static function Display() { global $wpdb, $user_ID; wpfb_loadclass('Admin', 'Output'); $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST); $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET); $action = !empty($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : (!empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : ''); $clean_uri = remove_query_arg(array('message', 'action', 'file_id', 'cat_id', 'deltpl', 'hash_sync')); // keep search keyword WPFB_Admin::PrintFlattrHead(); ?> <div class="wrap"><?php switch ($action) { default: ?> <div id="wpfilebase-donate"> <p><?php _e('If you like WP-Filebase I would appreciate a small donation to support my work. You can additionally add an idea to make WP-Filebase even better. Just click the button below. Thank you!', WPFB); ?> </p> <?php WPFB_Admin::PrintPayPalButton(); WPFB_Admin::PrintFlattrButton(); ?> </div> <?php break; } ?> </div> <!-- wrap --> <?php }
function testCreateTree() { $this->testSetUser(); wpfb_loadclass('Admin'); /** @var WPFB_Category $parent */ $parent = null; /** @var WPFB_Category[] $cats */ $cats = array(); for ($d = 0; $d < 4; $d++) { $res = WPFB_Admin::InsertCategory(array('cat_name' => "layer {$d}", 'cat_parent' => $parent ? $parent->GetId() : 0)); $this->assertEmpty($res['error']); /** @var WPFB_Category $cat */ $cat = $res['cat']; $this->assertTrue($parent ? $cat->GetParent()->Equals($parent) : is_null($cat->GetParent())); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($cat->GetLocalPath())); $cats[] = $cat; $parent = $cat; } // print_r(array_map( function($c) { return strval($c);}, $cats)); $files = new TestFileSet(); $res = WPFB_Admin::InsertFile(array('file_remote_uri' => 'file://' . $files->getImageBanner(), 'file_category' => $parent)); $this->assertEmpty($res['error'], $res['error']); /** @var WPFB_File $file01 */ $file01 = $res['file']; }
public static function Create($form_url, $is_edit = false) { $uploader_class = version_compare(get_bloginfo('version'), '3.2.1') <= 0 ? 'SWFUpload' : 'PLUpload'; wpfb_loadclass($uploader_class); $uploader_class = "WPFB_" . $uploader_class; return new $uploader_class($form_url, $is_edit); }
static function Display() { wpfb_loadclass('Output', 'File', 'Category', 'TplLib'); $content = ''; $file_tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('file'); $cat_tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('cat'); if (true || !isset($file_tpls['filebrowser_admin'])) { $file_tpls['filebrowser_admin'] = '%file_small_icon% ' . '%file_display_name% (%file_size%) ' . '<!-- IF %file_user_can_edit% --><a href="%file_edit_url%" class="edit" onclick="wpfbFBEditFile(event)">%\'Edit\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->' . '<!-- IF %file_user_can_edit% --><a href="#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm(\'Sure?\') && wpfbFBDelete(event) && false;">%\'Delete\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->'; WPFB_Core::SetFileTpls($file_tpls); //WPFB_Admin::ParseTpls(); } if (true || !isset($cat_tpls['filebrowser_admin'])) { $cat_tpls['filebrowser_admin'] = '<span class="cat-icon" style="background-image:url(\'%cat_icon_url%\');"><span class="cat-icon-overlay"></span></span>' . '%cat_name% ' . '<!-- IF %cat_user_can_edit% --><a href="%cat_edit_url%" class="edit" onclick="wpfbFBEditCat(event)">%\'Edit\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->' . '<!-- IF %cat_user_can_edit% --><a href="#" class="delete" onclick="return confirm(\'Sure?\') && wpfbFBDelete(event) && false;">%\'Delete\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->'; WPFB_Core::SetCatTpls($cat_tpls); WPFB_Admin::ParseTpls(); } WPFB_Output::FileBrowser($content, 0, empty($_GET['wpfb_cat']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['wpfb_cat'])); WPFB_Core::PrintJS(); ?> <div class="wrap filebrowser-admin"> <h2><?php _e('File Browser', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </h2> <?php echo '<div>' . __('You can Drag & Drop (multiple) files directly on Categories to upload them. Dragging a category or an existing file to another category is also possible.', 'wp-filebase') . '</div>'; echo $content; ?> </div> <script> function wpfbFBEditCat(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } function wpfbFBEditFile(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } function wpfbFBDelete(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var t = jQuery(e.currentTarget).parents('li').first(); var d = {wpfb_action: 'delete'}; var tid = t.attr('id').split('-'); d[tid[tid.length-2]+'_id'] = +tid[tid.length-1]; jQuery.ajax({type: 'POST', url: wpfbConf.ajurl, data: d, //async: false, success: (function (data) { if (data == '1') { t.fadeOut(300, function() { t.remove(); }); } }) }); return false; } </script> <?php }
function _manually_load_plugin() { require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-filebase.php'; add_action('init', function () { require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/classes/Core.php'; wpfb_loadclass('Setup'); WPFB_Setup::OnActivateOrVerChange(null); WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); WPFB_Core::InitClass(); }, 1); }
static function AnalyzeFile($file) { @ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); @set_time_limit(0); $filename = is_string($file) ? $file : $file->GetLocalPath(); $info = WPFB_Core::$settings->disable_id3 ? array() : self::GetEngine()->analyze($filename); if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) { wpfb_loadclass('Sync'); WPFB_Sync::PrintDebugTrace("file_analyzed_" . $file->GetLocalPathRel()); } return $info; }
static function Check($tpl) { $result = array('error' => false, 'msg' => '', 'line' => ''); wpfb_loadclass('File'); $f = new WPFB_File(); $tpl = 'return (' . $tpl . ');'; if (!@eval($tpl)) { $result['error'] = true; $err = error_get_last(); if (!empty($err)) { $result['msg'] = $err['message']; $result['line'] = $err['line']; } } return $result; }
function test_new_file_remote() { $usr = wp_create_user('test_admin', 'test_admin'); $this->assertNotWPError($usr); wp_set_current_user($usr); wpfb_loadclass('Admin'); $res = WPFB_Admin::InsertFile(array('file_remote_uri' => '')); $this->assertEmpty($res['error'], $res['error']); /** @var WPFB_File $file */ $file = $res['file']; $this->assertTrue($file->IsLocal(), 'IsLocal false'); $this->assertFileExists($file->GetLocalPath()); $this->assertNotEmpty($file->file_thumbnail); $this->assertFileExists($file->GetThumbPath()); $this->assertTrue($file->Remove()); }
function __construct() { wpfb_loadclass('Download', 'Admin'); $dir = WPFB_Core::UploadDir() . '/.tmp/'; WPFB_Admin::Mkdir($dir); $test_files = array('banner.png' => '', 'small.txt' => ''); $this->local_files = array(); foreach ($test_files as $f => $u) { $fn = $dir . $f; $this->local_files[$f] = $fn; if (file_exists($fn)) { continue; } echo "Downloading test file {$u}\n"; WPFB_Download::SideloadFile($u, $fn); } }
/** * @depends test_new_cat */ function test_cat_tree() { wpfb_loadclass('Admin'); $depth = 4; /** @var WPFB_Category $parent */ $parent = null; $cats = array(); for ($d = 0; $d < $depth; $d++) { $res = WPFB_Admin::InsertCategory(array('cat_name' => "layer {$d}", 'cat_parent' => $parent ? $parent->GetId() : 0)); $this->assertEmpty($res['error']); /** @var WPFB_Category $cat */ $cat = $res['cat']; $this->assertTrue($parent ? $cat->GetParent()->Equals($parent) : is_null($cat->GetParent())); $cats[] = $cat; } foreach (array_reverse($cats) as $cat) { $res = $cat->Delete(); $this->assertEmpty($res['error'], $res['error']); } }
