Beispiel #1
 *  Start the checkout process -- user can create account or log into existing account
function shop_user_start()
    // Redirects at the start of the user functions are just a way to make sure someone isn't where they don't need to be
    if (xarUserIsLoggedIn()) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'viewcart'));
        return true;
    $shop = xarSession::getVar('shop');
    if (empty($shop)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'main'));
        return true;
    $rolesobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'roles_users'));
    $properties = $rolesobject->properties;
    $data['properties'] = $properties;
    $isvalid = $rolesobject->properties['email']->checkInput();
    $isvalid2 = $rolesobject->properties['password']->checkInput();
    if ($isvalid && $isvalid2) {
        if (!xarSecConfirmAuthKey()) {
            // right time to do this??
            return xarTplModule('privileges', 'user', 'errors', array('layout' => 'bad_author'));
        // Create the role and the customer object and then log in
        $email = $rolesobject->properties['email']->getValue();
        $password = $rolesobject->properties['password']->getValue();
        $values['name'] = $email;
        $values['email'] = $email;
        $values['uname'] = $email;
        $values['password'] = $password;
        $values['state'] = 3;
        $rolesobject->setFieldValues($values, 1);
        $uid = $rolesobject->createItem();
        $custobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_customers'));
        $custobject->createItem(array('id' => $uid));
        $name = 'dd_' . $properties['password']->id;
        $vals = $properties['password']->fetchValue($name);
        $pass = $vals[1][0];
        $res = xarMod::APIFunc('authsystem', 'user', 'login', array('uname' => $email, 'pass' => $pass));
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'shippingaddress'));
        return true;
    } else {
        // We don't yet have a valid email or password for registration...
        return xarTplModule('shop', 'user', 'start', $data);
Beispiel #2
 *  Get customer info
function shop_userapi_customerinfo($args)
    $values = array();
    if (xarUserIsLoggedIn()) {
        $id = xarUserGetVar('id');
    if (isset($id)) {
        $custobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_customers'));
        $some_id = $custobject->getItem(array('itemid' => $id));
        if (!$some_id) {
            //This user must have a role but no customer account.  This probably happened because a web admin uninstalled the shop module, deleting all the customer accounts but not deleting the associated roles.  Let's re-create the customer record with just the id so we don't get snagged later
            $id = $custobject->createItem(array('id' => $id));
            $custobject->getItem(array('itemid' => $id));
        $values = $custobject->getFieldValues();
        return $values;
    } else {
Beispiel #3
 *  Complete the order.  If all goes well, we'll submit the transaction to the payment gateway, save our own transaction record, and update customer info
function shop_user_complete()
    // Redirects at the start of the user functions are just a way to make sure someone isn't where they don't need to be
    if (!xarUserIsLoggedIn()) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'viewcart'));
        return true;
    $order = xarSession::getVar('order');
    if (empty($order)) {
        //Probably a page reload... no reason to be here anymore
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'main'));
        return true;
    $data['order'] = $order['products'];
    $data['ordertid'] = $order['tid'];
    $data['orderdate'] = $order['date'];
    $data['total'] = xarSession::getVar('total');
    // For privacy, order will not be redisplayed if the page is visited later
    return $data;
Beispiel #4
 *  Select existing payment method or create new one to use for this transaction
function shop_user_paymentmethod()
    // Redirects at the start of the user functions are just a way to make sure someone isn't where they don't need to be
    $shippingaddress = xarSession::getVar('shippingaddress');
    if (empty($shippingaddress)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'shippingaddress'));
        return true;
    $shop = xarSession::getVar('shop');
    if (!xarUserIsLoggedIn() || empty($shop)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'main'));
        return true;
    if (!xarVarFetch('proceedsaved', 'str', $proceedsaved, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('proceednew', 'str', $proceednew, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('paymentmethod', 'str', $paymentmethod, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('remove', 'str', $remove, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    $cust = xarMod::APIFunc('shop', 'user', 'customerinfo');
    $data['cust'] = $cust;
    $shippingobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_shippingaddresses'));
    $shippingobject->getItem(array('itemid' => xarSession::getVar('shippingaddress')));
    $shippingvals = $shippingobject->getFieldValues();
    $data['shippingvals'] = $shippingvals;
    // Get the saved payment methods, if any exist
    $mylist = DataObjectMaster::getObjectList(array('name' => 'shop_paymentmethods'));
    $filters = array('status' => DataPropertyMaster::DD_DISPLAYSTATE_ACTIVE, 'where' => 'customer eq ' . xarUserGetVar('id'));
    $paymentmethods = $mylist->getItems($filters);
    $data['paymentmethods'] = $paymentmethods;
    $data['paymentobject'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_paymentmethods'));
    $data['paymentobject']->properties['name']->display_show_salutation = false;
    $data['paymentobject']->properties['name']->display_show_middlename = false;
    $data['paymentobject']->properties['address']->display_rows = 1;
    $data['paymentobject']->properties['address']->display_show_country = false;
    $data['properties'] = $data['paymentobject']->getProperties();
    if ($remove) {
        if ($remove == xarSession::getVar('paymentmethod')) {
        $data['paymentobject']->getItem(array('itemid' => $remove));
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'paymentmethod'));
        return true;
    $selectedpaymentmethod = xarSession::getVar('paymentmethod');
    if (!empty($selectedpaymentmethod)) {
        $data['paymentmethod'] = $selectedpaymentmethod;
    // If we're using a saved payment method...
