meta_query['compare'])) {
                     $compare = strtolower($single_meta_query['compare']);
                 switch ($compare) {
                     case '!=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must_not' => array(array('terms' => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw' => (array) $single_meta_query['value'])))));
                     case 'exists':
                         $terms_obj = array('exists' => array('field' => 'post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key']));
                     case 'not exists':
                         $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must_not' => array(array('exists' => array('field' => 'post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'])))));
                     case '>=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw' => array("gte" => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case '<=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw' => array("lte" => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case '>':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw' => array("gt" => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case '<':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw' => array("lt" => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case 'like':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('query' => array("match" => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] => $single_meta_query['value'])));
                     case '=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('terms' => array('post_meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw' => (array) $single_meta_query['value']));
                 // Add the meta query filter
                 if (false !== $terms_obj) {
                     $meta_filter[] = $terms_obj;
         if (!empty($meta_filter)) {
             $filter['and'][]['bool'][$relation] = $meta_filter;
             $use_filters = true;
      * Allow for search field specification
      * @since 1.0
     if (!empty($args['search_fields'])) {
         $search_field_args = $args['search_fields'];
         $search_fields = array();
         if (!empty($search_field_args['taxonomies'])) {
             $taxes = (array) $search_field_args['taxonomies'];
             foreach ($taxes as $tax) {
                 $search_fields[] = 'terms.' . $tax . '.name';
         if (!empty($search_field_args['meta'])) {
             $metas = (array) $search_field_args['meta'];
             foreach ($metas as $meta) {
                 $search_fields[] = 'post_meta.' . $meta;
         if (in_array('author_name', $search_field_args)) {
             $search_fields[] = 'post_author.login';
         $search_fields = array_merge($search_field_args, $search_fields);
     } else {
         $search_fields = array('post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_content');
     $search_fields = apply_filters('ep_search_fields', $search_fields, $args);
     $query = array('bool' => array('should' => array(array('multi_match' => array('query' => '', 'fields' => $search_fields, 'boost' => apply_filters('ep_match_boost', 2))), array('fuzzy_like_this' => array('fields' => $search_fields, 'like_text' => '', 'min_similarity' => apply_filters('ep_min_similarity', 0.75))))));
      * We are using ep_integrate instead of ep_match_all. ep_match_all will be
      * supported for legacy code but may be deprecated and removed eventually.
      * @since 1.3
     if (!empty($args['s']) && empty($args['ep_match_all']) && empty($args['ep_integrate'])) {
         $query['bool']['should'][1]['fuzzy_like_this']['like_text'] = $args['s'];
         $query['bool']['should'][0]['multi_match']['query'] = $args['s'];
         $formatted_args['query'] = $query;
     } else {
         if (!empty($args['ep_match_all']) || !empty($args['ep_integrate'])) {
             $formatted_args['query']['match_all'] = array();
      * Like WP_Query in search context, if no post_type is specified we default to "any". To
      * be safe you should ALWAYS specify the post_type parameter UNLIKE with WP_Query.
      * @since 1.3
     if (!empty($args['post_type'])) {
         // should NEVER be "any" but just in case
         if ('any' !== $args['post_type']) {
             $post_types = (array) $args['post_type'];
             $terms_map_name = 'terms';
             if (count($post_types) < 2) {
                 $terms_map_name = 'term';
             $filter['and'][] = array($terms_map_name => array('post_type.raw' => $post_types));
             $use_filters = true;
     if (isset($args['offset'])) {
         $formatted_args['from'] = $args['offset'];
     if (isset($args['posts_per_page'])) {
         $formatted_args['size'] = $args['posts_per_page'];
     if (isset($args['paged'])) {
         $paged = $args['paged'] <= 1 ? 0 : $args['paged'] - 1;
         $formatted_args['from'] = $args['posts_per_page'] * $paged;
     if ($use_filters) {
         $formatted_args['filter'] = $filter;
      * Aggregations
     if (isset($args['aggs']) && !empty($args['aggs']['aggs'])) {
         $agg_obj = $args['aggs'];
         // Add a name to the aggregation if it was passed through
         if (!empty($agg_obj['name'])) {
             $agg_name = $agg_obj['name'];
         } else {
             $agg_name = 'aggregation_name';
         // Add/use the filter if warranted
         if (isset($agg_obj['use-filter']) && false !== $agg_obj['use-filter'] && $use_filters) {
             // If a filter is being used, use it on the aggregation as well to receive relevant information to the query
