if ($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody") { printUsage(); } else { buttons(); } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><strong><?php print T_("Antonym:"); ?> </strong></td> <td> <?php $antonym_array = getAntonym($db, uservar('wmid')); $antonym_word = ""; if (is_array($antonym_array)) { list($antonym_mid, $antonym_word, $antonym_wmid) = $antonym_array; } if (isset($_POST['antonym']) && $antonym_word == "") { $antonym_word = escape($_POST['antonym']); } if ($disambiguate != "") { print "<span class=\"error\">" . T_("Please disambiguate your input:") . "</span><br /><br />"; print $disambiguate; } else { if ($antonym_word != "") { if ($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody") { print $antonym_word . ", "; } else {
</form> <?php include "../include/baseforms.php"; ?> <?php include "../include/levenshtein.php"; ?> <?php include "../include/substring_matches.php"; ?> <?php if (uservar('word') && trim(uservar('word')) != "") { ?> <p><a href="add.php?word=<?php print urlencode($_GET['word']); ?> "><?php print sprintf(_("Add '%s' and synonyms to the thesaurus"), escape($_GET['word'])); ?> </a></p> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.f.word.focus();
$cancel_login = 1; page_open(array("sess" => "Thesaurus_Session", "auth" => "Thesaurus_Default_Auth")); include "../include/tool.php"; $db = new DB_Thesaurus(); $word = $_GET['word']; $title = sprintf(_("Matches for '%s'"), escape($word)); $stop_robots = 1; include "../include/top.php"; ?> <?php include "../include/synsets.php"; ?> <?php if (uservar('word')) { $i = 0; foreach ($word_ids as $word_id) { ?> <a href="add.php?id=<?php print $word_id; ?> "><?php print sprintf(_("Add another meaning of '%s' to the thesaurus"), escape($words[$i])); ?> </a><br /> <?php $i++; } if (!in_array($word, $words)) { ?>
<?php include "../../include/phplib/prepend.php3"; page_open(array("sess" => "Thesaurus_Session", "auth" => "Thesaurus_Auth")); include "../../include/tool.php"; $db = new DB_Thesaurus(); if ($auth->auth['uname'] != 'admin') { print "Access denied."; return; } if (!uservar('id')) { print "Error: no meaning_id"; return; } ### Remove (=hide) the synset: $query = sprintf("UPDATE meanings\n\tSET hidden = 1\n\tWHERE id = %d", uservar('id')); $db->query($query); header("HTTP/1.0 204 No Content");
$db->next_record(); ?> <td valign="top"> <?php print $db->f('word'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="word" value="<?php print $db->f('word'); ?> "> </td> <?php } else { ?> <td valign="top"><input size="25" maxlength="50" type="text" name="word" value="<?php print escape(uservar('word')); ?> " /></td> <td valign="top"> <?php if (!getvar('id')) { ?> <?php print _("A new synset -- i.e. a new meaning -- will be started with this word."); ?> <?php } ?> </td> <?php }
return; } } function generatePassword($length) { // generate a random password: list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); mt_srand((double) $sec + (double) $usec * 100000); $possible_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $string = ""; while (strlen($string) < $length) { $string .= substr($possible_characters, mt_rand(0, 62) % strlen($possible_characters), 1); } return $string; } $title = T_("Register"); include "include/top.php"; ?> <p><?php print sprintf(T_("Thanks for registering. The password will be sent to <span class='inp'>%s</span>."), escape(uservar('email'))); ?> </p> <p><a href="./"><?php print T_("Back to homepage"); ?> </a></p> <?php include "include/bottom.php";
$page = "get_delete_comment"; $title = _("Comment on the deletion"); include "../include/top.php"; ?> <form action="do_save.php" method="post" name="commentform"> <input type="hidden" name="do_remove" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="meaning_id" value="<?php print intval(uservar('meaning_id')); ?> " /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><?php print sprintf(_("Please add a short comment that explains why the synset <span class='inp'>%s</span> can be deleted:"), join(', ', getSynset(uservar('meaning_id')))); ?> </td> </tr> <tr><td> </td></tr> <tr> <td><?php print _("Short comment:"); ?> </td> <td><input size="50" type="text" name="comment" value="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td align="right"><?php print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Send") . "\" />";
$synset = getSynsetWithUsage($db->f('meaning_id'), 1); $subject = getSubject($db->f('meaning_id')); $subject_str = ""; if ($subject != "") { $subject_str = "[" . $subject . "]"; } $synset_str = join(', ', $synset); $word_regexp = preg_quote($word, '/'); # \b doesn't react on German special characters etc. so we use # "[\s,!?.]" as a workaround - we first needs to add whitespace # because the workaround wouldn't match start and end: $synset_str = " " . $synset_str . " "; $synset_str = preg_replace("/([\\s,!?.])({$word_regexp})([\\s,!?.])/i", "\$1<strong>\$2</strong>\$3", $synset_str); $synset_str = trim($synset_str); $url_suffix = ""; if (uservar('mode') == 'wordrandom') { $url_suffix = "&mode=wordrandom"; } $accesskey = ""; $synmatches++; if ($synmatches < 10) { $accesskey = "accesskey=\"{$synmatches}\""; } ?> <li class="synsetlist"><a <?php print $accesskey; ?> href="synset.php?id=<?php print $db->f('meaning_id'); print $url_suffix; ?>
