Beispiel #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see Scalr_System_Cronjob_MultiProcess_DefaultWorker::enqueueWork()
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $rows = $this->db->GetAll("\n            SELECT id FROM farms\n            WHERE status=? AND clientid\n            IN (SELECT id FROM clients WHERE status = 'Active')\n        ", array(FARM_STATUS::RUNNING));
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
Beispiel #2
  * @param int $bID
 public function inspectBlock($bID)
     $bID = (int) $bID;
     $this->write("Block with ID {$bID}");
     $b = $this->cn->GetRow('select btID from Blocks where bID = ?', array($bID));
     if (empty($b)) {
         $this->write('BLOCK NOT FOUND!');
     } else {
         $btID = (int) $b['btID'];
         $blockTypes = $this->getBlockTypes();
         if (!isset($blockTypes[$btID])) {
             $this->write("BLOCK TYPE WITH ID {$btID} NOT FOUND!");
         } else {
             $this->write('Type handle: ' . $blockTypes[$btID]['handle']);
             $this->write('Type name  : ' . $blockTypes[$btID]['name']);
         $cvbList = $this->cn->GetAll('select cID, cvID, arHandle from CollectionVersionBlocks where bID = ? order by cvID desc', array($bID));
         if (empty($cvbList)) {
             $this->write('BLOCK NOT FOUND IN ANY COLLECTION!');
         } else {
             $this->write('Block found here:');
             foreach ($cvbList as $cvb) {
                 $this->inspectArea($cvb['cID'], $cvb['cvID'], $cvb['arHandle']);
Beispiel #3
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $this->logger->info("Fetching farms...");
     $farms = array();
     $envs = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT env_id, value FROM governance WHERE enabled = 1 AND name = ?', array(Scalr_Governance::GENERAL_LEASE));
     foreach ($envs as $env) {
         $env['value'] = json_decode($env['value'], true);
         $period = 0;
         if (is_array($env['value']['notifications'])) {
             foreach ($env['value']['notifications'] as $notif) {
                 if ($notif['period'] > $period) {
                     $period = $notif['period'];
             $dt = new DateTime();
             $dt->sub(new DateInterval('P' . $period . 'D'));
             $fs = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT farmid, status FROM farm_settings
             LEFT JOIN farms ON = farm_settings.farmid
             WHERE = ? AND status = ? AND env_id = ? AND value > ?', array(DBFarm::SETTING_LEASE_TERMINATE_DATE, FARM_STATUS::RUNNING, $env['env_id'], $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
             foreach ($fs as $f) {
                 if (!isset($farms[$f['farmid']])) {
                     $farms[$f['farmid']] = true;
     $this->logger->info("Found " . count($farms) . " lease tasks");
Beispiel #4
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $rows = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT id FROM farm_roles WHERE role_id IN (SELECT role_id FROM role_behaviors WHERE behavior IN (?,?,?,?))", array(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::POSTGRESQL, ROLE_BEHAVIORS::REDIS, ROLE_BEHAVIORS::MYSQL2, ROLE_BEHAVIORS::PERCONA));
     $this->logger->info("Found " . count($rows) . " DbMsr farm roles...");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
Beispiel #5
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $this->logger->info("Fetching pending messages...");
     $rows = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT id FROM messages\n            WHERE `type`='out' AND status=? AND message_format='json' AND DATE_ADD(dtlasthandleattempt, INTERVAL handle_attempts MINUTE) < NOW() ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,3000", array(MESSAGE_STATUS::PENDING));
     $this->logger->info("Found " . count($rows) . " pending messages");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
Beispiel #6
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $this->logger->info("Fetching active farms...");
     $rows = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT id FROM dm_deployment_tasks WHERE status IN ('pending','deploying')");
     $this->logger->info("Found " . count($rows) . " deployment tasks");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
Beispiel #7
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $this->logger->info("Fetching servers...");
     $farmid = $this->runOptions['getopt']->getOption('farm-id');
     if ($farmid) {
         $rows = $this->db->GetAll("\n                SELECT distinct(m.server_id)\n                FROM messages m\n                INNER JOIN servers s ON m.server_id = s.server_id\n                WHERE m.type = ? AND m.status = ? AND s.farm_id = ?\n            ", array("in", MESSAGE_STATUS::PENDING, $farmid));
     } else {
         $rows = $this->db->GetAll("\n                SELECT distinct(m.server_id)\n                FROM messages m\n                WHERE m.type = ? AND m.status = ?\n                AND m.message_name NOT IN (?, ?, ?)\n            ", array("in", MESSAGE_STATUS::PENDING, EVENT_TYPE::BEFORE_HOST_UP, EVENT_TYPE::HOST_INIT, EVENT_TYPE::HOST_UP));
     $this->logger->info("Found " . count($rows) . " servers");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
Beispiel #8
  * Synchronizes the account level tag value
  * It does not verify itself whether the cost analytics service is enabled
  * @param   int     $accountId    The identifier of the client's account
  * @param   int     $tagId        The identifier of the clould analytics tag
