function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case '': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('( IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'cm.article_id': $this->_query->add_where('(cm.article_id = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'cm.user_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('cm.user_id IN (' . $condition . ')'); break; case 'cm.description': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $this->_query->add_where('(cm.description LIKE \'%' . $condition . '%\')'); break; case 'cm.create_dt': $this->_query->add_where('(cm.create_dt = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case '': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $this->_query->add_where('( LIKE \'%' . $condition . '%\')'); break; case 'cm.author_name': $this->_query->add_where(" = '{$condition}'"); break; case '': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $condition = str_replace('*', '%', $condition); $condition = str_replace('?', '_', $condition); $this->_query->add_where('( LIKE \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'cm.email_exact': $this->_query->add_where('( = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'cm.ip': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $condition = str_replace('*', '%', $condition); $condition = str_replace('?', '_', $condition); $this->_query->add_where('(cm.ip LIKE \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'cm.status': $this->_query->add_where('(cm.status = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'cm.created_before': $this->_query->add_where('(cm.create_dt < (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $condition . ' DAY)))'); break; case 'cm.created_after': $this->_query->add_where('(cm.create_dt > (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $condition . ' DAY)))'); break; case '': $this->_query->add_where('( = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'cm.reply_to': if ($condition == 0) { $this->_query->add_where('cm.reply_to IS NULL'); } else { $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("cm.reply_to IN ({$condition})"); } break; case 'cm.not_reply_to': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("cm.reply_to NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'cm.root_comment': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("cm.root_comment IN ({$condition})"); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'name': case 'url': case 'template': case 'tag_template': $this->_query->add_where("(tg.{$type} = '{$condition}')"); break; case 'not_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("( NOT IN ({$condition}))"); break; case 'starting_with': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $this->_query->add_where("( LIKE '{$condition}%')"); break; case 'tag_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->set_from(VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . $this->_sql_table . ' AS tg, ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags_to_tags_groups AS ttg'); $this->_query->add_where("ttg.tag_id IN ({$condition}) AND ttg.tags_group_id ="); break; case 'category_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tags_group_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles AS a ON = at.article_id ', 'a'); $this->_query->add_where("a.category_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'article_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tags_group_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_where("at.article_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'id': default: $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where(" IN ({$condition})"); break; } }
function get_hrefs($ids) { $hrefs = array(); if (is_array($ids)) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); } $sm = vivvo_lite_site::get_instance(); $sql = 'SELECT id, category_name FROM ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . $this->_sql_table . ' WHERE id IN (' . secure_sql_in($ids) . ')'; $res = $sm->get_db()->query($sql); if (!PEAR::isError($res)) { while ($row = $res->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $hrefs[$row['id']] = array(); $hrefs[$row['id']]['title'] = $row['category_name']; $hrefs[$row['id']]['href'] = Categories::format_href($sm, $row['id']); } } return $hrefs; }
/** * adds filter to sql query * * @param string $type * @param string $condition */ public function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { switch ($type) { case 'id': case 'article_id': case 'duration': case 'year': $condition = (int) $condition; $this->_query->add_where("{$type} = {$condition}"); break; case 'minute': case 'hour': case 'dom': case 'month': case 'dow': $condition = ArticlesSchedule::getHexMask($condition, $type); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} & {$condition}"); break; case 'id_in': case 'article_id_in': case 'duration_in': case 'year_in': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $type = substr($type, 0, -3); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'id_not_in': case 'article_id_not_in': case 'duration_not_in': case 'year_not_in': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $type = substr($type, 0, -7); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'duration_lt': case 'year_lt': $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -3); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} < {$condition}"); break; case 'duration_lte': case 'year_lte': $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -4); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} <= {$condition}"); break; case 'duration_gt': case 'year_gt': $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -3); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} > {$condition}"); break; case 'duration_gte': case 'year_gte': $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -4); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} >= {$condition}"); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'id': case 'name': case 'sefriendly': $this->_query->add_where("t.