$query = sprintf("SELECT word FROM words WHERE id = %d", $id); $db->query($query); $db->next_record(); doLog(unescape($db->f('word')), uservar('meaning_id'), REMOVE_SYNONYM); $query = sprintf("DELETE FROM word_meanings\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tword_id = %d AND\n\t\t\tmeaning_id = %d", $id, uservar('meaning_id')); $db->query($query); } if (uservar('do_remove') == 1) { $title = T_("Synset removed"); include "include/top.php"; ?> <p><?php print sprintf(T_("The synset <span class='inp'>%s</span> has been deleted."), join(', ', getSynset(uservar('meaning_id')))); ?> </p> <p><a href="./"><?php print T_("Return to homepage"); ?> </a></p> <?php include "include/bottom.php"; page_close(); return; } else { // time() tries to force reload: $url = sprintf("synset.php?id=%d&changed=1&oldmode=%s&rand=%d", intval(uservar('meaning_id')), uservar('mode'), time()); header("Location: " . $url); } page_close();
print _("Subject:"); ?> </strong></td> <td> <?php popdownlist(); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><?php print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _("Modify") . "\" />"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <p><a href="synset.php?id=<?php print escape(uservar('mid')); ?> "><?php print _("Back to synset"); ?> </a></p> <?php include "../include/bottom.php"; page_close();
return; } # need this so mysql_real_escape_string() in tool.php won't fail $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error()); $query = sprintf("SELECT password FROM auth_user WHERE username = '******'", myaddslashes(uservar('email'))); $db->query($query); if ($db->nf() == 0) { print "Error: user not found"; return; } $db->next_record(); $pwd = $db->f('password'); $to = uservar('email'); $from = "dontreply@" . DOMAIN; $subject = T_("Password Reminder"); $message = "\n" . sprintf(T_("Password reminder for %s"), HOMEPAGE) . "\n\n" . _("Username: "******"\n" . _("Password: "******"{$pwd}\n"; $ret = mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: {$from}"); if (!$ret) { print "Error: could not send mail"; return; } $title = T_("Sending Password Reminder"); include "include/top.php"; ?> <p><?php print T_("A password reminder will soon be sent to your email address."); ?> </p> <p><a href="./"><?php
print "<ul class=\"compact\">"; $substr_matches = 0; if (sizeof($results) > 0) { $i = 0; $more_matches = 0; foreach ($results as $word) { if ($i >= $limit - 1) { $more_matches = 1; break; } $i++; $w = uservar('word'); if (strtolower($w) == strtolower($word)) { continue; } $w_regex = preg_quote(uservar('word'), '/'); $w = preg_replace("/({$w_regex})/i", "<strong>\$1</strong>", $word); $substr_matches++; ?> <li><a href="<?php print DEFAULT_SEARCH; ?> ?word=<?php print urlencode($word); ?> "><?php print $w; ?> </a></li> <?php }
$query = sprintf("SELECT words.id AS id, word_meanings.id AS wmid, word, meaning_id, word_meanings.use_id, uses.name FROM words, word_meanings LEFT JOIN uses ON (uses.id=word_meanings.use_id) WHERE word_meanings.meaning_id = %d AND words.id = word_meanings.word_id ORDER BY meaning_id, word", $meaning_id); $db->query($query); include("include/top.php"); ?> <?php if( uservar('changed') == 1 ) { ?> <p class="okay"><?php print T_("Modification saved.") ?></p> <?php } else if( uservar('changed') == 2 ) { ?> <p class="okay"><?php print T_("Synset successfully created.") ?></p> <?php } ?> <?php if( isset($auth) && array_key_exists('uname', $auth->auth) ) { ?> <a href="synset_detail.php?mid=<?php print $meaning_id ?>"><?php print T_("Details") ?></a> <?php } ?> <form action="do_save.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="meaning_id" value="<?php print $meaning_id ?>" /> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <?php $i = 0; $color_ct = 0;
<?php include "include/phplib/prepend.php3"; include "include/tool.php"; $title = T_("Password Reminder"); include "include/top.php"; ?> <p><?php print sprintf(T_("Send password to '%s'?"), escape(uservar('email'))); ?> </p> <form action="do_remind.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php print escape(uservar('email')); ?> " /> <?php print "<input type=\"submit\" value =\"" . T_("Send password") . "\" />"; ?> </form> <?php include "include/bottom.php";
</tr> </table> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="compact"> <tr> <td class="compact" width="35%" valign="top"> <?php if ($queryterm != "") { include "../include/external_searches.php"; } ?> </td> <td> </td> <td class="compact" width="65%" valign="top"> <?php if (uservar('word') && $queryterm != "") { ?> <p class="compact"><strong>Aktionen:</strong></p> <ul class="compact"> <li><a href="add.php?word=<?php print urlencode($_GET['word']); ?> "><?php print sprintf(_("Add '%s' and synonyms to OpenThesaurus"), escape($_GET['word'])); ?> </a></li> </ul> <?php } ?> </td>