function updateID($email, $id) { $row = colCont('googleAccount', $email, "users"); $DATA = getDB("users", $row); if (!$DATA['identifier']) { writeDB($row, 'identifier', $id, "users"); } return 1; }
<?php session_start(); require 'LTlib.php'; if ($_SESSION["nrwahl"] == 0) { $erfolg = writeDB("db83863_4", "UPDATE schueler SET nrwahl='1', Zeitwahl= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . "', nrwahl= '1', 1Wahl= '" . $_POST['1wahl'] . ';' . $_POST['2wahl'] . ';' . $_POST['3wahl'] . "' WHERE ID = '" . $_SESSION['id'] . "';"); $_SESSION["nrwahl"] = 1; } else { if ($_SESSION["nrwahl"] == 1) { $erfolg = writeDB("db83863_4", "UPDATE schueler SET nrwahl='2', Zeitwahl= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . "', nrwahl= '2', 2Wahl= '" . $_POST['1wahl'] . ';' . $_POST['2wahl'] . ';' . $_POST['3wahl'] . "' WHERE ID = '" . $_SESSION['id'] . "';"); $_SESSION["nrwahl"] = 2; } else { alert("Fehler: Sie können nicht mehr wählen! ;)"); } } if ($erfolg) { if ($_SESSION["nrwahl"] == $_SESSION["maxnrwahl"]) { echo "<script>alert('Vielen Dank f\\u00fcr deine Wahl!');</script>"; echo "<script>location.href='/outscreen.php'</script>"; } else { echo "<script>alert('Vielen Dank f\\u00fcr deine Wahl! \n Nun wählen Sie ihre 2. AG!');</script>"; echo "<script>location.href='/wahl.php'</script>"; } } else { if ($_SESSION["nrwahl"] == 1) { $_SESSION["nrwahl"] = 0; } else { if ($_SESSION["nrwahl"] == 2) { $_SESSION["nrwahl"] = 1; } }
function create_newPodcasts_inDB($admin_redirect) { //vars global $datum; $json = get_podcastList(); //Json Daten vorhanden //Existiert die DB ? $existDB = isDBExists(); if ($existDB == true) { //lösche DB $is_delete = schalterDB(false); if ($is_delete == false) { //ist gelöscht => dann: erstelle neue Datenbank $db = schalterDB(true); //schreibe tabelle in db createDB($db); //erstelle Inhalt $is_write = writeDB($json, $db, $datum); if ($is_write == true) { //mache weiterleitung ohne cache header("location: " . $admin_redirect . "?intern=updatepage"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } } } else { //erstelle neue Datenbank $db = schalterDB(true); //schreibe tabelle in db createDB($db); //erstelle Inhalt $is_write = writeDB($json, $db, $datum); if ($is_write == true) { //mache weiterleitung ohne cache header("location: " . $admin_redirect . "?intern=updatepage"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } } }
<?php $apw = $_POST["apw"]; require "secure/msql.php"; require "LTlib.php"; $sql = "UPDATE sonder_login SET pw = '" . $apw . "'"; writeDB($con, $sql); echo "<script>createAlert('success', 'Passwort erfolgreich ge\\u00e4ndert');</script>";
<?php /****************************************************************************** * * This page is called by the Logins form and writes or removes an entry * ******************************************************************************/ include $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/app/sql.php'; $action = $_REQUEST["action"]; $index = $_REQUEST["index"]; $name = $_REQUEST["name"]; $account = $_REQUEST["account"]; //$account = query("SELECT googleAccount FROM 'users' WHERE index = $index;"); //announceWrite($announcement, $by); if ($action == "add") { $id = getrows("users"); query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ({$id}, '{$name}', 1, '{$account}', '');"); } else { if ($action == "remove") { writeDB($index, "allowed", "0", "users"); } else { header('Location:'); } } header('Location:');
function displayFormTwo() { $sanitized = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\,\\(\\)@#!?_]/', '', $_POST); writeDB($sanitized['dbhost'], $sanitized['dbuser'], $sanitized['dbpass'], $sanitized['dbname']); displayHeader(); if (strlen($_POST['dboldname']) > 0) { $headerstring = "Installing and migrating..."; $quip = "You probably have time to get a coffee."; } else { $headerstring = "Installing..."; $quip = "This shouldn't take too long."; } if (!isset($_POST['dboldname'])) { $_POST['dboldname'] = ""; } ?> <h2><?php echo $headerstring; ?> </h2> <div class="hero-unit"> <p id="quip"><?php echo $quip; ?> </p> <div class="progress progress-striped active"> <div class="bar" id="progressbar" style="width: 0%;"></div> </div> <div id="waitbar"> </div> <div id="stats"></div> </div> <script language="javascript"> var prunning=0; var pinttimer=0; var online=1; var total = 0; var delay=50; function startInstall(key) { document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = "1%"; pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runInstall(key)},50); runInstall(key); } function runInstall(key) { if (prunning==1) { if(online==2) { var postvar = "getpg=1"; $.post("install.php", postvar, function(data) { if (data[0]=="{") { obj = JSON.parse(data); if (obj.result=='success' && obj.progress>1) { document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = obj.progress + "%"; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.backgroundColor = "#AA0000"; } } }); } return; } prunning=1; var postvar = "sqlline="+ online + "&dbname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dbname']; ?