public function actionCheckAPIStatus() { if (!User::isCurrentUserAdmin()) { Yii::app()->end(); } $status = ApiStatus::getFirst(); $data = array('status' => $status['status']); echo CJSON::encode($data); }
public function actionPost() { // check if api is enabled $api_status = ApiStatus::getFirst(); if (!$api_status->isApiOn()) { $this->_sendResponse(200, 'API access has been disabled. Contact VJF administrator.'); } // perform routine auth $this->authenticate(); // api key is valid, now parse the json object $request_obj = Yii::app()->request->getRawBody(); $job_posting = CJSON::decode($request_obj); if (!isset($job_posting) || is_null($job_posting)) { $this->_sendResponse(500, 'Empty job posting body.'); } // dissect scis job posting information $jp_id = $job_posting['URL']; //$job_posting['ID']; $jp_postedTime = $job_posting['PostedTime']; $jp_expireTime = $job_posting['ExpireTime']; $jp_company = $job_posting['Company']; $jp_position = $job_posting['Position']; $jp_company_url = $job_posting['URL']; $jp_company_background = $job_posting['Background']; $jp_description = $job_posting['Description']; $jp_duties = $job_posting['Duties']; $jp_qualifications = $job_posting['Qualifications']; $jp_company_email = $job_posting['Email']; $jp_posted_by = $job_posting['PostedBy']; //$jp_posting_format = $job_posting['Format']; dont care about this, ask joshua // attempt to find user in database (by email) that corresponds to the job posting $user_found = User::model()->find('email=:jp_company_email', array(':jp_company_email' => $jp_company_email)); // if user not found in database, create a new 'dummy' user for this posting if (count($user_found) <= 0) { // user info (exclude first name and last name) $new_user = new User(); $new_user->email = $jp_company_email; $new_user->activated = 1; // activate their account, and force them to retreive password (if they ever want to login) // generate username from email $user_name = str_replace(array('@', '.'), '_', $jp_company_email); $new_user->username = $user_name; $new_user->FK_usertype = 2; // employer type $new_user->registration_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $new_user->image_url = '/JobFair/images/profileimages/user-default.png'; // hash the password before storing it into the database $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, false); $new_user->password = $hasher->HashPassword($new_user->password); // add user to db $new_user->save(false); // user company info $cmpny_info = new CompanyInfo(); $cmpny_info->name = $jp_company; $cmpny_info->website = $jp_company_url; $cmpny_info->description = $jp_company_background; $cmpny_info->FK_userid = $new_user->id; // add company info to db $cmpny_info->save(false); // user basic info $basic_info = new BasicInfo(); $basic_info->about_me = $jp_posted_by; // ask professor about this mapping $basic_info->userid = $new_user->id; $basic_info->hide_phone = 1; $basic_info->allowSMS = 0; $basic_info->validated = 1; // add basic info to db $basic_info->save(false); } // we have a user, post under his/her account $current_user = isset($new_user) ? $new_user : $user_found; // check for duplicate postings // $dup_entries = Job::model()->find( "FK_poster=:poster AND ". // "title=:title AND ". // "deadline=:deadline AND ". // "post_date=:post_date", // array( ':poster' => $current_user->id, // ':title' => $jp_position, // ':deadline' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($jp_expireTime)), // ':post_date' => $jp_postedTime)); $dup_entries = Job::model()->find("posting_url=:job_url", array(':job_url' => $jp_id)); // duplicate entry, ignore if (count($dup_entries) > 0) { $new_job_posting = $dup_entries; $new_job_posting->FK_poster = $current_user->id; // need an account $new_job_posting->post_date = $jp_postedTime; $new_job_posting->title = $jp_position; $new_job_posting->deadline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($jp_expireTime)); $new_job_posting->description = $jp_description . $jp_duties . $jp_qualifications; $new_job_posting->type = 'CIS'; // know it was posted using this api $new_job_posting->compensation = ""; // not available from CIS $new_job_posting->posting_url = $jp_id; $new_job_posting->comp_name = $jp_company; // post the job to db $new_job_posting->save(false); // send response and stop application $this->_sendResponse(400, 'Job entry has been updated in the database.'); } // no duplicates, add posting $new_job_posting = new Job(); $new_job_posting->FK_poster = $current_user->id; // need an account $new_job_posting->post_date = $jp_postedTime; $new_job_posting->title = $jp_position; $new_job_posting->deadline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($jp_expireTime)); $new_job_posting->description = $jp_description . $jp_duties . $jp_qualifications; $new_job_posting->type = 'CIS'; // know it was posted using this api $new_job_posting->compensation = ""; // not available from CIS $new_job_posting->posting_url = $jp_id; $new_job_posting->comp_name = $jp_company; // post the job to db $new_job_posting->save(false); // skill match descripnt against database $decoded_desc = utf8_decode($new_job_posting->description); $decoded_desc = str_replace(array('/', ',', '.'), ' ', $decoded_desc); $description_words = explode(' ', $decoded_desc); // split into words $skill_order = 0; foreach ($description_words as $word) { // check database to see if current word is a skill $skill = Skillset::model()->find("name=:name", array(":name" => $word)); if ($skill) { // its a skill, map it to this posting on database $skill_map = new JobSkillMap(); $skill_map->jobid = $new_job_posting->id; $skill_map->skillid = $skill->id; $skill_map->ordering = $skill_order; $skill_order++; $skill_map->save(false); } } // all went good $this->_sendResponse(200); }
public static function getFirst() { $first = ApiStatus::model()->findBySql('SELECT * FROM `api_status` ORDER BY `date_modified` DESC LIMIT 1'); return $first; }