	 * RunUpgrade
	 * Runs the populate_user_unique_token upgrade
	 * @return Boolean Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
	function RunUpgrade()
		$result = $this->Db->Query('SELECT username, password FROM ' . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . 'users');
		if ($result === false) {
			return false;

		while ($row = $this->Db->Fetch($result)) {
			$new_token = API_USERS::generateUniqueToken($row['username']);
			$new_password = md5(md5($new_token) . $row['password']);

			$query = 'UPDATE ' . SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . 'users ';
			$query .= " SET unique_token='" . $this->Db->Quote($new_token) . "'";
			$query .= ", password='******'";
			$query .= " WHERE username='******'username']) . "'";

			$status = $this->Db->Query($query);
			if ($status === false) {
				return false;

		return true;
Beispiel #2
	* Install
	* Performs an installation based on the request in $xml
	* @return Void Returns nothing, exits on error
	function Install()
		$install = &$this->xml->install;

		// Required variables:
		$required = array(
			'user' => array(
			'database' => array(
				'dbUser','dbPass','dbDatabase','dbServer' // ,'dbType'
		$errors = array();
		foreach ($required as $node_name => $node) {
			if (is_array($node)) {
				foreach ($node as $variable) {
					if (!isset($install->$node_name->$variable)) {
						$errors[] = array('code' => 'missing' . ucfirst($node_name) . ucfirst($variable), 'message' => 'The ' . $node_name . ' ' . $variable . ' value was not supplied.');
			} else {
				if (!isset($install->$node)) {
					$errors[] = array('code' => 'missing' . ucfirst($node), 'message' => 'The ' . $node . ' value was not supplied.');
		if (count($errors)) {
			$this->Error('Please fill out all mandatory fields to complete the installation.',$errors);

		// Check if config file is writable

		$config_file = SENDSTUDIO_INCLUDES_DIRECTORY . "/config.php";
		if (!is_writable($config_file)) {
			$this->Error('Before you can install Interspire Email Marketer make sure the following files are writable.',array(array('code' => 'filePermissions', 'message' => $config_file . ' is not writable.')));

		if (!is_writable(TEMP_DIRECTORY)) {
			$this->Error('Before you can install Interspire Email Marketer make sure the following files are writable.',array(array('code' => 'filePermissions', 'message' => TEMP_DIRECTORY . ' is not writable.')));

		$license_key = (string)$install->licenseKey;
		list($error, $msg) = sesion_start($license_key);
		if ($error) {
			$this->Error('A valid license key was not supplied.',array(array('code' => 'badLicenseKey','message' => $msg)));

		* Connect to the database

		* Due to a problem with Plesk only mysql installations can be done
		if ($install->database->dbType == 'postgresql') {
			require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/database/pgsql.php");
			$db_type = 'PGSQLDb';
			$db_type_name = 'pgsql';
		} elseif ($install->database->dbType == 'mysql') {
		require_once IEM_PATH . '/ext/database/mysql.php';
		$db_type = 'MySQLDb';
		$db_type_name = 'mysql';

		defined('SENDSTUDIO_DATABASE_TYPE') or define('SENDSTUDIO_DATABASE_TYPE', $db_type_name);

		} else {
			$this->Error('The installer was not able to connect to the database.',array(array('code' => 'dbConnectError', 'message' => 'Unknown database type ' . $install->database->dbType)));

		$db = new $db_type($install->database->dbServer, $install->database->dbUser, $install->database->dbPass, $install->database->dbDatabase);
		$db->TablePrefix = $install->database->tablePrefix;
		$db->ErrorCallback = array(&$this,'DatabaseError');


		if (!$db->connection) {
			$this->Error('The installer was not able to connect to the database.', array(array('code' => 'dbConnectError', 'message' => "Unable to connect to the database: " . $db->GetError())));

		* Load the database schema file and create the database tables

		require_once(IEM_PATH . "/install/schema." . $db_type_name . ".php");

		$tableprefix = '';
		if (isset($install->database->tablePrefix)) {
			$tableprefix = (string)$install->database->tablePrefix;

		foreach ($queries as $query) {
			$query = str_replace('%%TABLEPREFIX%%', $tableprefix, $query);

		* Find the server timezone and write the configuration file


		$timezone = date('O');
		$timezone = preg_replace('/([+-])0/', '$1', $timezone);
		if ($timezone == '+000') {
			$timezone = 'GMT';
		$timez = 'GMT';
		foreach ($GLOBALS['SendStudioTimeZones'] as $k => $tz) {
			// if we're using date('O') it doesn't include "GMT" or the ":"
			// see if we can match it up.
			$tz_trim = str_replace(array('GMT', ':'), '', $tz);
			if ($tz_trim == $timezone) {
				$timez = $tz;

		define('SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX', $tableprefix);


		$settings_api = $this->GetApi('Settings');

		$settings_details = array();