{$type} = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'name_like': $condition = str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\\%', '\\_'), $condition); $this->_query->add_where(" LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); break; case 'article_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_fields('at.tags_group_id AS topic_id'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_where("at.article_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'tags_group_id': case 'topic_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags_to_tags_groups AS ttg ON ttg.tag_id = ', 'ttg'); $this->_query->add_where("ttg.tags_group_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'not_tags_group_id': case 'not_topic_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags_to_tags_groups AS ttg ON ttg.tag_id = ', 'ttg'); $this->_query->add_where("ttg.tags_group_id NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'user_tag_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_fields('at.tags_group_id AS topic_id'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_where("at.tags_group_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'not_user_tag_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_fields('at.tags_group_id AS topic_id'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_where("at.tags_group_id NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'id_in': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where(" IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'name_array': case 'sefriendly_array': foreach ($condition as &$item) { $item = "'{$item}'"; } unset($item); $condition = implode(',', $condition); $type = str_replace('_array', '', $type); $this->_query->add_where("t.{$type} IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'search_starting_with': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $this->_query->add_fields('at.tags_group_id AS topic_id'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_where(" LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); break; case 'search_label_starting_with': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags_to_tags_groups AS tg ON tg.tag_id = ', 'tg'); $this->_query->add_where(" LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); break; case 'user_group_id': $condition = secure_sql_in(explode(',', $condition)); $this->_query->add_fields('at.tags_group_id AS topic_id'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'group_user AS gu ON gu.user_id = at.user_id', 'gu'); $this->_query->add_where("gu.group_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'not_user_group_id': $condition = secure_sql_in(explode(',', $condition)); $this->_query->add_fields('at.tags_group_id AS topic_id'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'group_user AS gu ON gu.user_id = at.user_id', 'gu'); $this->_query->add_where("gu.group_id NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'article_status': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.tag_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles AS a ON at.article_id = ', 'a'); $this->_query->add_where("a.status IN ({$condition})"); break; default: } }
/** * Adds filter to the WHERE clause of the query * * @param string $type * @param mixed $condition */ public function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'not_id': case 'not_category': case 'not_count': $flag = true; $type = substr($type, 4); case 'id': case 'category_id': case 'count': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $operator = ($flag ? 'NOT ' : '') . 'IN'; $this->_query->add_where("fd.{$type} {$operator} ({$condition})"); break; case 'not_feed': case 'not_author': $flag = true; $type = substr($type, 4); case 'feed': case 'author': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition, true); $operator = ($flag ? 'NOT ' : '') . 'IN'; $this->_query->add_where("fd.{$type} {$operator} ({$condition})"); break; default: // ignore } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'id': case 'article_id': case 'user_id': case 'tag_id': case 'tags_group_id': $this->_query->add_where("(at.{$type} = '{$condition}')"); break; case 'not_in_groups': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("(at.tags_group_id NOT IN ({$condition}))"); break; case 'not_in_tags': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("(at.tag_id NOT IN ({$condition}))"); break; default: $this->_query->add_where("( = '{$condition}')"); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('(id IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'notid': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('(id NOT IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'title': $this->_query->add_where('(title = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'body': $this->_query->add_where('(body = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'hide': $this->_query->add_where('(hide = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'sefriendly': $this->_query->add_where('(sefriendly = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'template': $this->_query->add_where('(template = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'order_number': $this->_query->add_where('(order_number = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'id': $this->_query->add_where('(id = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'group_id': $this->_query->add_where('(group_id = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'group_id_in': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('(group_id IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'user_source': $this->_query->add_where('(user_source = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'privileges': $this->_query->add_where('(privileges = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; } }