    if ($proceedsaved) {
        xarSession::setVar('paymentmethod', $paymentmethod);
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'order'));
        return true;
    } elseif ($proceednew) {
        // We're not using a saved payment method...
        $isvalid = $data['paymentobject']->checkInput();
        if (isset($exp_date)) {
            $exp_month = substr($exp_date, 0, 2);
            $exp_year = substr($exp_date, 2, 4);
            $reverse_date = $exp_year . $exp_month;
            $minimum_date = date('ym', time());
            if ($minimum_date > $reverse_date) {
                $errors['exp_date'] = true;
        if (isset($errors)) {
            xarSession::setVar('errors', $errors);
        if (!$isvalid) {
            return xarTplModule('shop', 'user', 'paymentmethod', $data);
        } else {
            xarSession::setVar('paymentmethod', $data['paymentobject']->createItem());
            xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'order'));
            return true;
    return $data;
Beispiel #5
function publications_user_view($args)
    // Get parameters
    if (!xarVarFetch('ptid', 'id', $ptid, xarModVars::get('publications', 'defaultpubtype'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('startnum', 'int:0', $startnum, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('cids', 'array', $cids, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('andcids', 'str', $andcids, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('catid', 'str', $catid, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('itemtype', 'id', $itemtype, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    // TODO: put the query string through a proper parser, so searches on multiple words can be done.
    if (!xarVarFetch('q', 'pre:trim:passthru:str:1:200', $q, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    // can't use list enum here, because we don't know which sorts might be used
    // True - but we can provide some form of validation and normalisation.
    // The original 'regexp:/^[\w,]*$/' lets through *any* non-space character.
    // This validation will accept a list of comma-separated words, and will lower-case, trim
    // and strip out non-alphanumeric characters from each word.
    if (!xarVarFetch('sort', 'strlist:,:pre:trim:lower:alnum', $sort, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('numcols', 'int:0', $numcols, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('owner', 'id', $owner, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('pubdate', 'str:1', $pubdate, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    // This may not be set via user input, only e.g. via template tags, API calls, blocks etc.
    //    if(!xarVarFetch('startdate','int:0', $startdate, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {return;}
    //    if(!xarVarFetch('enddate',  'int:0', $enddate,   NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {return;}
    //    if(!xarVarFetch('where',    'str',   $where,     NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {return;}
    // Added to impliment an Alpha Pager
    if (!xarVarFetch('letter', 'pre:lower:passthru:str:1:20', $letter, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    // Override if needed from argument array (e.g. ptid, numitems etc.)
    $pubtypes = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'get_pubtypes');
    // We need a valid pubtype number here
    if (!is_numeric($ptid) || !isset($pubtypes[$ptid])) {
        return xarResponse::NotFound();
    // Constants used throughout.