  * @param   string  $valueId      The identifier of the tag's value
  * @param   string  $valueName    The name of the tag's value
 public function syncValue($accountId, $tagId, $valueId, $valueName)
     if ($accountId === null) {
         $accountId = 0;
     $tag = AccountTagEntity::findPk($accountId, $tagId, $valueId);
     if (!$tag instanceof AccountTagEntity) {
         $tag = new AccountTagEntity();
         $tag->accountId = $accountId;
         $tag->tagId = $tagId;
         $tag->valueId = $valueId;
         $tag->valueName = $valueName;
     } else {
         if ($tag->valueName != $valueName) {
             $tag->valueName = $valueName;
             if ($tagId == TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM) {
                 foreach ($this->db->GetAll("\n                    SELECT AS farm_role_id, fr.alias\n                    FROM farm_roles fr\n                    WHERE fr.farmid = ?\n                ", [$valueId]) as $v) {
                     //Updates all related farm roles
                     $this->syncValue($accountId, TagEntity::TAG_ID_FARM_ROLE, $v['farm_role_id'], sprintf('%s', $v['alias']));
         } else {
             $ignoreupdate = true;
     if (!isset($ignoreupdate)) {
Beispiel #9
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see Scalr_System_Cronjob_MultiProcess_DefaultWorker::enqueueWork()
 function enqueueWork($workQueue)
     $this->logger->info("Fetching completed farms...");
     $rows = $this->db->GetAll("\n            SELECT, farms.status\n            FROM farms\n            JOIN clients ON = farms.clientid\n            JOIN client_environments ON = farms.env_id\n            WHERE clients.status='Active'\n            AND client_environments.status = 'Active'\n        ");
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if ($this->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM servers WHERE farm_id=?", array($row['id'])) != 0) {
         } else {
             if ($row['status'] == FARM_STATUS::SYNCHRONIZING) {
                 $this->db->Execute('UPDATE farms SET status = ? WHERE id = ?', array(FARM_STATUS::TERMINATED, $row['id']));
     $this->logger->info(sprintf("Found %d farms.", count($rows)));
Beispiel #10
 public function loadByFilter($filterArgs = array(), $ufilterArgs = array())
     $sql = array();
     $args = array();
     foreach ($filterArgs as $key => $value) {
         if ($property = $this->findDbKeyByProperty($key)) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 if (count($value)) {
                     foreach ($value as $vvalue) {
                         $args[] = $this->db->quote($vvalue);
                     $sql[] = "`{$property}` IN (" . implode(",", array_fill(0, count($value), "?")) . ")";
             } else {
                 $sql[] = "`{$property}` = ?";
                 $args[] = $value;
     foreach ($ufilterArgs as $key => $value) {
         if ($property = $this->findDbKeyByProperty($key)) {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 if (count($value)) {
                     foreach ($value as $vvalue) {
                         $args[] = $this->db->quote($vvalue);
                     $sql[] = "`{$key}` NOT IN (" . implode(",", array_fill(0, count($value), "?")) . ")";
             } else {
                 $sql[] = "`{$key}` != ?";
                 $args[] = $value;
     $sqlString = "SELECT * FROM {$this->dbTableName}";
     if (count($sql)) {
         $sqlString .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $sql);
     //TODO: Return array of objects
     return $this->db->GetAll($sqlString, $args);
Beispiel #11
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @see \Scalr\System\Zmq\Cron\TaskInterface::worker()
 public function worker($request)
     //Warming up static DI cache
     // Reconfigure observers
     if (!isset($request->farmRoleId)) {
         //This is the farm with synchronous launch of roles
         try {
             $DBFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($request->farmId);
             if ($DBFarm->Status != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
                 $this->getLogger()->warn("[FarmID: %d] Farm isn't running. There is no need to scale it.", $DBFarm->ID);
                 return false;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->getLogger()->error("Could not load farm '%s' with ID:%d", $request->farmName, $request->farmId);
             throw $e;
         //Gets the list of the roles
         $list = $DBFarm->GetFarmRoles();
     } else {
         //This is asynchronous lauhch
         try {
             $DBFarmRole = DBFarmRole::LoadByID($request->farmRoleId);
             if ($DBFarmRole->getFarmStatus() != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
                 //We don't need to handle inactive farms
                 return false;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->getLogger()->error("Could not load FarmRole with ID:%d", $request->farmRoleId);
             throw $e;
         $list = [$DBFarmRole];
     $this->getLogger()->debug("Processing %s FarmRoles", count($list));
     foreach ($list as $DBFarmRole) {
         // Set Last polling time
         $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME, time(), Entity\FarmRoleSetting::TYPE_LCL);
         $disabledScaling = false;
         if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_ENABLED) != '1') {
             if ($DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ) || $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::VPC_ROUTER)) {