function generic_add_filter($params, $prefix = '') { if (is_array($params) && !empty($params)) { $keys = array_keys($params); foreach ($keys as $k) { if (preg_match('/^search_field_(.*)_(lt|gt|eq|neq|in|notin|between|notnull|isnull)$/', $k, $arr)) { $condition = secure_sql($params[$k]); switch ($arr[2]) { case 'lt': $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' < \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'gt': $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' > \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'eq': $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'neq': $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' != \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'in': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' IN ' . $condition . ')'); break; case 'notin': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' NOT IN ' . $condition . ')'); break; case 'notnull': $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' IS NOT NULL )'); break; case 'isnull': $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' IS NULL )'); break; case 'between': $between = explode(',', $condition); if (is_array($between) && count($between) == 2) { $this->_query->add_where('(' . $prefix . $arr[1] . ' BETWEEN \'' . $between[0] . '\' AND \'' . $between[1] . '\')'); } break; } } } } }
function add_filter($type, $cond = '') { $condition = secure_sql($cond); switch ($type) { case 'id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('( IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'notid': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('( NOT IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'type': $this->_query->add_where("(t.type='{$condition}')"); break; case 'ext': $this->_query->add_where("(t.extensions LIKE '%{$condition}%')"); break; } }
/** * Adds filter to the WHERE clause of the query * * @param string $type * @param mixed $condition */ function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); $flag = false; switch ($type) { case 'not_id': case 'not_article_id': case 'not_version': case 'not_creator_id': case 'not_type': $flag = true; $type = substr($type, 4); case 'id': case 'article_id': case 'version': case 'creator_id': case 'type': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $operator = ($flag ? 'NOT ' : '') . 'IN'; $this->_query->add_where("ar.{$type} {$operator} ({$condition})"); break; case 'title_matches': $this->_query->add_where("ar.title LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); break; case 'title': $this->_query->add_where("ar.title = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'not_created_time': $flag = true; case 'created_time': $condition = (int) $condition; $operator = $flag ? '!=' : '='; $this->_query->add_where("ar.created_time {$operator} {$condition}"); break; case 'created_time_lte': case 'created_time_gte': $flag = true; case 'created_time_lt': case 'created_time_gt': $condition = (int) $condition; $operator = ($type[13] == 'g' ? '>' : '<') . ($flag ? '=' : ''); $this->_query->add_where("ar.created_time {$operator} {$condition}"); break; default: // ignore } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'userid': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('(u.userid IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'first_name': $this->_query->add_where('(u.first_name = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'last_name': $this->_query->add_where('(u.last_name = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'name': $condition = str_replace('%', '\\%', $condition); $this->_query->add_where('(u.last_name LIKE \'%' . $condition . '%\') OR (u.first_name LIKE \'%' . $condition . '%\') OR (u.username LIKE \'%' . $condition . '%\')'); break; case 'email_address': $this->_query->add_where('(u.email_address = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'username': $this->_query->add_where('(u.username = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'password': $this->_query->add_where('(u.password = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'session_id': $this->_query->add_where("u.session_id = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'user_hash': $this->_query->add_where("MD5(u.session_id) = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'activated': $this->_query->add_where('(u.activated = \'' . $condition . '\')'); break; case 'group': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'group_user AS gu ON gu.user_id = u.userid ', 'gu'); $this->_query->add_where('(gu.group_id IN (' . $condition . '))'); $this->_query->add_group_by('u.userid'); break; case 'concat_first_last': $this->_query->add_where('CONCAT(u.first_name, "-", u.last_name ) = \'' . $condition . '\''); break; case 'created_before': $this->_query->add_where('(u.created < (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $condition . ' DAY)))'); break; case 'created_after': $this->_query->add_where('(u.created > (DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $condition . ' DAY)))'); break; case 'md5': $this->_query->add_where("md5(concat( u.`email_address` , u.`username` , u.`created` ) ) = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'forgot': $this->_query->add_where("md5( concat( u.`username` , u.`email_address`, u.`password` ) ) = '{$condition}'"); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case 'id': case 'tag_id': case 'tags_group_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("({$type} IN ({$condition}))"); break; case 'not_id': $this->_query->add_where("(id<>'{$condition}')"); break; default: $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("(id IN ({$condition}))"); break; } }