static function Display() { wpfb_loadclass('Output', 'File', 'Category', 'TplLib'); $content = ''; $file_tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('file'); $cat_tpls = WPFB_Core::GetTpls('cat'); if (true || !isset($file_tpls['filebrowser_admin'])) { $file_tpls['filebrowser_admin'] = '%file_small_icon% ' . '%file_display_name% (%file_size%) ' . '<!-- IF %file_user_can_edit% --><a href="%file_edit_url%" class="edit" onclick="wpfbFBEditFile(event)">%\'Edit\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->'; WPFB_Core::SetFileTpls($file_tpls); //WPFB_Admin::ParseTpls(); } if (true || !isset($cat_tpls['filebrowser_admin'])) { $cat_tpls['filebrowser_admin'] = '<span class="cat-icon" style="background-image:url(\'%cat_icon_url%\');"><span class="cat-icon-overlay"></span></span>' . '%cat_name% ' . '<!-- IF %cat_user_can_edit% --><a href="%cat_edit_url%" class="edit" onclick="wpfbFBEditCat(event)">%\'Edit\'%</a><!-- ENDIF -->'; WPFB_Core::SetCatTpls($cat_tpls); WPFB_Admin::ParseTpls(); } WPFB_Output::FileBrowser($content, 0, empty($_GET['wpfb_cat']) ? 0 : intval($_GET['wpfb_cat'])); WPFB_Core::PrintJS(); ?> <div class="wrap filebrowser-admin"> <h2><?php _e('File Browser', WPFB); ?> </h2> <?php echo '<div>' . __('You can Drag & Drop (multiple) files directly on Categories to upload them. Dragging a category or an existing file to another category is also possible.', WPFB) . '</div>'; echo $content; ?> </div> <script> function wpfbFBEditCat(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } function wpfbFBEditFile(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } </script> <?php }
/** * Intesive analysis of file contents. Does _not_ make changes to the file or store anything in the DB! * * @param type $file * @return type */ private static function analyzeFile($file) { @ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); @set_time_limit(0); $filename = is_string($file) ? $file : $file->GetLocalPath(); $times = array(); $times['analyze'] = microtime(true); $info = WPFB_Core::$settings->disable_id3 ? array() : self::GetEngine()->analyze($filename); if (!WPFB_Core::$settings->disable_id3 && class_exists('getid3_lib')) { getid3_lib::CopyTagsToComments($info); } if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) { wpfb_loadclass('Sync'); WPFB_Sync::PrintDebugTrace("file_analyzed_" . $file->GetLocalPathRel()); } $times['end'] = microtime(true); $t_keys = array_keys($times); $into['debug'] = array('timestamp' => $times[$t_keys[0]], 'timings' => array()); for ($i = 1; $i < count($t_keys); $i++) { $info['debug']['timings'][$t_keys[$i - 1]] = round(($times[$t_keys[$i]] - $times[$t_keys[$i - 1]]) * 1000); } return $info; }
static function OnActivateOrVerChange($old_ver = null) { global $wpdb; // make sure that either wp-filebase or wp-filebase pro is enabled bot not both! if (!function_exists('is_plugin_active')) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } if (is_plugin_active('wp-filebase-pro/wp-filebase.php')) { deactivate_plugins('wp-filebase/wp-filebase.php'); } wpfb_loadclass('Admin', 'File', 'Category'); self::SetupDBTables($old_ver); $old_options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); self::AddOptions(); self::AddTpls($old_ver); $new_options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); WPFB_Admin::SettingsUpdated($old_options, $new_options); self::ProtectUploadPath(); $sync_data_file = WPFB_Core::UploadDir() . '/'; is_file($sync_data_file) && unlink($sync_data_file); WPFB_Admin::WPCacheRejectUri(WPFB_Core::$settings->download_base . '/', $old_options['download_base'] . '/'); // TODO, do this in background if (WPFB_Category::GetNumCats() < self::MANY_CATEGORIES && WPFB_File::GetNumFiles() < self::MANY_FILES) { // avoid long activation time wpfb_loadclass('Sync'); WPFB_Sync::SyncCats(); WPFB_Sync::UpdateItemsPath(); } if (!wp_next_scheduled(WPFB . '_cron')) { wp_schedule_event(time() + 20, 'hourly', WPFB . '_cron'); } if (!get_option('wpfb_install_time')) { add_option('wpfb_install_time', ($ft = (int) mysql2date('U', $wpdb->get_var("SELECT file_mtime FROM {$wpdb->wpfilebase_files} ORDER BY file_mtime ASC LIMIT 1"))) > 0 ? $ft : time(), null, 'no'); } $wp_upload = wp_upload_dir(); // move old css if (file_exists(WPFB_Core::GetOldCustomCssPath())) { $wp_upload_ok = empty($wp_upload['error']) && is_writable($wp_upload['basedir']); if ($wp_upload_ok && @rename(WPFB_Core::GetOldCustomCssPath(), $wp_upload['basedir'] . '/wp-filebase.css')) { update_option('wpfb_css', $wp_upload['baseurl'] . '/wp-filebase.css?t=' . time()); } } // refresh css URL (in case upload_dir changed or upgrade from free to pro) update_option('wpfb_css', trailingslashit(file_exists($wp_upload['basedir'] . '/wp-filebase.css') ? $wp_upload['baseurl'] : WPFB_PLUGIN_URI) . 'wp-filebase.css?t=' . time()); flush_rewrite_rules(); // change mapping of file browser folder icons (2340897_sdf.svg => svg-.....svg!) $image_mappings = array('1449888880_folder.svg' => 'svg-folder.svg', '1449888883_folder.svg' => 'svg-folder-blue.svg', '1449888885_folder-blue.svg' => 'svg-folderblue.svg', '1449888886_folder-green.svg' => 'svg-folder-green.svg'); $folder_icons_base = '/plugins/wp-filebase/images/folder-icons/'; $folder_icon = substr(WPFB_Core::$settings->folder_icon, strlen($folder_icons_base)); if (isset($image_mappings[$folder_icon])) { WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('folder_icon', $folder_icons_base . $image_mappings[$folder_icon]); } //delete_option('wpfilebase_dismiss_support_ending'); // fixes files that where offline if ($old_ver === "3.4.2") { $wpdb->query("UPDATE `{$wpdb->wpfilebase_files}` SET file_offline = '0' WHERE 1"); wpfb_loadclass('Sync'); WPFB_Sync::list_files(WPFB_Core::UploadDir()); } }
static function GetSortSql($sort = null, $attach_order = false, $for_cat = false) { global $wpdb; wpfb_loadclass('Output'); list($sort, $sortdir) = WPFB_Output::ParseSorting($sort, $for_cat); $sort = esc_sql($sort); $of = $for_cat ? 'cat_order' : 'file_attach_order'; return $attach_order ? "`{$of}` ASC, `{$sort}` {$sortdir}" : "`{$sort}` {$sortdir}"; }
function ChangeCategoryOrName($new_cat_id, $new_name = null, $add_existing = false, $overwrite = false) { // 1. apply new values (inherit permissions if nothing (Everyone) set!) // 2. check for name collision and rename // 3. move stuff // 4. notify parents // 5. update child paths if (empty($new_name)) { $new_name = $this->GetName(); } $this->Lock(true); $new_cat_id = intval($new_cat_id); $old_cat_id = $this->GetParentId(); $old_path_rel = $this->GetLocalPathRel(true); $old_path = $this->GetLocalPath(); $old_name = $this->GetName(); if ($this->is_file) { $old_thumb_path = $this->GetThumbPath(); } $old_cat = $this->GetParent(); $new_cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($new_cat_id); if (!$new_cat) { $new_cat_id = 0; } $cat_changed = $new_cat_id != $old_cat_id; if ($cat_changed && $new_cat_id > 0 && $this->IsAncestorOf($new_cat)) { return array('error' => __('Cannot move category into a sub-category of itself.', WPFB)); } if ($this->is_file) { $this->file_category = $new_cat_id; $this->file_name = $new_name; $this->file_category_name = $new_cat_id == 0 ? '' : $new_cat->GetTitle(); } else { $this->cat_parent = $new_cat_id; $this->cat_folder = $new_name; } // inherit user roles if (count($this->GetReadPermissions()) == 0) { $this->SetReadPermissions($new_cat_id != 0 ? $new_cat->GetReadPermissions() : WPFB_Core::$settings->default_roles); } // flush cache $this->last_parent_id = -1; $new_path_rel = $this->GetLocalPathRel(true); $new_path = $this->GetLocalPath(); if ($new_path_rel != $old_path_rel) { $i = 1; if (!