function display($data)
     echo '<fieldset><legend style="font-size:1.2em;">Choose the template of the project</legend>';
     include $GLOBALS['Language']->getContent('project/template');
     $rows = db_numrows($this->db_templates);
     if ($rows > 0) {
         //echo '<h3>From templates</h3><blockquote>';
         $GLOBALS['HTML']->box1_top($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_template', 'choose'));
         print '
       <TABLE width="100%">';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
             $this->_displayProject(db_result($this->db_templates, $i, 'group_id'), db_result($this->db_templates, $i, 'group_name'), db_result($this->db_templates, $i, 'register_time'), db_result($this->db_templates, $i, 'unix_group_name'), db_result($this->db_templates, $i, 'short_description'));
         print '</TABLE>';
         //echo '</blockquote>';
     //{{{ Projects where current user is admin
     $result = db_query("SELECT groups.group_name AS group_name, " . "groups.group_id AS group_id, " . "groups.unix_group_name AS unix_group_name, " . "groups.register_time AS register_time, " . "groups.short_description AS short_description " . "FROM groups, user_group " . "WHERE groups.group_id = user_group.group_id " . "AND user_group.user_id = '" . user_getid() . "' " . "AND user_group.admin_flags = 'A' " . "AND groups.status='A' ORDER BY group_name");
     echo db_error($result);
     $rows = db_numrows($result);
     if ($result && $rows) {
         include $GLOBALS['Language']->getContent('project/template_my');
         echo '<br />';
         $GLOBALS['HTML']->box1_top($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('register_template', 'choose_admin'));
         print '<TABLE width="100%">';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
             $this->_displayProject(db_result($result, $i, 'group_id'), db_result($result, $i, 'group_name'), db_result($result, $i, 'register_time'), db_result($result, $i, 'unix_group_name'), db_result($result, $i, 'short_description'));
         print '</TABLE>';
     echo '</fieldset>';
 function Widget_MySurveys()
     $no_survey = true;
     // Get id and title of the survey that will be promoted to user page. default = survey whose id=1
     if ($GLOBALS['sys_my_page_survey']) {
         $developer_survey_id = $GLOBALS['sys_my_page_survey'];
     } else {
         $developer_survey_id = "1";
     $survey = SurveySingleton::instance();
     $sql = "SELECT * from surveys WHERE survey_id=" . db_ei($developer_survey_id);
     $result = db_query($sql);
     $group_id = db_result($result, 0, 'group_id');
     $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $survey_title = $purifier->purify($survey->getSurveyTitle(db_result($result, 0, 'survey_title')));
     // Check that the survey is active
     $devsurvey_is_active = db_result($result, 0, 'is_active');
     if ($devsurvey_is_active == 1) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM survey_responses " . "WHERE survey_id='" . db_ei($developer_survey_id) . "' AND user_id='" . db_ei(user_getid()) . "'";
         $result = db_query($sql);
         if (db_numrows($result) < 1) {
             $no_survey = false;
             $this->content .= '<a href="/survey/survey.php?group_id=' . $group_id . '&survey_id=' . $developer_survey_id . '">' . $survey_title . '</a>';
     if ($no_survey) {
         $this->content .= $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'no_survey');
Beispiel #3
function session_require($req)
    global $Language;
    	Codendi admins always return true
    if (user_is_super_user()) {
        return true;
    if (isset($req['group']) && $req['group']) {
        $query = "SELECT user_id FROM user_group WHERE user_id=" . user_getid() . " AND group_id=" . db_ei($req['group']);
        if (isset($req['admin_flags']) && $req['admin_flags']) {
            $query .= " AND admin_flags = '" . db_escape_string($req['admin_flags']) . "'";
        if (db_numrows(db_query($query)) < 1 || !$req['group']) {
            exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'insufficient_g_access'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'no_perm_to_view'));
    } elseif (isset($req['user']) && $req['user']) {
        if (user_getid() != $req['user']) {
            exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'insufficient_u_access'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'no_perm_to_view'));
    } elseif (isset($req['isloggedin']) && $req['isloggedin']) {
        if (!user_isloggedin()) {
            exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'required_login'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'login'));
    } else {
        exit_error($Language->getText('include_session', 'insufficient_access'), $Language->getText('include_session', 'no_access'));
 function getContent()
     $html_my_bookmarks = '';
     $result = db_query("SELECT bookmark_url, bookmark_title, bookmark_id from user_bookmarks where " . "user_id='" . user_getid() . "' ORDER BY bookmark_title");
     $rows = db_numrows($result);
     if (!$result || $rows < 1) {
         $html_my_bookmarks .= $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'no_bookmark');
         $html_my_bookmarks .= db_error();
     } else {
         $purifier = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
         $html_my_bookmarks .= '<table style="width:100%">';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++) {
             $bookmark_url = $purifier->purify(db_result($result, $i, 'bookmark_url'), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML);
             if (my_has_URL_invalid_content($bookmark_url)) {
                 $bookmark_url = '';
