Beispiel #1
  * Tests adding a new comment, testing HTML cleaning.
 public function testHTMLCleaningAddComment()
     global $THEUSER;
     $THEUSER = new THEUSER();
     $comment = new COMMENT();
     $data = array('epobject_id' => 1, 'body' => "This is a test comment, including <a href=\"\">links</a>, <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i>, and stray < brackets to ensure they're not stripped.\n\nIt also includes <script>alert('malicious!');</script> script tags, to ensure they are stripped correctly.\n\nIt also spans multiple lines.", 'gid' => '');
     $commentId = $comment->create($data);
     // A correctly inserted comment returns an integer
     $this->assertInternalType('integer', $commentId);
     $comment = new COMMENT($commentId);
     $this->assertEquals("This is a test comment, including <a href=\"\">links</a>, <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i>, and stray &lt; brackets to ensure they're not stripped.\n\nIt also includes alert('malicious!'); script tags, to ensure they are stripped correctly.\n\nIt also spans multiple lines.", $comment->body());
Beispiel #2

include_once "../../includes/easyparliament/init.php";
$this_page = "addcomment";
// For previewing and adding a comment.
// We should have post args of 'body' and 'epobject_id'.
if (get_http_var("submitcomment") != '') {
    // We're submitting a comment.
    $data = array('epobject_id' => get_http_var('epobject_id'), 'body' => get_http_var('body'));
    $COMMENT = new COMMENT();
    $success = $COMMENT->create($data);
    if ($success) {
        // $success will be the last_insert_id().
        // Redirect user to the location of their new comment.
        // 'return_page' will be something like 'debate', so we know what page
        // to return to.
        $URL = new URL(get_http_var('return_page'));
        // That c=blah we're putting on the URL does nothing on the page,
        // BUT it makes picky browsers like Opera think it's a whole new page
        // so it reloads it, rather than being clever and thinking no refresh
        // is required.
        $URL->insert(array('id' => get_http_var('gid'), 'c' => $success));
        header("Location: http://" . DOMAIN . $URL->generate('none') . "#c" . $success);
    } else {
        // Else, $COMMENT will have printed an error message.
} else {
    // We're previewing a comment.