$add_existing) { $name = $this->GetName(); if ($overwrite) { if (@file_exists($new_path)) { $ex_file = WPFB_File::GetByPath($new_path_rel); if (!is_null($ex_file)) { $ex_file->Remove(); } else { @unlink($new_path); } } } else { // rename item if filename collision (ignore if coliding with $this) while (@file_exists($new_path) || !is_null($ex_file = WPFB_File::GetByPath($new_path_rel)) && !$this->Equals($ex_file)) { $i++; if ($this->is_file) { $p = strrpos($name, '.'); $this->file_name = $p <= 0 ? "{$name}({$i})" : substr($name, 0, $p) . "({$i})" . substr($name, $p); } else { $this->cat_folder = "{$name}({$i})"; } $new_path_rel = $this->GetLocalPathRel(true); $new_path = $this->GetLocalPath(); } } } // finally move it! if (!empty($old_name) && @file_exists($old_path)) { if ($this->is_file && $this->IsLocal()) { if (!@rename($old_path, $new_path)) { return array('error' => sprintf('Unable to move file %s!', $old_path)); } @chmod($new_path, octdec(WPFB_PERM_FILE)); } else { if (!@is_dir($new_path)) { wp_mkdir_p($new_path); } wpfb_loadclass('FileUtils'); if (!@WPFB_FileUtils::MoveDir($old_path, $new_path)) { return array('error' => sprintf('Could not move folder %s to %s', $old_path, $new_path)); } } } else { if ($this->is_category) { if (!@is_dir($new_path) && !wp_mkdir_p($new_path)) { return array('error' => sprintf(__('Unable to create directory %s. Is it\'s parent directory writable?'), $new_path)); } } } // move thumb if ($this->is_file && !empty($old_thumb_path) && @is_file($old_thumb_path)) { $thumb_path = $this->GetThumbPath(); if ($i > 1) { $p = strrpos($thumb_path, '-'); if ($p <= 0) { $p = strrpos($thumb_path, '.'); } $thumb_path = substr($thumb_path, 0, $p) . "({$i})" . substr($thumb_path, $p); $this->file_thumbnail = basename($thumb_path); } if (!is_dir(dirname($thumb_path))) { WPFB_Admin::Mkdir(dirname($thumb_path)); } if (!@rename($old_thumb_path, $thumb_path)) { return array('error' => 'Unable to move thumbnail! ' . $thumb_path); } @chmod($thumb_path, octdec(WPFB_PERM_FILE)); } $all_files = $this->is_file || $this->GetId() > 0 ? $this->GetChildFiles(true) : array(); // all children files (recursively) if (!empty($all_files)) { foreach ($all_files as $file) { if ($cat_changed) { if ($old_cat) { $old_cat->NotifyFileRemoved($file); } // notify parent cat to remove files if ($new_cat) { $new_cat->NotifyFileAdded($file); } } $file->GetLocalPathRel(true); // update file's path } } unset($all_files); if ($this->is_category && $this->GetId() > 0) { $cats = $this->GetChildCats(true); if (!empty($cats)) { foreach ($cats as $cat) { $cat->GetLocalPathRel(true); // update cats's path } } unset($cats); } } $this->Lock(false); if (!$this->locked) { $this->DBSave(); } return array('error' => false); /* * // create the directory if it doesnt exist // move file if($this->IsLocal() && !empty($old_file_path) && @is_file($old_file_path) && $new_file_path != $old_file_path) { if(!@rename($old_file_path, $new_file_path)) return array( 'error' => sprintf('Unable to move file %s!', $this->GetLocalPath())); @chmod($new_file_path, octdec(WPFB_PERM_FILE)); } */ }
static function FileSearchContent(&$ref_content) { wpfb_loadclass('ListTpl'); $tpl = WPFB_ListTpl::Get(WPFB_Core::$settings->search_result_tpl); if ($tpl !== null) { $ref_content .= $tpl->Generate(null, array('page_limit' => WPFB_Core::$settings->filelist_num)); } else { $files = WPFB_File::GetFiles2(self::SearchWhereSql(WPFB_Core::$settings->search_id3, stripslashes($_GET['wpfb_s'])), WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible); foreach ($files as $file) { $ref_content .= $file->GenTpl2(); } } }
</h2> <div id="catselect-filter"> <p><?php _e('Select the categories containing the files you would like to list.', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </p> <p><input type="checkbox" id="list-all-files" name="list-all-files" value="1" onchange="incAllCatsChanged(this.checked)"/> <label for="list-all-files"><?php _e('Include all Categories', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </label></p> </div> <ul id="catbrowser" class="filetree"></ul> <?php wpfb_loadclass('TreeviewAdmin'); WPFB_TreeviewAdmin::RenderHTML("catbrowser"); ?> </div> <form id="listtplselect" class="insert"> <h2><?php _e('Select Template', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </h2> <?php $tpls = WPFB_ListTpl::GetAll(); if (!empty($tpls)) { foreach ($tpls as $tpl) { echo '<label><input type="radio" name="listtpl" value="' . $tpl->tag . '" />' . $tpl->GetTitle() . '</label><br />'; } }
<?php wpfb_loadclass('Item'); class WPFB_Category extends WPFB_Item { var $cat_id; var $cat_name; var $cat_description; var $cat_folder; var $cat_path; var $cat_parent = 0; var $cat_num_files = 0; var $cat_num_files_total = 0; var $cat_user_roles; var $cat_owner = 0; var $cat_icon; var $cat_exclude_browser = 0; var $cat_order; static $cache = array(); static $cache_complete = false; /** * Get category objects * * @access public * * @param $extra_sql Optional * @return WPFB_Category[] Categories */ static function GetCats($extra_sql = null) { global $wpdb;
// ########################################################## // ########################################################## // ############# THIS FILE IS DEPRECATED!! ############ // ########################################################## // ########################################################## // ob_start(); define('WPFB_NO_CORE_INIT', true); define('WP_INSTALLING', true); // make wp load faster if (empty($_GET['rp'])) { // if rel path not set, need to load whole WP stuff to get to path to custom CSS! require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../cms/wp-load.php'; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-filebase.php'; // this only loads some wp-filebase stuff, NOT WP! wpfb_loadclass('Core'); WPFB_Core::InitDirectScriptAccess(); $file = WPFB_Core::GetOldCustomCssPath(stripslashes(@$_GET['rp'])); //echo $file; //@ob_end_clean(); if (empty($file) || !@file_exists($file) || !@is_writable($file)) { // TODO: remove writable check? this is for security! $file = WPFB_PLUGIN_ROOT . 'wp-filebase.css'; } $ftime = filemtime($file); header("Content-Type: text/css"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=3600"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $ftime) . " GMT"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file)); if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && @strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) >= $ftime) { header("HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified");