             $bookmark_title = $purifier->purify(db_result($result, $i, 'bookmark_title'), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML);
             $html_my_bookmarks .= '<TR class="' . util_get_alt_row_color($i) . '"><TD>';
             $html_my_bookmarks .= '<A HREF="' . $bookmark_url . '">' . $bookmark_title . '</A> ';
             $html_my_bookmarks .= '<small><A HREF="/my/bookmark_edit.php?bookmark_id=' . db_result($result, $i, 'bookmark_id') . '">[' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'edit_link') . ']</A></SMALL></TD>';
             $html_my_bookmarks .= '<td style="text-align:right"><A HREF="/my/bookmark_delete.php?bookmark_id=' . db_result($result, $i, 'bookmark_id') . '">';
             $html_my_bookmarks .= '<IMG SRC="' . util_get_image_theme("ic/trash.png") . '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="16" BORDER="0" ALT="DELETE"></A></td></tr>';
         $html_my_bookmarks .= '</table>';
     $html_my_bookmarks .= '<div style="text-align:center; font-size:0.8em;"><a href="/my/bookmark_add.php">[' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'add_bookmark') . ']</a></div>';
     return $html_my_bookmarks;
Beispiel #5
function register_valid()
    if (!$GLOBALS["Update"]) {
        return 0;
    // check against old pw
    $res = db_query("SELECT user_pw, status FROM users WHERE user_id=" . user_getid());
    $row_pw = db_fetch_array($res);
    if ($row_pw[user_pw] != md5($GLOBALS[form_oldpw])) {
        $GLOBALS[register_error] = "Old password is incorrect.";
        return 0;
    if ($row_pw[status] != 'A') {
        $GLOBALS[register_error] = "Account must be active to change password.";
        return 0;
    if (!$GLOBALS[form_pw]) {
        $GLOBALS[register_error] = "You must supply a password.";
        return 0;
    if ($GLOBALS[form_pw] != $GLOBALS[form_pw2]) {
        $GLOBALS[register_error] = "Passwords do not match.";
        return 0;
    if (!account_pwvalid($GLOBALS[form_pw])) {
        return 0;
    // if we got this far, it must be good
    $user =& user_get_object(user_getid());
    if (!$user->setPasswd($GLOBALS['form_pw'])) {
        $GLOBALS['register_error'] = $user->getErrorMessage();
        return 0;
    return 1;
  * getPublicArea
  * Return the link which will be displayed in public area in summary page
 function getPublicArea()
     $html = '';
     $html .= '<p><a href="/file/showfiles.php?group_id=' . $this->getGroupId() . '">';
     $html .= $GLOBALS['Response']->getImage("ic/file.png", array('width' => '20', 'height' => '20', 'alt' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'files')));
     $html .= ' ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'file_releases') . '</a>';
     $html .= ' ( ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'packages', count($this->_getPackagesForUser(user_getid()))) . ' )';
     $html .= '</p>';
     return $html;
 function getContent()
     $html_my_monitored_forums = '';
     $sql = "SELECT groups.group_id, groups.group_name " . "FROM groups,forum_group_list,forum_monitored_forums " . "WHERE groups.group_id=forum_group_list.group_id " . "AND groups.status = 'A' " . "AND forum_group_list.is_public <> 9 " . "AND forum_group_list.group_forum_id=forum_monitored_forums.forum_id " . "AND forum_monitored_forums.user_id='" . user_getid() . "' ";
     $um =& UserManager::instance();
     $current_user =& $um->getCurrentUser();
     if ($current_user->isRestricted()) {
         $projects = $current_user->getProjects();
         $sql .= "AND groups.group_id IN (" . implode(',', $projects) . ") ";
     $sql .= "GROUP BY group_id ORDER BY group_id ASC LIMIT 100";
     $result = db_query($sql);
     $rows = db_numrows($result);
     if (!$result || $rows < 1) {
         $html_my_monitored_forums .= $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'my_forums_msg');
     } else {
         $request =& HTTPRequest::instance();
         $html_my_monitored_forums .= '<table style="width:100%">';
         for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; $j++) {
             $group_id = db_result($result, $j, 'group_id');
             $sql2 = "SELECT forum_group_list.group_forum_id,forum_group_list.forum_name " . "FROM groups,forum_group_list,forum_monitored_forums " . "WHERE groups.group_id=forum_group_list.group_id " . "AND groups.group_id={$group_id} " . "AND forum_group_list.is_public <> 9 " . "AND forum_group_list.group_forum_id=forum_monitored_forums.forum_id " . "AND forum_monitored_forums.user_id='" . user_getid() . "' LIMIT 100";
             $result2 = db_query($sql2);
             $rows2 = db_numrows($result2);
             $vItemId = new Valid_UInt('hide_item_id');
             if ($request->valid($vItemId)) {
                 $hide_item_id = $request->get('hide_item_id');
             } else {
                 $hide_item_id = null;
             $vForum = new Valid_WhiteList('hide_forum', array(0, 1));
             if ($request->valid($vForum)) {
                 $hide_forum = $request->get('hide_forum');
             } else {
                 $hide_forum = null;
             list($hide_now, $count_diff, $hide_url) = my_hide_url('forum', $group_id, $hide_item_id, $rows2, $hide_forum);
             $html_hdr = ($j ? '<tr class="boxitem"><td colspan="2">' : '') . $hide_url . '<A HREF="/forum/?group_id=' . $group_id . '">' . db_result($result, $j, 'group_name') . '</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
             $html = '';
             $count_new = max(0, $count_diff);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $rows2; $i++) {
                 if (!$hide_now) {
                     $group_forum_id = db_result($result2, $i, 'group_forum_id');
                     $html .= '
