function recomplete() { $details = $this->db->where('unique_id', $this->input->post("merchant_param1"))->get("tbl_registration_student")->row(); $this->load->helper("email"); welcome_email($details->email, $details->user_id, $details->activation_link); $da["msg"] = '<div class="alert alert-success form-error" style="width:100%;">Your Registration is complete now. You can Login after Payment Done.</div>'; $this->load->view("registration_student", $da); }
function signup() { $error = array(); $type = $_POST["type"]; $class = ""; $key = 0; if ($type == "student") { $first_name = $_POST["first_name"]; if (trim($first_name) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "first_name"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "First Name can not be blank."; $key++; } $last_name = $_POST["last_name"]; if (trim($last_name) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "last_name"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Last Name can not be blank."; $key++; } $email = $_POST["email"]; if (trim($email) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "email"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Email can not be blank."; $key++; } if (trim($email) != "") { if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "email"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Email is not validated."; $key++; } elseif ($this->db->get_where('tbl_registration_student', array('email' => $email))->num_rows() > 0) { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "email"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Email Already Exists."; $key++; } } $phone = $_POST["phone"]; if (trim($phone) == "") { $error['error'][$key]["type"] = "phone"; $error['error'][$key]["msg"] = "Phone No. Can not be blank"; $key++; } if (trim($phone) != "") { if (!ctype_digit($phone) or strlen($phone) != 10) { $error['error'][$key]["type"] = "phone"; $error['error'][$key]["msg"] = "Phone No. is Not Validated And Enter 10 digits only"; $key++; } } $password = $_POST["password"]; if (trim($password) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "password"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Password can not be blank."; $key++; } $password_match = $_POST["password_match"]; if (trim($password_match) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "password_match"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Confirm Password can not be blank."; $key++; } if (trim($password_match) != "") { if ($password != $password_match) { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "password_match"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Password and COnfirm Password are not same."; $key++; } } $board = $_POST["course_board"]; if (trim($board) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "course_board"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Board can not be blank."; $key++; } $class = $_POST["course_class"]; if (trim($class) == "") { $error["error"][$key]["type"] = "course_class"; $error["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Class can not be blank."; $key++; } } if ($key == 0) { $section_count = $this->db->get_where("tbl_registration_student", array("class" => $class, "board" => $board))->num_rows(); $max_allowed = $this->db->get_where("tbl_class", array("class_id" => $class, "board_id" => $board))->row()->max_section_members; $error_int = intval($section_count / $max_allowed); $section = chr($error_int + 65); $data = array(); $data["email"] = trim($email); $data["first_name"] = trim($first_name); $data["last_name"] = trim($last_name); $data["name"] = trim($first_name) . " " . trim($last_name); $data["password"] = md5(trim($password)); $data["phone_no"] = $phone; $data["board"] = $board; $data["class"] = $class; $data["section"] = $section; $data["online"] = 0; $data["activation_status"] = 0; $this->db->insert("tbl_registration_student", $data); $insert_id = $this->db->insert_id(); $activation_code = md5($insert_id . time()); $this->db->where("user_id", $insert_id)->update("tbl_registration_student", array('activation_link' => $activation_code)); $this->load->helper("email"); welcome_email($email, $insert_id, $activation_code); $error["success"] = 1; $error["success_message"] = "Varify Your Email first. Your registration is completed."; } else { $error["success"] = 0; } return $error; }