static function SendFile($file_path, $args = array()) { global $wpdb; $defaults = array('bandwidth' => 0, 'etag' => null, 'force_download' => WPFB_Core::$settings->force_download, 'cache_max_age' => 0, 'md5_hash' => null, 'filename' => null); extract(wp_parse_args($args, $defaults), EXTR_SKIP); @ini_set('max_execution_time', '0'); @set_time_limit(0); @error_reporting(0); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } $no_cache = WPFB_Core::$settings->http_nocache && $cache_max_age != 0; @ini_set("zlib.output_compression", "Off"); // remove some headers if (function_exists('header_remove')) { header_remove(); } else { header("Expires: "); header("X-Pingback: "); } if (!@file_exists($file_path) || !is_file($file_path)) { header('HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found'); wp_die('File ' . basename($file_path) . ' not found!'); } wpfb_loadclass('FileUtils'); $size = WPFB_FileUtils::GetFileSize($file_path); $time = filemtime($file_path); $file_type = WPFB_Download::GetFileType($file_path); if (empty($etag)) { $etag = md5("{$size}|{$time}|{$file_type}"); } else { $etag = trim($etag, '"'); } // set basic headers if ($no_cache) { header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"); } elseif ($cache_max_age > 0) { header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, max-age={$cache_max_age}"); } elseif ($cache_max_age == -1) { header("Cache-Control: public"); } //header("Connection: close"); //header("Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100"); //header("Connection: Keep-Alive"); header("Content-Type: " . $file_type . (strpos($file_type, 'text/') !== false ? '; charset=' : '')); // charset fix header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $no_cache ? time() : $time) . " GMT"); if (!empty($md5_hash) && $md5_hash[0] != '#') { // check if fake md5 $pmd5 = @pack('H32', $md5_hash); if (!empty($pmd5)) { header("Content-MD5: " . @base64_encode($pmd5)); } } if (!$no_cache) { header("ETag: \"{$etag}\""); $if_mod_since = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'] : false; $if_none_match = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) ? $etag == trim($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'], '"') : false; if ($if_mod_since || $if_none_match) { $not_modified = true; if ($not_modified && $if_mod_since) { $not_modified = @strtotime($if_mod_since) >= $time; } if ($not_modified && $if_none_match) { $not_modified = $if_none_match == $etag; } if ($not_modified) { header("Content-Length: " . $size); header("HTTP/1.x 304 Not Modified"); exit; } } } if (!($fh = @fopen($file_path, 'rb'))) { wp_die(__('Could not read file!', 'wp-filebase')); } list($begin, $end) = self::ParseRangeHeader($size); if ($begin > 0 || $end < $size - 1) { header('HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content'); header("Content-Range: bytes {$begin}-{$end}/{$size}"); } else { header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); } $length = $end - $begin + 1; WPFB_Download::AddTraffic($length); if (self::ShouldSendRangeHeader($file_path, $file_type)) { header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); } $request_file_name = basename(urldecode(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH))); $filename_set = !empty($filename); if (!$filename_set) { $filename = basename($file_path); } // content headers if ($force_download) { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}\""); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); } elseif ($filename != $request_file_name) { header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$filename}\""); } header("Content-Length: " . $length); // clean up things that are not needed for download @session_write_close(); // disable blocking of multiple downloads at the same time // close db connection if (method_exists($wpdb, 'close')) { $wpdb->close(); } elseif (function_exists('mysql_close')) { if (!empty($wpdb->dbh) && is_resource($wpdb->dbh)) { @mysql_close($wpdb->dbh); } else { @mysql_close(); } } @ob_flush(); @flush(); // ready to send the file! if ($begin > 0) { fseek($fh, $begin, 0); } if (WPFB_Core::$settings->use_fpassthru) { fpassthru($fh); } else { $bandwidth = empty($bandwidth) ? 0 : (double) $bandwidth; if ($bandwidth <= 0) { $bandwidth = 1024 * 1024; } $buffer_size = (int) (1024 * min($bandwidth, 64)); // convert kib/s => bytes/ms $bandwidth *= 1024 / 1000; $cur = $begin; while (!@feof($fh) && $cur <= $end && @connection_status() == 0) { $nbytes = min($buffer_size, $end - $cur + 1); $ts = microtime(true); print @fread($fh, $nbytes); @ob_flush(); @flush(); $dt = (microtime(true) - $ts) * 1000; // dt = time delta in ms $st = $nbytes / $bandwidth - $dt; if ($st > 0) { usleep($st * 1000); } $cur += $nbytes; } } @fclose($fh); return true; }
function get_file_where_cond($view = 'all') { global $wpdb, $current_user; wpfb_loadclass('Search'); $where = WPFB_Search::SearchWhereSql(true); if (!empty($_REQUEST['file_category'])) { $where = (empty($where) ? '' : "({$where}) AND ") . "file_category = " . intval($_REQUEST['file_category']); } if (!empty($view) && $view != 'all') { $view_cond = "1=1"; switch ($view) { case 'own': $view_cond = "file_added_by = " . (int) $current_user->ID; break; case 'offline': $view_cond = "file_offline = '1'"; break; case 'notattached': $view_cond = "file_post_id = 0"; break; case 'local': $view_cond = "file_remote_uri = ''"; break; case 'cloud': $view_cond = "file_remote_uri <> ''"; break; } $where = (empty($where) ? '' : "({$where}) AND ") . $view_cond; } return $where; }
public function Display() { wpfb_call('Output', 'PrintJS'); wp_print_scripts('utils'); // setUserSetting ?> <style type="text/css" media="screen">@import url(<?php echo WPFB_PLUGIN_URI . 'css/batch-uploader.css'; ?> );</style> <div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-wrap"> <div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-interface" class="wpfb-batch-uploader-interface"> <div class="form-wrap uploader-presets" id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-presets"> <form method="POST" action="" class="validate" name="batch_presets"> <h2><?php _e('Upload Presets', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </h2> <?php self::DisplayUploadPresets($this->prefix); //wp_nonce_field('batch-presets'); // TODO validate this! ?> </form> </div> <div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -drag-drop-uploader" class="drag-drop-uploader"> <h2>Drag & Drop</h2> <div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -drag-drop-area" class="drag-drop-area"> <div style="margin: 70px auto 0;"> <p class="drag-drop-info"><?php _e('Drop files here'); ?> </p> <p><?php _ex('or', 'Uploader: Drop files here - or - Select Files'); ?> </p> <p class="drag-drop-buttons"><input id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -browse-button" type="button" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Select Files'); ?> " class="button" /></p> </div> </div> <div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-errors"></div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-files" style="position:relative;"></div> </div> <?php wp_print_scripts('jquery-color'); wp_print_scripts('jquery-deserialize'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var mouseDragPos = []; var presetData = ''; var morePresets = 0; jQuery(document).ready( function() { var form = jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-presets').find('form'); jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -drag-drop-area').bind('dragover', function(e){ mouseDragPos = [e.originalEvent.pageX, e.originalEvent.pageY]; }); <?php ?> wpfb_setupFormAutoSave(form,'batch_presets'); <?php ?> // "more" toggle init form.find('tr.more').hide(); form.find('tr.more-more').hide(); morePresets = 0; jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-presets-more-toggle').click(function() { batchUploaderSetPresetsMore(morePresets = ((morePresets+1)%3)); }); batchUploaderSetPresetsMore(typeof(getUserSetting) !== 'function' || getUserSetting('wpfb_batch_presets_more') || 0); }); function batchUploaderSetPresetsMore(m) { if(isNaN(m)) m = 0; var form = jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-presets').find('form'); form.find('tr.more')[m == 0 ? 