                 <TR class="' . util_get_alt_row_color($i) . '"><TD WIDTH="99%">' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;<A HREF="/forum/forum.php?forum_id=' . $group_forum_id . '">' . stripslashes(db_result($result2, $i, 'forum_name')) . '</A></TD>' . '<TD ALIGN="center"><A HREF="/my/stop_monitor.php?forum_id=' . $group_forum_id . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'stop_forum') . '\')">' . '<IMG SRC="' . util_get_image_theme("ic/trash.png") . '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="16" ' . 'BORDER=0 ALT="' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'stop_monitor') . '"></A></TD></TR>';
             $html_hdr .= my_item_count($rows2, $count_new) . '</td></tr>';
             $html_my_monitored_forums .= $html_hdr . $html;
         $html_my_monitored_forums .= '</table>';
     return $html_my_monitored_forums;
 function getContent()
     $frsrf = new FRSReleaseFactory();
     $html_my_monitored_fp = '';
     $sql = "SELECT groups.group_name,groups.group_id " . "FROM groups,filemodule_monitor,frs_package " . "WHERE groups.group_id=frs_package.group_id " . "AND frs_package.status_id !=" . $frsrf->STATUS_DELETED . " " . "AND frs_package.package_id=filemodule_monitor.filemodule_id " . "AND filemodule_monitor.user_id='" . user_getid() . "' ";
     $um =& UserManager::instance();
     $current_user =& $um->getCurrentUser();
     if ($current_user->isRestricted()) {
         $projects = $current_user->getProjects();
         $sql .= "AND groups.group_id IN (" . implode(',', $projects) . ") ";
     $sql .= "GROUP BY group_id ORDER BY group_id ASC LIMIT 100";
     $result = db_query($sql);
     $rows = db_numrows($result);
     if (!$result || $rows < 1) {
         $html_my_monitored_fp .= $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'my_files_msg');
     } else {
         $html_my_monitored_fp .= '<table style="width:100%">';
         $request =& HTTPRequest::instance();
         for ($j = 0; $j < $rows; $j++) {
             $group_id = db_result($result, $j, 'group_id');
             $sql2 = "SELECT,filemodule_monitor.filemodule_id " . "FROM groups,filemodule_monitor,frs_package " . "WHERE groups.group_id=frs_package.group_id " . "AND groups.group_id={$group_id} " . "AND frs_package.status_id !=" . $frsrf->STATUS_DELETED . " " . "AND frs_package.package_id=filemodule_monitor.filemodule_id " . "AND filemodule_monitor.user_id='" . user_getid() . "'  LIMIT 100";
             $result2 = db_query($sql2);
             $rows2 = db_numrows($result2);
             $vItemId = new Valid_UInt('hide_item_id');
             if ($request->valid($vItemId)) {
                 $hide_item_id = $request->get('hide_item_id');
             } else {
                 $hide_item_id = null;
             $vFrs = new Valid_WhiteList('hide_frs', array(0, 1));
             if ($request->valid($vFrs)) {
                 $hide_frs = $request->get('hide_frs');
             } else {
                 $hide_frs = null;
             list($hide_now, $count_diff, $hide_url) = my_hide_url('frs', $group_id, $hide_item_id, $rows2, $hide_frs);
             $html_hdr = ($j ? '<tr class="boxitem"><td colspan="2">' : '') . $hide_url . '<A HREF="/project/?group_id=' . $group_id . '">' . db_result($result, $j, 'group_name') . '</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
             $html = '';
             $count_new = max(0, $count_diff);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $rows2; $i++) {
                 if (!$hide_now) {
                     $html .= '
                     <TR class="' . util_get_alt_row_color($i) . '">' . '<TD WIDTH="99%">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;<A HREF="/file/showfiles.php?group_id=' . $group_id . '">' . db_result($result2, $i, 'name') . '</A></TD>' . '<TD><A HREF="/file/filemodule_monitor.php?filemodule_id=' . db_result($result2, $i, 'filemodule_id') . '&group_id=' . $group_id . '" onClick="return confirm(\'' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'stop_file') . '\')">' . '<IMG SRC="' . util_get_image_theme("ic/trash.png") . '" HEIGHT="16" WIDTH="16" ' . 'BORDER=0" ALT="' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('my_index', 'stop_monitor') . '"></A></TD></TR>';
             $html_hdr .= my_item_count($rows2, $count_new) . '</td></tr>';
             $html_my_monitored_fp .= $html_hdr . $html;
         $html_my_monitored_fp .= '</table>';
     return $html_my_monitored_fp;
  * $params['isScript']
  * $params['groupId']
  * $params['time']
 function logUser($params)
     if (!$params['isScript']) {
         $uid = 0;
         $uid = user_getid();
         $request = HTTPRequest::instance();
         $cookie_manager = new CookieManager();
         $userLogManager = new UserLogManager();
         $userLogManager->logAccess($params['time'], $params['groupId'], $uid, $cookie_manager->getCookie('session_hash'), $request->getFromServer('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), $request->getFromServer('REQUEST_METHOD'), $request->getFromServer('REQUEST_URI'), HTTPRequest::instance()->getIPAddress(), $request->getFromServer('HTTP_REFERER'));
function register_valid()
    if (!$GLOBALS["Update"]) {
        return 0;
    $GLOBALS[form_authorized_keys] = trim($GLOBALS[form_authorized_keys]);
    $GLOBALS[form_authorized_keys] = ereg_replace("(\r\n)|(\n)", "###", $GLOBALS[form_authorized_keys]);
    // if we got this far, it must be good
    db_query("UPDATE users SET authorized_keys='{$GLOBALS['form_authorized_keys']}' WHERE user_id=" . user_getid());
    return 1;
Beispiel #11
  * getSummaryPageContent
  * Return the text to display on the summary page
  * @return arr[title], arr[content]
