/** get the title of the item * this method returns the item title in the right formatted style * * @return string title */ function _getType($item) { $title_text = $this->_text_as_html_short($item->getType()); $params = array(); $params['iid'] = $item->getItemID(); $title = ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), type2module($item->getType()), 'detail', $params, $title_text); unset($params); $title .= $this->_getChangeStatus($item); $title .= $this->_getAnnotationChangeStatus($item); return $title; }
} elseif ( isset($item) ) { $item->setLinkedItemsByIDArray($entry_array); $item->save(); } $session->unsetValue('cid'.$environment->getCurrentContextID().'_linked_items_index_selected_ids'); $session->unsetValue('cid'.$environment->getCurrentContextID().'_linked_items_index_selected_ids2'); unset($params['attach_view']); unset($params['attach_type']); unset($params['from']); unset($params['pos']); unset($params['mode']); unset($params['return_attach_item_list']); if ( $environment->getCurrentModule() == type2module(CS_DATE_TYPE) ) { unset($params['date_option']); } if ( $environment->getCurrentModule() == type2module(CS_TODO_TYPE) ) { unset($params['todo_option']); } redirect($environment->getCurrentContextID(),$environment->getCurrentModule(), $environment->getCurrentFunction(), $params); } $item_list = new cs_list(); $item_ids = array(); $count_all = 0; $params = array(); $params['environment'] = $environment; $params['with_modifying_actions'] = true; $item_attach_index_view = $class_factory->getClass(ITEM_ATTACH_INDEX_VIEW,$params); unset($params); $context_item = $environment->getCurrentContextItem();
public function _getOutput($item_id) { $retour = ''; $item_manager = $this->_environment->getItemManager(); $item_type = $item_manager->getItemType($item_id); if (!empty($item_type)) { $class_factory = $this->_environment->getClassFactory(); $params = array(); $params['environment'] = $this->_environment; // only room now $page = $class_factory->getClass(PAGE_ROOM_VIEW, $params); // only room now unset($params); // title if ($this->_environment->isOutputModeNot('XML')) { $environment = $this->_environment; $page->setCurrentUser($this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem()); // set title $context_item_current = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $translator = $this->_environment->getTranslationObject(); $title = $context_item_current->getTitle(); if ($context_item_current->isProjectRoom() and $context_item_current->isTemplate()) { $title .= ' (' . $translator->getMessage('PROJECTROOM_TEMPLATE') . ')'; } elseif ($context_item_current->isClosed()) { $title .= ' (' . $translator->getMessage('PROJECTROOM_CLOSED') . ')'; } $user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem(); if ($context_item_current->isPrivateRoom() and $user->isGuest()) { $page->setRoomName($translator->getMessage('COMMON_FOREIGN_ROOM')); $page->setPageName($translator->getMessage('COMMON_FOREIGN_ROOM')); } elseif ($context_item_current->isPrivateRoom()) { $page->setRoomName($translator->getMessage('COMMON_PRIVATEROOM')); $tempModule = mb_strtoupper($this->_environment->getCurrentModule(), 'UTF-8'); $tempMessage = ""; include_once 'include/inc_commsy_php_case_pagetitle.php'; $page->setPageName($tempMessage); } else { $page->setRoomName($title); $tempModule = mb_strtoupper($environment->getCurrentModule(), 'UTF-8'); $tempMessage = ""; include_once 'include/inc_commsy_php_case_pagetitle.php'; $page->setPageName($tempMessage); } } include_once 'functions/misc_functions.php'; $detail_page = 'pages/' . type2module($item_type) . '_detail.php'; if (file_exists($detail_page)) { $session = $this->_environment->getSessionItem(); $current_user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem(); $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $this->_environment->setCurrentParameter('iid', $item_id); $_GET['iid'] = $item_id; include $detail_page; unset($current_user); unset($session); unset($current_context); } //Put page into string $page->setPrintableView(); if ($this->_view_mode == 'print') { $this->_environment->setCurrentParameter('mode', 'print'); $_GET['mode'] = 'print'; $this->_environment->setCurrentParameter('download', 'zip'); $_GET['download'] = 'zip'; } $retour .= $page->asHTMLFirstPart(); $retour .= $page->asHTMLSecondPart(); $retour .= $page->asHTML(); } return $retour; }
