* $Date: 2011-02-01 * www.simple-log.com */ if ($action == 'setting') { include_once PBBLOG_ROOT . 'home/data/config.php'; foreach ($config as $key => $val) { $smarty->assign($key, $val); } if (empty($config['domain'])) { $domain = str_replace(PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN, '', dirname($url)); $smarty->assign('domain', $domain); } $smarty->assign('type', 'act_setting'); $smarty->display('setting.html'); } elseif ($action == 'act_setting') { if (empty($_POST)) { sys_message('请填写数据', $referer_url); } else { //循环得到传递过来的数据并为写入配置做准备 foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { $update_arr .= ' `' . $key . "`\t= '" . $val . "' ,"; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('config') . " SET `key`='" . $key . "' , `value`='" . $val . "' WHERE `key`='" . $key . "'"; $db->query($sql); } $smarty->cache_dir = PBBLOG_ROOT . 'home/cache'; $smarty->compile_dir = PBBLOG_ROOT . '/home/compiled'; $smarty->clear_all_cache(); $smarty->clear_compiled_tpl(); sys_message('博客设置成功', 'admin.php?act=setting'); } }
$tags_list = $db->getall($sql); $tags_list_new = array(); foreach ($tags_list as $val) { $tags_list_new[] = $val['tag_name']; } unset($tags_list); $tags = explode(' ', $_POST['tags']); $insert_tags = array_diff($tags, $tags_list_new); foreach ($insert_tags as $val) { if (!empty($val)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table('tags') . " (`tag_id` ,`tag_name` ,`blog_id`)VALUES (NULL , '{$val}', '" . $blog_id . "')"; $db->query($sql); } } $del_tags = array_diff($tags_list_new, $tags); foreach ($del_tags as $val) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . table('tags') . " WHERE blog_id='" . $blog_id . "' AND tag_name='{$val}'"; $db->query($sql); } } else { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . table('tags') . " WHERE blog_id='" . $blog_id . "'"; $db->query($sql); } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('blog') . " SET `title` = '" . $blog_title . "',`description` = '" . $desc . "',`content` = '" . $content . "' , `edit_time`='" . $time . "', `cat_id`='" . $cat_id . "' , `password`='" . $password . "' , `open_type`='" . $open_type . "' , `view_group`='" . $group . "' , `url_type`='" . $url_type . "' WHERE blog_id='" . $blog_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { $db->query('DELETE FROM ' . table('page') . " WHERE relate_id='" . $blog_id . "'" . " AND user_id='" . $user_id . "' AND type='-1'"); sys_message('修改日志成功', 'admin.php?act=edit_blog&id=' . $blog_id); } else { sys_message('修改日志失败,请重新返回添加', 'admin.php?act=edit_blog&id=' . $blog_id); } }
if (empty($comment_id)) { sys_message('日志评论id不能为空', $referer_url); } $sql = 'SELECT o.* , u.title FROM ' . table('comment') . ' o LEFT JOIN ' . table('blog') . ' u on o.blog_id=u.blog_id' . " WHERE comment_id='" . $comment_id . "'"; if ($row = $db->getrow($sql)) { $row['content'] = unprocess_text($row['content']); $smarty->assign('comment', $row); } else { sys_message('读取日志评论数据失败,请返回重新修改', $referer_url); } $smarty->assign('type', 'act_edit_comment&id=' . $comment_id); $smarty->assign('admin_title', '编辑评论'); $smarty->display('edit_comment.html'); } elseif ($action == 'act_edit_comment') { $comment_id = intval($_GET['id']); if (empty($comment_id)) { sys_message('日志评论ID不能为空', $referer_url); } $status = !empty($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : 0; $content = $_POST['content']; if (empty($content)) { sys_message('评论内容不能为空', $referer_url); } $content = process_text($content); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('comment') . " SET `status` = '" . $status . "',`content` = '" . $content . "' WHERE comment_id='" . $comment_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { sys_message('修改评论成功', 'admin.php?act=edit_comment&id=' . $comment_id); } else { sys_message('修改评论失败,请重新返回修改', 'admin.php?act=edit_comment&id=' . $comment_id); } }