'hide' : 'show'](400); form.find('tr.more-more')[m != 2 ? 'hide' : 'show'](400); // TODO show any field with non-default value!! //form.find('tr.more').toggle(morePresets > 0); //form.find('tr.more-more').toggle(morePresets > 1); if(typeof(setUserSetting) !== 'undefined') setUserSetting('wpfb_batch_presets_more',''+morePresets); jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-presets-more-toggle td span').html(m==2?'<?php _e('less'); ?> ':'<?php _e('more'); ?> '); } function batchUploaderFilesQueued(up, files) { var form = jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-presets').find('form'); up.settings.multipart_params["presets"] = form.serialize(); var hidden_params = form.find('input[type=hidden]').serializeArray(); for (var i = 0; i < hidden_params.length; ++i) { up.settings.multipart_params[hidden_params[i].name] = hidden_params[i].value; } form .css({ background: "rgba(255,255,0,0.0)" }) .animate({ backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)"}, 100) .animate({ backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,0,0.0)"}, 400); form.find('input,textarea,select') .animate({ opacity: 0.2}, 100) .animate({ opacity: 1.0}, 400); form.find("input[name='file_display_name']").val(''); } function batchUploaderFileQueued(up, file) { //, file.size jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-files').prepend('<div id="<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-file-''-spacer" class="batch-uploader-file-spacer"></div>'); jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-files').prepend('<div id="'+file.dom_id+'" class="media-item batch-uploader-file">'+ '<div class="progress"><div class="percent">0%</div><div class="bar"></div></div>'+ '<img src="<?php echo site_url(WPINC . '/images/crystal/default.png'); ?> " alt="Loading..." /><span class="filename">''</span><span class="error"></span></div>'); var fileEl = jQuery('#'+file.dom_id); var spacerEl = jQuery('#<?php echo $this->prefix; ?> -uploader-file-''-spacer'); var dest = fileEl.offset(); var ppos = fileEl.parent().offset(); var destWidth = fileEl.width(); fileEl.css({position:'absolute', zIndex:100, top:mouseDragPos[1], left:mouseDragPos[0]-ppos.left-15}); fileEl.animate({ //opacity: 0.25, left: dest.left-ppos.left, top: }, 400, function() { spacerEl.remove(); var startWidth = jQuery(this).width(); jQuery(this) .css({position:'',top:0,left:0,width:startWidth}) .animate({width: destWidth}, 200); }); spacerEl.animate({height: fileEl.outerHeight(true)}, 400); jQuery('.error', fileEl).hide(); } function batchUploaderSuccess(file, serverData) { var item = jQuery('#'+file.dom_id); if(!serverData || serverData == -1 || 'object' != typeof(serverData)) { jQuery('.error', item).show().html('Server response error! '+serverData); console.log(serverData); return; } var url = serverData.file_cur_user_can_edit ? serverData.file_edit_url : serverData.file_download_url; jQuery('.filename', item).html('<a href="'+url+'" target="_blank">'+serverData.file_display_name+'</a> <span class="ok"><?php _e('Upload OK!', 'wp-filebase'); ?> </span>'); jQuery('img', item).attr('src', serverData.file_thumbnail_url); } </script> <?php wpfb_loadclass('PLUploader'); $uploader = new WPFB_PLUploader(); $uploader->js_file_queued = 'batchUploaderFileQueued'; $uploader->js_files_queued = 'batchUploaderFilesQueued'; $uploader->js_upload_success = 'batchUploaderSuccess'; $uploader->post_params['file_add_now'] = true; if (!empty($this->hidden_vars)) { $uploader->post_params = array_merge($uploader->post_params, $this->hidden_vars); } $uploader->Init($this->prefix . '-drag-drop-area', $this->prefix . '-browse-button', $this->prefix . '-uploader-errors'); }
function GenerateList(&$content, $categories, $list_args = null) { if (!empty($list_args)) { $this->current_list = (object) $list_args; unset($list_args); } $hia = WPFB_Core::$settings->hide_inaccessible; $sort = WPFB_Core::GetSortSql($this->current_list->file_order); if ($this->current_list->page_limit > 0) { // pagination $page = empty($_REQUEST['wpfb_list_page']) || $_REQUEST['wpfb_list_page'] < 1 ? 1 : intval($_REQUEST['wpfb_list_page']); $start = $this->current_list->page_limit * ($page - 1); } else { $start = -1; } $search_term = empty($_GET['wpfb_s']) ? null : stripslashes($_GET['wpfb_s']); if ($search_term || WPFB_Core::$file_browser_search) { // search wpfb_loadclass('Search'); $where = WPFB_Search::SearchWhereSql(WPFB_Core::$settings->search_id3, $search_term); } else { $where = '1=1'; } $num_total_files = 0; if (is_null($categories)) { // if null, just list all files! $files = WPFB_File::GetFiles2($where, $hia, $sort, $this->current_list->page_limit, $start); $num_total_files = WPFB_File::GetNumFiles2($where, $hia); foreach ($files as $file) { $content .= $file->GenTpl2($this->file_tpl_tag); } } else { if (!empty($this->current_list->cat_order)) { WPFB_Item::Sort($categories, $this->current_list->cat_order); } $cat = reset($categories); // get first category // here we check if single category and cat has at least one file (also secondary cat files!) if (count($categories) == 1 && $cat->cat_num_files > 0) { // single cat if (!$cat->CurUserCanAccess()) { return ''; } $where = "({$where}) AND " . WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($cat->cat_id); $files = WPFB_File::GetFiles2($where, $hia, $sort, $this->current_list->page_limit, $start); $num_total_files = WPFB_File::GetNumFiles2($where, $hia); if ($this->current_list->cat_grouping && $num_total_files > 0) { $content .= $cat->GenTpl2($this->cat_tpl_tag); } foreach ($files as $file) { $content .= $file->GenTpl2($this->file_tpl_tag); } } else { // multi-cat // TODO: multi-cat list pagination does not work properly yet // special handling of categories that do not have files directly: list child cats! if (count($categories) == 1 && $cat->cat_num_files == 0) { $categories = $cat->GetChildCats(true, true); if (!empty($this->current_list->cat_order)) { WPFB_Item::Sort($categories, $this->current_list->cat_order); } } if ($this->current_list->cat_grouping) { // group by categories $n = 0; foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (!$cat->CurUserCanAccess()) { continue; } $num_total_files = max($nf = WPFB_File::GetNumFiles2("({$where}) AND " . WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($cat->cat_id), $hia), $num_total_files); // TODO //if($n > $this->current_list->page_limit) break; // TODO!! if ($nf > 0) { $files = WPFB_File::GetFiles2("({$where}) AND " . WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($cat->cat_id), $hia, $sort, $this->current_list->page_limit, $start); if (count($files) > 0) { $content .= $cat->GenTpl2($this->cat_tpl_tag); // check for file count again, due to pagination! foreach ($files as $file) { $content .= $file->GenTpl2($this->file_tpl_tag); } } } } } else { // this is not very efficient, because all files are loaded, no pagination! $all_files = array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) { if (!$cat->CurUserCanAccess()) { continue; } $all_files += WPFB_File::GetFiles2("({$where}) AND " . WPFB_File::GetSqlCatWhereStr($cat->cat_id), $hia, $sort); } $num_total_files = count($all_files); WPFB_Item::Sort($all_files, $sort); $keys = array_keys($all_files); if ($start == -1) { $start = 0; } $last = $this->current_list->page_limit > 0 ? min($start + $this->current_list->page_limit, $num_total_files) : $num_total_files; for ($i = $start; $i < $last; $i++) { $content .= $all_files[$keys[$i]]->GenTpl2($this->file_tpl_tag); } } } } return $num_total_files; }
