Beispiel #1
function stripSlashesArray($array)
    $result = array();
    $rvalue = null;
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        /* 去除值的引号 */
        if (is_array($value)) {
            $rvalue = stripSlashesArray($value);
        } else {
            $rvalue = stripslashes($value);
        /* 去除键的引号 */
        if (is_numeric($key)) {
            $result[$key] = $rvalue;
        } else {
            $result[stripslashes($key)] = $rvalue;
    return $result;
Beispiel #2
function loadMessageData($msgid)
    $default = array('from' => getConfig('message_from_address'), 'google_track' => getConfig('always_add_googletracking'));
    if (empty($default['from'])) {
        $default['from'] = getConfig('admin_address');
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['MD']) || !is_array($GLOBALS['MD'])) {
        $GLOBALS['MD'] = array();
    if (isset($GLOBALS['MD'][$msgid])) {
        return $GLOBALS['MD'][$msgid];
    ## when loading an old message that hasn't got data stored in message data, load it from the message table
    $prevMsgData = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['message'], $msgid));
    $finishSending = time() + DEFAULT_MESSAGEAGE;
    $messagedata = array('template' => getConfig('defaultmessagetemplate'), 'sendformat' => 'HTML', 'message' => '', 'forwardmessage' => '', 'textmessage' => '', 'rsstemplate' => '', 'embargo' => array('year' => date('Y'), 'month' => date('m'), 'day' => date('d'), 'hour' => date('H'), 'minute' => date('i')), 'repeatinterval' => 0, 'repeatuntil' => array('year' => date('Y'), 'month' => date('m'), 'day' => date('d'), 'hour' => date('H'), 'minute' => date('i')), 'requeueinterval' => 0, 'requeueuntil' => array('year' => date('Y'), 'month' => date('m'), 'day' => date('d'), 'hour' => date('H'), 'minute' => date('i')), 'finishsending' => array('year' => date('Y', $finishSending), 'month' => date('m', $finishSending), 'day' => date('d', $finishSending), 'hour' => date('H', $finishSending), 'minute' => date('i', $finishSending)), 'fromfield' => '', 'subject' => '', 'forwardsubject' => '', 'footer' => getConfig('messagefooter'), 'forwardfooter' => getConfig('forwardfooter'), 'status' => '', 'tofield' => '', 'replyto' => '', 'targetlist' => '', 'criteria_match' => '', 'sendurl' => '', 'sendmethod' => 'inputhere', 'testtarget' => '', 'notify_start' => getConfig('notifystart_default'), 'notify_end' => getConfig('notifyend_default'), 'google_track' => $default['google_track'] == 'true' || $default['google_track'] === true || $default['google_track'] == '1', 'excludelist' => array(), 'sentastest' => 0);
    if (is_array($prevMsgData)) {
        foreach ($prevMsgData as $key => $val) {
            $messagedata[$key] = $val;
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['commandline']) && $_GET['page'] == 'send') {
        $messagedata['fromfield'] = $_POST['from'];
        $messagedata['subject'] = $_POST['subject'];
        $messagedata['message'] = $_POST['message'];
        $messagedata['targetlist'] = $_POST['targetlist'];
    if ($messagedata['subject'] == '(no title)') {
        $messagedata['subject'] = '(no subject)';
    $msgdata_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['messagedata'], $msgid));
    while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($msgdata_req)) {
        if (strpos($row['data'], 'SER:') === 0) {
            $data = stripSlashesArray(unserialize(substr($row['data'], 4)));
        } else {
            $data = stripslashes($row['data']);
        if (!in_array($row['name'], array('astext', 'ashtml', 'astextandhtml', 'aspdf', 'astextandpdf'))) {
            ## don't overwrite counters in the message table from the data table
            $messagedata[stripslashes($row['name'])] = $data;
    foreach (array('embargo', 'repeatuntil', 'requeueuntil') as $datefield) {
        if (!is_array($messagedata[$datefield])) {
            $messagedata[$datefield] = array('year' => date('Y'), 'month' => date('m'), 'day' => date('d'), 'hour' => date('H'), 'minute' => date('i'));
    // Load lists that were targetted with message...
