protected function setUp()
     $this->object = new \AmazonSDB();
     $this->object->batch_put_attributes(self::DOMAIN, $this->_testItems);

// Set the response class on a new AmazonSDB object
$sdb = new \AmazonSDB();
// ---------------------
// Using get_attributes() (retrieves one item's attributes)
$attributes = $sdb->get_attributes('myDomain', 'item1');
// You can still use CFResponse features
if (!$attributes->isOK()) {
    die("Oh no! There's a problem");
// $attributes is now accessible as an array of key->value pairs associated with item1
echo "My item {$attributes['id']} has the name {$attributes['name']}";
// -------------
// Using select() (retrieves any number of items)
$items = $sdb->select('SELECT * FROM myDomain');
// Count will work
echo "Returned ", count($items), " items.";
foreach ($items as $itemName => $itemAttributes) {
    echo "Item: {$itemName}\n";
    // Print out all the attributes of this item