} unset($answer_arr); // Get Template $template = new \template(); $template->setFile('0_polls.tpl'); $template->load('BODY'); $template->tag('question', $poll_arr['poll_quest']); $template->tag('answers', $antworten); $template->tag('all_votes', $poll_arr['all_votes']); $template->tag('participants', $poll_arr['poll_participants']); $template->tag('type', $poll_arr['poll_type']); $template->tag('start_date', $poll_arr['poll_start']); $template->tag('end_date', $poll_arr['poll_end']); $template = $template->display(); } else { $template = sys_message($FD->text('frontend', 'error'), $FD->text('frontend', 'poll_not_found')); } } else { $_GET['order'] = in_array(isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : '', array('1', 'asc', 'ASC', 'up', 'UP')) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; $_GET['sort'] = in_array(isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : '', array('question', 'all_votes', 'participants', 'type', 'start_date', 'end_date')) ? $_GET['sort'] : 'end_date'; switch ($_GET['sort']) { case 'question': $index = $FD->db()->conn()->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $FD->db()->getPrefix() . 'poll` ORDER BY `poll_quest` ' . $_GET['order']); break; case 'all_votes': $index = $FD->db()->conn()->query("\n SELECT *, SUM(`A.answer_count`) AS 'all_votes'\n FROM `" . $FD->db()->getPrefix() . 'poll` P, `' . $FD->db()->getPrefix() . 'poll_answers` A WHERE P.`poll_id` = A.`poll_id` ORDER BY `all_votes` ' . $_GET['order'] . ', P.`poll_quest` ASC'); break; case 'participants': $index = $FD->db()->conn()->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $FD->db()->getPrefix() . 'poll` ORDER BY `poll_participants` ' . $_GET['order'] . ', `poll_quest` ASC');
while ($file = readdir($template_dir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir(PBBLOG_ROOT . 'themes/' . $file)) { $available_templates[] = get_template_info($file); } } @closedir($template_dir); $smarty->assign('curr_template', $current_template_info); $smarty->assign('available_templates', $available_templates); $smarty->assign('admin_title', '模板列表'); $smarty->display('template_list.html'); } elseif ($action == 'select_template') { //如果传递的为空,设置为默认模板 $template_name = !empty($_GET['template_name']) ? trim($_GET['template_name']) : 'default'; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('config') . " SET `value`='" . $template_name . "' WHERE `key`='template_name'"; $db->query($sql); sys_message('模板设置成功', 'admin.php?act=templates_list'); } //获取模板信息 function get_template_info($template_name) { $info = array(); $info['code'] = $template_name; $info['screenshot'] = ''; $info['screenshot'] = '../themes/' . $template_name . "/theme.png"; if (file_exists('../themes/' . $template_name . '/info.txt') && !empty($template_name)) { $arr = file('../themes/' . $template_name . '/info.txt'); $template_name = explode(': ', $arr[0]); $template_desc = explode(': ', $arr[1]); $template_uri = explode(': ', $arr[2]); $template_version = explode(': ', $arr[3]); $template_author = explode(': ', $arr[4]);
$smarty->display('add_member.html'); } elseif ($action == 'act_edit_member') { require_once PBBLOG_ROOT . '/includes/base.function.php'; $member_id = intval($_GET['id']); $user_name = $_POST['user_name']; if (empty($user_name)) { sys_message('会员名字不能为空', $referer_url); } else { if (isset_member($username)) { $u_name = $db->getone('SELECT user_name FROM ' . table('user') . " WHERE user_id='" . $user_id . "'"); if ($u_name != $user_name) { sys_message('会员名字已经存在', $referer_url); } } } $email = $_POST['email']; if (empty($email)) { sys_message('email不能为空', $referer_url); } $password = $_POST['password']; if (!empty($password)) { $password = "******" . md5($password); } $group_id = $_POST['group']; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('user') . " SET `user_name` = '" . $user_name . "',`email` = '" . $email . "',`group_id` = '" . $group_id . $password . "' WHERE user_id='" . $member_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { sys_message('修改会员成功', 'admin.php?act=edit_member&id=' . $member_id); } else { sys_message('修改会员失败,请重新返回添加', 'admin.php?act=edit_member&id=' . $member_id); } }