 function getSummaryPageContent()
     $hp = Codendi_HTMLPurifier::instance();
     $ret = array('title' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'latest_file_releases'), 'content' => '');
     $packages = $this->_getPackagesForUser(user_getid());
     if (count($packages)) {
         $ret['content'] .= '
             <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="0">
                 <tr class="boxitem">
                         ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'package') . '
                         ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'version') . '
                         ' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'download') . '
         require_once 'FileModuleMonitorFactory.class.php';
         $fmmf = new FileModuleMonitorFactory();
         foreach ($packages as $package) {
             // the icon is different whether the package is monitored or not
             if ($fmmf->isMonitoring($package['package_id'])) {
                 $monitor_img = $GLOBALS['HTML']->getImage("ic/notification_stop.png", array('alt' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'stop_monitoring'), 'title' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'stop_monitoring')));
             } else {
                 $monitor_img = $GLOBALS['HTML']->getImage("ic/notification_start.png", array('alt' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'start_monitoring'), 'title' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'start_monitoring')));
             $ret['content'] .= '
               <TR class="boxitem">
                 <B>' . $hp->purify(util_unconvert_htmlspecialchars($package['package_name']), CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '</B>&nbsp;
                 <a HREF="/file/filemodule_monitor.php?filemodule_id=' . $package['package_id'] . '">' . $monitor_img . '     
             // Releases to display
             $ret['content'] .= '<TD>' . $hp->purify($package['release_name'], CODENDI_PURIFIER_CONVERT_HTML) . '&nbsp;<A href="/file/shownotes.php?group_id=' . $this->getGroupId() . '&release_id=' . $package['release_id'] . '">' . $GLOBALS['HTML']->getImage("ic/text.png", array('alt' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'release_notes'), 'title' => $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'release_notes'))) . ' 
               <TD><A HREF="/file/showfiles.php?group_id=' . $this->getGroupId() . '&release_id=' . $package['release_id'] . '">' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'download') . '</A></TD></TR>';
         $ret['content'] .= '</table>';
     } else {
         $ret['content'] .= '<b>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'no_files_released') . '</b>';
     $ret['content'] .= '
         <div align="center">
             <a href="/file/showfiles.php?group_id=' . $this->getGroupId() . '">[' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('include_project_home', 'view_all_files') . ']</A>
     return $ret;
Beispiel #12
 function User_nforge($id = '')
     if ($id) {
         $u =& user_get_object_by_name($id);
     } else {
         $u =& user_get_object(user_getid());
         if ($u and is_object($u) and !$u->isError()) {
             global $DBInfo;
             $id = $u->getUnixName();
         if (!empty($id)) {
             $udb = new UserDB($DBInfo);
             $tmp = $udb->getUser($id);
             // get timezone and make timezone offset
             $tz_offset = date('Z');
             $update = 0;
             if ($tz_offset != $tmp->info['tz_offset']) {
                 $update = 1;
             if (!empty($DBInfo->use_homepage_url) and empty($tmp->info['home']) or $update or empty($tmp->info['nick']) or $tmp->info['nick'] != $u->data_array['realname']) {
                 // register user
                 $tmp->info['tz_offset'] = $tz_offset;
                 $tmp->info['nick'] = $u->data_array['realname'];
                 if (!empty($DBInfo->use_homepage_url)) {
                     $tmp->info['home'] = util_make_url_u($u->getID(), true);
         } else {
             $id = 'Anonymous';
     $this->css = isset($_COOKIE['MONI_CSS']) ? $_COOKIE['MONI_CSS'] : '';
     $this->theme = isset($_COOKIE['MONI_THEME']) ? $_COOKIE['MONI_THEME'] : '';
     $this->bookmark = isset($_COOKIE['MONI_BOOKMARK']) ? $_COOKIE['MONI_BOOKMARK'] : '';
     $this->trail = isset($_COOKIE['MONI_TRAIL']) ? _stripslashes($_COOKIE['MONI_TRAIL']) : '';
     $this->tz_offset = isset($_COOKIE['MONI_TZ']) ? _stripslashes($_COOKIE['MONI_TZ']) : '';
     $this->nick = isset($_COOKIE['MONI_NICK']) ? _stripslashes($_COOKIE['MONI_NICK']) : '';
     if ($this->tz_offset == '') {
         $this->tz_offset = date('Z');
     if (!empty($id) and $id != 'Anonymous') {
         global $DBInfo;
         $udb = new UserDB($DBInfo);
         if (!$udb->_exists($id)) {
             $dummy = $udb->saveUser($this);
 public function processUpload(HTTPRequest $request)
     $attch = new PHPWikiAttachment();
     $request_uri = preg_replace('/^\\/wiki/', PHPWIKI_PLUGIN_BASE_URL, $request->getFromServer('REQUEST_URI'));
     if ($attch->exist() && $attch->isActive()) {
         if ($attch->isAutorized(user_getid())) {
     } else {
         exit_error($GLOBALS['Language']->getText('global', 'error'), $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('plugin_phpwiki_attachment_upload', 'err_not_exist'));
  * handle the insertion of history for corresponding  parameters
  * $args is an array containing a list of parameters to use when
  * the message is to be displayed by the history.php script
  * The array is stored as a string at the end of the field_name
  * with the following format:
  * field_name %% [arg1, arg2...]
