                    //global $Zotpress_update_version;
                    $wpdb->update($wpdb->prefix . "zotpress", array('version' => $GLOBALS['Zotpress_update_db_by_version']), array('api_user_id' => $api_user_id), array('%s'), array('%s'));
                } else {
                    if (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == "selective") {
                        // Check selected top level collections
                        if (isset($_GET['collections']) && preg_match("/[0-9a-zA-Z,]+/", $_GET['collections'])) {
                            $api_user_id = zp_get_api_user_id();
                            // Clear last import
                            zp_clear_last_import($wpdb, $api_user_id, "selective", $_GET['collections']);
                            // Import top level collections' data
                            $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['query_params'] = array();
                            $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['query_total_entries'] = 0;
                            foreach (explode(",", $_GET['collections']) as $zp_single_collection) {
                                zp_get_collections($wpdb, $api_user_id, 0, false, false, $zp_single_collection);
                            zp_save_collections($wpdb, $api_user_id, false, false);
					var zpCollections = '<?php 
                            echo $_GET['collections'];
					zpCollections = zpCollections.split(',');
					zp_get_items_ajax( <?php 
                            echo "'" . ZOTPRESS_PLUGIN_URL . "', '" . $api_user_id;
', '0', zpCollections[0] );
    // Access WordPress db
    global $wpdb;
    // Ignore user abort
    // 1 minute (vs. 60*10)
    // Include Request Functionality
    require "../request/rss.request.php";
    // Include Import Functions
    require "import.functions.php";
    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['last_set'] = 0;
    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['query_params'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['query_total_entries'] = 0;
    $zp_current_set = 0;
    while ($zp_current_set <= $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['last_set']) {
        $zp_continue = zp_get_collections($wpdb, $api_user_id, $zp_current_set, true);
        //zp_save_collections ($wpdb, $api_user_id, true, true); // saving now might be confusing to users because it doesn't import items or subcollections
        $zp_current_set += 50;
    $output = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html>\n<head>";
    $output .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . ZOTPRESS_PLUGIN_URL . 'js/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></script>';
    $output .= '<script>
	jQuery(document).ready(function() {
		jQuery("input").click( function()
		jQuery(".zp-Collection").click( function()
function zotpress_import_ajax()
    // Check nonce
    if (check_admin_referer('zp_importing_' . intval($_GET['api_user_id']) . '_' . date('Y-j-G'), 'zp_nonce')) {
        // Include Request functionality
        require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../request/rss.request.php';
        // Include Import and Sync functions
        require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../import/import.functions.php';
        // Set up XML document
        $xml = "";
        if (isset($_GET['step'])) {
            // Set up error array
            $errors = array("api_user_id_blank" => array(0, "<strong>User ID</strong> was left blank."), "api_user_id_format" => array(0, "<strong>User ID</strong> was formatted incorrectly."), "step_blank" => array(0, "<strong>Step</strong> was not set."), "step_format" => array(0, "<strong>Step</strong> was not formatted correctly."), "start_blank" => array(0, "<strong>Start</strong> were not set."), "start_format" => array(0, "<strong>Start</strong> were not formatted correctly."));
            // CHECK API USER ID
            if ($_GET['api_user_id'] != "") {
                if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+\$/", $_GET['api_user_id']) == 1) {
                    $api_user_id = htmlentities($_GET['api_user_id']);
                } else {
                    $errors['api_user_id_format'][0] = 1;
            } else {
                $errors['api_user_id_blank'][0] = 1;
            // CHECK STEP
            if ($_GET['step'] != "") {
                if (preg_match("/^[a-z]+\$/", $_GET['step']) == 1) {
                    $step = htmlentities($_GET['step']);
                } else {
                    $errors['step_format'][0] = 1;
            } else {
                $errors['step_blank'][0] = 1;
            // CHECK START
            if ($_GET['start'] != "") {
                if (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9,]+\$/", $_GET['start']) == 1) {
                    if ($step == "selective") {
                        $start = htmlentities($_GET['start']);
                    } else {
                        $start = intval(htmlentities($_GET['start']));
                } else {