} $smarty->assign('attachments_list', $attachments_list); $smarty->assign('page_arr', $page_arr); $smarty->assign('page_count', $page_count); $smarty->assign('pg', $pg); $smarty->assign('url', 'admin.php?act=attachments_list&pg='); $smarty->display('attachments_list.html'); } elseif ($action == 'del_attachment') { $attachment_id = intval($_GET['id']); $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . table('attachments') . " WHERE attachment_id='" . $attachment_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { $db->query($sql); unlink(PBBLOG_ROOT . '/' . $db->getone('SELECT file_name FROM ' . table('attachments') . " WHERE attachment_id='" . $attachment_id . "'")); sys_message('删除附件成功', $referer_url); } else { sys_message('删除附件失败,请重新删除', $referer_url); } } elseif ($action == 'auto_save') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/includes/json.class.php'; $json = new JSON(); $res = array('content' => '', 'error' => 'no'); $user_id = intval($_SESSION['user_id']); $id = intval($_POST['id']); $title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['title']); $desc = htmlspecialchars($_POST['desc']); $content = htmlspecialchars($_POST['content']); $content = $_POST['content']; if (empty($content) && empty($title)) { $res['content'] = '于' . $date . '自动保存到草稿箱'; die($json->encode($res)); }
sys_message('页面id不能为空', $referer_url); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . table('page') . " WHERE page_id='" . $page_id . "'"; if ($row = $db->getrow($sql)) { //$row['description']=unprocess_text($row['description']); $smarty->assign('page', $row); } else { sys_message('读取页面数据失败,请返回重新修改', $referer_url); } $smarty->assign('type', 'act_edit_page&id=' . $page_id); $smarty->assign('id', $page_id); $smarty->display('add_page.html'); } elseif ($action == 'act_edit_page') { require_once PBBLOG_ROOT . '/includes/base.function.php'; $page_id = intval($_GET['id']); if (empty($page_id)) { sys_message('页面id不能为空', $referer_url); } $page_title = $_POST['title']; if (empty($page_title)) { sys_message('页面标题不能为空', $referer_url); } $desc = htmlspecialchars($_POST['description']); $content = htmlspecialchars($_POST['editor']); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('page') . " SET `title` = '" . $page_title . "',`desc` = '" . $desc . "',`content` = '" . $content . "' , `add_time`='" . $time . "' WHERE page_id='" . $page_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { sys_message('修改页面成功', 'admin.php?act=edit_page&id=' . $page_id); } else { sys_message('修改页面失败,请重新返回添加', 'admin.php?act=edit_page&id=' . $page_id); } }
$smarty->assign('post_type', 1); $smarty->assign('t_list', $templates); $smarty->display('set_page.html'); } elseif ($action == 'get_page_data') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/includes/json.class.php'; $json = new JSON(); $file = $_POST['template_file']; $res = array('type' => 'get_page_data', 'content' => '', 'error' => 'no'); $data = file_get_contents(PBBLOG_ROOT . '/themes/' . $config['template_name'] . '/' . $file); $res['content'] = $data; die($json->encode($res)); } elseif ($action == 'ajax_post_page_data') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/includes/json.class.php'; $json = new JSON(); $file = $_POST['template_file']; $res = array('type' => 'get_page_data', 'content' => '', 'error' => 'no'); $data = stripslashes($_POST['content']); $fp = @fopen(PBBLOG_ROOT . '/themes/' . $config['template_name'] . '/' . $file, "w") or $res['error'] = '无法写入文件,请检查文件是否有权限'; flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); die($json->encode($res)); } elseif ($action == 'act_set_page') { $data = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data'])); $file = $_POST['template_file']; $fp = @fopen(PBBLOG_ROOT . '/themes/' . $config['template_name'] . '/' . $file, "w") or die('can not open file'); flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); sys_message('页面修改成功', 'admin.php?act=set_footer&file=' . $file); }
require_once PBBLOG_ROOT . '/includes/base.function.php'; $group_id = intval($_GET['id']); if (empty($group_id)) { sys_message('分组id不能为空', $referer_url); } $group_name = trim($_POST['group_name']); if (empty($group_name)) { sys_message('会员分组名字不能为空', $referer_url); } else { if (isset_group($group_name)) { if ($db->getone('SELECT group_name FROM ' . table('user_group') . " WHERE group_id='" . $group_id . "'") != $group_name) { sys_message('会员分组名字已经存在', $referer_url); } } } //如果传递过来的表单为空,那么将权限设置为全部,也就是为all,否则按照传递过来的权限用逗号隔开 if (empty($_POST['action_pri']) || $_POST['checkall'] == 'checkbox') { $act_pri = 'all'; } else { $act_pri = 'pbblog'; foreach ($_POST['action_pri'] as $val) { $act_pri .= ',' . $val; } } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('user_group') . " SET `group_name` = '" . $group_name . "',`admin_privilege` = '" . $act_pri . "' WHERE group_id='" . $group_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { sys_message('修改会员分组成功', 'admin.php?act=edit_group&id=' . $group_id); } else { sys_message('修改会员分组失败,请重新返回添加', 'admin.php?act=edit_group&id=' . $group_id); } }
$plugin_uninstall = $plugin_id . '_uninstall'; $modules = $plugin_uninstall(); if ($modules['type'] == 1) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . table('modules') . " WHERE module_id='" . $plugin_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { make_sidebar(); } else { sys_message('删除插件边栏部分失败,请重新返回添加', $referer_url); } } elseif ($modules['type'] == 2) { $db->query($modules['sql']); } } } } sys_message('删除插件成功', $referer_url); } elseif ($action == 'plugin_cp') { $plugin_id = $_GET['id']; include_once PBBLOG_ROOT . '/home/plugins/' . $plugin_id . '/admin_cp.php'; $smarty->assign('plugin_cp', $plugin_cp); $smarty->assign('plugin_id', $plugin_id); $smarty->display('plugin_cp.html'); } //检查插件是否已经安装 function is_plugin($id) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . table('plugins') . " WHERE plugin_id='" . $id . "'"; if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql)) { return true; } else { return false;
} elseif ($action == 'databak' || $action == 'act_backup' || $action == 're_data' || $action == 'act_re_data' || $action == 'del_sql_file') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/' . PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN . '/includes/database.php'; } elseif ($action == 'friend_link_list' || $action == 'act_edit_friend_link_sort' || $action == 'edit_friend_link' || $action == 'act_edit_friend_link' || $action == 'add_friend_link' || $action == 'act_add_friend_link' || $action == 'del_friend_link') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/' . PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN . '/includes/friendlink.php'; } elseif ($action == 'plugins_list' || $action == 'plugins_setup_list' || $action == 'setup_plugin' || $action == 'del_plugin' || $action == 'plugin_cp') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/' . PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN . '/includes/plugins.php'; } elseif ($action == 'attachments_list' || $action == 'tags_list' || $action == 'del_tag' || $action == 'del_attachment' || $action == 'auto_save' || $action == 'get_auto_save' || $action == 'check_auto_date') { require PBBLOG_ROOT . '/' . PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN . '/includes/other.php'; } elseif ($action == 'clear_cache') { $smarty->cache_dir = PBBLOG_ROOT . 