/** get detail view as HTML * this method returns the detail view in HTML-Code * * @returns string detail view as HMTL */ function asHTML() { $item = $this->getItem(); $current_user_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentUserItem(); $html = LF . '<!-- BEGIN OF DETAIL VIEW -->' . LF; $html .= $this->addJavaScriptForSearch(); $html .= '<div style="width:100%;">' . LF; $rubric = $this->_environment->getCurrentModule(); $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $detail_box_conf = $current_context->getDetailBoxConf(); $html .= $this->_getDetailPageHeaderAsHTML(); if (!(isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'print') and $item->maySee($current_user_item) and (!$current_context->isPrivateRoom() or $current_user_item->getContextID() == $current_context->getItemID())) { $this->_right_box_config['size_string'] = ''; $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $html .= '<div style="float:right; font-size:10pt; width:28%; margin-top:5px; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;">' . LF; $html .= '<div>' . LF; $html .= '<div style="width:250px;">' . LF; $html .= '<div id="commsy_panels">' . LF; if (!isset($this->_browse_ids) or count($this->_browse_ids) == 0) { $this->_browse_ids[] = $this->_item->getItemID(); } $html .= '<div class="commsy_no_panel" style="margin-bottom:1px;">' . LF; $from_display_mode = ""; $session = $this->_environment->getSessionItem(); if ($session->issetValue($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID() . '_dates_seldisplay_mode')) { $from_display_mode = $session->getValue($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID() . '_dates_seldisplay_mode'); } else { $from_display_mode = $current_context->getDatesPresentationStatus(); } unset($session); // display calendar in date detail view, when request came from calendar if ($rubric == CS_DATE_TYPE && $from_display_mode != 'normal') { $html .= '<div class="column" style="width: 100%;">' . LF; $html .= '<div class="right_box">' . LF; $html .= '<div class="right_box_title">' . LF; $date = $this->_item->getStartingDay(); $date_array = explode('-', $date); $month = $date_array[1]; $year = $date_array[0]; $first_char = mb_substr($month, 0, 1); if ($first_char == '0') { $month = mb_substr($month, 1, 2); } $month_array = array($this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_JANUARY_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_FEBRUARY_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_MARCH_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_APRIL_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_MAY_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_JUNE_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_JULY_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_AUGUST_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_SEPTEMBER_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_OCTOBER_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_NOVEMBER_LONG'), $this->_translator->getMessage('DATES_DECEMBER_LONG')); $tempMessage = $month_array[$month - 1] . ' ' . $year; $html .= '<div style="white-space:nowrap;">' . $tempMessage . '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div class="right_box_main">' . LF; $html .= '<div style="margin-left: 20px;">' . LF; $html .= $this->_getAdditionalCalendarAsHTML(); $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div style="float:right; font-size:8pt; padding: 5px 3px 3px 0px;">' . LF; $params = array(); $params['back_to_index'] = 'true'; $link_module = $this->_environment->getCurrentModule(); $link_text = $this->_translator->getMessage('DATE_BACK_TO_CALENDAR'); $html .= ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $link_module, 'index', $params, $link_text); $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; // end div commsy_no_panel $html .= '<div style="clear:both;"></div>' . LF; } else { $html .= $this->_getForwardBoxAsHTML($item); $html .= '</div>' . LF; } /***********Buzzwords*************/ if ($this->showBuzzwords()) { $html .= '<div class="commsy_panel" style="margin-bottom:1px;">' . LF; $html .= $this->_getBuzzwordBoxAsHTML($item); $html .= '</div>' . LF; } if ($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == 'account') { $html .= $this->_getConfigurationOverviewAsHTML(); } /***********Tags*************/ if ($this->showTags()) { $html .= '<div class="commsy_panel" style="margin-bottom:1px;">' . LF; $session_item = $this->_environment->getSessionItem(); if ($session_item->issetValue('javascript')) { if ($session_item->getValue('javascript') == "1") { $with_javascript = true; } else { $with_javascript = false; } } else { $with_javascript = true; } if ($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser() == 'MSIE' && mb_substr($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(), 0, 1) == '6') { $with_javascript = false; } // UMSTELLUNG MUSEUM if ($with_javascript and true) { #$html .