static function Display() { global $wpdb; wpfb_loadclass('Admin', 'Output'); WPFB_Core::PrintJS(); // prints wpfbConf.ajurl wp_register_script('jquery-imagepicker', WPFB_PLUGIN_URI . 'extras/jquery/image-picker/image-picker.min.js', array('jquery'), WPFB_VERSION); wp_register_style('jquery-imagepicker', WPFB_PLUGIN_URI . 'extras/jquery/image-picker/image-picker.css', array(), WPFB_VERSION); if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?') . '<!-- manage_options -->'); } // nonce and referer check (security) if ((!empty($_POST['reset']) || !empty($_POST['submit'])) && !check_admin_referer('wpfb-update-settings', 'wpfb-nonce')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } $post = stripslashes_deep($_POST); $action = !empty($post['action']) ? $post['action'] : (!empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : ''); $messages = array(); $errors = array(); $options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); $option_fields = WPFB_Admin::SettingsSchema(); if (isset($post['reset'])) { // keep templates $file_tpl = WPFB_Core::$settings->template_file; $cat_tpl = WPFB_Core::$settings->template_cat; wpfb_loadclass('Setup'); WPFB_Setup::ResetOptions(); WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('template_file', $file_tpl); WPFB_Core::UpdateOption('template_cat', $cat_tpl); $new_options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); $messages = array_merge($messages, WPFB_Admin::SettingsUpdated($options, $new_options)); unset($new_options); $messages[] = __('Settings reseted.', WPFB); $options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); } elseif (isset($post['submit'])) { // cleanup foreach ($option_fields as $opt_tag => $opt_data) { if (isset($post[$opt_tag])) { if (!is_array($post[$opt_tag])) { $post[$opt_tag] = trim($post[$opt_tag]); } switch ($opt_data['type']) { case 'number': $post[$opt_tag] = intval($post[$opt_tag]); break; case 'select': // check if value is in options array, if not set to default if (!in_array($post[$opt_tag], array_keys($opt_data['options']))) { $post[$opt_tag] = $opt_data['default']; } break; case 'roles': $post[$opt_tag] = array_values(array_filter($post[$opt_tag])); // the following must not be removed! if the roles array is empty, permissions are assumed to be set for everyone! // so make sure that the admin is explicitly set! if (!empty($opt_data['not_everyone']) && !in_array('administrator', $post[$opt_tag])) { if (!is_array($post[$opt_tag])) { $post[$opt_tag] = array(); } array_unshift($post[$opt_tag], 'administrator'); } break; case 'cat': $post[$opt_tag] = empty($post[$opt_tag]) || is_null($cat = WPFB_Category::GetCat($post[$opt_tag])) ? 0 : intval($post[$opt_tag]); break; } } } $post['upload_path'] = str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $post['upload_path']); $options['upload_path'] = str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $options['upload_path']); $post['download_base'] = trim($post['download_base'], '/'); if (WPFB_Admin::WPCacheRejectUri($post['download_base'] . '/', $options['download_base'] . '/')) { $messages[] = sprintf(__('/%s/ added to rejected URIs list of WP Super Cache.', WPFB), $post['download_base']); } $tpl_file = $post['template_file']; $tpl_cat = $post['template_cat']; if (!empty($tpl_file) && (empty($options['template_file_parsed']) || $tpl_file != $options['template_file'])) { wpfb_loadclass('TplLib'); $tpl_file = WPFB_TplLib::Parse($tpl_file); $result = WPFB_TplLib::Check($tpl_file); if (!$result['error']) { $options['template_file_parsed'] = $tpl_file; $messages[] = __('File template successfully parsed.', WPFB); } else { $errors[] = sprintf(__('Could not parse template: error (%s) in line %s.', WPFB), $result['msg'], $result['line']); } } if (!empty($tpl_cat) && (empty($options['template_cat_parsed']) || $tpl_cat != $options['template_cat'])) { wpfb_loadclass('TplLib'); $tpl_cat = WPFB_TplLib::Parse($tpl_cat); $result = WPFB_TplLib::Check($tpl_cat); if (!$result['error']) { $options['template_cat_parsed'] = $tpl_cat; $messages[] = __('Category template successfully parsed.', WPFB); } else { $errors[] = sprintf(__('Could not parse template: error (%s) in line %s.', WPFB), $result['msg'], $result['line']); } } $fb_sub_pages = get_pages(array('child_of' => $options['file_browser_post_id'])); if ($options['file_browser_post_id'] > 0 && count($fb_sub_pages)) { $messages[] = sprintf(__('Warning: The Filebrowser page <b>%s</b> has at least one subpage <b>%s</b>. This will cause unexpected behavior, since all requests to the subpages are redirected to the File Browser Page. Please choose a Page that does not have any subpages for File Browser.', WPFB), get_the_title($post['file_browser_post_id']), get_the_title($fb_sub_pages[0]->ID)); } // save options foreach ($option_fields as $opt_tag => $opt_data) { $val = isset($post[$opt_tag]) ? $post[$opt_tag] : ''; $options[$opt_tag] = $val; } // make sure a short tag exists, if not append one $select_opts = array('languages', 'platforms', 'licenses', 'requirements', 'custom_fields'); foreach ($select_opts as $opt_tag) { if (empty($options[$opt_tag])) { $options[$opt_tag] = ''; continue; } $lines = explode("\n", $options[$opt_tag]); $lines2 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($lines); $i++) { $lines[$i] = str_replace('||', '|', trim($lines[$i], "|\r")); if (empty($lines[$i]) || $lines[$i] == '|') { continue; } $pos = strpos($lines[$i], '|'); if ($pos <= 0) { $lines[$i] .= '|' . sanitize_key(substr($lines[$i], 0, min(8, strlen($lines[$i])))); } $lines2[] = $lines[$i]; } $options[$opt_tag] = implode("\n", $lines2); } $old_options = get_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME); update_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME, $options); WPFB_Core::$settings = (object) $options; $messages = array_merge($messages, WPFB_Admin::SettingsUpdated($old_options, $options)); if (count($errors) == 0) { $messages[] = __('Settings updated.', WPFB); } //refresh any description which can contain opt values $option_fields = WPFB_Admin::SettingsSchema(); } if (WPFB_Core::$settings->allow_srv_script_upload) { $messages[] = __('WARNING: Script upload enabled!', WPFB); } $upload_path = WPFB_Core::$settings->upload_path; if (!empty($old_options) && path_is_absolute($upload_path) && !path_is_absolute($old_options['upload_path'])) { $rel_path = str_replace('\\', '/', $upload_path); $rel_path = substr($rel_path, strpos($rel_path, '/') + 1); $messages[] = __(sprintf('NOTICE: The upload path <code>%s</code> is rooted to the filesystem. You should remove the leading slash if you want to use a folder inside your Wordpress directory (i.e: <code>%s</code>)', $upload_path, $rel_path), WPFB); } $action_uri = admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&updated=true'; if (!empty($messages)) { $message = ''; foreach ($messages as $msg) { $message .= '<p>' . $msg . '</p>'; } ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"><?php echo $message; ?> </div> <?php } if (!empty($errors)) { $error = ''; foreach ($errors as $err) { $error .= '<p>' . $err . '</p>'; } ?