                 // For Mongo, RabbitMQ and VPC Router we need to launch first instance (or maintain 1 instance running)
                 // When 1 instance is already running, the rest is fully manual
                 $roleTotalInstances = $DBFarmRole->GetRunningInstancesCount() + $DBFarmRole->GetPendingInstancesCount();
                 if ($roleTotalInstances != 0) {
                     $disabledScaling = true;
             } else {
                 if (!$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::MONGODB)) {
                     $disabledScaling = true;
             if ($disabledScaling) {
                 $this->getLogger()->info("[FarmID: %d] Scaling is disabled for role '%s'. Skipping...", $request->farmId, $DBFarmRole->Alias);
         $farmRoleName = $DBFarmRole->Alias ? $DBFarmRole->Alias : $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name;
         // Get current count of running and pending instances.
         $this->getLogger()->info(sprintf("Processing role '%s'", $farmRoleName));
         $scalingManager = new Scalr_Scaling_Manager($DBFarmRole);
         //Replacing the logger
         $scalingManager->logger = $this->getLogger();
         $scalingDecision = $scalingManager->makeScalingDecision();
         $scalingDecisionDetails = $scalingManager->decisonInfo;
         $this->getLogger()->info(sprintf("Decision '%s' (%s)", $scalingDecision, $scalingDecisionDetails));
         if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::STOP_SCALING) {
         if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::NOOP) {
         } else {
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::DOWNSCALE) {
                  Timeout instance's count decrease. Decreases instances count after scaling
                  resolution the spare instances are running for selected timeout interval
                  from scaling EditOptions
                 // We have to check timeout limits before new scaling (downscaling) process will be initiated
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_down_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_down_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage(!empty($request->farmId) ? $request->farmId : null, sprintf("Waiting for downscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", !empty($request->farmName) ? $request->farmName : null, !empty($DBFarmRole->Alias) ? $DBFarmRole->Alias : null), null, null, !empty($DBFarmRole->ID) ? $DBFarmRole->ID : null));
                 // end Timeout instance's count decrease
                 $sort = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_KEEP_OLDEST) == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
                 $servers = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT server_id FROM servers WHERE status = ? AND farm_roleid=? ORDER BY dtadded {$sort}", array(SERVER_STATUS::RUNNING, $DBFarmRole->ID));
                 $got_valid_instance = false;
                 $ignoreFullHour = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_IGNORE_FULL_HOUR);
                 $useSafeShutdown = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_SAFE_SHUTDOWN);
                 $isRabbitMQ = $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ);
                 // Select instance that will be terminated
                 // Instances ordered by uptime (oldest wil be choosen)
                 // Instance cannot be mysql master
                 // Choose the one that was rebundled recently
                 $DBServer = null;
                 while (!$got_valid_instance && count($servers) > 0) {
                     $item = array_shift($servers);
                     $DBServer = DBServer::LoadByID($item['server_id']);
                     if ($isRabbitMQ) {
                         $serverExists = $this->db->GetOne("\n                            SELECT EXISTS (\n                                SELECT 1 FROM servers\n                                WHERE farm_roleid = ?\n                                AND status NOT IN (?, ?)\n                                AND `index` != ?\n                            )\n                        ", [$DBServer->farmRoleId, SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED, SERVER_STATUS::SUSPENDED, 1]);
                         if ($DBServer->index == 1 && $serverExists) {
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::IS_LOCKED)) {
                     // Exclude db master
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::DB_MYSQL_MASTER) != 1 && $DBServer->GetProperty(Scalr_Db_Msr::REPLICATION_MASTER) != 1) {
                         $got_valid_instance = true;
                     //Check safe shutdown
                     if ($useSafeShutdown == 1) {
                         try {
                             $res = $DBServer->scalarizr->system->callAuthShutdownHook();
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $res = $e->getMessage();
                         if ($res != '1') {
                             \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBServer->farmId, sprintf("Safe shutdown enabled. Server '%s'. Script returned '%s' skipping it.", $DBServer->serverId, $res), $DBServer->serverId, $DBServer->envId, $DBServer->farmRoleId));
                             $got_valid_instance = false;
                 // end while
                 if ($DBServer !== null && $got_valid_instance) {
                     $this->getLogger()->info(sprintf("Server '%s' selected for termination...", $DBServer->serverId));
                     $allow_terminate = false;