		$settings_details['DATABASE_UTF8PATCH'] = '1';
		$settings_details['DATABASE_TYPE'] = $db_type_name;
		$settings_details['DATABASE_USER'] = (string)$install->database->dbUser;
		$settings_details['DATABASE_PASS'] = (string)$install->database->dbPass;
		$settings_details['DATABASE_HOST'] = (string)$install->database->dbServer;
		$settings_details['DATABASE_NAME'] = (string)$install->database->dbDatabase;
		$settings_details['TABLEPREFIX'] = $tableprefix;
		$settings_details['LICENSEKEY'] = (string)$install->licenseKey;
		$settings_details['APPLICATION_URL'] = (string)$install->installPath;
		$settings_details['SERVERTIMEZONE'] = $timez;
		$settings_details['DEFAULTCHARSET'] = 'UTF-8';
		$settings_details['EMAIL_ADDRESS'] = (string)$install->user->email;

		// now for the default settings.
		$settings_details['SMTP_PORT'] = '25';

		$settings_details['IPTRACKING'] = '1';

		$settings_details['MAX_IMAGEWIDTH'] = 700;
		$settings_details['MAX_IMAGEHEIGHT'] = 400;

		$settings_details['BOUNCE_IMAP'] = '0';

		$settings_details['ALLOW_EMBEDIMAGES'] = '1';

		$settings_details['ATTACHMENT_SIZE'] = '2048';

		$settings_details['CRON_SEND'] = '5';
		$settings_details['CRON_AUTORESPONDER'] = '10';
		$settings_details['CRON_BOUNCE'] = '60';

		$settings_details['EMAILSIZE_WARNING'] = '500';
		$settings_details['EMAILSIZE_MAXIMUM'] = '2048';

		$settings_details['RESEND_MAXIMUM'] = '3';

		$settings_api->Set('Settings', $settings_details);

		$settings_api->Db = &$db;

		// ----- Update the default user account
			$username     = $install->user->username;
			$unique_token = API_USERS::generateUniqueToken($username);
			$new_password = API_USERS::generatePasswordHash($install->user->password, $unique_token);

			$tempServerTimeZone = $db->Quote($settings_details['SERVERTIMEZONE']);
			$tempEmailAddress = $db->Quote(strval($install->user->email));
			$tempUniqueToken = $db->Quote($unique_token);
			$tempUsername = $db->Quote($username);
			$tempPassword = $db->Quote($new_password);
			$tempHTMLFooter = $db->Quote(GetLang('Default_Global_HTML_Footer', ''));
			$tempTEXTFooter = $db->Quote(GetLang('Default_Global_Text_Footer', ''));

			$query = "
				UPDATE {$tableprefix}users
				SET unique_token = '{$tempUniqueToken}',
					usertimezone = '{$tempServerTimeZone}',
					emailaddress ='{$tempEmailAddress}',
					textfooter ='{$tempTEXTFooter}',
					htmlfooter ='{$tempHTMLFooter}',
					username = '******',
					password ='******'
				WHERE userid = 1



		// -----


		* Installation is finished

			<installPath><?php echo $install->installPath; ?></installPath>
				<password><?php echo $install->user->password; ?></password>
Beispiel #3
     * Create
     * This function creates a user based on the current class vars and then save permissions once it has a new userid from the database.
     * @return False|Int Returns false if it couldn't create a user, otherwise returns the new userid.
    function Create() {
        if (!ss9024kwehbehb($this)) {
            return -1;


        if (!$this->Validate('create')) {
            return false;

        $processed_unique_token = API_USERS::generateUniqueToken(SENDSTUDIO_LICENSEKEY . $this->username);
        $processed_password = API_USERS::generatePasswordHash($this->password, $processed_unique_token);

        if (!is_array($this->eventactivitytype)) {
            $this->eventactivitytype = array();

        if ($this->trialuser == '1') {
            $agency_variables = get_agency_license_variables();

            $this->admintype = 'c';

        $query = "
			INSERT INTO [|PREFIX|]users (
				groupid, username, password, unique_token, status, emailaddress, fullname,
				trialuser, admintype, listadmintype, templateadmintype, segmentadmintype,
				editownsettings, usertimezone,
				textfooter, htmlfooter,
				smtpserver, smtpusername, smtppassword, smtpport,
				createdate, lastloggedin,
				enableactivitylog, usewysiwyg, xmlapi, xmltoken,
				gettingstarted, googlecalendarusername, googlecalendarpassword,
				adminnotify_email, adminnotify_send_flag, adminnotify_send_threshold,
				adminnotify_send_emailtext, adminnotify_import_flag, adminnotify_import_threshold, adminnotify_import_emailtext
			) VALUES (
				" . intval($this->groupid) . ", '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->username) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($processed_password) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($processed_unique_token) . "', '" . intval($this->status) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->emailaddress) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->fullname) . "',
				'" . ($this->trialuser == '1' ? '1' : '0') . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->admintype) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->listadmintype) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->templateadmintype) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->segmentadmintype) . "',
				'" . intval($this->editownsettings) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->usertimezone) . "',
				'" . $this->Db->Quote($this->textfooter) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->htmlfooter) . "',
				'" . intval($this->infotips) . "',
				'" . $this->Db->Quote($this->smtpserver) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->smtpusername) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote(base64_encode($this->smtppassword)) . "', " . intval($this->smtpport) . ",
				" . time() . ", 0,
				'" . intval($this->enableactivitylog) . "', '" . intval($this->usewysiwyg) . "', '" . intval($this->xmlapi) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->xmltoken) . "'
				," . intval($this->gettingstarted) . ", '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->googlecalendarusername) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->googlecalendarpassword) . "', '" . serialize($this->eventactivitytype) . "',
				'" . $this->Db->Quote($this->adminnotify_email) . "', '" . intval($this->adminnotify_send_flag) . "', '" . intval($this->adminnotify_send_threshold) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->adminnotify_send_emailtext) . "',
				'" . intval($this->adminnotify_import_flag) . "', '" . intval($this->adminnotify_import_threshold) . "', '" . $this->Db->Quote($this->adminnotify_import_emailtext) . "'