    // publications module ID
    $c_modid = xarMod::getID('publications');
    // state: front page or approved
    // Default parameters
    if (!isset($startnum)) {
        $startnum = 1;
    // Check if we want the default 'front page'
    if (!isset($catid) && !isset($cids) && empty($ptid) && !isset($owner)) {
        $ishome = true;
        // default publication type
        $ptid = xarModVars::get('publications', 'defaultpubtype');
        // frontpage state
        $state = array(PUBLICATIONS_STATE_FRONTPAGE);
    } else {
        $ishome = false;
        // frontpage or approved state
        $state = $c_posted;
    // Get the publication type for this display
    $data['pubtypeobject'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'publications_types'));
    $data['pubtypeobject']->getItem(array('itemid' => $ptid));
    // Get the settings of this publication type
    $data['settings'] = xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'user', 'getsettings', array('ptid' => $ptid));
    // Get the template for this publication type
    if ($ishome) {
        $data['template'] = 'frontpage';
    } else {
        $data['template'] = $data['pubtypeobject']->properties['template']->getValue();
    $isdefault = 0;
    // check default view for this type of publications
    if (empty($catid) && empty($cids) && empty($owner) && empty($sort)) {
        if (substr($data['settings']['defaultview'], 0, 1) == 'c') {
            $catid = substr($data['settings']['defaultview'], 1);
    // Do not transform titles if we are not transforming output at all.
    if (empty($data['settings']['do_transform'])) {
        $data['settings']['dotitletransform'] = 0;
    // Page template for frontpage or depending on publication type (optional)
    // Note : this cannot be overridden in templates
    if (!empty($data['settings']['page_template'])) {
    if (empty($data['settings']['defaultsort'])) {
        $defaultsort = 'date';
    } else {
        $defaultsort = $data['settings']['defaultsort'];
    if (empty($sort)) {
        $sort = $defaultsort;
    // TODO: show this *after* category list when we start from categories :)
    // Navigation links
    $data['publabel'] = xarML('Publication');
    $data['publinks'] = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpublinks', array('ptid' => $ishome ? '' : $ptid, 'state' => $c_posted, 'count' => $data['settings']['show_pubcount']));
    $data['pager'] = '';
    // Add Sort to data passed to template so that we can automatically turn on alpha pager, if needed
    $data['sort'] = $sort;
    // Add current display letter, so that we can highlight the current filter in the alpha pager
    $data['letter'] = $letter;
    // Get the users requested number of stories per page.
    // If user doesn't care, use the site default
    if (xarUserIsLoggedIn()) {
        // TODO: figure how to let users specify their settings
        // COMMENT: if the settings were split into separate module variables,
        // then they could all be individually over-ridden by each user.
        //$numitems = xarModUserGetVar('items_per_page');
    if (empty($numitems)) {
        if (!empty($settings['items_per_page'])) {
            $numitems = $settings['items_per_page'];
        } else {
            $numitems = 20;
    // turn $catid into $cids array and set $andcids flag
    if (!empty($catid)) {
        if (strpos($catid, ' ')) {
            $cids = explode(' ', $catid);
            $andcids = true;
        } elseif (strpos($catid, '+')) {
            $cids = explode('+', $catid);
            $andcids = true;
        } elseif (strpos($catid, '-')) {
            $cids = explode('-', $catid);
            $andcids = false;
        } else {
            $cids = array($catid);
            if (strstr($catid, '_')) {
                $andcids = false;
                // don't combine with current category
            } else {
                $andcids = true;
    } else {
        if (empty($cids)) {
            $cids = array();
        if (!isset($andcids)) {
            $andcids = true;
    // rebuild $catid in standard format again
    $catid = null;
    if (count($cids) > 0) {
        $seencid = array();
        foreach ($cids as $cid) {
            // make sure cids are numeric
            if (!empty($cid) && preg_match('/^_?[0-9]+$/', $cid)) {
                $seencid[$cid] = 1;
        $cids = array_keys($seencid);
        sort($cids, SORT_NUMERIC);
        if ($andcids) {
            $catid = join('+', $cids);
        } else {
            $catid = join('-', $cids);
    // every field you always wanted to know about but were afraid to ask for :)
    $extra = array();
    //    $extra[] = 'author';
    // Note: we always include cids for security checks now (= performance impact if show_categories was 0)
    $extra[] = 'cids';
    if ($data['settings']['show_hitcount']) {
        $extra[] = 'counter';
    if ($data['settings']['show_ratings']) {
        $extra[] = 'rating';
    $now = time();
    if (empty($startdate) || !is_numeric($startdate) || $startdate > $now) {
        $startdate = null;
    if (empty($enddate) || !is_numeric($enddate) || $enddate > $now) {
        $enddate = $now;
    if (empty($pubdate) || !preg_match('/^\\d{4}(-\\d+(-\\d+|)|)$/', $pubdate)) {
        $pubdate = null;
    if (empty($where)) {
        $where = null;
    // Modify the where clause if an Alpha filter has been specified.
    if (!empty($letter)) {
        // We will allow up to three initial letters, anything more than that is assumed to be 'Other'.