> " + "&dboldname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dboldname']; if (isset($_GET['qa'])) { echo "&qa=" . $_GET['qa']; } if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { echo "&debug=1"; } ?> "; //document.getElementById('waitbar').innerHTML = 'about to post '+postvar; $.ajax({ url: "install.php", type:'POST',data:postvar, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ delay=delay+1000; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Server appears to be throttling connections, setting delay to "+((delay-50)/1000)+ " seconds"; clearInterval(pinttimer); pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runInstall(key)},delay); prunning=0; } }).done( function(data){ //document.getElementById('waitbar').innerHTML = "got back "+data; if (data[0]=="{") { obj = JSON.parse(data); if (obj.result=='success') { var perc = Math.round((100*(online/; perc = perc/2; if(perc<1) perc=1; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = perc + "%"; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.backgroundColor = "#149BDF"; if (!obj.tag) obj.tag = ""; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag; <?php if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { ?> document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag + " Running line "+online + " of " + + " (" + perc + "%)"; <?php } ?> if ( { clearInterval(pinttimer); prunning=0; online = 1; pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runUpgrade(key)},delay); }else { prunning=0; if (obj.line) online = (obj.line*1) +1; else online = online + 1; if (delay>1050) { delay=delay-1000; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Server appears to be throttling connections, setting delay to "+((delay-50)/1000)+ " seconds"; clearInterval(pinttimer); pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runInstall(key)},delay); } } } } else { clearInterval(pinttimer); if(data.indexOf("Table 'xlsws_customer' already exists")>0) data = "Helpful information: This appears to be an error caused by installing into a database that is not blank. Web Store 3 requires a blank database to install.\n\n" + data; data = "An error has occured. If this does not appear to be an issue you can easily remedy based on the information below, please contact Web Store technical support for additional assistance.\n\n" + data; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = 0; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Error, install halted."; alert(data); } //document.getElementById('waitbar').innerHTML = "end of function"; }); } function runUpgrade(key) { if (prunning>2400) { clearInterval(pinttimer); prunning=0; alert("The install process has become unresponsive. This may indicate a problem with the database. Please contact technical support for additional information. Error information may be available in the xlsws_log table of your database for troubleshooting purposes."); document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = 0; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = "Check xlsws_log for error information."; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Error, install halted."; } if (prunning>0) { prunning++; return; } prunning=1; var postvar = "online="+ online + "&total=" + total + "&dbname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dbname']; ?> " + "&dboldname=" + "<?php echo $_POST['dboldname']; ?> "; var exporturl = window.location.href.replace("/install.php", "/install/<?php echo strlen($_POST['dboldname']) > 0 ? 'upgrade' : 'install'; ?> "); $.ajax({ url: exporturl, type:'POST',data:postvar, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ delay=delay+1000; document.getElementById('quip').innerHTML = "Server appears to be throttling connections, setting delay to "+((delay-50)/1000)+ "seconds"; clearInterval(pinttimer); pinttimer=self.setInterval(function(){runUpgrade(key)},delay); prunning=0; } }).done(function(data){ if (data[0]=="{") { obj = JSON.parse(data); if (obj.result=='success') { total =; online = obj.makeline; var perc = 50 + online; document.getElementById('progressbar').style.width = perc + "%"; if (!obj.tag) obj.tag = ""; document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag; <?php if (isset($_GET['debug'])) { ?> document.getElementById('stats').innerHTML = obj.tag + " at " + " (" + perc + "%)"; <?php } ?> if ( { clearInterval(pinttimer); window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("/install.php", "/admin/license"); }else { prunning=0; } } else { clearInterval(pinttimer); alert(obj.result); } } else { clearInterval(pinttimer); alert(data); } }); } startInstall(); </script> <?php displayFooter(); }