function _list_output() { $sm = vivvo_lite_site::get_instance(); $um = $sm->get_url_manager(); $content_template = $this->load_template($this->_template_root . 'list.xml'); if (!$sm->user->is_admin()) { $editor_restriction = $sm->user->get_privilege_object_ids('WRITE', 'Categories'); if (!in_array('0', $editor_restriction)) { if (isset($sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'])) { if (!is_array($sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'])) { $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'] = explode(',', $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid']); } $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'] = array_intersect($editor_restriction, $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid']); } if (empty($sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'])) { $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'] = $editor_restriction; } if ($um->isset_param('search_category_id')) { $search_cid = array_intersect(explode(',', $um->get_param('search_category_id')), $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid']); } } } if (!$search_cid and $um->isset_param('search_category_id')) { $search_cid = explode(',', $um->get_param('search_category_id')); } if ($search_cid) { $sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_cid'] = $search_cid; $content_template->assign('search_category_id', secure_sql_in($search_cid)); } foreach (array('search_tag_id', 'search_topic_id', 'search_author', 'search_user_id') as $filter) { if ($um->isset_param($filter)) { $sm->article_list_params[$filter] = $um->get_param($filter); $content_template->assign($filter, $um->get_param($filter)); } } $content_template->assign('search_limit', $sm->article_list_params['search_limit']); $content_template->assign('search_sort_by', strval($sm->article_list_params['search_sort_by'] . '.' . $sm->article_list_params['search_order'])); if ($sm->article_list_params['search_options']['search_tag'] != '') { $content_template->assign('disable_all', intval(1)); } $content_template->assign('list_output', intval(1)); $content_template->assign('content_params', $sm->article_list_params); class_exists('TagsGroups') or (require VIVVO_FS_INSTALL_ROOT . 'lib/vivvo/core/TagsGroups.class.php'); $topic = TagsGroups_list::factory()->get_group_by_id(0); $content_template->assign('default_topic', $topic); return $content_template; }
function add_filter($type, $cond = '') { $condition = secure_sql($cond); switch ($type) { case 'id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('( IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'notid': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where('( NOT IN (' . $condition . '))'); break; case 'name': $this->_query->add_where("('{$condition}')"); break; case 'name_starts_with': $this->_query->add_where("( LIKE '{$condition}%')"); break; case 'name_wildcard': $this->_query->add_where("( LIKE '%{$condition}%')"); break; case 'ext': $ext = join("','", explode(',', $condition)); $this->_query->add_where("(f.extension IN ('{$ext}'))"); break; case 'path': $cond = rtrim($cond, '/') . '/'; //make sure one and just one / at the end $this->_query->add_where("(f.path_md5='" . md5($cond) . "')"); break; case 'under_path': $this->_query->add_where("(f.path LIKE '{$condition}%')"); break; case 'type_id': $this->_query->add_where("(f.filetype_id='{$condition}')"); break; case 'not_type_id': $condition = (int) $condition; $this->_query->add_where("(f.filetype_id != {$condition})"); break; case 'type': $this->_query->add_where("(t.type='{$condition}')"); break; case 'date_after': $this->_query->add_where("(f.mtime > '{$condition}')"); break; case 'info': $this->_query->add_where("(MATCH ( AGAINST ('{$condition}' IN BOOLEAN MODE))"); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $condition = '') { $condition = secure_sql($condition); switch ($type) { case '': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where(" IN ({$condition})"); break; case '!': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where(" NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'a.category_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("a.category_id IN ({$condition})"); break; case '!a.category_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("a.category_id NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'a.user_id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("a.user_id IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_where("a.user_domain = '" . VIVVO_USER_SOURCE . "'"); break; case 'a.user_domain': $this->_query->add_where("a.user_domain = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.author_exact_name': $this->_query->add_where(" = '{$condition}'"); break; case '': $condition = escape_sql_like($condition); $this->_query->add_where(" LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); break; case 'a.title': $condition = escape_sql_like($condition); $this->_query->add_where("a.title LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); break; case 'a.image': $this->_query->add_where("a.image = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.created_month': $this->_query->add_where("MONTH(a.created) = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.created_year': $this->_query->add_where("YEAR(a.created) = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.created_day': $this->_query->add_where("DAY(a.created) = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.created_before': $current_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', VIVVO_START_TIME); $this->_query->add_where("a.created < (DATE_SUB('{$current_time}', INTERVAL {$condition} DAY))"); break; case 'a.created_after': $current_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', VIVVO_START_TIME); $this->_query->add_where("a.created > (DATE_SUB('{$current_time}', INTERVAL {$condition} DAY))"); break; case 