  * @param String  $fieldName Event category
  * @param String  $oldValue  Event value
  * @param Integer $groupId   Project ID
  * @param Array   $args      list of parameters used for message display
  * @return DataAccessResult
 function groupAddHistory($fieldName, $oldValue, $groupId, $args = false)
     if ($args) {
         $fieldName .= " %% " . implode("||", $args);
     $userId = user_getid();
     if ($userId == 0) {
         $userId = 100;
     $sql = 'insert into ' . $this->table_name . '(group_id,field_name,old_value,mod_by,date)
            VALUES (' . $this->da->escapeInt($groupId) . ' , ' . $this->da->quoteSmart($fieldName) . ', ' . $this->da->quoteSmart($oldValue) . ' , ' . $this->da->escapeInt($userId) . ' , ' . $this->da->escapeInt($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . ')';
function register_valid()
    if (!$GLOBALS["Update"]) {
        return 0;
    if (!$GLOBALS[form_shell]) {
        $GLOBALS[register_error] = "You must supply a new login shell.";
        return 0;
    // if we got this far, it must be good
    db_query("UPDATE users SET shell='{$GLOBALS['form_shell']}' WHERE user_id=" . user_getid());
    return 1;
  * Creates a time entry record
  * NOTE: this is a real hack as it uses the existing procedural code to call on functionality.
  * The biggest drawback is that this method will not be able to return the Primary Key for the
  * time entry record because the key is a unixtimestamp (see the way the UI uses timeadd.php
  * to fully appreciate what I mean).
  * @author Tony Bibbs <*****@*****.**>
  * @access public
  * @param int $projectTaskId The project task the user is reporting time to
  * @param int $week The week the time being reported was done
  * @param int $daysAdjust Represents the offset to add to the given week to specify the day
  * @param int $timeCode The type of work that was done (general categorization)
  * @param float $hours The actual time spent
  * @return int This will be the Artificat ID otherwise it will be false if an error occurred
  * @todo I'm quite concerned that none of the form data is being sanitized for things like
  * unwanted HTML, JavaSript and SQL Injection.  Might be worth adding that sort of filtering
  * as provided by the KSES Filter (search Google).
  * @todo The check that looks to see if this method works is not language independent.  
  * someone that better understands how that all works will want to remove the hardcoded
  * 'successfully added'.
 function create($projectTaskId, $week, $daysAdjust, $timeCode, $hours)
     $report_date = $week + $days_adjust * REPORT_DAY_SPAN + 12 * 60 * 60;
     $res = db_query("INSERT INTO rep_time_tracking (user_id,week,report_date,project_task_id,time_code,hours)\n                       VALUES ('" . user_getid() . "','{$week}','{$report_date}','{$projectTaskId}','{$timeCode}','{$hours}')");
     //$res=db_query("INSERT INTO rep_time_tracking (user_id,week,report_date,project_task_id,time_code,hours)
     //               VALUES (103,'$week','$report_date','$projectTaskId','$timeCode','$hours')");
     //print_r($res); exit;
     if (!$res) {
         exit_error('Error', db_error());
     } else {
         $feedback .= _('Successfully Added');
     return db_affected_rows($res);
Beispiel #17
function snippet_data_can_modify_snippet_package($snippet_package_id)
    if (user_is_super_user()) {
        return true;
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT submitted_by FROM snippet_package_version WHERE snippet_package_id='{$snippet_package_id}'";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        while ($resrow = db_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($resrow['submitted_by'] == user_getid()) {
                return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #18
function register_valid()
    global $Language;
    $request =& HTTPRequest::instance();
    if (!$request->isPost() || !$request->exist('Update')) {
        return 0;
    if (!$request->existAndNonEmpty('form_realname')) {
        $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', $Language->getText('account_change_realname', 'error'));
        return 0;
    // if we got this far, it must be good
    $sql = "UPDATE user SET realname='" . db_es($request->get('form_realname')) . "' WHERE user_id=" . user_getid();
    return 1;
 function &getArtifactQueries()
     if (!is_null($this->ArtifactQueries)) {
         return $this->ArtifactQueries;
     $this->ArtifactQueries = array();
     $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM artifact_query WHERE user_id='" . user_getid() . "' " . "AND group_artifact_id='" . $this->ArtifactType->getID() . "'");
     if (!$res) {
         $this->setError("ArtifactQueryFactory:: Database error");
     while ($data = db_fetch_array($res)) {
         $artifactQuery = new ArtifactQuery($this->ArtifactType, $data["artifact_query_id"]);
         $this->ArtifactQueries[] = $artifactQuery;
     return $this->ArtifactQueries;
 public function __construct($label, $name, $value, $with_none = false, $onchange = "", $desc = "")
     parent::__construct($label, $name, $value, $with_none, $onchange, $desc);
     require_once 'common/tracker/ArtifactFieldFactory.class.php';
     require_once 'common/tracker/ArtifactType.class.php';
     $at = new ArtifactType($GLOBALS['ath']->Group, $GLOBALS['ath']->getID(), false);
     $aff = new ArtifactFieldFactory($at);
     foreach ($aff->getAllUsedFields() as $field) {
         if ($field->userCanRead($GLOBALS['group_id'], $GLOBALS['ath']->getID(), user_getid())) {
             if ($field->isdateField()) {
                 $selected = $this->value == $field->getName();
                 $this->addOption(new HTML_Element_Option($field->getLabel(), $field->getName(), $selected));
  *	return a resultset of Group for the current user
  *	@return	resultset
 function getMemberGroups()
     global $Language;
     if (!user_isloggedin()) {
         $this->setError($Language->getText('include_exit', 'perm_denied'));
         return false;
     $sql = "SELECT g.group_id,g.group_name " . "FROM groups g, user_group ug " . "WHERE g.group_id <> 100 AND g.status = 'A' AND g.group_id = ug.group_id " . "AND ug.user_id=" . user_getid() . " " . "ORDER BY g.group_name ASC";
     //echo $sql;
     $result = db_query($sql);
     $rows = db_numrows($result);
     if (!$result || $rows < 1) {
         $this->setError($Language->getText('include_common_groupfactory', 'none_found', db_error()));
         return false;
     return $result;
  * build burnup chart properties
  * @param Burnup_Engine $engine object
 function buildProperties($engine)
     $data = array();
     $remaining = array();