= $this->_getTagBoxAsHTMLWithJavaScript($item); $tag_manager = $this->_environment->getTagManager(); $html .= $this->_getTagBoxAsHTMLWithJavaScript($tag_manager->getRootTagItem(), 0, 0, true, $item); } else { $html .= $this->_getTagBoxAsHTML($item); } $html .= '</div>' . LF; } /**********Netnaviation*********/ if ($this->showNetnavigation()) { $html .= $this->_getAllLinkedItemsAsHTML($item); } /***********Workflow*************/ if ($this->showWorkflow()) { #$html .= '<div class="commsy_panel" style="margin-bottom:1px;">'.LF; #$html .= $this->_getWorkflowBoxAsHTML($item); #$html .='</div>'.LF; } $html .= '<div> ' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; } $current_browser = mb_strtolower($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser(), 'UTF-8'); $current_browser_version = $this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(); if ($current_browser == 'msie' and (strstr($current_browser_version, '5.') or strstr($current_browser_version, '6.'))) { $width = ' width:100%; padding-right:10px; '; } else { $width = ''; } if (isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'print') { $html .= '<div class="infoborder" style="width:100%; margin-top:5px; vertical-align:bottom;">' . LF; } else { $html .= '<div class="infoborder_display_content" style="' . $width . 'margin-top:5px; vertical-align:bottom;">' . LF; } if (!$this->_show_content_without_window) { $html .= '<div id="detail_headline">' . LF; $html .= '<div style="padding:3px 5px 4px 5px;">' . LF; if ($rubric == CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE) { $html .= '<h2 class="contenttitle">' . $this->_getTitleAsHTML(); } elseif ($rubric != CS_USER_TYPE and $rubric != 'account') { $html .= '<h2 class="contenttitle">' . $this->_text_as_html_short($this->_compareWithSearchText($item->getTitle(), false)); } elseif ($rubric == 'account') { $html .= '<h2 class="contenttitle">' . $this->_text_as_html_short($this->_compareWithSearchText($item->getFullName(), false)); } else { $html .= '<h2 class="contenttitle">' . $this->_text_as_html_short($this->_compareWithSearchText($item->getFullName(), false)); } $html .= '</h2>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; $html .= '<div id="detail_content" style="font-size:10pt; ' . $width . '">' . LF; if ($rubric == CS_MATERIAL_TYPE || $rubric == CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE || $rubric == CS_ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE) { // check if assessment is active for this room $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); if ($current_context->isAssessmentActive()) { $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . LF; $html .= '<!--' . LF; $html .= 'var ajax_cid = "' . $current_context->getItemID() . '"' . LF; $html .= '-->' . LF; $html .= '</script>' . LF; //$html .= '<div class="detail_content" style="border: none;">'.LF; $html .= $this->_getAssessmentsAsHTML(); //$html .= '</div>'.LF; } } if ($rubric == CS_MATERIAL_TYPE) { $current_context = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); if ($current_context->withWorkflow()) { $html .= $this->_getWorkflowAsHTML(); } } } $formal_data1 = array(); if ($item->isNotActivated()) { $temp_array = array(); $temp_array[] = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_RIGHTS'); $activating_date = $item->getActivatingDate(); if (strstr($activating_date, '9999-00-00')) { $title = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_NOT_ACTIVATED'); } else { $title = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_ACTIVATING_DATE') . ' ' . getDateInLang($item->getActivatingDate()); } $temp_array[] = $title; $formal_data1[] = $temp_array; } if ($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == CS_DATE_TYPE and $item->issetPrivatDate()) { $temp_array = array(); $temp_array[] = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_PRIVATE_DATE'); $title = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_NOT_ACCESSIBLE'); $temp_array[] = $title; $formal_data1[] = $temp_array; } if (!empty($formal_data1)) { $html .= $this->_getFormalDataAsHTML($formal_data1); } $formal_data1 = array(); if ($this->_item->issetExternalViewerStatus()) { $temp_array = array(); $temp_array[] = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_EXTERNAL_VIEWER'); $external_viewer_array = $this->_item->getExternalViewerArray(); $user_manager = $this->_environment->getUserManager(); $tmp_html = ''; foreach ($external_viewer_array as $external_viewer) { $user_manager->setUserIDLimit($external_viewer); $user_manager->setContextLimit($this->_environment->getCurrentPortalID()); $user_manager->select(); $user_list = $user_manager->get(); $user_item = $user_list->getFirst(); if (isset($user_item) and is_object($user_item)) { $tmp_html .