        // We want to get the userid once it is created.
        if (SENDSTUDIO_DATABASE_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
            $query .= ' RETURNING userid';

        $result = $this->Db->Query($query);

        if (!$result) {
            return false;

        if (SENDSTUDIO_DATABASE_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
            $userid = $this->Db->FetchOne($result, 'userid');
        } else {
            $userid = $this->Db->LastId(SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX . 'users_sequence');

        $this->userid = $userid;

        $status = (create_user_dir($userid) === true);

        if (!$status) {
            return false;

        $this->_cacheUserTypeCount = false;
        return $userid;
  * SaveDefaultSettings
  * Saves the default settings into the database.
  * Note that the database and required system settings must be set up before this is called.
  * @return Array The first element is an error code indicating success (0) or failure (> 0). The second element is an error string.
 public function SaveDefaultSettings()
     if (!$this->CheckRequiredFields()) {
         return array(self::SETTINGS_MISSING, 'All required settings must be loaded first.');
     if (!$this->_db) {
         return array(self::DB_MISSING, 'Database connection must be established first.');
     require_once SENDSTUDIO_API_DIRECTORY . '/settings.php';
     $settings_api = new Settings_API(false);
     $settings = $this->_settings;
     $settings['DATABASE_UTF8PATCH'] = '1';
     $settings['SERVERTIMEZONE'] = self::GetTimezone();
     $settings['DEFAULTCHARSET'] = 'UTF-8';
     $settings['SMTP_PORT'] = '25';
     $settings['IPTRACKING'] = '1';
     $settings['MAXHOURLYRATE'] = '0';
     $settings['ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS'] = '1';
     $settings['USEMULTIPLEUNSUBSCRIBE'] = '0';
     $settings['CONTACTCANMODIFYEMAIL'] = '0';
     $settings['FORCE_UNSUBLINK'] = '0';
     $settings['MAXOVERSIZE'] = '0';
     $settings['MAX_IMAGEWIDTH'] = '700';
     $settings['MAX_IMAGEHEIGHT'] = '400';
     $settings['BOUNCE_IMAP'] = '0';
     $settings['ALLOW_EMBEDIMAGES'] = '1';
     $settings['ATTACHMENT_SIZE'] = '2048';
     $settings['CRON_ENABLED'] = '0';
     $settings['CRON_SEND'] = '5';
     $settings['CRON_AUTORESPONDER'] = '10';
     $settings['CRON_BOUNCE'] = '60';
     $settings['EMAILSIZE_WARNING'] = '500';
     $settings['EMAILSIZE_MAXIMUM'] = '2048';
     $settings['RESEND_MAXIMUM'] = '3';
     $settings['CREDIT_INCLUDE_AUTORESPONDERS'] = '1';
     $settings['CREDIT_INCLUDE_TRIGGERS'] = '1';
     $settings['CREDIT_WARNINGS'] = '0';
     $settings_api->Set('Settings', $settings);
     // set the table prefix constant for the API to work
     define('SENDSTUDIO_TABLEPREFIX', $this->_db->TablePrefix);
     $settings_api->Db =& $this->_db;
     $username = $_POST['admin_username'];
     $usernameToken = API_USERS::generateUniqueToken($username);
     $password = API_USERS::generatePasswordHash($_POST['admin_password'], $usernameToken);
     // Set the admin user's settings
     $query = 'UPDATE [|PREFIX|]users SET ';
     $query .= " usertimezone='" . $this->_db->Quote($settings['SERVERTIMEZONE']) . "', ";
     $query .= " emailaddress='" . $this->_db->Quote($settings['EMAIL_ADDRESS']) . "', ";
     $query .= " textfooter='" . $this->_db->Quote(GetLang('Default_Global_Text_Footer')) . "', ";
     $query .= " htmlfooter='" . $this->_db->Quote(GetLang('Default_Global_HTML_Footer')) . "', ";
     $query .= " unique_token='" . $this->_db->Quote($usernameToken) . "', ";
     $query .= " username='******', ";
     $query .= " password='******'  ";
     $query .= ' WHERE userid=1';
     $result = $this->_db->Query($query);
     if (!$result) {
         return array(self::DB_QUERY_ERROR, $this->_db->GetErrorMsg());
     return array(self::SUCCESS, null);