compare() public static method

$string1 - the first string $string2 - the second string $compareCharacters - true to compare characters, and false to compare lines; this optional parameter defaults to false $ignoreIndent - false to compare also white spaces in the beginning on the line, true to ignore them
public static compare ( $string1, $string2, $compareCharacters = false, $ignoreIndent = true )
Beispiel #1
 function test_format()
     $diff = new Diff(DIFF_SPACE);
     $one = 'a b c d e f g';
     $two = 'a c d e t t f';
     $res = $diff->compare($one, $two);
     $out = $diff->format($res);
     $expected = array(array('', 'a'), array('-', 'b'), array('', 'c'), array('', 'd'), array('', 'e'), array('+', 't'), array('+', 't'), array('', 'f'), array('-', 'g'));
     $this->assertEquals($out, $expected);
 function update(Airport $airport)
     Diff::compare($airport, Input::all(), function ($key, $value, $model) {
         $change = new AirportChange();
         $change->airport_id = $model->id;
         $change->user_id = Auth::id();
         $change->key = $key;
         $change->value = $value;
     Messages::success('Thank you for your submission. We will be evaluating your feedback soon.');
     return Redirect::route('', $airport->icao);
 static function checkChangesToFile($snapshot, $filepath)
     $lines = array();
     if (is_file($filepath)) {
         $fileNow = FileSystemTools::tail($filepath, 30);
         if (strlen($fileNow) > 0 && strlen($snapshot) > 0) {
             $diff = Diff::compare($snapshot, $fileNow);
             if (count($diff[Diff::INSERTED]) > 0) {
                 foreach ($diff as $dk => $dv) {
                     if ($dv[1] == Diff::INSERTED) {
                         if (strlen(trim($dv[0])) > 0) {
                             $lines[] = $dv[0];
     return $lines;
Beispiel #4
    public function run3()
        $diff = Diff::compare('Ngay do', 'Ngay mua', true);
        echo Diff::toHTML($diff, '');
        foreach ($diff as $item) {
            if ($item[1] == Diff::DELETED) {
                echo $item[0];
        echo '<br>';
        foreach ($diff as $item) {
            if ($item[1] == Diff::INSERTED) {
                echo $item[0];