                     if ($DBServer->platform == SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2) {
                         $aws = $DBServer->GetEnvironmentObject()->aws($DBServer);
                         // Shutdown an instance just before a full hour running
                         if (!$ignoreFullHour) {
                             $response = $aws->ec2->instance->describe($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::INSTANCE_ID))->get(0);
                             if ($response && count($response->instancesSet)) {
                                 $launch_time = $response->instancesSet->get(0)->launchTime->getTimestamp();
                                 $time = 3600 - (time() - $launch_time) % 3600;
                                 // Terminate instance in < 10 minutes for full hour.
                                 if ($time <= 600) {
                                     $allow_terminate = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $timeout = round(($time - 600) / 60, 1);
                                     \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("Role '%s' scaling down (%s). Server '%s' will be terminated in %s minutes. Launch time: %s", $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->Alias, $scalingDecisionDetails, $DBServer->serverId, $timeout, $response->instancesSet->get(0)->launchTime->format('c')), $DBServer->serverId, $DBServer->envId, $DBServer->farmRoleId));
                         } else {
                             $allow_terminate = true;
                         //Releases memory
                     } else {
                         $allow_terminate = true;
                     if ($allow_terminate) {
                         $terminateStrategy = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Scalr_Role_Behavior::ROLE_BASE_TERMINATE_STRATEGY);
                         if (!$terminateStrategy) {
                             $terminateStrategy = 'terminate';
                         try {
                             if ($terminateStrategy == 'terminate') {
                                 $DBServer->terminate(DBServer::TERMINATE_REASON_SCALING_DOWN, false);
                                 $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME, time(), Entity\FarmRoleSetting::TYPE_LCL);
                                 \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("Role '%s' scaling down (%s). Server '%s' marked as 'Pending terminate' and will be fully terminated in 3 minutes.", $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->Alias, $scalingDecisionDetails, $DBServer->serverId), $DBServer->serverId, $DBServer->envId, $DBServer->farmRoleId));
                             } else {
                                 $DBServer->suspend('SCALING_DOWN', false);
                                 $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME, time(), Entity\FarmRoleSetting::TYPE_LCL);
                                 \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("Role '%s' scaling down (%s). Server '%s' marked as 'Pending suspend' and will be fully suspended in 3 minutes.", $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->Alias, $scalingDecisionDetails, $DBServer->serverId), $DBServer->serverId, $DBServer->envId, $DBServer->farmRoleId));
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $this->getLogger()->fatal(sprintf("Cannot %s %s: %s", $terminateStrategy, $request->farmId, $DBServer->serverId));
                 } else {
                     $this->getLogger()->warn(sprintf("[FarmID: %s] Scalr unable to determine what instance it should terminate (FarmRoleID: %s). Skipping...", $request->farmId, $DBFarmRole->ID));
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::UPSCALE) {
                 Timeout instance's count increase. Increases  instance's count after
                 scaling resolution 'need more instances' for selected timeout interval
                 from scaling EditOptions
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_up_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_up_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(sprintf("Waiting for upscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $request->farmName, $DBFarmRole->Alias));
                 // end Timeout instance's count increase
                 //Check DBMsr. Do not start slave during slave2master process
                 $isDbMsr = $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->getDbMsrBehavior();
                 if ($isDbMsr) {
                     if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Scalr_Db_Msr::SLAVE_TO_MASTER)) {
                         $runningServers = $DBFarmRole->GetRunningInstancesCount();
                         if ($runningServers > 0) {
                             \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->warn(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("Role is in slave2master promotion process. Do not launch new slaves while there is no active slaves")));
                         } else {
                             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Scalr_Db_Msr::SLAVE_TO_MASTER, 0, Entity\FarmRoleSetting::TYPE_LCL);
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_ONE_BY_ONE) == 1) {
                     $pendingInstances = $DBFarmRole->GetPendingInstancesCount();
                     if ($pendingInstances > 0) {
                         \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("There are %s pending intances of %s role on % farm. Waiting...", $pendingInstances, $DBFarmRole->Alias, $request->farmName)));