                    $errors['start_format'][0] = 1;
            } else {
                $errors['start_blank'][0] = 1;
            // CHECK ERRORS
            $errorCheck = false;
            foreach ($errors as $field => $error) {
                if ($error[0] == 1) {
                    $errorCheck = true;
            // IMPORT
            if ($errorCheck == false) {
                // Setup
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['query_params'] = array();
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['items']['query_total_entries'] = 0;
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['query_params'] = array();
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['collections']['query_total_entries'] = 0;
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['tags']['query_params'] = array();
                $GLOBALS['zp_session'][$api_user_id]['tags']['query_total_entries'] = 0;
                // ITEMS
                if (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == "items") {
                    global $wpdb;
                    $zp_selective = false;
                    if (isset($_GET['selective']) && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9,]+\$/", $_GET['selective']) && $_GET['selective'] != "false") {
                        $zp_selective = $_GET['selective'];
                    $zp_continue = zp_get_items($wpdb, $api_user_id, $start, $zp_selective);
                    if ($zp_continue === true) {
                        zp_save_items($wpdb, $api_user_id, true);
                        $xml = "<result success=\"true\" next=\"" . ($start + 50) . "\" saved=\"true\" />\n";
                    } else {
                        if ($zp_continue === false) {
                            zp_save_items($wpdb, $api_user_id, false);
                            $xml = "<result success=\"next\" next=\"collections\" />\n";
                        } else {
                            $xml = "<result success=\"false\" />\n";
                            $xml = "<errors>" . $zp_continue . "</errors>\n";
                } else {
                    if (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == "collections") {
                        global $wpdb;
                        $zp_selective = false;
                        if (isset($_GET['selective']) && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9,]+\$/", $_GET['selective']) && $_GET['selective'] != "false") {
                            $zp_selective = $_GET['selective'];
                        $zp_continue = zp_get_collections($wpdb, $api_user_id, $start, false, $zp_selective);
                        if ($zp_continue["continue"] === true) {
                            zp_save_collections($wpdb, $api_user_id, true);
                            $xml = "<result success=\"true\" next=\"" . ($start + 50) . "\" saved=\"true\" />\n";
                            if ($zp_selective) {
                                $xml .= "<subcollections>" . $zp_continue["collections"] . "</subcollections>\n";
                        } else {
                            zp_save_collections($wpdb, $api_user_id, false);
                            //zp_link_collections ($wpdb, $api_user_id); for wp custom types
                            $xml = "<result success=\"next\" next=\"tags\" />\n";
                            if ($zp_selective) {
                                $xml .= "<subcollections>" . $zp_continue["collections"] . "</subcollections>\n";
                    } else {
                        if (isset($_GET['step']) && $_GET['step'] == "tags") {
                            global $wpdb;
                            $zp_selective = false;
                            if (isset($_GET['selective']) && preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9,]+\$/", $_GET['selective']) && $_GET['selective'] != "false") {
                                $zp_selective = $_GET['selective'];
                            $zp_continue = zp_get_tags($wpdb, $api_user_id, $start, $zp_selective);
                            if ($zp_continue === true) {
                                zp_save_tags($wpdb, $api_user_id, true);
                                $xml = "<result success=\"true\" next=\"" . ($start + 50) . "\" saved=\"true\" />\n";
                            } else {
                                zp_save_tags($wpdb, $api_user_id, false);
                                $xml = "<result success=\"next\" next=\"complete\" />\n";
            } else {
                $xml .= "<result success=\"false\" />\n";
                $xml .= "<import>\n";
                $xml .= "<errors>\n";
                foreach ($errors as $field => $error) {
                    if ($error[0] == 1) {
                        $xml .= $error[1] . "\n";
                $xml .= "</errors>\n";
                $xml .= "</import>\n";
        				DISPLAY XML
        header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1');
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n";
        echo "<import>\n";
        echo $xml;
        echo "</import>";
    // nonce