        // Need to also be very wary of SQL injection, since we are not using bind variables here.
        // TODO: take into account international characters.
        if (preg_match('/^[a-z]{1,3}$/i', $letter)) {
            $extrawhere = "title LIKE '{$letter}%'";
        } else {
            // Loop through the alphabet for the 'not in' part.
            $letterwhere = array();
            for ($i = ord('a'); $i <= ord('z'); $i++) {
                $letterwhere[] = "title NOT LIKE '" . chr($i) . "%'";
            $extrawhere = implode(' and ', $letterwhere);
        if ($where == null) {
            $where = $extrawhere;
        } else {
            $where .= $extrawhere;
    // Get publications
    $publications = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getall', array('startnum' => $startnum, 'cids' => $cids, 'andcids' => $andcids, 'ptid' => isset($ptid) ? $ptid : null, 'owner' => $owner, 'state' => $state, 'sort' => $sort, 'extra' => $extra, 'where' => $where, 'search' => $q, 'numitems' => $numitems, 'pubdate' => $pubdate, 'startdate' => $startdate, 'enddate' => $enddate));
    if (!is_array($publications)) {
        throw new Exception('Failed to retrieve publications');
    // TODO : support different 'index' templates for different types of publications
    //        (e.g. News, Sections, ...), depending on what "view" the user
    //        selected (per category, per publication type, a combination, ...) ?
    if (!empty($owner)) {
        $data['author'] = xarUserGetVar('name', $owner);
        if (empty($data['author'])) {
            $data['author'] = xarML('Unknown');
    if (!empty($pubdate)) {
        $data['pubdate'] = $pubdate;
    // Save some variables to (temporary) cache for use in blocks etc.
    xarVarSetCached('Blocks.publications', 'ptid', $ptid);
    xarVarSetCached('Blocks.publications', 'cids', $cids);
    xarVarSetCached('Blocks.publications', 'owner', $owner);
    if (isset($data['author'])) {
        xarVarSetCached('Blocks.publications', 'author', $data['author']);
    if (isset($data['pubdate'])) {
        xarVarSetCached('Blocks.publications', 'pubdate', $data['pubdate']);
    // TODO: add this to publications configuration ?
    if ($ishome) {
        $data['ptid'] = null;
        if (xarSecurityCheck('SubmitPublications', 0)) {
            $data['submitlink'] = xarModURL('publications', 'admin', 'new');
    } else {
        $data['ptid'] = $ptid;
        if (!empty($ptid)) {
            $curptid = $ptid;
        } else {
            $curptid = 'All';
        if (count($cids) > 0) {
            foreach ($cids as $cid) {
                if (xarSecurityCheck('SubmitPublications', 0, 'Publication', "{$curptid}:{$cid}:All:All")) {
                    $data['submitlink'] = xarModURL('publications', 'admin', 'new', array('ptid' => $ptid, 'catid' => $catid));
        } elseif (xarSecurityCheck('SubmitPublications', 0, 'Publication', "{$curptid}:All:All:All")) {
            $data['submitlink'] = xarModURL('publications', 'admin', 'new', array('ptid' => $ptid));
    $data['cids'] = $cids;
    $data['catid'] = $catid;
    xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories', 'module', 'publications');
    xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories', 'itemtype', $ptid);
    xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories', 'cids', $cids);
    if (!empty($ptid) && !empty($pubtypes[$ptid]['description'])) {
        xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories', 'title', $pubtypes[$ptid]['description']);
        // Note : this gets overriden by the categories navigation if necessary
    // optional category count
    if ($data['settings']['show_catcount']) {
        if (!empty($ptid)) {
            $pubcatcount = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubcatcount', array('state' => $c_posted, 'ptid' => $ptid));
            if (isset($pubcatcount[$ptid])) {
                xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories', 'catcount', $pubcatcount[$ptid]);
        } else {
            $pubcatcount = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getpubcatcount', array('state' => $c_posted, 'reverse' => 1));
            if (isset($pubcatcount) && count($pubcatcount) > 0) {
                $catcount = array();
                foreach ($pubcatcount as $cat => $count) {