'home/cache'; $smarty->compile_dir = PBBLOG_ROOT . '/home/compiled'; $smarty->clear_all_cache(); $smarty->clear_compiled_tpl(); $smarty->compile_dir = PBBLOG_ROOT . '/home/admin_compiled'; $smarty->clear_compiled_tpl(); sys_message('清除缓存成功', 'admin.php?act=default'); } elseif ($action == 'upload') { require ROOT . '/includes/upload.html5.class.php'; $file = new cls_upload(); $file_name = $file->upload($_FILES['filedata'], $_GET['type']); $file_url = ''; if ($file->error() == '') { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . table('attachments') . " (`attachment_id` ,`file_name` ,`type`,`add_time`)VALUES (NULL , '{$file_name}', '" . $_GET['type'] . "', '" . time() . "' )"; $db->query($sql); $u = str_replace(PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN, '', dirname($url)); if ($_GET['type'] == 'img') { $file_url = $u . $file_name; } else { $file_url = $u . 'attachment.php?fid=' . $db->insert_id(); } }
sys_message('读取分类数据失败,请返回重新修改', $referer_url); } $smarty->assign('rewrite', $GLOBALS['config']['rewrite']); $smarty->assign('url_type', $row['url_type']); $smarty->assign('u', str_replace(PBBLOG_WS_ADMIN, '', dirname($url))); $smarty->assign('type', 'act_edit_cat&id=' . $cat_id); $smarty->display('add_cat.html'); } elseif ($action == 'act_edit_cat') { $cat_id = intval($_GET['id']); $parent_id = intval($_POST['parent_id']); if (empty($cat_id)) { sys_message('分类id不能为空', $referer_url); } $cat_name = $_POST['cat_name']; if (empty($cat_name)) { sys_message('分类名字不能为空', $referer_url); } $cat_desc = $_POST['cat_desc']; $list_sort = $_POST['list_sort']; //对自定义url处理 $url_type = intval($_POST['url_type']); if ($url_type == 2) { $url_type = $_POST['url']; } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . table('category') . " SET `cat_name` = '" . $cat_name . "',`cat_desc` = '" . $cat_desc . "',`parent_id` = '" . $parent_id . "',`listorder` = '" . $list_sort . "' , `url_type`='" . $url_type . "' WHERE cat_id='" . $cat_id . "'"; if ($db->query($sql)) { sys_message('修改分类成功', 'admin.php?act=edit_cat&id=' . $cat_id); } else { sys_message('修改分类失败,请重新返回添加', 'admin.php?act=edit_cat&id=' . $cat_id); } }
/* $check_safe_url=substr(md5($referer_url.$_SESSION['admin_login_time'].$hash_secret),14,28); if ($safe_url!=$check_safe_url) { sys_message('来源错误,请在正确页面输入登录数据','admin.php?act=pre_login'); $_SESSION['admin_login_faild']++; }*/ $sql = 'SELECT user_id,last_time,last_ip,group_id FROM ' . table('user') . " WHERE user_name='" . $user_name . "' AND password='******'"; if ($row = $db->getrow($sql)) { //开始根据登陆ip进行检测 /* if ($check_ip) { require(PBBLOG_ROOT.'/includes/ip.function.php'); if(!check_ip($row['last_ip'],$ip)) { sys_message('此次登陆ip不在上次登录ip的区域内','admin.php?act=pre_login'); } }*/ $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['user_id']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $user_name; $_SESSION['last_time'] = $row['last_time']; $_SESSION['last_ip'] = $row['last_ip']; $_SESSION['group_id'] = $row['group_id']; $db->query('UPDATE ' . table('user') . " SET last_time='" . time() . "', last_ip='" . $ip . "'" . ", visit_count=visit_count+1 " . " WHERE user_id='" . $row['user_id'] . "'"); sys_message('登录成功', 'admin.php?act=index'); } else { sys_message('登录失败,请重新登录', 'admin.php?act=pre_login'); } } elseif ($action == 'logout') { $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); header('location: index.php'); }