> <div id="message" class="error fade"><?php echo $error; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Option tabs */ jQuery(document).ready( function() { try { jQuery('#wpfb-tabs').tabs(); } catch(ex) {} /*if(typeof(CKEDITOR) != 'undefined') { CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('wpfilebase', ajaxurl+'/../../wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/extras/ckeditor/'); alert( ajaxurl+'/../../wp-content/plugins/wp-filebase/extras/ckeditor/'); }*/ }); </script> <div class="wrap"> <div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"><br /></div> <h2><?php echo WPFB_PLUGIN_NAME; echo ' '; _e("Settings"); ?> </h2> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $action_uri; ?> " name="wpfilebase-options"> <?php wp_nonce_field('wpfb-update-settings', 'wpfb-nonce'); ?> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Save Changes'); ?> " class="button-primary" /> </p> <?php $misc_tags = array('disable_id3', 'search_id3', 'thumbnail_path', 'use_path_tags', 'no_name_formatting'); if (function_exists('wp_admin_bar_render')) { $misc_tags[] = 'admin_bar'; } $limits = array('bitrate_unregistered', 'bitrate_registered', 'traffic_day', 'traffic_month', 'traffic_exceeded_msg', 'file_offline_msg', 'daily_user_limits', 'daily_limit_subscriber', 'daily_limit_contributor', 'daily_limit_author', 'daily_limit_editor', 'daily_limit_exceeded_msg'); $option_categories = array(__('Common', WPFB) => array('upload_path', 'search_integration'), __('Display', WPFB) => array('file_date_format', 'thumbnail_size', 'auto_attach_files', 'attach_loop', 'attach_pos', 'filelist_sorting', 'filelist_sorting_dir', 'filelist_num', 'decimal_size_format', 'search_result_tpl', 'disable_css'), __('File Browser', WPFB) => array('file_browser_post_id', 'file_browser_cat_sort_by', 'file_browser_cat_sort_dir', 'file_browser_file_sort_by', 'file_browser_file_sort_dir', 'file_browser_fbc', 'late_script_loading', 'folder_icon', 'small_icon_size', 'disable_footer_credits', 'footer_credits_style'), __('Download', WPFB) => array('hide_links', 'disable_permalinks', 'download_base', 'force_download', 'range_download', 'http_nocache', 'ignore_admin_dls', 'accept_empty_referers', 'allowed_referers', 'use_fpassthru'), __('Form Presets', WPFB) => array('default_author', 'default_roles', 'default_cat', 'default_direct_linking', 'languages', 'platforms', 'licenses', 'requirements', 'custom_fields'), __('Limits', WPFB) => $limits, __('Security', WPFB) => array('allow_srv_script_upload', 'fext_blacklist', 'frontend_upload', 'hide_inaccessible', 'inaccessible_msg', 'inaccessible_redirect', 'cat_inaccessible_msg', 'login_redirect_src', 'protect_upload_path', 'private_files'), __('Templates and Scripts', WPFB) => array('template_file', 'template_cat', 'dlclick_js'), __('Sync', WPFB) => array('cron_sync', 'base_auto_thumb', 'remove_missing_files', 'fake_md5'), __('Misc') => $misc_tags); ?> <div id="wpfb-tabs"> <ul class="wpfb-tab-menu"> <?php foreach ($option_categories as $key => $val) { echo '<li><a href="#' . sanitize_title($key) . '">' . esc_html($key) . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> <?php $page_option_list = ''; $n = 0; foreach ($option_categories as $opt_cat => $opt_cat_fields) { //echo "\n".'<h3>'.$opt_cat.'</h3>'; echo "\n\n" . '<div id="' . sanitize_title($opt_cat) . '" class="wpfilebase-opttab"><h3>' . $opt_cat . '</h3><table class="form-table">'; foreach ($opt_cat_fields as $opt_tag) { $field_data = $option_fields[$opt_tag]; $opt_val = $options[$opt_tag]; echo "\n" . '<tr valign="top">' . "\n" . '<th scope="row">' . $field_data['title'] . '</th>' . "\n" . '<td>'; $style_class = ''; if (!empty($field_data['class'])) { $style_class .= ' class="' . $field_data['class'] . '"'; } if (!empty($field_data['style'])) { $style_class .= ' style="' . $field_data['style'] . '"'; } switch ($field_data['type']) { case 'text': case 'number': case 'checkbox': echo '<input name="' . $opt_tag . '" type="' . $field_data['type'] . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '"'; echo !empty($field_data['class']) ? ' class="' . $field_data['class'] . '"' : ''; if ($field_data['type'] == 'checkbox') { echo ' value="1" '; checked('1', $opt_val); } elseif ($field_data['type'] == 'number') { echo ' value="' . intval($opt_val) . '" size="5" style="text-align: right"'; } else { echo ' value="' . esc_attr($opt_val) . '"'; if (isset($field_data['size'])) { echo ' size="' . (int) $field_data['size'] . '"'; } } echo $style_class . ' />'; break; case 'textarea': $code_edit = strpos($opt_tag, 'template_') !== false || isset($field_data['class']) && strpos($field_data['class'], 'code') !== false; $nowrap = !empty($field_data['nowrap']); echo '<textarea name="' . $opt_tag . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '"'; if ($nowrap || $code_edit) { echo ' cols="100" wrap="off" style="width: 100%;' . ($code_edit ? 'font-size: 9px;' : '') . '"'; } else { echo ' cols="50"'; } echo ' rows="' . ($code_edit ? 20 : 5) . '"'; echo $style_class; echo '>'; echo esc_html($opt_val); echo '</textarea>'; break; case 'select': echo '<select name="' . $opt_tag . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '">'; foreach ($field_data['options'] as $opt_v => $opt_n) { echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($opt_v) . '"' . ($opt_v == $opt_val ? ' selected="selected" ' : '') . $style_class . '>' . (!is_numeric($opt_v) && $opt_v !== $opt_n ? esc_html($opt_v) . ': ' : '') . esc_html($opt_n) . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; break; case 'roles': WPFB_Admin::RolesCheckList($opt_tag, $opt_val, empty($field_data['not_everyone'])); break; case 'icon': wp_print_scripts('jquery-imagepicker'); wp_print_styles('jquery-imagepicker'); echo '<select class="image-picker show-html" name="' . $opt_tag . '" id="' . $opt_tag . '">'; ?> <?php foreach ($field_data['icons'] as $icon) { echo '<option data-img-src="' . $icon['url'] . '" value="' . $icon['path'] . '" ' . ($icon['path'] === $opt_val ? ' selected="selected" ' : '') . '>' . basename($icon['path']) . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready( function() { jQuery("#<?php echo $opt_tag; ?> ").imagepicker(); }); </script> <?php break; case 'cat': echo "<select name='{$opt_tag}' id='{$opt_tag}'>"; echo WPFB_Output::CatSelTree(array('selected' => $opt_val)); echo "</select>"; break; } if (!empty($field_data['unit'])) { echo ' ' . $field_data['unit']; } if (!empty($field_data['desc'])) { echo "\n" . '<br />' . str_replace('%value%', is_array($opt_val) ? join(', ', $opt_val) : $opt_val, $field_data['desc']); } echo "\n</td>\n</tr>"; $page_option_list .= $opt_tag . ','; } echo '</table></div>' . "\n"; } ?> </div> <!--wpfilebase-opttabs--> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" /> <input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="<?php echo $page_option_list; ?> " /> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php _e('Save Changes'); ?> " class="button-primary" /> <input type="submit" name="reset" value="<?php _e('Restore Default Settings', WPFB); ?> " onclick="return confirm('<?php _e('All settings (except default file and category template) will be set to default values. Continue?', WPFB); ?> ')" class="button delete" style="float: right;" /> </p> </form> </div> <!-- wrap --> <?php }
private static function CheckChangedVer() { $ver = wpfb_call('Core', 'GetOpt', 'version'); if ($ver != WPFB_VERSION) { wpfb_loadclass('Setup'); WPFB_Setup::OnActivateOrVerChange($ver); } }
static function PrintDebugTrace($tag = "") { if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) { wpfb_loadclass('Output'); $ms = self::GetMemStats(); echo "<!-- [{$tag}] (MEM: " . WPFB_Output::FormatFilesize($ms['used']) . " / {$ms['limit']}) BACKTRACE:\n"; echo esc_html(print_r(wp_debug_backtrace_summary(), true)); echo "\nEND -->"; self::UpdateMemBar(); } }