             $formatted_args['aggs'][$agg_name]['filter'] = $filter;
             $formatted_args['aggs'][$agg_name]['aggs'] = $agg_obj['aggs'];
         } else {
             $formatted_args['aggs'][$agg_name] = $args['aggs'];
     return apply_filters('ep_formatted_args', $formatted_args, $args);
Beispiel #3
  * Format WP query args for ES
  * @param array $args
  * @since 0.9.0
  * @return array
 public function format_args($args)
     if (isset($args['post_per_page'])) {
         // For backwards compatibility for those using this since EP 1.4
         $args['posts_per_page'] = $args['post_per_page'];
     if (!empty($args['posts_per_page'])) {
         $posts_per_page = (int) $args['posts_per_page'];
         if (-1 === $posts_per_page) {
             $posts_per_page = 10000;
             // -1 does not work, use max result window for ES
     } else {
         $posts_per_page = (int) get_option('posts_per_page');
     $formatted_args = array('from' => 0, 'size' => $posts_per_page);
      * Order and Orderby arguments
      * Used for how Elasticsearch will sort results
      * @since 1.1
     // Set sort order, default is 'desc'
     if (!empty($args['order'])) {
         $order = $this->parse_order($args['order']);
     } else {
         $order = 'desc';
     // Default sort for non-searches to date
     if (empty($args['orderby']) && (!isset($args['s']) || '' === $args['s'])) {
         $args['orderby'] = 'date';
     // Set sort type
     if (!empty($args['orderby'])) {
         $formatted_args['sort'] = $this->parse_orderby($args['orderby'], $order, $args);
     } else {
         // Default sort is to use the score (based on relevance)
         $default_sort = array(array('_score' => array('order' => $order)));
         $default_sort = apply_filters('ep_set_default_sort', $default_sort, $order);
         $formatted_args['sort'] = $default_sort;
     $filter = array('bool' => array('must' => array()));
     $use_filters = false;
      * Tax Query support
      * Support for the tax_query argument of WP_Query. Currently only provides support for the 'AND' relation
      * between taxonomies. Field only supports slug, term_id, and name defaulting to term_id.
      * @use field = slug
      *      terms array
      * @since 0.9.1
     //set tax_query if it's implicitly set in the query
     //e.g. $args['tag'], $args['category_name']
     if (empty($args['tax_query'])) {
         $taxonomies = get_taxonomies();
         $taxonomies = $this->sanitize_taxonomy_names($taxonomies);
         //fix it up
         foreach ($taxonomies as $tax => $taxName) {
             if (isset($args[$taxName]) && !empty($args[$taxName])) {
                 $args['tax_query'][] = array('taxonomy' => $tax, 'terms' => array($args[$taxName]), 'field' => 'slug');
     if (!empty($args['tax_query'])) {
         $tax_filter = array();
         foreach ($args['tax_query'] as $single_tax_query) {
             if (!empty($single_tax_query['terms'])) {
                 $terms = (array) $single_tax_query['terms'];
                 $field = !empty($single_tax_query['field']) ? $single_tax_query['field'] : 'term_id';
                 if ('name' === $field) {
                     $field = 'name.raw';
                 // Set up our terms object
                 $terms_obj = array('terms.' . $single_tax_query['taxonomy'] . '.' . $field => $terms);
                 // Use the AND operator if passed
                 if (!empty($single_tax_query['operator']) && 'AND' === $single_tax_query['operator']) {
                     $terms_obj['execution'] = 'and';
                 // Add the tax query filter
                 $tax_filter[]['terms'] = $terms_obj;
         if (!empty($tax_filter)) {
             $relation = 'must';
             if (!empty($args['tax_query']['relation']) && 'or' === strtolower($args['tax_query']['relation'])) {
                 $relation = 'should';
             $filter['bool']['must'][]['bool'][$relation] = $tax_filter;
         $use_filters = true;
      * 'post_parent' arg support.
      * @since 2.0
     if (isset($args['post_parent']) && '' !== $args['post_parent'] && 'any' !== strtolower($args['post_parent'])) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][]['bool']['must'] = array('term' => array('post_parent' => $args['post_parent']));
         $use_filters = true;
      * 'post__in' arg support.
      * @since x.x
     if (!empty($args['post__in'])) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][]['bool']['must'] = array('terms' => array('post_id' => array_values((array) $args['post__in'])));
         $use_filters = true;
      * 'post__not_in' arg support.
      * @since x.x
     if (!empty($args['post__not_in'])) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][]['bool']['must_not'] = array('terms' => array('post_id' => (array) $args['post__not_in']));
         $use_filters = true;
      * Author query support
      * @since 1.0
     if (!empty($args['author'])) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][] = array('term' => array('' => $args['author']));
         $use_filters = true;
     } elseif (!empty($args['author_name'])) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][] = array('term' => array('post_author.raw' => $args['author']));
         $use_filters = true;
      * Simple date params support
      * @since 1.3
     if ($date_filter = EP_WP_Date_Query::simple_es_date_filter($args)) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][] = $date_filter;
         $use_filters = true;
      * 'date_query' arg support.
