Beispiel #1
 * page code function
function PageCompMainCode()
    if (bx_get('my_textarea')) {
        echo 'Submitted data:<hr class="bx-def-hr" />' . bx_process_output(bx_get('my_textarea')) . '<hr class="bx-def-hr" />';
    echo '<form method="post" id="my_form">';
    // form must have id
    echo '<textarea id="my_textarea" name="my_textarea" rows="20" cols="80">some text here</textarea>';
    // print text area element
    echo '<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="bx-btn bx-def-margin-sec-top" style="float:none;" />';
    echo '</form>';
    // import editor class
    $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
    // get default editor object instance
    if ($oEditor) {
        // check if editor is available for using
        echo $oEditor->attachEditor('#my_textarea');
    // output HTML which will automatically apply editor to textarea element by its id
    // print all available editors and editors view modes below
    echo '<hr class="bx-def-hr" />';
    $aEditors = array('sys_tinymce');
    $aViewModes = array(BX_EDITOR_MINI => 'Mini', BX_EDITOR_STANDARD => 'Standard', BX_EDITOR_FULL => 'Full');
    foreach ($aViewModes as $iViewMode => $sViewModeHeader) {
        echo "<h1>{$sViewModeHeader}</h1>";
        foreach ($aEditors as $sEditor) {
            $sId = 'textarea_' . $sEditor . '_' . $iViewMode;
            echo '<textarea id="' . $sId . '" name="' . $sId . '" rows="20" cols="80">some text here</textarea>';
            $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance($sEditor);
            if (!$oEditor) {
            echo $oEditor->attachEditor('#' . $sId, $iViewMode);
            echo '<hr class="bx-def-hr" />';
    return DesignBoxContent("Visual editor", ob_get_clean(), BX_DB_PADDING_DEF);
Beispiel #2
 function addHtmlEditor($iViewMode, &$aInput)
     $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
     if (!$oEditor) {
         return false;
     $this->_sCodeAdd .= $oEditor->attachEditor((!empty($this->aFormAttrs['id']) ? '#' . $this->aFormAttrs['id'] . ' ' : '') . '[name="' . $aInput['name'] . '"]', $iViewMode, isset($aInput['html_dynamic']) ? $aInput['html_dynamic'] : false);
     if (!isset($aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'])) {
         $aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'] = '';
     $aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'] = 'width:' . $oEditor->getWidth($iViewMode) . $aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'];
     return true;
Beispiel #3
  * Function will generate window with reply message or new compose message;
  * @param        : $iRecipientID (integer) - recipient's ID ;
  * @param        : $iMessageID (integer) - message ID (optional parameter);
  * @return        : Html presentation data;
 function genReplayMessage($iRecipientID, $iMessageID = 0)
     global $oSysTemplate;
     $iMessageID = (int) $iMessageID;
     $iRecipientID = (int) $iRecipientID;
     // check if send message is allowed
     $aComposeSettings = array();
     $sErrMsg = $this->sendMessage('', '', $iRecipientID, $aComposeSettings, true);
     if ($sErrMsg) {
         return $sErrMsg;
     // init some needed variables ;
     $sOutputHtml = '';
     $aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']);
     $aRecipientInfo = getProfileInfo($iRecipientID);
     $aLanguageKeys = array('information' => $iMessageID ? _t('_Reply') : _t('_COMPOSE_H1'), 'cancel' => bx_js_string(_t('_Cancel')), 'send' => bx_js_string(_t('_Send')), 'send_copy' => _t('_Send copy to personal email', $aRecipientInfo['NickName']), 'send_copy_my' => _t('_Send copy to my personal email'), 'notify' => _t('_Notify by e-mail', $aRecipientInfo['NickName']), 'error_message' => bx_js_string(_t('_please_fill_next_fields_first')));
     if (!empty($aMemberInfo) && !empty($aRecipientInfo)) {
         // ** generate recipient's information ;
         $sMemberIcon = get_member_thumbnail($this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id'], 'none');
         $sMemberNickName = getNickName($aMemberInfo['ID']);
         $sMemberLocation = getProfileLink($aMemberInfo['ID']);
         $sClockImgPath = getTemplateIcon('clock.png');
         $sCurrentDate = date('d.m.Y G:i');
         $sMessageSubject = $iMessageID ? $this->addReToSubject(db_value("\n                            SELECT\n                                `Subject`\n                            FROM\n                                `sys_messages`\n                            WHERE\n                                `ID` = {$iMessageID}\n                                    AND\n                                (\n                                `Sender` = {$this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']}\n                                    OR\n                                `Recipient` = {$this->aMailBoxSettings['member_id']}\n                                )\n                            ")) : null;