                    $catcount[$cat] = $count['total'];
                xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories', 'catcount', $catcount);
    } else {
        // xarVarSetCached('Blocks.categories','catcount',array());
    // retrieve the number of comments for each article
    if (xarModIsAvailable('coments')) {
        if ($data['settings']['show_comments']) {
            $idlist = array();
            foreach ($publications as $article) {
                $idlist[] = $article['id'];
            $numcomments = xarModAPIFunc('comments', 'user', 'get_countlist', array('modid' => $c_modid, 'objectids' => $idlist));
    // retrieve the keywords for each article
    if (xarModIsAvailable('coments')) {
        if ($data['settings']['show_keywords']) {
            $idlist = array();
            foreach ($publications as $article) {
                $idlist[] = $article['id'];
            $keywords = xarModAPIFunc('keywords', 'user', 'getmultiplewords', array('modid' => $c_modid, 'objectids' => $idlist, 'itemtype' => $ptid));
    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
        // retrieve the categories for each article
        $catinfo = array();
        if ($show_categories) {
            $cidlist = array();
            foreach ($publications as $article) {
                if (!empty($article['cids']) && count($article['cids']) > 0) {
                     foreach ($article['cids'] as $cid) {
                         $cidlist[$cid] = 1;
            if (count($cidlist) > 0) {
                $catinfo = xarModAPIFunc('categories','user','getcatinfo', array('cids' => array_keys($cidlist)));
                // get root categories for this publication type
                // get base categories for all if needed
                $catroots = xarModAPIFunc('publications', 'user', 'getrootcats',
                    array('ptid' => $ptid, 'all' => true)
            foreach ($catinfo as $cid => $info) {
                $catinfo[$cid]['name'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay($info['name']);
                $catinfo[$cid]['link'] = xarModURL('publications', 'user', 'view',
                    array('ptid' => $ptid, 'catid' => (($catid && $andcids) ? $catid . '+' . $cid : $cid) )
                // only needed when sorting by root category id
                $catinfo[$cid]['root'] = 0; // means not found under a root category
                // only needed when sorting by root category order
                $catinfo[$cid]['order'] = 0; // means not found under a root category
                $rootidx = 1;
                foreach ($catroots as $rootcat) {
                    // see if we're a child category of this rootcat (cfr. Celko model)
                    if ($info['left'] >= $rootcat['catleft'] && $info['left'] < $rootcat['catright']) {
                        // only needed when sorting by root category id
                        $catinfo[$cid]['root'] = $rootcat['catid'];
                        // only needed when sorting by root category order
                        $catinfo[$cid]['order'] = $rootidx;
            // needed for sort function below
            $GLOBALS['artviewcatinfo'] = $catinfo;
        $number = 0;
        foreach ($publications as $article)
            // TODO: don't include ptid and catid if we don't use short URLs
            // link to article
            $article['link'] = xarModURL('publications', 'user', 'display',
                // don't include pubtype id if we're navigating by category
                    'ptid' => empty($ptid) ? null : $article['pubtype_id'],
                    'catid' => $catid,
                    'id' => $article['id']
            // N words/bytes more in article
            if (!empty($article['body'])) {
                // note : this is only an approximate number
                $wordcount = count(preg_split("/\s+/", strip_tags($article['body']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
                $article['words'] = $wordcount;
                // byte-count is less CPU-intensive -> make configurable ?
                $article['bytes'] = strlen($article['body']);
            } else {
                $article['words'] = 0;
                $article['bytes'] = 0;
            // current publication type
            $curptid = $article['pubtype_id'];
            // TODO: make configurable?