    $result = Sql_Query(sprintf('select, 
    from ' . $GLOBALS['tables']['listmessage'] . ' listmessage,' . $GLOBALS['tables']['list'] . ' list
     where listmessage.messageid = %d and listmessage.listid =', $msgid));
    while ($lst = Sql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $messagedata['targetlist'][$lst['id']] = 1;
    ## backwards, check that the content has a url and use it to fill the sendurl
    if (empty($messagedata['sendurl'])) {
        ## can't do "ungreedy matching, in case the URL has placeholders, but this can potentially
        ## throw problems
        if (preg_match('/\\[URL:(.*)\\]/i', $messagedata['message'], $regs)) {
            $messagedata['sendurl'] = $regs[1];
    if (empty($messagedata['sendurl']) && !empty($messagedata['message'])) {
        # if there's a message and no url, make sure to show the editor, and not the URL input
        $messagedata['sendmethod'] = 'inputhere';
    ### parse the from field into it's components - email and name
    if (preg_match('/([^ ]+@[^ ]+)/', $messagedata['fromfield'], $regs)) {
        # if there is an email in the from, rewrite it as "name <email>"
        $messagedata['fromname'] = str_replace($regs[0], '', $messagedata['fromfield']);
        $messagedata['fromemail'] = $regs[0];
        # if the email has < and > take them out here
        $messagedata['fromemail'] = str_replace('<', '', $messagedata['fromemail']);
        $messagedata['fromemail'] = str_replace('>', '', $messagedata['fromemail']);
        # make sure there are no quotes around the name
        $messagedata['fromname'] = str_replace('"', '', ltrim(rtrim($messagedata['fromname'])));
    } elseif (strpos($messagedata['fromfield'], ' ')) {
        # if there is a space, we need to add the email
        $messagedata['fromname'] = $messagedata['fromfield'];
        #  $cached[$messageid]["fromemail"] = "listmaster@$domain";
        $messagedata['fromemail'] = $default['from'];
    } else {
        $messagedata['fromemail'] = $default['from'];
        $messagedata['fromname'] = $messagedata['fromfield'];
    // disallow an email address in the name
    if (preg_match('/([^ ]+@[^ ]+)/', $messagedata['fromname'], $regs)) {
        $messagedata['fromname'] = str_replace($regs[0], '', $messagedata['fromname']);
    // clean up
    $messagedata['fromemail'] = str_replace(',', '', $messagedata['fromemail']);
    $messagedata['fromname'] = str_replace(',', '', $messagedata['fromname']);
    $messagedata['fromname'] = trim($messagedata['fromname']);
    # erase double spacing
    while (strpos($messagedata['fromname'], '  ')) {
        $messagedata['fromname'] = str_replace('  ', ' ', $messagedata['fromname']);
    ## if the name ends up being empty, copy the email
    if (empty($messagedata['fromname'])) {
        $messagedata['fromname'] = $messagedata['fromemail'];
    if (isset($messagedata['targetlist']['unselect'])) {
    if (isset($messagedata['excludelist']['unselect'])) {
    if (empty($messagedata['campaigntitle'])) {
        if ($messagedata['subject'] != '(no subject)') {
            $messagedata['campaigntitle'] = $messagedata['subject'];
        } else {
            $messagedata['campaigntitle'] = '(no title)';
    ## copy subject to title
    if ($messagedata['campaigntitle'] == '(no title)' && $messagedata['subject'] != '(no subject)') {
        $messagedata['campaigntitle'] = $messagedata['subject'];
    $GLOBALS['MD'][$msgid] = $messagedata;
    #  var_dump($messagedata);
    return $messagedata;