         $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('action' => null, 'method' => 'post'), 'params' => array('remove_form' => true, 'db' => array('submit_name' => 'do_submit')), 'inputs' => array('actions' => array('type' => 'input_set', 'colspan' => 'true', 0 => array('type' => 'button', 'value' => $aLanguageKeys['send'], 'attrs' => array('onclick' => 'if(typeof oMailBoxReplayMessage != \'undefined\') oMailBoxReplayMessage.sendMessage(' . $iRecipientID . ')')), 1 => array('type' => 'button', 'value' => $aLanguageKeys['cancel'], 'attrs' => array('onclick' => 'if(typeof oMailBoxReplayMessage != \'undefined\') oMailBoxReplayMessage.cancelReplay()')))));
         $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
         $sMessageBoxActions = $oForm->getCode();
         $aTemplateKeys = array('error_message' => $aLanguageKeys['error_message'], 'current_page' => 'mail.php', 'information' => $aLanguageKeys['information'], 'member_thumbnail' => $sMemberIcon, 'member_nick_name' => $sMemberNickName, 'member_location' => $sMemberLocation, 'clock_img' => $sClockImgPath, 'date_create' => $sCurrentDate, 'message_subject' => $sMessageSubject, 'send_copy_my' => $aLanguageKeys['send_copy_my'], 'send_copy_to' => $aLanguageKeys['send_copy'], 'notify' => $aLanguageKeys['notify'], 'action_buttons' => $sMessageBoxActions);
         $sOutputHtml = $oSysTemplate->parseHtmlByName($this->aUsedTemplates['message_replay'], $aTemplateKeys);
     $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
     $sEditor = $oEditor ? $oEditor->attachEditor('#compose_message', BX_EDITOR_FULL, true) : '';
     return $sEditor . $sOutputHtml;
Beispiel #4
 function addHtmlEditor($iViewMode, &$aInput)
     $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
     if (!$oEditor) {
         return false;
     $this->_sCodeAdd .= $oEditor->attachEditor('#' . $this->aFormAttrs['id'] . ' [name=' . $aInput['name'] . ']', $iViewMode, $this->_bDynamicMode);
     return true;
Beispiel #5
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = '-=++=-';
global $gConf;
$sCssPathUrl = bx_ltrim_str($gConf['url']['css'], BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
$sCssPathDir = bx_ltrim_str("{$gConf['dir']['layouts']}{$gConf['skin']}/css/", BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT);
$sJsPathUrl = bx_ltrim_str($gConf['url']['js'], BX_DOL_URL_ROOT);
$sJsPathDir = bx_ltrim_str($gConf['dir']['js'], BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT);
$GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->addJs(array('history.js', "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|util.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxError.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxXmlRequest.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxXslTransform.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxForum.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxHistory.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxLogin.js", "{$sJsPathDir}|{$sJsPathUrl}|BxAdmin.js"));
$GLOBALS['BxDolTemplateInjections']['page_' . $_ni]['injection_body'][] = array('type' => 'text', 'data' => 'id="body" onload="if(!document.body) { document.body = document.getElementById(\'body\'); }; h = new BxHistory(\'' . $gConf['url']['base'] . '\'); document.h = h; return h.init(\'h\'); "');
if (BX_ORCA_INTEGRATION == 'dolphin') {
    $aVars = array('ForumBaseUrl' => $gConf['url']['base']);
    $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCustomSubActions($aVars, 'bx_forum_title', false);
if (isLogged()) {
    $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
    $sEditorId = isset($_REQUEST['new_topic']) ? '#tinyEditor' : '#fakeEditor';
    if ($oEditor) {
        if ('sys_tinymce' == $oEditor->getObjectName()) {
            $oEditor->setCustomConf('setup :
function(ed) {
    ed.on("init", function(e) {
        if ("undefined" === typeof(glOrcaSettings))
            glOrcaSettings = tinyMCE.activeEditor["settings"];
        $sEditor .= $oEditor->attachEditor($sEditorId, BX_EDITOR_FULL) . '<div id="fakeEditor" style="display:none;"></div>';
 function showBuildZone()
     $sEditorId = $sEditorCode = '';
     $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
     if ($oEditor) {
         $sEditorId = 'buildZoneEditor';