     if (!empty($args['date_query'])) {
         $date_query = new EP_WP_Date_Query($args['date_query']);
         $date_filter = $date_query->get_es_filter();
         if (array_key_exists('and', $date_filter)) {
             $filter['bool']['must'][] = $date_filter['and'];
             $use_filters = true;
     $meta_queries = array();
      * Support meta_key
      * @since  2.1
     if (!empty($args['meta_key'])) {
         if (!empty($args['meta_value'])) {
             $meta_value = $args['meta_value'];
         } elseif (!empty($args['meta_value_num'])) {
             $meta_value = $args['meta_value_num'];
         if (!empty($meta_value)) {
             $meta_queries[] = array('key' => $args['meta_key'], 'value' => $meta_value);
      * Todo: Support meta_type
      * 'meta_query' arg support.
      * Relation supports 'AND' and 'OR'. 'AND' is the default. For each individual query, the
      * following 'compare' values are supported: =, !=, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS. '=' is the default.
      * @since 1.3
     if (!empty($args['meta_query'])) {
         $meta_queries = array_merge($meta_queries, $args['meta_query']);
     if (!empty($meta_queries)) {
         $meta_filter = array();
         $relation = 'must';
         if (!empty($args['meta_query']) && !empty($args['meta_query']['relation']) && 'or' === strtolower($args['meta_query']['relation'])) {
             $relation = 'should';
         $meta_query_type_mapping = array('numeric' => 'long', 'binary' => 'raw', 'char' => 'raw', 'date' => 'date', 'datetime' => 'datetime', 'decimal' => 'double', 'signed' => 'long', 'time' => 'time', 'unsigned' => 'long');
         foreach ($meta_queries as $single_meta_query) {
              * There is a strange case where meta_query looks like this:
              * array(
              * 	"something" => array(
              * 	 array(
              * 	 	'key' => ...
              * 	 	...
              * 	 )
              * 	)
              * )
              * Somehow WordPress (WooCommerce) handles that case so we need to as well.
              * @since  2.1
             if (is_array($single_meta_query) && empty($single_meta_query['key'])) {
                 $first_key = key($single_meta_query);
                 if (is_array($single_meta_query[$first_key])) {
                     $single_meta_query = $single_meta_query[$first_key];
             if (!empty($single_meta_query['key'])) {
                 $terms_obj = false;
                 $compare = '=';
                 if (!empty($single_meta_query['compare'])) {
                     $compare = strtolower($single_meta_query['compare']);
                 $type = null;
                 if (!empty($single_meta_query['type'])) {
                     $type = strtolower($single_meta_query['type']);
                 // Comparisons need to look at different paths
                 if (in_array($compare, array('exists', 'not exists'))) {
                     $meta_key_path = 'meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'];
                 } elseif (in_array($compare, array('=', '!=')) && !$type) {
                     $meta_key_path = 'meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw';
                 } elseif ('like' === $compare) {
                     $meta_key_path = 'meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.value';
                 } elseif ($type && isset($meta_query_type_mapping[$type])) {
                     // Map specific meta field types to different Elasticsearch core types
                     $meta_key_path = 'meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.' . $meta_query_type_mapping[$type];
                 } elseif (in_array($compare, array('>=', '<=', '>', '<', 'between'))) {
                     $meta_key_path = 'meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.double';
                 } else {
                     $meta_key_path = 'meta.' . $single_meta_query['key'] . '.raw';
                 switch ($compare) {
                     case 'not in':
                     case '!=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must_not' => array(array('terms' => array($meta_key_path => (array) $single_meta_query['value'])))));
                     case 'exists':
                         $terms_obj = array('exists' => array('field' => $meta_key_path));
                     case 'not exists':
                         $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must_not' => array(array('exists' => array('field' => $meta_key_path)))));
                     case '>=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array($meta_key_path => array("gte" => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case 'between':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value']) && is_array($single_meta_query['value']) && 2 === count($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array($meta_key_path => array("gte" => $single_meta_query['value'][0]))), array('range' => array($meta_key_path => array("lte" => $single_meta_query['value'][1]))))));
                     case '<=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array($meta_key_path => array('lte' => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case '>':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array($meta_key_path => array('gt' => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case '<':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('bool' => array('must' => array(array('range' => array($meta_key_path => array('lt' => $single_meta_query['value']))))));
