Beispiel #1
  * Returns the value of $module's field called $fieldName. 
  * Calls accessLocalField($fieldName) on a separate DataTool object
  * for the remote module.
  * @param $module - Name of remote module to access.
  * @param $fieldName - Name of field in remote module to retrieve.
 function accessRemoteField($module, $fieldName)
     /* Form is 'Module' => field */
     /* I need to call $this->getData. */
     /* I need to load the Data/Module.php file,
      * to make a proper call to getData. */
     /* I need the var_defs for the Module, so
      * I can access its type or dbType. (only if it's an enum...)*/
     /* I also need the remote count of the 'parent' or 'related'
      * module.  This count would be the one that I get when
      * I generate relationships or fill 'related' fields.
     /* But getData looks at $this->module... ick */
     /* Well, I'm loading the vardefs for this class, so I might
      * as well load a new dataTool for it.
     /* 1. Load Data/Module definitions
      * 2. Load class[Module]
      * 3. Identify related count - ?
      * 4. call getData on the one field we want.
     /* Should one accidentally refer to itsself, just call local */
     if ($module == $this->module) {
         return $this->accessLocalField($fieldName);
     /* Check if a cached dataTool object exists. */
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['foreignDataTools']) && !empty($GLOBALS['foreignDataTools'][$module])) {
         $rbfd = $GLOBALS['foreignDataTools'][$module];
     } else {
         include 'include/modules.php';
         $class = $beanList[$module];
         require_once $beanFiles[$class];
         $bean = new $class();
         if (file_exists('Tidbit/Data/' . $bean->module_dir . '.php')) {
             require_once 'Tidbit/Data/' . $bean->module_dir . '.php';
         $rbfd = new DataTool();
         $rbfd->fields = $bean->field_defs;
         $rbfd->table_name = $bean->table_name;
         $rbfd->module = $module;
         /* Cache the dataTool object. */
         $GLOBALS['foreignDataTools'][$module] = $rbfd;
     $rbfd->count = $this->getRelatedUpId($module);
     return $rbfd->accessLocalField($fieldName);
Beispiel #2
 $ibfd->fields = $bean->field_defs;
 $ibfd->table_name = $bean->table_name;
 $ibfd->module = $module;
 /* We need to insert $total records
  * into the DB.  We are using the module and table-name given by
  * $module and $bean->table_name. */
 for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
     if (isset($_SESSION['iterator']) && $i <= $total_iterator) {
     $ibfd->count = $i;
     /* Don't turbo Users or Teams */
     if (!isset($_SESSION['turbo']) || !($i % $recordsPerPage) || $module != 'Users' || $module != 'Teams') {
         $ibfd->count = $i;
     if ($i == 0) {
     foreach($ibfd->installData as $key => $val) {
     echo $key . " => " . $val . "\n";