= $user_item->getFullname() . ', '; } } if (!empty($tmp_html)) { $tmp_html = substr($tmp_html, 0, -2); } $temp_array[] = $tmp_html; $formal_data1[] = $temp_array; } if (!empty($formal_data1)) { $html .= $this->_getFormalDataAsHTML($formal_data1); } $html .= $this->_getContentAsHTML(); if (!$this->_show_content_without_window) { if (!(isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'print')) { $html .= '<div class="infoborder" style="margin-top:5px; padding-top:10px; vertical-align:top;">'; $mode = 'short'; if (in_array($item->getItemID(), $this->_openCreatorInfo)) { $mode = 'long'; } $html .= $this->_getCreatorInformationAsHTML($item, 3, $mode) . LF; } } if (($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() != 'user' or !$this->_environment->inPrivateRoom()) and !($rubric == CS_TODO_TYPE and !$current_context->withTodoManagement())) { ############SQL-Statements reduzieren $html .= $this->_getSubItemsAsHTML($item); $current_user = $this->_environment->getCurrentUser(); if ($rubric == CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE and !$item->isClosed() and $this->_with_modifying_actions and $current_user->isUser()) { $html .= $this->_getDiscussionFormAsHTML(); $html .= '</div>' . LF; } if ($rubric == CS_TODO_TYPE and $this->_with_modifying_actions) { if ($current_context->withTodoManagement()) { $html .= $this->_getTodoFormAsHTML(); } $html .= '</div>' . LF; } } if ($rubric != CS_GROUP_TYPE and $rubric != CS_TOPIC_TYPE and $rubric != CS_INSTITUTION_TYPE and $rubric != CS_USER_TYPE and $rubric != CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE and $this->_environment->getCurrentModule() != 'account') { $html .= $this->_getAnnotationsAsHTML(); $html .= $this->_getAnnotationFormAsHTML(); } if ($rubric == CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE and $current_context->isPrivateRoom()) { $html .= $this->_getAnnotationsAsHTML(); $html .= $this->_getAnnotationFormAsHTML(); } if ($rubric == CS_TOPIC_TYPE) { $anno_list = $item->getAnnotationList(); $anno_item = $anno_list->getFirst(); if (isset($anno_item) and !empty($anno_item)) { $html .= $this->_getAnnotationsAsHTML(); } } if ($rubric == CS_INSTITUTION_TYPE) { $anno_list = $item->getAnnotationList(); $anno_item = $anno_list->getFirst(); if (isset($anno_item) and !empty($anno_item)) { $html .= $this->_getAnnotationsAsHTML(); } } $html .= '</div>' . LF; if (!$this->_show_content_without_window or $this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == type2module(CS_PROJECT_TYPE)) { $html .= '</div>' . LF; } $html .= '<div style="clear:both;">' . LF; $html .= '</div>' . LF; if (!$this->_show_content_without_window or $this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == type2module(CS_PROJECT_TYPE)) { $html .= '</div>' . LF; } $html .= '<!-- END OF DETAIL VIEW -->' . LF . LF; if (!(isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'print')) { $html .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . LF; $current_browser = mb_strtolower($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser(), 'UTF-8'); $current_browser_version = $this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(); if ($this->_environment->getCurrentModule() == CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE and $current_browser == 'msie' and !strstr($current_browser_version, '7.')) { $html .= 'preInitCommSyPanels(Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['title_string'] . '),Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['desc_string'] . '),Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['config_string'] . '), Array(),Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['size_string'] . '));' . LF; } else { $html .= 'initCommSyPanels(Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['title_string'] . '),Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['desc_string'] . '),Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['config_string'] . '), Array(),Array(' . $this->_right_box_config['size_string'] . '),Array(),null,null);' . LF; } $html .= '</script>' . LF; } return $html; }