                 $fstatus = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT status FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array($request->farmId));
                 if ($fstatus != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
                     $this->getLogger()->warn("[FarmID: {$request->farmId}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
                 $terminateStrategy = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Scalr_Role_Behavior::ROLE_BASE_TERMINATE_STRATEGY);
                 if (!$terminateStrategy) {
                     $terminateStrategy = 'terminate';
                 $suspendedServer = null;
                 if ($terminateStrategy == 'suspend') {
                     $suspendedServers = $DBFarmRole->GetServersByFilter(array('status' => SERVER_STATUS::SUSPENDED));
                     if (count($suspendedServers) > 0) {
                         $suspendedServer = array_shift($suspendedServers);
                 if ($terminateStrategy == 'suspend' && $suspendedServer) {
                     \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->warn(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("Role '%s' scaling up (%s). Found server to resume. ServerID = %s.", $suspendedServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->Alias, $scalingDecisionDetails, $suspendedServer->serverId), $suspendedServer->serverId, $suspendedServer->envId, $suspendedServer->farmRoleId));
                 if ($terminateStrategy == 'terminate' || !$suspendedServer || !PlatformFactory::isOpenstack($suspendedServer->platform) && $suspendedServer->platform != SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2 && $suspendedServer->platform != SERVER_PLATFORMS::GCE) {
                     $ServerCreateInfo = new ServerCreateInfo($DBFarmRole->Platform, $DBFarmRole);
                     try {
                         $DBServer = \Scalr::LaunchServer($ServerCreateInfo, null, false, DBServer::LAUNCH_REASON_SCALING_UP);
                         $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Entity\FarmRoleSetting::SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME, time(), Entity\FarmRoleSetting::TYPE_LCL);
                         \Scalr::getContainer()->logger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($request->farmId, sprintf("Role '%s' scaling up (%s). Starting new instance. ServerID = %s.", $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->Alias, $scalingDecisionDetails, $DBServer->serverId), $DBServer->serverId, $DBServer->envId, $DBServer->farmRoleId));
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                 } else {
                     $platform = PlatformFactory::NewPlatform($suspendedServer->platform);
     return true;
Beispiel #12
 protected function buildResponseFromSql($sql, $filterFields = array(), $groupSQL = "", $simpleQuery = true, $noLimit = false)
     $this->request->defineParams(array('start' => array('type' => 'int', 'default' => 0), 'limit' => array('type' => 'int', 'default' => 20)));
     if (is_array($groupSQL)) {
         return $this->buildResponseFromSql2($sql, $filterFields, $groupSQL, is_array($simpleQuery) ? $simpleQuery : array(), $noLimit);
     if ($this->getParam('query') && count($filterFields) > 0) {
         $filter = $this->db->qstr('%' . trim($this->getParam('query')) . '%');
         foreach ($filterFields as $field) {
             if ($simpleQuery) {
                 $likes[] = "`{$field}` LIKE {$filter}";
             } else {
                 $likes[] = "{$field} LIKE {$filter}";
         $sql .= " AND (";
         $sql .= implode(" OR ", $likes);
         $sql .= ")";
     if ($groupSQL) {
         $sql .= "{$groupSQL}";
     if (!$noLimit) {
         $response['total'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' . $sql . ') c_sub');
     // @TODO replace with simple code (legacy code)
     $s = $this->getParam('sort');
     if (!is_array($s)) {
         $s = json_decode($this->getParam('sort'), true);
     if (is_array($s)) {
         $sorts = array();
         if (count($s) && (!isset($s[0]) || !is_array($s[0]))) {
             $s = array($s);
         foreach ($s as $param) {
             $sort = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/", "", $param['property']);
             $dir = in_array(strtolower($param['direction']), array('asc', 'desc')) ? $param['direction'] : 'ASC';
             if ($sort && $dir) {
                 $sorts[] = "`{$sort}` {$dir}";
         if (count($sorts) > 0) {
             $sql .= " ORDER BY " . implode($sorts, ',');
     } else {
         if ($this->getParam('sort')) {
             $sort = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/", "", $this->getParam('sort'));
             $dir = in_array(strtolower($this->getParam('dir')), array('asc', 'desc')) ? $this->getParam('dir') : 'ASC';
             $sql .= " ORDER BY `{$sort}` {$dir}";
     if (!$noLimit) {
         $start = intval($this->getParam('start'));
         if ($start > $response["total"]) {
             $start = 0;
         $limit = intval($this->getParam('limit'));
         $sql .= " LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}";
     //$response['sql'] = $sql;
     $response["success"] = true;
     $response["data"] = $this->db->GetAll($sql);
     return $response;
Beispiel #13
  * Sets ACL roles to this user
  * This method modifies resords of two tables
  * `account_team_users` and `account_team_user_acls`.