                     case 'like':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('query' => array('match' => array($meta_key_path => $single_meta_query['value'])));
                     case '=':
                         if (isset($single_meta_query['value'])) {
                             $terms_obj = array('terms' => array($meta_key_path => (array) $single_meta_query['value']));
                 // Add the meta query filter
                 if (false !== $terms_obj) {
                     $meta_filter[] = $terms_obj;
         if (!empty($meta_filter)) {
             $filter['bool']['must'][]['bool'][$relation] = $meta_filter;
             $use_filters = true;
      * Allow for search field specification
      * @since 1.0
     if (!empty($args['search_fields'])) {
         $search_field_args = $args['search_fields'];
         $search_fields = array();
         if (!empty($search_field_args['taxonomies'])) {
             $taxes = (array) $search_field_args['taxonomies'];
             foreach ($taxes as $tax) {
                 $search_fields[] = 'terms.' . $tax . '.name';
         if (!empty($search_field_args['meta'])) {
             $metas = (array) $search_field_args['meta'];
             foreach ($metas as $meta) {
                 $search_fields[] = 'meta.' . $meta . '.value';
         if (in_array('author_name', $search_field_args)) {
             $search_fields[] = 'post_author.login';
         $search_fields = array_merge($search_field_args, $search_fields);
     } else {
         $search_fields = array('post_title', 'post_excerpt', 'post_content');
     $search_fields = apply_filters('ep_search_fields', $search_fields, $args);
     $query = array('bool' => array('should' => array(array('multi_match' => array('query' => '', 'type' => 'phrase', 'fields' => $search_fields, 'boost' => apply_filters('ep_match_phrase_boost', 4, $search_fields, $args))), array('multi_match' => array('query' => '', 'fields' => $search_fields, 'boost' => apply_filters('ep_match_boost', 2, $search_fields, $args), 'fuzziness' => 0, 'operator' => 'and')), array('multi_match' => array('fields' => $search_fields, 'query' => '', 'fuzziness' => apply_filters('ep_fuzziness_arg', 1, $search_fields, $args))))));
      * We are using ep_integrate instead of ep_match_all. ep_match_all will be
      * supported for legacy code but may be deprecated and removed eventually.
      * @since 1.3
     if (!empty($args['s']) && empty($args['ep_match_all']) && empty($args['ep_integrate'])) {
         $query['bool']['should'][2]['multi_match']['query'] = $args['s'];
         $query['bool']['should'][1]['multi_match']['query'] = $args['s'];
         $query['bool']['should'][0]['multi_match']['query'] = $args['s'];
         $formatted_args['query'] = $query;
     } else {
         if (!empty($args['ep_match_all']) || !empty($args['ep_integrate'])) {
             $formatted_args['query']['match_all'] = array('boost' => 1);
      * If not set default to post. If search and not set, default to "any".
     if (!empty($args['post_type'])) {
         // should NEVER be "any" but just in case
         if ('any' !== $args['post_type']) {
             $post_types = (array) $args['post_type'];
             $terms_map_name = 'terms';
             if (count($post_types) < 2) {
                 $terms_map_name = 'term';
                 $post_types = $post_types[0];
             $filter['bool']['must'][] = array($terms_map_name => array('post_type.raw' => $post_types));
             $use_filters = true;
     } elseif (empty($args['s'])) {
         $filter['bool']['must'][] = array('term' => array('post_type.raw' => 'post'));
         $use_filters = true;
      * Like WP_Query in search context, if no post_status is specified we default to "any". To
      * be safe you should ALWAYS specify the post_status parameter UNLIKE with WP_Query.
      * @since 2.1
     if (!empty($args['post_status'])) {
         // should NEVER be "any" but just in case
         if ('any' !== $args['post_status']) {
             $post_status = (array) $args['post_status'];
             $terms_map_name = 'terms';
             if (count($post_status) < 2) {
                 $terms_map_name = 'term';
                 $post_status = $post_status[0];
             $filter['bool']['must'][] = array($terms_map_name => array('post_status' => $post_status));
             $use_filters = true;
     } else {
         $filter['bool']['must'][] = array('term' => array('post_status' => 'publish'));
         $use_filters = true;
     if (isset($args['offset'])) {
         $formatted_args['from'] = $args['offset'];
     if (isset($args['paged']) && $args['paged'] > 1) {
         $formatted_args['from'] = $args['posts_per_page'] * ($args['paged'] - 1);
     if ($use_filters) {
         $formatted_args['post_filter'] = $filter;
      * Aggregations
     if (isset($args['aggs']) && !empty($args['aggs']['aggs'])) {
         $agg_obj = $args['aggs'];
         // Add a name to the aggregation if it was passed through
         if (!empty($agg_obj['name'])) {
             $agg_name = $agg_obj['name'];
         } else {
             $agg_name = 'aggregation_name';
         // Add/use the filter if warranted
         if (isset($agg_obj['use-filter']) && false !== $agg_obj['use-filter'] && $use_filters) {
             // If a filter is being used, use it on the aggregation as well to receive relevant information to the query
             $formatted_args['aggs'][$agg_name]['filter'] = $filter;
             $formatted_args['aggs'][$agg_name]['aggs'] = $agg_obj['aggs'];
         } else {
             $formatted_args['aggs'][$agg_name] = $args['aggs'];
     return apply_filters('ep_formatted_args', $formatted_args, $args);