     $engine->legend = null;
     $result = array();
     $ff = Tracker_FormElementFactory::instance();
     $remaining_f = $ff->getFormElementById($this->chart->getRemainingField());
     $done_f = $ff->getFormElementById($this->chart->getDoneField());
     $ids = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a["id"];'), $this->artifacts);
     if ($remaining_f && $remaining_f->userCanRead(user_getid()) && $done_f && $done_f->userCanRead(user_getid())) {
         $sql = "SELECT c.artifact_id AS id, \n                           TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(submitted_on)) - TO_DAYS(FROM_UNIXTIME(0)) as day, \n                           f.value as remaining,\n                           done_f.value as done\n                    FROM tracker_changeset AS c \n                         INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value AS v ON(v.changeset_id =\n                         INNER JOIN tracker_field_int_value AS f ON(f.field_id = v.field_id and v.value_id =\n                         INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value AS done_v ON(done_v.changeset_id =\n                         INNER JOIN tracker_field_int_value AS done_f ON(done_f.field_id = done_v.field_id and done_v.value_id =\n                    WHERE c.artifact_id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")\n                      AND v.field_id = {$remaining_f->id}\n                      AND done_v.field_id = {$done_f->id}";
         //syntax($sql, 'sql');
         $res = db_query($sql);
         $data = $this->extractDataFromResult($res, $ids, 'done');
         $remaining = $this->extractDataFromResult($res, $ids, 'remaining');
     $engine->data = $data;
     $engine->remaining = $remaining;
     return $data;
Beispiel #23
function people_add_to_skill_inventory($skill_id, $skill_level_id, $skill_year_id)
    global $feedback, $Language;
    if (user_isloggedin()) {
        //check if they've already added this skill
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM people_skill_inventory WHERE user_id='" . user_getid() . "' AND skill_id='{$skill_id}'";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (!$result || db_numrows($result) < 1) {
            //skill not already in inventory
            $sql = "INSERT INTO people_skill_inventory (user_id,skill_id,skill_level_id,skill_year_id) " . "VALUES ('" . user_getid() . "','{$skill_id}','{$skill_level_id}','{$skill_year_id}')";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) < 1) {
                $feedback .= ' ' . $Language->getText('people_utils', 'error_inserting') . ' ';
                echo db_error();
            } else {
                $feedback .= ' ' . $Language->getText('people_utils', 'added_skill') . ' ';
        } else {
            $feedback .= ' ' . $Language->getText('people_utils', 'error_skill_already') . ' ';
    } else {
        echo '<H1>' . $Language->getText('people_utils', 'must_be_loggin') . '</H1>';
  * Extract References from a given text and insert extracted refs into the database
  * @param String  $html        Text to parse
  * @param Integer $source_id   Id of the item where the text was added
  * @param String  $source_type Nature of the source 
  * @param Integer $source_gid  Project Id of the project the source item belongs to
  * @param Integer $user_id     User who owns the text to parse
  * @param String  $source_key  Keyword to use for the reference (if different from the one associated to the nature)
  * @retrun Boolean True if no error
 function extractCrossRef($html, $source_id, $source_type, $source_gid, $user_id = 0, $source_key = null)
     if ($source_key == null) {
         $available_natures = $this->getAvailableNatures();
         if ($source_type == self::REFERENCE_NATURE_ARTIFACT) {
             $source_key = $this->getArtifactKeyword($source_id, $source_gid);
             if (!$source_key) {
                 $source_key = $available_natures[$source_type]['keyword'];
         } else {
             $source_key = $available_natures[$source_type]['keyword'];
     $matches = $this->_extractAllMatches($html);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         // Analyse match
         $key = strtolower($match[1]);
         if ($match[2]) {
             // A target project name or ID was specified
             // remove trailing colon
             $target_project = substr($match[2], 0, strlen($match[2]) - 1);
             // id or name?
             if (is_numeric($target_project)) {
                 $ref_gid = $target_project;
             } else {
                 // project name instead...
                 if (isset($this->groupIdByName[$target_project])) {
                     $ref_gid = $this->groupIdByName[$target_project];
                 } else {
                     if (isset($this->groupIdByNameLower[$target_project])) {
                         $ref_gid = $this->groupIdByNameLower[$target_project];
                     } else {
                         return null;
         } else {
             if ($this->tmpGroupIdForCallbackFunction) {
                 $ref_gid = $this->tmpGroupIdForCallbackFunction;
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists('group_id', $GLOBALS)) {
                     $ref_gid = $GLOBALS['group_id'];
                     // might not be set
                 } else {
                     $ref_gid = '';
         $value = $match[3];
         if ($ref_gid == "") {
             $ref_gid = 100;
         // use system references only
         $num_args = substr_count($value, '/') + 1;
         // Count number of arguments in detected reference
         $ref = $this->_getReferenceFromKeywordAndNumArgs($key, $ref_gid, $num_args);
         if ($ref) {
             //Cross reference
             $sqlkey = 'SELECT link, nature from reference r,reference_group rg where keyword="' . $match[1] . '" AND = rg.reference_id AND rg.group_id=' . $source_gid;
             $reskey = db_query($sqlkey);
             if ($reskey && db_numrows($reskey) > 0) {
                 $key_array = db_fetch_array($reskey);
                 $target_type = $key_array['nature'];
                 $target_id = $match[3];
                 $target_key = $match[1];
                 // keyword
                 $target_gid = $ref_gid;
                 if ($user_id == 0) {
                     $user_id = user_getid();
                 $cross_ref = new CrossReference($source_id, $source_gid, $source_type, $source_key, $target_id, $target_gid, $target_type, $target_key, $user_id);
                 if (!$cross_ref->existInDb()) {
     return true;
Beispiel #25
  *	create - create a new item in the database.