  * Attention! It expects full list of the ACL roles relations for user.
  * All missing relations will be removed.
  * @param   int     $userId    The ID of the user
  * @param   array   $data      ACL roles array which looks like
  *                             array(teamId => array(accountRoleId1, accountRoleId2, ...))
  * @param   int     $accountId optional The ID of the account. Restricts queries to the
  *                             specified account.
 public function setAllRolesForUser($userId, array $data = array(), $accountId = null)
     $tu = array();
     $rs = $this->db->Execute("\n            SELECT tu.`id`, tu.`team_id` FROM `account_team_users` tu WHERE tu.`user_id` = ?\n        ", array($userId));
     while ($rec = $rs->FetchRow()) {
         $tu[$rec['team_id']] = $rec['id'];
     //Useless relations between teems
     $toRemove = array_diff(array_keys($tu), array_keys($data));
     if (!empty($toRemove)) {
         $this->db->Execute("\n                DELETE FROM `account_team_users`\n                WHERE `user_id` = ?\n                AND `team_id` IN (" . rtrim(str_repeat("?,", count($toRemove)), ',') . ")\n            ", array_merge(array($userId), $toRemove));
     foreach ($data as $teamId => $roles) {
         if (empty($roles)) {
             $roles = array();
         if (!isset($tu[$teamId])) {
             //Relation between user and team has to be created
             $this->db->Execute("\n                    INSERT IGNORE `account_team_users` (`user_id`, `team_id`) VALUES (?, ?)\n                ", array($userId, $teamId));
             $tu[$teamId] = $this->db->Insert_ID();
             $tua = array();
         } else {
             $tua = array_map(function ($value) {
                 return $value['account_role_id'];
             }, $this->db->GetAll("\n                    SELECT account_role_id FROM `account_team_user_acls` WHERE `account_team_user_id` = ?\n                ", array($tu[$teamId])));
         //Unnecessary relations with roles
         $toRemove = array_diff($tua, array_values($roles));
         if (!empty($toRemove)) {
             $this->db->Execute("\n                    DELETE FROM `account_team_user_acls`\n                    WHERE `account_team_user_id` = ?\n                    AND `account_role_id` IN (" . rtrim(str_repeat("?,", count($toRemove)), ',') . ")\n                ", array_merge(array($tu[$teamId]), $toRemove));
         if ($c = count($roles)) {
             //INSERT-SELECT approach avoids missing foreign keys assertions
             $this->db->Execute("\n                    INSERT IGNORE `account_team_user_acls` (`account_team_user_id`, `account_role_id`)\n                    SELECT '" . $tu[$teamId] . "', `account_role_id` FROM `acl_account_roles`\n                    WHERE `account_role_id` IN (" . rtrim(str_repeat("?,", $c), ',') . ")\n                    " . (!empty($accountId) ? " AND `account_id` = " . intval($accountId) : "") . "\n                ", array_values($roles));
Beispiel #14
 private function loadRecords()
     $this->records = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM dns_zone_records WHERE zone_id=?", array($this->id));
Beispiel #15
 function handleWork($farmId)
     $DBFarm = DBFarm::LoadByID($farmId);
     $GLOBALS["SUB_TRANSACTIONID"] = abs(crc32(posix_getpid() . $farmId));
     $GLOBALS["LOGGER_FARMID"] = $farmId;
     if ($DBFarm->Status != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
         $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
     foreach ($DBFarm->GetFarmRoles() as $DBFarmRole) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
             if ($DBFarmRole->NewRoleID != '') {
                 $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Role '{$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name}' being synchronized. This role will not be scalled.");
                 continue 2;
             if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ENABLED) != '1' && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::MONGODB) && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ) && !$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::VPC_ROUTER)) {
                 $this->logger->info("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Scaling disabled for role '{$DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name}'. Skipping...");
                 continue 2;
             // Get polling interval in seconds
             $polling_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_POLLING_INTERVAL) * 60;
             $dt_last_polling = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME);
             if ($dt_last_polling && $dt_last_polling + $polling_interval > time() && $i == 0) {
                 $this->logger->info("Polling interval: every {$polling_interval} seconds");
             // Set Last polling time
             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_LAST_POLLING_TIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
             // Get current count of running and pending instances.