function _getAttachedItemInfoAsHTML() { $html = ''; $ref_iid = $this->getRefIID(); $ref_user = $this->getRefUser(); if (!empty($ref_iid) or !empty($ref_user)) { $ref_item = $this->getRefItem(); $ref_item_type = $ref_item->getItemType(); if ($ref_item_type == 'user') { if ($this->_environment->inCommunityRoom()) { $module = 'contact'; } else { $module = 'user'; } $html .= '<span> ' . $this->_translator->getMessage('MODIFIED_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_SEPERATOR') . ' '; $params = array(); $params['iid'] = $ref_user; $html .= ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $module, 'detail', $params, $ref_item->getFullName(), '', '', $this->getFragment()); unset($params); $html .= '</span>' . LF; } elseif ($ref_item_type == CS_ANNOTATION_TYPE) { $ref_item2 = $ref_item->getLinkedItem(); $module = type2module($ref_item2->getItemType()); $html .= '<span> ' . $this->_translator->getMessage('ASSIGNED_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_SEPERATOR') . ' '; $params = array(); $params['iid'] = $ref_item2->getItemID(); $html .= ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $module, 'detail', $params, $ref_item->getTitle(), '', '', $ref_item->getItemID()); unset($params); $html .= '</span>' . LF; } elseif ($ref_item_type == CS_SECTION_TYPE) { $ref_item2 = $ref_item->getLinkedItem(); $html .= '<span> ' . $this->_translator->getMessage('ASSIGNED_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_SEPERATOR') . ' '; $params = array(); $params['iid'] = $ref_item2->getItemID(); $html .= ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), CS_MATERIAL_TYPE, 'detail', $params, $ref_item->getTitle(), '', '', $ref_item->getItemID()); unset($params); $html .= '</span>' . LF; } elseif ($ref_item_type == CS_DISCARTICLE_TYPE) { $ref_item2 = $ref_item->getLinkedItem(); $html .= '<span> ' . $this->_translator->getMessage('ASSIGNED_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_SEPERATOR') . ' '; $params = array(); $params['iid'] = $ref_item2->getItemID(); $html .= ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), CS_DISCUSSION_TYPE, 'detail', $params, $ref_item->getTitle(), '', '', $ref_item->getItemID()); unset($params); $html .= '</span>' . LF; } else { $module = type2module($ref_item_type); $html .= '<span> ' . $this->_translator->getMessage('ASSIGNED_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_SEPERATOR') . ' '; $params = array(); $params['iid'] = $ref_iid; $html .= ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $module, 'detail', $params, $ref_item->getTitle(), '', '', $this->getFragment()); unset($params); $html .= '</span>' . LF; } } return $html; }
function getAdditionalRestrictionTextAsHTML() { $html = ''; $params = $this->_environment->getCurrentParameterArray(); $context_item = $this->_environment->getCurrentContextItem(); $session = $this->_environment->getSessionItem(); if (isset($_GET['back_to_search']) and $session->issetValue('cid' . $this->_environment->getCurrentContextID() . '_campus_search_parameter_array')) { $campus_search_parameter_array = $session->getValue('cid' . $this->_environment->getCurrentContextID() . '_campus_search_parameter_array'); $params['search'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['search']; $params['selrestriction'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['selrestriction']; $params['selrubric'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['selrubric']; $params['selbuzzword'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['selbuzzword']; $params['seltag_array'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['seltag_array']; $params['only_files'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['selfiles']; $params['interval'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['interval']; $params['sel_activating_status'] = $campus_search_parameter_array['sel_activating_status']; } if (isset($params['only_files']) and !empty($params['only_files']) and $params['only_files'] == 1) { $this->_additional_selects = true; $html_text = '<tr>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<span class="infocolor" style="white-space:nowrap;">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('MATERIAL_FILES') . ': </span>'; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . LF; $html_text .= $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_ONLY_FILES'); $picture = '<img src="images/delete_restriction.gif" alt="x" border="0"/>'; $new_params = $params; unset($new_params['only_files']); $html_text .= ' ' . ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $this->_environment->getCurrentModule(), 'index', $new_params, $picture, $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_DELETE_RESTRICTIONS')) . LF; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '</tr>' . LF; $html .