Beispiel #5

require_once '../diff-lib/Diff.php';
$o = "Привет\nэто\nтекст\nоригинал.\nА это\nудаленная строка\nбыла\nтолько что.";
$n = "Привет\nэто\nтекст\nизмененный.\nА это\nбыла\nи новая добавленная\nтолько что.";
$diff = Diff::compare($o, $n);
    <title>Test 3</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../visualization/style.css">
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="../visualization/script.js"></script>
    <div class="result">
        <div class="diff">
echo str_replace('"></p', '">&nbsp;</p', $diff);
Beispiel #6
if (!empty($oracle_says)) {
        <div class="row">
          <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
          <span><h3 style="text-align:center">YOU vs. ORACLE</h3></span>
          <div style="display:table;text-align:left;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto">
    // include the Diff class
    require_once 'class.Diff.php';
    // output the result of comparing two files as a table
    echo Diff::toTable(Diff::compare(preg_replace('~\\R~u', "\n", empty($expected) ? '' : $expected), $oracle_says));
        <div class="jumbotron" style="height:75%;position:relative;">
if (empty($error)) {
        <form role="form" id="login-form" action="" method="POST" class="row">
        <div class="form-group col-md-6">
            <div class="input-group input-group-lg">
              <span class="input-group-addon">@</span>
Beispiel #7
function get_test_result($name, $verbose = false, $moreVerbose = false)
    $mergeSpace = IGNORE_INDENT && strpos($name, 'indent.') === false;
    $expectedHtml = @file_get_contents($path . '.html');
    if ($expectedHtml === false) {
        if ($verbose) {
            echo "! sample for test '{$name}' not found.\n";
        return array(false, array($name, null, "! sample for test '{$name}' not found.\n"));
    if ($verbose) {
        echo "* rendering test '{$name}'\n";
    try {
        $new = get_php_code($path . '.jade');
    } catch (Exception $err) {
        if ($verbose) {
            echo "! FATAL: php exception: " . str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $err) . "\n";
        return array(false, array($name, null, "! FATAL: php exception: " . str_replace("\n", "\n\t", $err) . "\n"));
    if (is_null($new)) {
        return array(false, array($name, null, "! FATAL: " . $path . ".jade returns null\n"));
    $actualHtml = get_generated_html($new);
    $from = array("'", "\r", "<!DOCTYPEhtml>");
    $to = array('"', '', '');
    if ($mergeSpace) {
        array_push($from, "\n", "\t", " ");
        array_push($to, '', '', '');
    $expectedHtml = preg_replace_callback('`class\\s*=\\s*(["\'])([^"\']+)\\1`', 'orderWords', $expectedHtml);
    $actualHtml = preg_replace_callback('`class\\s*=\\s*(["\'])([^"\']+)\\1`', 'orderWords', $actualHtml);
    if ($mergeSpace) {
        $expectedHtml = preg_replace('`(?<=[\'"])\\s(?=>)|(?<=[a-zA-Z0-9:])\\s(?=(>|\\s[a-zA-Z0-9:]))`', '', $expectedHtml);
        $actualHtml = preg_replace('`(?<=[\'"])\\s(?=>)|(?<=[a-zA-Z0-9:])\\s(?=(>|\\s[a-zA-Z0-9:]))`', '', $actualHtml);
    $minifiedExpectedHtml = str_replace($from, $to, trim($expectedHtml));
    $minifiedActualHtml = str_replace($from, $to, trim($actualHtml));
    $result = array($name, $minifiedExpectedHtml, $minifiedActualHtml);
    if (strcmp($minifiedExpectedHtml, $minifiedActualHtml)) {
        if ($verbose) {
            include_once __DIR__ . '/diff.php';
            $actualHtml = preg_replace('`(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)([\\t ]*(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n))+`', "\n", $actualHtml);
            $expectedHtml = preg_replace('`(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)([\\t ]*(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n))+`', "\n", $expectedHtml);
            echo Diff::toString(Diff::compare($expectedHtml, $actualHtml)) . "\n";
            echo "  Expected: $expectedHtml\n";
            echo "  Actual  : $actualHtml\n\n";
        if ($moreVerbose) {
            echo "  PHP     : " . compile_php($name);
        return array(false, $result);
    return array(true, $result);
 public function getDiff()
     $fileNew = realpath($this->getFile());
     $fileOld = dirname(__DIR__) . '/../addons/files/local/' . $this->aid . '.zip';
     if (!is_file($fileOld)) {
         $path = realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . '/../addons/files/local/');
         $fh = fopen($path . '/' . $this->aid . '.zip', 'w');
         $ch = curl_init();
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://" . AWSFileManager::getBucket() . "/addons/" . $this->aid . "_1");
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fh);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
         // this will follow redirects
     $fileOld = realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . '/../addons/files/local/' . $this->aid . '.zip');
     $zipNew = new ZipArchive();
     $zipOld = new ZipArchive();
     $resNew = $zipNew->open($fileNew);
     $resOld = $zipOld->open($fileOld);
     if ($resNew === TRUE && $resOld === TRUE) {
         $newFiles = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $zipNew->numFiles; $i++) {
             $newFiles[] = $zipNew->getNameIndex($i);
         $oldFiles = [];
         for ($i = 0; $i < $zipOld->numFiles; $i++) {
             $oldFiles[] = $zipOld->getNameIndex($i);
         $added = array_diff($newFiles, $oldFiles);
         $removed = array_diff($oldFiles, $newFiles, ["glass.json", "version.json"]);
         $commonFiles = array_intersect($newFiles, $oldFiles);
         $commonFiles = array_diff($commonFiles, ["glass.json", "version.json"]);
         $diff = [];
         foreach ($commonFiles as $fi) {
             if (strpos($fi, ".cs") == strlen($fi) - 3) {
                 $newStr = $zipNew->getFromName($fi);
                 $oldStr = $zipOld->getFromName($fi);
                 if (trim($newStr) != trim($oldStr)) {
                     $diff[$fi] = Diff::toTable(Diff::compare($oldStr, $newStr));
         $ret = ["added" => $added, "removed" => $removed, "changes" => $diff];
         return $ret;
     } else {
         return false;
Beispiel #9
 public static function diff($text1, $text2)
     $diff = new Diff();
     return $diff->compare($text1, $text2);
Beispiel #10