             $this->logger->info(sprintf("Processing role '%s'", $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name));
             $scalingManager = new Scalr_Scaling_Manager($DBFarmRole);
             $scalingDecision = $scalingManager->makeScalingDecition();
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::STOP_SCALING) {
             if ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::NOOP) {
                 continue 2;
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::DOWNSCALE) {
                  Timeout instance's count decrease. Decreases instance�s count after scaling
                  resolution the spare instances are running�g for selected timeout interval
                  from scaling EditOptions
                 // We have to check timeout limits before new scaling (downscaling) process will be initiated
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_down_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_down_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Waiting for downscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name)));
                         continue 2;
                 // end Timeout instance's count decrease
                 $sort = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_KEEP_OLDEST) == 1 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
                 $servers = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT server_id FROM servers WHERE status = ? AND farm_roleid=? ORDER BY dtadded {$sort}", array(SERVER_STATUS::RUNNING, $DBFarmRole->ID));
                 $got_valid_instance = false;
                 // Select instance that will be terminated
                 // * Instances ordered by uptime (oldest wil be choosen)
                 // * Instance cannot be mysql master
                 // * Choose the one that was rebundled recently
                 while (!$got_valid_instance && count($servers) > 0) {
                     $item = array_shift($servers);
                     $DBServer = DBServer::LoadByID($item['server_id']);
                     if ($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->hasBehavior(ROLE_BEHAVIORS::RABBITMQ)) {
                         $serversCount = count($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetServersByFilter(array(), array('status' => array(SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED, SERVER_STATUS::TROUBLESHOOTING))));
                         if ($DBServer->index == 1 && $serversCount > 1) {
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::IS_LOCKED)) {
                     // Exclude db master
                     if ($DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::DB_MYSQL_MASTER) != 1 && $DBServer->GetProperty(Scalr_Db_Msr::REPLICATION_MASTER) != 1) {
                         // We do not want to delete the most recently synced instance. Because of LA fluctuation.
                         // I.e. LA may skyrocket during sync and drop dramatically after sync.
                         if ($DBServer->dateLastSync != 0) {
                             $chk_sync_time = $this->db->GetOne("\n                                    SELECT server_id FROM servers\n                                    WHERE dtlastsync > {$DBServer->dateLastSync}\n                                    AND farm_roleid='{$DBServer->farmRoleId}'\n                                    AND status NOT IN('" . SERVER_STATUS::TERMINATED . "', '" . SERVER_STATUS::TROUBLESHOOTING . "')\n                                    LIMIT 1\n                                ");
                             if ($chk_sync_time) {
                                 $got_valid_instance = true;
                         } else {
                             $got_valid_instance = true;
                 if ($DBServer && $got_valid_instance) {
                     $this->logger->info(sprintf("Server '%s' selected for termination...", $DBServer->serverId));
                     $allow_terminate = false;
                     if ($DBServer->platform == SERVER_PLATFORMS::EC2) {
                         $aws = $DBServer->GetEnvironmentObject()->aws($DBServer);
                         // Shutdown an instance just before a full hour running
                         if (!$DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_IGNORE_FULL_HOUR)) {
                             $response = $aws->ec2->instance->describe($DBServer->GetProperty(EC2_SERVER_PROPERTIES::INSTANCE_ID))->get(0);
                             if ($response && count($response->instancesSet)) {
                                 $launch_time = $response->instancesSet->get(0)->launchTime->getTimestamp();
                                 $time = 3600 - (time() - $launch_time) % 3600;
                                 // Terminate instance in < 10 minutes for full hour.