            $article['redirect'] = xarModURL('publications', 'user', 'redirect',
                array('ptid' => $curptid, 'id' => $article['id'])
            // multi-column display (default from left to right, then from top to bottom)
            $article['number'] = $number;
            if (!empty($settings['number_of_columns'])) {
                $col = $number % $settings['number_of_columns'];
            } else {
                $col = 0;
            // RSS Processing
            $current_theme = xarVarGetCached('', 'CurrentTheme');
            if (($current_theme == 'rss') or ($current_theme == 'atom')){
                $article['rsstitle'] = htmlspecialchars($article['title']);
                //$article['rssdate'] = strtotime($article['date']);
                $article['rsssummary'] = preg_replace('<br />', "\n", $article['summary']);
                $article['rsssummary'] = xarVarPrepForDisplay(strip_tags($article['rsssummary']));
                $article['rsscomment'] = xarModURL('comments', 'user', 'display', array('modid' => $c_modid, 'objectid' => $article['id']));
                // $article['rsscname'] = htmlspecialchars($item['cname']);
                // <category>#$rsscname#</category>
            // TODO: clean up depending on field format
            if ($do_transform) {
                $article['itemtype'] = $article['pubtype_id'];
                // TODO: what about transforming DD fields?
                if ($title_transform) {
                    $article['transform'] = array('title', 'summary', 'body', 'notes');
                } else {
                    $article['transform'] = array('summary', 'body', 'notes');
                $article = xarModCallHooks('item', 'transform', $article['id'], $article, 'publications');
            $data['titles'][$article['id']] = $article['title'];
            // fill in the summary template for this article
            $summary_template = $pubtypes[$article['pubtype_id']]['name'];
            $number++;echo $number;
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    // TODO: verify for other URLs as well
    if ($ishome) {
        if (!empty($numcols) && $numcols > 1) {
            // if we're currently showing more than 1 column
            $data['showcols'] = 1;
        } else {
            $defaultcols = $data['settings']['number_of_columns'];
            if ($defaultcols > 1) {
                // if the default number of columns is more than 1
                $data['showcols'] = $defaultcols;
    // Specific layout within a template (optional)
    if (isset($layout)) {
        $data['layout'] = $layout;
    // Get the publications we want to view
    $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $data['pubtypeobject']->properties['name']->value));
    $data['objectname'] = $data['pubtypeobject']->properties['name']->value;
    $data['ptid'] = $ptid;
    //    $object = DataObjectMaster::getObjectList(array('name' => $data['pubtypeobject']->properties['name']->value));
    //    $data['items'] = $object->getItems();
    $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObjectList(array('name' => $data['pubtypeobject']->properties['name']->value));
    // Get the items here
    //    $items = $data['object']->getItems();
    /* We're doing this in the template now
        // Only show top level documents, not translations
        $q = new Query();
        // Suppress deleted items
        // Remove this once listing property works with dataobject access
        $data['conditions'] = $q;
    // Set the page template if needed
    if (!empty($data['settings']['page_template'])) {
        $pagename = $data['settings']['page_template'];
        $position = strpos($pagename, '.');
        if ($position === false) {
            $pagetemplate = $pagename;
        } else {
            $pagetemplate = substr($pagename, 0, $position);
    // Throw all the relevant settings we are using into the cache
    //    $data['settings']['pubtypeobject'] = $data['pubtypeobject']->properties['configuration']->getValue();
    //    xarCore::setCached('publications', 'context' . $ptid, $data['settings']);
    return xarTplModule('publications', 'user', 'view', $data, $data['template']);
Beispiel #6
 *  New account info (ship address)
function shop_user_shippingaddress()
    // Redirects at the start of the user functions are just a way to make sure someone isn't where they don't need to be
    $shop = xarSession::getVar('shop');
    if (!xarUserIsLoggedIn() || empty($shop)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'main'));
        return true;
    if (!xarVarFetch('proceed', 'str', $proceed, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('shipto', 'str', $shipto, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('remove', 'str', $remove, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    if (!xarVarFetch('next', 'str', $data['next'], NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    $data['shippingobject'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_shippingaddresses'));
    $data['shippingobject']->properties['name']->display_show_salutation = false;
    $data['shippingobject']->properties['name']->display_show_middlename = false;
    $data['shippingobject']->properties['address']->display_rows = 1;
    $data['shippingobject']->properties['address']->display_show_country = false;
    $data['properties'] = $data['shippingobject']->properties;