= $html_text; } if (isset($params['selrubric']) and !empty($params['selrubric']) and $params['selrubric'] != 'all') { $this->_additional_selects = true; $html_text = '<tr>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<span class="infocolor">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_RUBRIC') . ': </span>'; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . LF; switch (mb_strtoupper($params['selrubric'], 'UTF-8')) { case 'ANNOUNCEMENT': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('ANNOUNCEMENT_INDEX'); break; case 'DATE': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('DATE_INDEX'); break; case 'DISCUSSION': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('DISCUSSION_INDEX'); break; case 'GROUP': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('GROUP_INDEX'); break; case 'INSTITUTION': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('INSTITUTION_INDEX'); break; case 'MATERIAL': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('MATERIAL_INDEX'); break; case 'PROJECT': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('PROJECT_INDEX'); break; case 'TODO': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('TODO_INDEX'); break; case 'TOPIC': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('TOPIC_INDEX'); break; case 'USER': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('USER_INDEX'); break; default: $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_MESSAGETAG_ERROR' . ' cs_item_index_view(1396) '); break; } $html_text .= '<span>' . $text . '</span>'; $picture = '<img src="images/delete_restriction.gif" alt="x" border="0"/>'; $new_params = $params; $new_params['selrubric'] = 'all'; unset($new_params['selrestriction']); $html_text .= ' ' . ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $this->_environment->getCurrentModule(), 'index', $new_params, $picture, $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_DELETE_RESTRICTIONS')) . LF; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '</tr>' . LF; $html .= $html_text; } if (isset($params['selrestriction']) and !empty($params['selrestriction']) and $params['selrestriction'] != 'all') { $this->_additional_selects = true; $html_text = '<tr>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<span class="infocolor" style="white-space:nowrap;">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('SEARCH_FIELD_RESTRICTION') . ': </span>'; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . LF; switch (mb_strtoupper($params['selrestriction'], 'UTF-8')) { case '1': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_TITLE'); break; case '2': $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_AUTHOR'); break; default: $text = $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_TITLE'); break; } $html_text .= '<span>' . $text . '</span>'; $picture = '<img src="images/delete_restriction.gif" alt="x" border="0"/>'; $new_params = $params; $new_params['selrestriction'] = 'all'; $html_text .= ' ' . ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $this->_environment->getCurrentModule(), 'index', $new_params, $picture, $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_DELETE_RESTRICTIONS')) . LF; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '</tr>' . LF; $html .= $html_text; } elseif (!empty($params['selrubric']) and mb_strtoupper($params['selrubric'], 'UTF-8') == mb_strtoupper(type2module(CS_MATERIAL_TYPE), 'UTF-8')) { $width = '150'; $html_text = '<tr>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<span class="infocolor" style="white-space:nowrap;">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('SEARCH_FIELD_RESTRICTION') . ': </span>'; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . LF; // jQuery //$html_text .= ' <select style="width: '.$width.'px; font-size:10pt; font-family: \'Trebuchet MS\',\'lucida grande\',tahoma,\'ms sans serif\',verdana,arial,sans-serif;" name="selrestriction" size="1" onChange="javascript:document.indexform.submit()">'.LF; $html_text .= ' <select style="width: ' . $width . 'px; font-size:10pt; font-family: \'Trebuchet MS\',\'lucida grande\',tahoma,\'ms sans serif\',verdana,arial,sans-serif;" name="selrestriction" size="1" id="submit_form">' . LF; // jQuery $html_text .= ' <option value="0"'; $html_text .= ' selected="selected"'; $html_text .= '>*' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_NO_RESTRICTION') . '</option>' . LF; $html_text .= ' <option class="disabled" disabled="disabled" value="-2">-------------------</option>' . LF; $html_text .= ' <option value="1"'; $html_text .= '>' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_TITLE') . '</option>' . LF; $html_text .