static function AdminDashboardSetup() { wpfb_loadclass('AdminDashboard'); WPFB_AdminDashboard::Setup(false); }
<?php // dont allow direct access and access from outside wp-admin context if (!defined('ABSPATH') || !is_admin()) { exit; } if (empty($_REQUEST['type']) || empty($_REQUEST['tag'])) { exit; } $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $tag = $_REQUEST['tag']; $list = $type == 'list'; wpfb_loadclass('Output', 'TplLib', 'ListTpl', 'AdminGuiTpls'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" <?php do_action('admin_xml_ns'); ?> <?php language_attributes(); ?> > <head> <title><?php _e('Posts'); ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?> ; charset=<?php
static function Display() { global $wpdb, $user_ID; wpfb_loadclass('File', 'Category', 'Admin', 'Output'); $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST); $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET); $action = !empty($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; $clean_uri = remove_query_arg(array('message', 'action', 'file_id', 'cat_id', 'deltpl', 'hash_sync')); // keep search keyword // nonce/referer check (security) if ($action == 'updatefile' || $action == 'addfile') { $nonce_action = WPFB . "-" . $action; if ($action == 'updatefile') { $nonce_action .= $_POST['file_id']; } if (!check_admin_referer($nonce_action, 'wpfb-file-nonce')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } } // switch simple/extended form if (isset($_GET['exform'])) { $exform = !empty($_GET['exform']) && $_GET['exform'] == 1; update_user_option($user_ID, WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_exform', $exform, true); } else { $exform = (bool) get_user_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_exform'); } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php switch ($action) { case 'editfile': if (!current_user_can('upload_files')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if (!empty($_POST['files'])) { if (!is_array($_POST['files'])) { $_POST['files'] = explode(',', $_POST['files']); } $files = array(); foreach ($_POST['files'] as $file_id) { $file = WPFB_File::GetFile($file_id); if (!is_null($file) && $file->CurUserCanEdit()) { $files[] = $file; } } if (count($files) > 0) { WPFB_Admin::PrintForm('file', $files, array('multi_edit' => true)); } else { wp_die('No files to edit.'); } } else { $file = WPFB_File::GetFile($_GET['file_id']); if (is_null($file) || !$file->CurUserCanEdit()) { wp_die(__('You do not have the permission to edit this file!', 'wp-filebase')); } WPFB_Admin::PrintForm('file', $file); } break; case 'updatefile': $file_id = (int) $_POST['file_id']; $update = true; $file = WPFB_File::GetFile($file_id); if (is_null($file) || !$file->CurUserCanEdit()) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } case 'addfile': $update = !empty($update); if (!WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload()) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } extract($_POST); if (isset($jj) && isset($ss)) { $jj = $jj > 31 ? 31 : $jj; $hh = $hh > 23 ? $hh - 24 : $hh; $mn = $mn > 59 ? $mn - 60 : $mn; $ss = $ss > 59 ? $ss - 60 : $ss; $_POST['file_date'] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $aa, $mm, $jj, $hh, $mn, $ss); } $result = WPFB_Admin::InsertFile(stripslashes_deep(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES)), true); if (isset($result['error']) && $result['error']) { $message = $result['error'] . '<br /><a href="javascript:history.back()">' . __("Go back") . '</a>'; } else { $message = $update ? __('File updated.', 'wp-filebase') : __('File added.', 'wp-filebase'); } default: if (!current_user_can('upload_files')) { wp_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['redirect']) && !empty($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) { WPFB_AdminLite::JsRedirect($_REQUEST['redirect_to']); exit; } if (!empty($_POST['deleteit'])) { foreach ((array) $_POST['delete'] as $file_id) { if (is_object($file = WPFB_File::GetFile($file_id)) && $file->CurUserCanDelete()) { $file->Remove(true); } } WPFB_File::UpdateTags(); } ?> <h2><?php echo str_replace(array('(<', '>)'), array('<', '>'), sprintf(__('Manage Files (<a href="%s">add new</a>)', 'wp-filebase'), '#addfile" class="add-new-h2')); echo '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=wpfilebase_manage&action=batch-upload') . '" class="add-new-h2">' . __('Batch Upload', 'wp-filebase') . '</a>'; if (isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s']) { printf('<span class="subtitle">' . __('Search results for “%s”') . '</span>', esc_html(stripslashes($_GET['s']))); } ?> </h2> <?php if (!empty($message)) { ?> <div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><?php echo $message; ?> </p></div><?php } if (WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload() && ($action == 'addfile' || $action == 'updatefile')) { unset($file); WPFB_Admin::PrintForm('file', null, array('exform' => $exform, 'item' => new WPFB_File(isset($result['error']) && $result['error'] ? $_POST : null))); } wpfb_loadclass('FileListTable'); $file_table = new WPFB_FileListTable(); $file_table->prepare_items(); ?> <form class="search-form topmargin" action="" method="get"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo esc_attr($_GET['page']); ?> " name="page" /> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo empty($_GET['view']) ? '' : esc_attr(@$_GET['view']); ?> " name="view" /> <?php $file_table->search_box(__('Search Files', 'wp-filebase'), 's'); ?> </form> <?php $file_table->views(); ?> <form id="posts-filter" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['page']; ?> " /> <?php $file_table->display(); ?> </form> <br class="clear" /> <?php if ($action != 'addfile' && $action != 'updatefile' && WPFB_Core::CurUserCanUpload()) { unset($file); WPFB_Admin::PrintForm('file', null, array('exform' => $exform)); } break; // default } /* $file_list_table = new WPFB_File_List_Table(); $pagenum = $file_list_table->get_pagenum(); $doaction = $file_list_table->current_action(); $file_list_table->prepare_items(); $file_list_table->views(); $file_list_table->search_box( "asdf", 'post' ); $file_list_table->display(); */ ?> </div> <!-- wrap --> <?php }
} } wpfb_print_json($props); exit; case 'new-cat': if (!WPFB_Core::CurUserCanCreateCat()) { die('-1'); } wpfb_loadclass('Admin'); $result = WPFB_Admin::InsertCategory($_POST); if (isset($result['error']) && $result['error']) { wpfb_print_json(array('error' => $result['error'])); exit; } $cat = $result['cat']; $args = WPFB_Output::fileBrowserArgs($_POST['args']); $filesel = $args['type'] === 'fileselect'; $catsel = $args['type'] === 'catselect'; wpfb_print_json(array('error' => 0, 'id' => $cat->GetId(), 'name' => $cat->GetTitle(), 'id_str' => $args['idp'] . 'cat-' . $cat->cat_id, 'url' => $cat->GetUrl(), 'text' => WPFB_Output::fileBrowserCatItemText($catsel, $filesel, $cat, $args['onselect'], empty($_REQUEST['is_admin']) ? 'filebrowser' : 'filebrowser_admin'), 'classes' => $filesel || $catsel ? 'folder' : null)); exit; case 'change-category': wpfb_loadclass('File', 'Admin'); $item = WPFB_Item::GetById($_POST['id'], $_POST['type']); if ($item && $item->CurUserCanEdit()) { $res = $item->ChangeCategoryOrName($_POST['new_cat_id']); wpfb_print_json($res); } else { die('-1'); } exit; }