         $sEditorCode = $oEditor->attachEditor('#' . $sEditorId, BX_EDITOR_FULL);
     return $sInitEditor . $GLOBALS['oAdmTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('pbuilder_content.html', array('top_controls' => $this->getPageSelector(), 'bx_if:page' => array('condition' => (bool) $this->oPage, 'content' => array('bx_if:delete_link' => array('condition' => !$this->oPage->isSystem, 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:view_link' => array('condition' => !$this->oPage->isSystem, 'content' => array('site_url' => $GLOBALS['site']['url'], 'page_name' => htmlspecialchars($this->oPage->sName))), 'parser_url' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 'page_name' => addslashes($this->oPage->sName), 'page_width_min' => getParam('sys_template_page_width_min'), 'page_width_max' => getParam('sys_template_page_width_max'), 'page_width' => $this->oPage->iPageWidth, 'main_width' => getParam('main_div_width'))), 'bx_if:empty' => array('condition' => !(bool) $this->oPage, 'content' => array('content' => MsgBox(_t('_Empty')))), 'bx_if:editor' => array('condition' => !empty($sEditorCode), 'content' => array('editor_id' => $sEditorId, 'editor_code' => $sEditorCode))));
Beispiel #7
 function addHtmlEditor($iViewMode, &$aInput)
     $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
     if (!$oEditor) {
         return false;
     if (isset($aInput['html_no_link_conversion']) && $aInput['html_no_link_conversion']) {
         $oEditor->setCustomConf("remove_script_host: false,\nrelative_urls: false,\n");
     $this->_sCodeAdd .= $oEditor->attachEditor((!empty($this->aFormAttrs['id']) ? '#' . $this->aFormAttrs['id'] . ' ' : '') . '[name="' . $aInput['name'] . '"]', $iViewMode, isset($aInput['dynamic']) ? $aInput['dynamic'] : false);
     if (!isset($aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'])) {
         $aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'] = '';
     $aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'] = 'width:' . $oEditor->getWidth($iViewMode) . $aInput['attrs_wrapper']['style'];
     return true;
Beispiel #8
    function _getFormBox($sType, $aCmt = array())
        $iCmtId = !empty($aCmt['id']) ? (int) $aCmt['id'] : 0;
        $iCmtParentId = !empty($aCmt['parent_id']) ? (int) $aCmt['parent_id'] : 0;
        $sCmtText = !empty($aCmt['text']) ? $this->_prepareTextForEdit($aCmt['text']) : '';
        $sTextareaId = "cmt" . bx_gen_method_name($this->_sSystem . "_" . $sType) . "TextArea";
        switch ($sType) {
            case 'post':
                $sFunction = "submitComment(this)";
                $sTextareaId .= $iCmtParentId;
            case 'edit':
                $sFunction = "updateComment(this, '" . $iCmtId . "')";
                $sTextareaId .= $iCmtId;
        if ($this->_aSystem['is_mood']) {
            $sMood = '
                    <div class="cmt-post-reply-mood">
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="1" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-positive" /></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-positive">' . _t('_Comment Positive') . '</label></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="-1" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-negative" /></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-negative">' . _t('_Comment Negative') . '</label></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-ctl"><input type="radio" name="CmtMood" value="0" id="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-neutral" checked="checked" /></div>
                        <div class="cmt-post-mood-lbl"><label for="' . $this->_sSystem . '-mood-neutral">' . _t('_Comment Neutral') . '</label></div>
                        <div class="clear_both">&nbsp;</div>
        $sContent = '
			<form name="cmt-post-reply" onsubmit="' . $this->_sJsObjName . '.' . $sFunction . '; return false;">
				<input type="hidden" name="CmtParent" value="' . $iCmtParentId . '" />
				<input type="hidden" name="CmtType" value="text" />
				<div class="cmt-post-reply-text">
					<textarea class="cmt-text-' . $sType . ' bx-def-round-corners-with-border" id="' . $sTextareaId . '" name="CmtText">' . $sCmtText . '</textarea>
				<div class="cmt-post-reply-video">' . getApplicationContent('video_comments', 'recorder', array('user' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'password' => $this->_getAuthorPassword(), 'extra' => implode('_', array($this->_sSystem . '-' . $this->getId(), $iCmtParentId))), true) . '</div>
				<div class="cmt-post-reply-post"><button class="bx-btn bx-btn-small" type="submit">' . _t('_Submit Comment') . '</button></div>
				' . $sMood . '