// include the Diff class
require_once './class.Diff.php';
// compare two strings character by character
$diff = Diff::compare('abcmnz', 'abcmnz', true);
$input_array = array('id' => $args['content']->id);
$before = build_field_content_blockquote($input_array);
$input_array = array('id' => $args['content']->parent);
$after = build_field_content_blockquote($input_array);
foreach ($before as $key => $val) {
		<blockquote class="content_field_blockquote">
			<div class="content_field">
    echo $val['field_name'];
				<div class="content_field_value">
    $before_val = $val['field_val'];
    $after_val = $after[$key]['field_val'];
    echo Diff::toTable(Diff::compare($before_val, $after_val));


Beispiel #12
function wiki_compare_page($arr)
    $pageUrlName = array_key_exists('pageUrlName', $arr) ? $arr['pageUrlName'] : '';
    $resource_id = array_key_exists('resource_id', $arr) ? $arr['resource_id'] : '';
    $currentCommit = array_key_exists('currentCommit', $arr) ? $arr['currentCommit'] : 'HEAD';
    $compareCommit = array_key_exists('compareCommit', $arr) ? $arr['compareCommit'] : null;
    if (!$compareCommit) {
        return array('message' => 'No compare commit was provided', 'success' => false);
    $w = wiki_get_wiki($resource_id);
    if (!$w['path']) {
        return array('message' => 'Error reading wiki', 'success' => false);
    $page_path = $w['path'] . '/' . $pageUrlName . '.md';
    if (is_readable($page_path) === true) {
        $reponame = array_key_exists('title', $w['wiki']) ? urlencode($w['wiki']['title']) : 'repo';
        if ($reponame === '') {
            $reponame = 'repo';
        $git = new GitRepo('', null, false, $w['wiki']['title'], $w['path']);
        $compareContent = $currentContent = '';
        try {
            foreach ($git->git->tree($currentCommit) as $object) {
                if ($object['type'] == 'blob' && $object['file'] === $pageUrlName . '.md') {
                    $currentContent = $git->git->cat->blob($object['hash']);
            foreach ($git->git->tree($compareCommit) as $object) {
                if ($object['type'] == 'blob' && $object['file'] === $pageUrlName . '.md') {
                    $compareContent = $git->git->cat->blob($object['hash']);
            require_once 'library/class.Diff.php';
            $diff = Diff::toTable(Diff::compare($currentContent, $compareContent));
        } catch (\PHPGit\Exception\GitException $e) {
            return array('message' => 'GitRepo error thrown', 'success' => false);
        return array('diff' => $diff, 'message' => '', 'success' => true);
    } else {
        return array('message' => 'Page file not writable', 'success' => false);
Beispiel #13
  * Returns a comparison of the two specified versions of the specified item
  * in the form of an associative array.
  * @param string name of collection
  * @param string name of unique id column
  * @param mixed unique id of item
  * @param integer unique revision id of newer version
  * @param integer unique revision id of older version
  * @return array hash
 function compare($collection, $key, $id, $rid1, $rid2, $diff_type = DIFF_HTML)
     // returns diff as associative array
     $rev1 = $this->getRevision($collection, $key, $id, $rid1, true);
     if (!is_object($rev1)) {
         $this->error = 'Revision #' . $rid1 . ' does not exist.';
         return false;
     $rev2 = $this->getRevision($collection, $key, $id, $rid2, true);
     if (!is_object($rev2)) {
         $this->error = 'Revision #' . $rid2 . ' does not exists.';
         return false;
     $diff = new Diff(DIFF_HTML);
     $out = array();
     foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($rev1)) as $key) {
         $out[$key] = $diff->format($diff->compare($rev1->{$key}, $rev2->{$key}));
     return $out;
Beispiel #14
 public function diff($snapshotId1, $snapshotId2)
     $x = Snapshot::find($snapshotId1)->readNoTags();
     $y = Snapshot::find($snapshotId2)->readNoTags();
     $html = "<style>\n    \t\t.diffInserted{\n    \t\t\tborder: 1px solid rgb(192,255,192);\n    \t\t\tbackground: rgb(224,255,224);\n    \t\t}\n    \t\t.diffDeleted{\n    \t\t\tborder: 1px solid rgb(255,192,192);\n    \t\t\tbackground: rgb(255,224,224);\n    \t\t}\n    \t</style>";
     return $html . Diff::toTable(Diff::compare($x, $y));