  *	@para	string	Filename of the item.
  *	@param	string	Item filetype.
  *	@param	string	Item filesize.
  *	@param	binary	Binary item data.
  *	@param	string	Item description.
  *  @return id on success / false on failure.
 function create($filename, $filetype, $filesize, $bin_data, $description = false, &$changes)
     global $Language;
     if (!$description) {
         $description = $Language->getText('global', 'none');
     $old_value = $this->Artifact->getAttachedFileNames();
     // Some browsers don't supply mime type if they don't know it
     if (!$filetype) {
         // Let's be on safe side?
         $filetype = 'application/octet-stream';
     //	data validation
     if (!$filename || !$filetype || !$filesize || !$bin_data) {
         $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback('error', '<P>|' . $filename . '|' . $filetype . '|' . $filesize . '|' . $bin_data . '|');
         $this->setError('ArtifactFile: ' . $Language->getText('tracker_common_file', 'name_requ'));
         return false;
     if (user_isloggedin()) {
         $userid = user_getid();
     } else {
         $userid = 100;
     $res = db_query("INSERT INTO artifact_file\n\t\t\t(artifact_id,description,bin_data,filename,filesize,filetype,adddate,submitted_by)\n\t\t\tVALUES \n\t\t\t('" . db_ei($this->Artifact->getID()) . "','" . db_es($description) . "','" . db_es($bin_data) . "','" . db_es($filename) . "',\n\t\t\t'" . db_ei($filesize) . "','" . db_es($filetype) . "','" . time() . "','" . db_ei($userid) . "')");
     $id = db_insertid($res, 'artifact_file', 'id');
     if (!$res || !$id) {
         $this->setError('ArtifactFile: ' . db_error());
         return false;
     } else {
         $changes['attach']['description'] = $description;
         $changes['attach']['name'] = $filename;
         $changes['attach']['size'] = $filesize;
         if ($old_value == '') {
             $new_value = $filename;
         } else {
             $new_value = $old_value . "," . $filename;
         $this->Artifact->addHistory('attachment', $old_value, $new_value);
         $changes['attach']['href'] = get_server_url() . "/tracker/download.php?artifact_id=" . $this->Artifact->getID() . "&id={$id}";
         return $id;
Beispiel #26
// Copyright 1999-2000 (c) The SourceForge Crew
// $Id: editjob.php,v 1.2 2003/11/13 11:29:25 helix Exp $
require 'pre.php';
require '../people/people_utils.php';
if ($group_id && user_ismember($group_id, 'A')) {
    if ($add_job) {
        	create a new job
        if (!$title || !$description || $category_id == 100) {
            //required info
            exit_error('error - missing info', 'Fill in all required fields');
        $sql = "INSERT INTO people_job (group_id,created_by,title,description,date,status_id,category_id) " . "VALUES ('{$group_id}','" . user_getid() . "','{$title}','{$description}','" . time() . "','1','{$category_id}')";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) < 1) {
            $feedback .= ' JOB insert FAILED ';
            echo db_error();
        } else {
            $job_id = db_insertid($result, 'people_job', 'job_id');
            $feedback .= ' JOB inserted successfully ';
    } else {
        if ($update_job) {
            	update the job's description, status, etc
            if (!$title || !$description || $category_id == 100 || $status_id == 100 || !$job_id) {
                //required info
Beispiel #27
  *	create - use this function to create a new entry in the database.
  *	@param	string	The filename of this document. Can be a URL.
  *	@param	string	The filetype of this document. If filename is URL, this should be 'URL';
  *	@param	string	The contents of this document (should be addslashes()'d before entry).
  *	@param	int	The doc_group id of the doc_groups table.
  *	@param	string	The title of this document.
  *	@param	int	The language id of the supported_languages table.
  *	@param	string	The description of this document.
  *	@return	boolean	success.
 function create($filename, $filetype, $data, $doc_group, $title, $language_id, $description)
     if (strlen($title) < 5) {
         $this->setError(_('Title Must Be At Least 5 Characters'));
         return false;
     if (strlen($description) < 10) {
         $this->setError(_('Document Description Must Be At Least 10 Characters'));
         return false;
     		$perm =& $this->Group->getPermission( session_get_user() );
     		if (!$perm || !is_object($perm) || !$perm->isDocEditor()) {
     			return false;
     $user_id = session_loggedin() ? user_getid() : 100;
     $doc_initstatus = '3';
     // If Editor - uploaded Documents are ACTIVE
     if (session_loggedin()) {
         $perm =& $this->Group->getPermission(session_get_user());
         if ($perm && is_object($perm) && $perm->isDocEditor()) {
             $doc_initstatus = '1';
     // If $filetype is "text/plain", $body convert UTF-8 encoding.