= ' <option value="2"'; $html_text .= '>' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_AUTHOR') . '</option>' . LF; $html_text .= ' </select>' . LF; $html_text .= ' <input type="hidden" name="selrubric" value="material" />' . LF; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '</tr>' . LF; $html .= $html_text; } if ($context_item->withActivatingContent()) { if (!isset($params['selactivatingstatus']) or isset($params['selactivatingstatus']) and $params['selactivatingstatus'] == 2) { $this->_additional_selects = true; $html_text = '<tr>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<span class="infocolor">' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_ACTIVATION_RESTRICTION') . ': </span>'; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '<td style="text-align:right;">' . LF; $html_text .= '<span>' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_SHOW_ONLY_ACTIVATED_ENTRIES') . '</span>'; $picture = '<img src="images/delete_restriction.gif" alt="x" border="0"/>'; $new_params = $params; $new_params['selactivatingstatus'] = 1; $html_text .= ' ' . ahref_curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $this->_environment->getCurrentModule(), 'index', $new_params, $picture, $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_DELETE_RESTRICTIONS')) . LF; $html_text .= '</td>' . LF; $html_text .= '</tr>' . LF; $html .= $html_text; } } return $html; }
function _getSearchAsHTML($search_with = '220') { $html = ''; $search_module = 'campus_search'; if ($this->_environment->inPrivateRoom() and $this->_environment->inConfigArray('c_use_new_private_room', $this->_environment->getCurrentContextID())) { $search_module = type2module(CS_DATE_TYPE); } $html .= '<form style="padding:0px; margin:0px;" action="' . curl($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID(), $search_module, 'index', '') . '" method="get" name="searchform">' . LF; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="cid" value="' . $this->_text_as_form($this->_environment->getCurrentContextID()) . '"/>' . LF; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="mod" value="' . $search_module . '"/>' . LF; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="SID" value="' . $this->_environment->getSessionItem()->getSessionID() . '"/>' . LF; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="fct" value="index"/>' . LF; $html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="selrubric" value="' . $this->_environment->getCurrentModule() . '"/>' . LF; // Abfrage von Kategorien... Schleife für jeden seltag_i if (isset($_GET['seltag'])) { $i = 0; // Schleife: Alles Tags, die gesetzt sind abfragen while (isset($_GET['seltag'])) { if (isset($_GET['seltag_' . $i . ''])) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="seltag_' . $i . '" value="' . $_GET['seltag_' . $i . ''] . '">' . LF; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="seltag" value="yes">' . LF; break; } $i++; } } if (isset($_GET['selbuzzword'])) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="selbuzzword" value="' . $_GET['selbuzzword'] . '">' . LF; } if (isset($_GET['seluser'])) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="seluser" value="' . $_GET['seluser'] . '">' . LF; } if (isset($_GET['selgroup'])) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="selgroup" value="' . $_GET['selgroup'] . '">' . LF; } if (isset($_GET['selcolor'])) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="selcolor" value="' . $_GET['selcolor'] . '">' . LF; } if (isset($_GET['selstatus'])) { $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="selstatus" value="' . $_GET['selstatus'] . '">' . LF; } #$html .= ' <input type="hidden" name="seltag" value="'.$_GET['seltag_0'].'"'.LF; $html .= '<input id="searchtext" onclick="javascript:resetSearchText(\'searchtext\');" style="width:' . $search_with . 'px; font-size:10pt; margin-bottom:0px;" name="search" type="text" size="20" value="' . $this->_text_as_form($this->getSearchText()) . '"/>' . LF; if ($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowser() == 'MSIE' && mb_substr($this->_environment->getCurrentBrowserVersion(), 0, 1) == '6') { $html .= '<input type="image" src="images/commsyicons_msie6/22x22/search.gif" style="vertical-align:top;" alt="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_SEARCH_BUTTON') . '"/>'; } else { $html .= '<input type="image" src="images/commsyicons/22x22/search.png" style="vertical-align:top;" alt="' . $this->_translator->getMessage('COMMON_SEARCH_BUTTON') . '"/>'; } $html .= '</form>'; return $html; }