        if ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1) {
            $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
            $sContent .= $oEditor ? $oEditor->attachEditor('#' . $sTextareaId, BX_EDITOR_MINI, $this->bDynamic) : '';
        return $sContent;
Beispiel #9
  * Get initialization section of comments box
  * @return string
 function getCmtsInit()
     global $site;
     $sToggleAdd = '';
     $sUseHtmlAdd = '';
     $ret = '';
     if ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1 && ($this->isEditAllowed() || $this->isPostReplyAllowed() || $this->isEditAllowedAll())) {
         $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
         $ret .= $oEditor ? $oEditor->attachEditor('textarea[name=CmtText]', BX_EDITOR_MINI) : '';
     $ret .= $sToggleAdd . "\n            <script  type=\"text/javascript\">\n                var " . $this->_sJsObjName . " = new BxDolCmts({\n                    sObjName : '" . $this->_sJsObjName . "',\n                    sBaseUrl : '" . $site['url'] . "',\n                    sSystem : '" . $this->getSystemName() . "',\n                    sSystemTable: '" . $this->_aSystem['table_cmts'] . "',\n                    iAuthorId: '" . $this->_getAuthorId() . "',\n                    iObjId : '" . $this->getId() . "',\n                    sOrder : '" . $this->getOrder() . "',\n                    sDefaultErrMsg : '" . _t('_Error occured') . "',\n                    sConfirmMsg : '" . _t('_Are you sure?') . "',\n                    sAnimationEffect : '" . $this->_aSystem['animation_effect'] . "',\n                    sAnimationSpeed : '" . $this->_aSystem['animation_speed'] . "',\n                    isEditAllowed : " . ($this->isEditAllowed() || $this->isEditAllowedAll() ? 1 : 0) . ",\n                    isRemoveAllowed : " . ($this->isRemoveAllowed() || $this->isRemoveAllowedAll() ? 1 : 0) . ",\n                    sTextAreaId: '" . $this->sTextAreaId . "',\n                    iGlobAllowHtml: " . ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1 ? 1 : 0) . ",\n                    iSecsToEdit : " . (int) $this->getAllowedEditTime() . "});\n                " . $this->_sJsObjName . ".oCmtElements = {";
     for (reset($this->_aCmtElements); list($k, $r) = each($this->_aCmtElements);) {
         $ret .= "\n'{$k}' : { 'reg' : '{$r['reg']}', 'msg' : \"{$r['msg']}\" },";
     $ret = substr($ret, 0, -1);
     $ret .= "\n};\n";
     if ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1) {
         $ret .= $this->_sJsObjName . ".createEditor(0, \$('#cmts-box-" . $this->_sSystem . "-" . $this->_iId . "> .cmt-post-reply form [name=CmtText][tinypossible=true]'), true);\n";
     $ret .= "</script>";
     return $ret;
Beispiel #10
  * Get initialization section of comments box
  * @return string
 function getCmtsInit()
     global $site;
     $sReturn = $sToggleAdd = $sUseHtmlAdd = '';
     if ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1 && ($this->isEditAllowed() || $this->isPostReplyAllowed() || $this->isEditAllowedAll()) && !isset($GLOBALS['glBxDolCommentsEditorInitialized'])) {
         $oEditor = BxDolEditor::getObjectInstance();
         $sReturn .= $oEditor ? $oEditor->attachEditor('textarea[name=CmtText]', BX_EDITOR_MINI) : '';
         $GLOBALS['glBxDolCommentsEditorInitialized'] = 1;
     $aParams = array('sObjName' => $this->_sJsObjName, 'sBaseUrl' => $site['url'], 'sSystem' => $this->getSystemName(), 'sSystemTable' => $this->_aSystem['table_cmts'], 'iAuthorId' => $this->_getAuthorId(), 'iObjId' => $this->getId(), 'sOrder' => $this->getOrder(), 'sDefaultErrMsg' => _t('_Error occured'), 'sConfirmMsg' => _t('_Are_you_sure'), 'sAnimationEffect' => $this->_aSystem['animation_effect'], 'sAnimationSpeed' => $this->_aSystem['animation_speed'], 'isEditAllowed' => $this->isEditAllowed() || $this->isEditAllowedAll() ? 1 : 0, 'isRemoveAllowed' => $this->isRemoveAllowed() || $this->isRemoveAllowedAll() ? 1 : 0, 'iAutoHideRootPostForm' => $this->iAutoHideRootPostForm, 'sTextAreaId' => $this->sTextAreaId, 'iGlobAllowHtml' => $this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1 ? 1 : 0, 'iSecsToEdit' => (int) $this->getAllowedEditTime(), 'oCmtElements' => $this->_aCmtElements);
     return $sReturn . $sToggleAdd . $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->_wrapInTagJsCode("var " . $this->_sJsObjName . " = new BxDolCmts(" . json_encode($aParams) . ");" . ($this->iGlobAllowHtml == 1 && $this->iGlobUseTinyMCE == 1 ? $this->_sJsObjName . ".createEditor(0, \$('#cmts-box-" . $this->_sSystem . "-" . $this->_iId . "> .cmt-post-reply form [name=CmtText][tinypossible=true]'), true);" : ""));