     if (strcasecmp($filetype, "text/plain") === 0 && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') && function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {
         $data = mb_convert_encoding($data, 'UTF-8', mb_detect_encoding($data));
     $data1 = $data;
     // key words for in-document search
     $kw = new Parsedata($this->engine_path);
     $kwords = $kw->get_parse_data(stripslashes($data1), htmlspecialchars($title1), htmlspecialchars($description), $filetype);
     // $kwords = "";
     $filesize = strlen($data);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO doc_data (group_id,title,description,createdate,doc_group,\n\t\t\tstateid,language_id,filename,filetype,filesize,data,data_words,created_by)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('" . $this->Group->getId() . "',\n\t\t\t'" . htmlspecialchars($title) . "',\n\t\t\t'" . htmlspecialchars($description) . "',\n\t\t\t'" . time() . "',\n\t\t\t'{$doc_group}',\n\t\t\t'{$doc_initstatus}',\n\t\t\t'{$language_id}',\n\t\t\t'{$filename}',\n\t\t\t'{$filetype}',\n\t\t\t'{$filesize}',\n\t\t\t'" . base64_encode(stripslashes($data)) . "',\n\t\t\t'{$kwords}',\n\t\t\t'{$user_id}')";
     $result = db_query($sql);
     if (!$result) {
         $this->setError('Error Adding Document: ' . db_error());
         return false;
     $docid = db_insertid($result, 'doc_data', 'docid');
     if (!$this->fetchData($docid)) {
         return false;
     return true;
Beispiel #28
 $name = db_scrub($_POST["name"]);
 $description = db_scrub($_POST["description"]);
 $submit = db_scrub($_POST["submit"]);
 $ok = false;
 if ($submit && !$just_logged_in) {
     if ($name == "" or $description == "") {
         $feedback = "Please name your policy, and give a definition.";
     } else {
         $db = new DB();
         $ret = $db->query_errcheck("insert into pw_dyn_dreammp (name, user_id, description, private) values\n                ('{$name}', '" . user_getid() . "', '{$description}', 2)");
         if ($ret) {
             $new_dreamid = mysql_insert_id();
             $ok = true;
             $feedback = "Successfully made new policy <a href=\"/policy.php?id={$new_dreamid}\">" . html_scrub($name) . "</a>.  To \n                    select votes for your new policy, <a href=\"../search.php\">search</a> or\n                    <a href=\"../divisions.php\">browse</a> for divisions.  On the page for\n                    each division you can choose how somebody supporting your policy would have voted.";
             if (user_getid()) {
                 $db->query("update pw_dyn_user set active_policy_id = {$new_dreamid} where user_id = " . user_getid());
             audit_log("Added new policy '" . $name . "'");
             dream_post_forum_action($db, $new_dreamid, "Created brand new policy.\n\n[b]New Policy:[/b] [url=" . $new_dreamid . "]" . stripslashes($name) . "[/url]\n[b]Definition:[/b] " . stripslashes($description));
         } else {
             $feedback = "Failed to add new policy. " . mysql_error();
 $title = "Make a new policy";
 if ($feedback && !$just_logged_in) {
     if ($ok) {
         echo "<p>{$feedback}</p>";
     } else {
         echo "<div class=\"error\"><h2>Creating a new policy not complete, please try again\n                </h2><p>{$feedback}</div>";
Beispiel #29
function bookmark_delete($bookmark_id)
    db_query("DELETE from user_bookmarks WHERE bookmark_id='" . db_es($bookmark_id) . "' " . "and user_id='" . user_getid() . "'");
Beispiel #30
require_once 'include/ArtifactRulesManagerHtml.class.php';
// Check if this tracker is valid (not deleted)
if (!$ath->isValid()) {
    exit_error($Language->getText('global', 'error'), $Language->getText('tracker_add', 'invalid'));
// Create factories
$art_field_fact = new ArtifactFieldFactory($ath);
// Printer version ?
if (!$request->exist('pv')) {
    $pv = false;
    $ro = false;
} else {
    $pv = $request->get('pv');
    if ($pv) {
        $ro = true;
$GLOBALS['HTML']->addFeed($group->getPublicName() . ' ' . $ath->getName() . ' #' . $ah->getId() . ' - ' . html_entity_decode($ah->getValue('summary'), ENT_QUOTES) . ' - ' . $Language->getText('tracker_include_artifact', 'follow_ups'), '/tracker/?func=rss&aid=' . $ah->getId() . '&atid=' . $ath->getID() . '&group_id=' . $group->getGroupId());
$params = array('title' => $group->getPublicName() . ' ' . $ath->getName() . ' #' . $ah->getID() . ' - \'' . $ah->getSummary() . '\'', 'pagename' => 'tracker', 'atid' => $ath->getID(), 'sectionvals' => array($group->getPublicName()), 'pv' => $pv, 'help' => 'ArtifactUpdate.html');
// artifact object (and field values) initialized in script above (index.php)
$ah->display($ro, $pv, user_getid());
echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
$armh = new ArtifactRulesManagerHtml($ath);
echo "Event.observe(window, 'load', function() {\n        if (\$('tracker_details')) {\n            new'tracker_details', {\n                edit:    '" . addslashes($Language->getText('tracker_fieldeditor', 'edit')) . "',\n                preview: '" . addslashes($Language->getText('tracker_fieldeditor', 'preview')) . "',\n                warning: '" . addslashes($Language->getText('tracker_fieldeditor', 'warning')) . "',\n                group_id:" . (int) $ath->getGroupId() . "\n            });\n        }\n        \n        new Codendi_RTE_Light_Tracker_FollowUp('tracker_artifact_comment');\n});";
echo "new UserAutoCompleter('tracker_cc',\n                          '" . util_get_dir_image_theme() . "',\n                          true);\n";
echo "</script>";
// Display footer page