                                 if ($time <= 600) {
                                     $allow_terminate = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $timeout = round(($time - 600) / 60, 1);
                                     Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling down. Server '%s' will be terminated in %s minutes. Launch time: %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId, $timeout, $response->instancesSet->get(0)->launchTime->format('c'))));
                         } else {
                             $allow_terminate = true;
                         //Releases memory
                     } else {
                         $allow_terminate = true;
                     if ($allow_terminate) {
                         //Check safe shutdown
                         if ($DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_SAFE_SHUTDOWN) == 1) {
                             if ($DBServer->IsSupported('0.11.3')) {
                                 try {
                                     $port = $DBServer->GetProperty(SERVER_PROPERTIES::SZR_API_PORT);
                                     if (!$port) {
                                         $port = 8010;
                                     $szrClient = Scalr_Net_Scalarizr_Client::getClient($DBServer, Scalr_Net_Scalarizr_Client::NAMESPACE_SYSTEM, $port);
                                     $res = $szrClient->callAuthShutdownHook();
                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                     $res = $e->getMessage();
                             } else {
                                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->error(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Safe shutdown enabled, but not supported by scalarizr installed on server '%s'. Ignoring.", $DBServer->serverId)));
                             if ($res != '1') {
                                 Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->warn(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Safe shutdown enabled. Server '%s'. Script returned '%s', server won't be terminated while return value not '1'", $DBServer->serverId, $res)));
                         try {
                             $DBServer->terminate('SCALING_DOWN', false);
                             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_DOWNSCALE_DATETIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                             Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling down. Server '%s' marked as 'Pending terminate' and will be fully terminated in 3 minutes.", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                         } catch (Exception $e) {
                             $this->logger->fatal(sprintf("Cannot terminate %s: %s", $DBFarm->ID, $DBServer->serverId, $e->getMessage()));
                 } else {
                     $this->logger->warn(sprintf("[FarmID: %s] Scalr unable to determine what instance it should terminate (FarmRoleID: %s). Skipping...", $DBFarm->ID, $DBFarmRole->ID));
             } elseif ($scalingDecision == Scalr_Scaling_Decision::UPSCALE) {
                 Timeout instance's count increase. Increases  instance's count after
                 scaling resolution �need more instances� for selected timeout interval
                 from scaling EditOptions
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT_ENABLED)) {
                     // if the farm timeout is exceeded
                     // checking timeout interval.
                     $last_up_scale_data_time = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME);
                     $timeout_interval = $DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_TIMEOUT);
                     // check the time interval to continue scaling or cancel it...
                     if (time() - $last_up_scale_data_time < $timeout_interval * 60) {
                         // if the launch time is too small to terminate smth in this role -> go to the next role in foreach()
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Waiting for upscaling timeout on farm %s, role %s", $DBFarm->Name, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name)));
                         continue 2;
                 // end Timeout instance's count increase
                 //Check DBMsr. Do not start slave during slave2master process
                 $isDbMsr = $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->getDbMsrBehavior();
                 if ($isDbMsr) {
                     if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(Scalr_Db_Msr::SLAVE_TO_MASTER)) {
                         $runningServers = $DBFarmRole->GetRunningInstancesCount();
                         if ($runningServers > 0) {
                             Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->warn(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Role is in slave2master promotion process. Do not launch new slaves while there is no active slaves")));
                             continue 2;
                         } else {
                             $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(Scalr_Db_Msr::SLAVE_TO_MASTER, 0, DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                 if ($DBFarmRole->GetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_ONE_BY_ONE) == 1) {
                     $pendingInstances = $DBFarmRole->GetPendingInstancesCount();
                     if ($pendingInstances > 0) {
                         Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("There are %s pending intances of %s role on % farm. Waiting...", $pendingInstances, $DBFarmRole->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBFarm->Name)));
                         continue 2;
                 $fstatus = $this->db->GetOne("SELECT status FROM farms WHERE id=? LIMIT 1", array($DBFarm->ID));
                 if ($fstatus != FARM_STATUS::RUNNING) {
                     $this->logger->warn("[FarmID: {$DBFarm->ID}] Farm terminated. There is no need to scale it.");
                 $ServerCreateInfo = new ServerCreateInfo($DBFarmRole->Platform, $DBFarmRole);
                 try {
                     $DBServer = Scalr::LaunchServer($ServerCreateInfo, null, false, "Scaling up");
                     $DBFarmRole->SetSetting(DBFarmRole::SETTING_SCALING_UPSCALE_DATETIME, time(), DBFarmRole::TYPE_LCL);
                     Logger::getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY::FARM)->info(new FarmLogMessage($DBFarm->ID, sprintf("Farm %s, role %s scaling up. Starting new instance. ServerID = %s.", $DBFarm->Name, $DBServer->GetFarmRoleObject()->GetRoleObject()->name, $DBServer->serverId)));
                 } catch (Exception $e) {