    if ($shipto) {
        xarSession::setVar('shippingaddress', $shipto);
        if (isset($data['next']) && !empty($data['next'])) {
            $func = $data['next'];
        } else {
            $func = 'paymentmethod';
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', $func));
        return true;
    if ($remove) {
        if ($remove == xarSession::getVar('shippingaddress')) {
        $data['shippingobject']->getItem(array('itemid' => $remove));
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'shippingaddress'));
        return true;
    if ($proceed) {
        $isvalid = $data['shippingobject']->checkInput();
        if (!$isvalid) {
            return xarTplModule('shop', 'user', 'shippingaddress', $data);
        // Save the customer data
        $custobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_customers'));
        $custobject->getItem(array('itemid' => xarUserGetVar('id')));
        $name = $data['shippingobject']->properties['name']->value;
        // Save the shipping address
        $itemid = $data['shippingobject']->createItem();
        xarSession::setVar('shippingaddress', $itemid);
        // update the name field in roles to use first and last name instead of email
        $rolesobject = xarCurrentRole();
        $rolesobject->properties['name']->value = $name;
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'paymentmethod'));
        return true;
        xarSession::setVar('errors', $errors);
    return $data;
Beispiel #7
 * Review and submit order
function shop_user_order()
    // Redirects at the start of the user functions are just a way to make sure someone isn't where they don't need to be
    $shippingaddress = xarSession::getVar('shippingaddress');
    if (empty($shippingaddress)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'shippingaddress'));
        return true;
    $paymentmethod = xarSession::getVar('paymentmethod');
    if (empty($paymentmethod)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'paymentmethod'));
        return true;
    $shop = xarSession::getVar('shop');
    if (!xarUserIsLoggedIn() || empty($shop)) {
        xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'main'));
    if (!xarVarFetch('placeorder', 'str', $placeorder, NULL, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) {
    $shippingobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_shippingaddresses'));
    $shippingobject->getItem(array('itemid' => xarSession::getVar('shippingaddress')));
    $shippingvals = $shippingobject->getFieldValues();
    $data['shippingvals'] = $shippingvals;
    $data['products'] = xarSession::getVar('products');
    $data['total'] = xarSession::getVar('total');
    $time = time();
    xarSession::setVar('time', $time);
    $paymentobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_paymentmethods'));
    $paymentmethod = xarSession::getVar('paymentmethod');
    $paymentobject->getItem(array('itemid' => $paymentmethod));
    $values = $paymentobject->getFieldValues();
    $data['payvalues'] = $values;
    if ($placeorder) {
        /*if (isset($exp_date)) {
              $exp_month = substr($exp_date,0,2);
              $exp_year = substr($exp_date,2,4);
              $reverse_date = $exp_year . $exp_month;
              $minimum_date = date('ym',time());
              if ($minimum_date > $reverse_date) {
                  $errors = xarSession::getVar('errors');
                  $errors['exp_date'] = true;
        // A few more things
        $values['date'] = $time;
        $values['products'] = serialize($data['products']);
        $values['total'] = xarSession::getVar('total');
        /***** PAYMENT PROCESSING ****/
        $response = xarMod::APIFunc('shop', 'admin', 'handlepgresponse', array('transfields' => $values));
        if (isset($response['trans_id']) && !empty($response['trans_id'])) {
            // We have a successful transaction...
            $data['response'] = $response;
            $values['pg_transaction_id'] = $response['trans_id'];
            $transobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'shop_transactions'));
            $tid = $transobject->createItem($values);
            $order = xarSession::getVar('order');
            $order['products'] = xarSession::getVar('products');
            $order['tid'] = $tid;
            $order['date'] = date('F j, Y g:i a', xarSession::getVar('time'));
            xarSession::setVar('order', $order);
            // This is set in shop_adminapi_handlepgresponse()
            //Need to clear all this now that the purchase went through.  Doing so ensures we don't re-submit the order
            xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'complete'));
            return true;
        } else {
            // There must be a problem...
            $pg_key = xarModVars::get('shop', 'pg_key');
            // Assuming we're using the key field for all payment gateways for keys, passwords and the like...
            if (empty($pg_key)) {
                $errors = xarSession::getVar('pg_response');
                $pg_response['msg'] .= "<p style='color:red'><strong>Looks like you haven't entered a payment gateway key.  <a href='" . xarModURL('shop', 'admin', 'overview') . "'>Read me</a>.</strong></p>";
                xarSession::setVar('pg_response', $pg_response);
            xarResponse::redirect(xarModURL('shop', 'user', 'order'));
            return true;
    return $data;