'a.created_filter': $current_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:00', VIVVO_START_TIME); $this->_query->add_where("a.created < '{$current_time}'"); break; case 'a.body': $this->_query->add_where("MATCH (title,body,abstract) AGAINST ('{$condition}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"); break; case 'a.last_read': $this->_query->add_where("a.last_read = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.times_read': $this->_query->add_where("a.times_read = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.today_read': $this->_query->add_where("a.today_read = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.status': $this->_query->add_where("a.status = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.not_status': $this->_query->add_where("a.status != '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.status_limit': $this->_query->add_where('a.status > 0'); break; case 'a.sefriendly': $this->_query->add_where("a.sefriendly = '{$condition}'"); break; case '': $this->_query->add_where(" = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.order_num': $this->_query->add_where("a.order_num = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.show_poll': $this->_query->add_where("a.show_poll = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.rss_feed': $this->_query->add_where("a.rss_feed = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.show_comment': $this->_query->add_where("a.show_comment = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.keywords': $this->_query->add_where("a.keywords = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.description': $this->_query->add_where("a.description = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.emailed': $this->_query->add_where("a.emailed = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.vote_num': $this->_query->add_where("a.vote_num = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.vote_sum': $this->_query->add_where("a.vote_sum = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'a.abstract': $this->_query->add_where("a.abstract = '{$condition}'"); break; case 'related': $this->_query->add_join(' INNER JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'related AS r ON r.related_article_id = ', 'r'); $this->_query->add_order('r.relevance DESC'); $this->_query->add_where('r.article_id = ' . (int) $condition); break; case 'tag': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition, false); $this->_query->add_join(' INNER JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' INNER JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags as t ON = at.tag_id ', 't'); $this->_query->add_where(" IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case 'tag_matches': $condition = escape_sql_like($condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags as t ON = at.tag_id ', 't'); $this->_query->add_where(" LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case 'tag_id': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("at.tag_id IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case 'all_tag_ids': is_array($condition) or $condition = explode(',', $condition); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $value = (int) array_shift($condition); $this->_query->add_where("at.tag_id = {$value}"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); $tag_ids = array(); foreach ($condition as $value) { $tag_ids[] = (int) $value; } if (!empty($tag_ids)) { $tag_ids = implode(',', $tag_ids); $this->_query->add_where(' IN (SELECT article_id FROM ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . "articles_tags WHERE tag_id IN ({$tag_ids}))"); } break; case 'tags_group_id': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("at.tags_group_id IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case 'user_group_id': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'group_user AS gu ON at.user_id = gu.user_id ', 'gu'); $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("gu.group_id IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case 'not_user_group_id': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'group_user AS gu ON at.user_id = gu.user_id ', 'gu'); $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("gu.group_id NOT IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case 'tags_group_name': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_tags AS at ON at.article_id = ', 'at'); $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'tags_groups as tg ON at.tags_group_id = ', 'tg'); $condition = explode(',', $condition); foreach ($condition as &$topic) { $topic = "'" . secure_sql($topic) . "'"; } unset($topic); $condition = implode(',', $condition); $this->_query->add_where(" IN ({$condition})"); $this->_query->add_group_by(''); break; case '': case 'sc.duration': case 'sc.status': case 'sc.year': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = (int) $condition; $this->_query->add_where("{$type} = {$condition}"); break; case 'sc.minute': case 'sc.hour': case 'sc.dom': case 'sc.month': case 'sc.dow': require_once VIVVO_FS_ROOT . 'lib/vivvo/core/ArticlesSchedule.class.php'; $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = ArticlesSchedule::getHexMask($condition, substr($type, 3)); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} & {$condition}"); break; case '': if (!is_array($condition)) { $parts = explode(',', date('i,G,j,n,w,Y', $condition)); $condition = array('minute' => (int) $parts[0], 'hour' => $parts[1], 'dom' => $parts[2], 'month' => $parts[3], 'dow' => $parts[4] + 1, 'year' => $parts[5]); } require_once VIVVO_FS_ROOT . 'lib/vivvo/core/ArticlesSchedule.class.php'; $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = ArticlesSchedule::getHexMask($condition); foreach ($condition as $name => $value) { if ($name == 'year') { $value = (int) $value; $this->_query->add_where("sc.year = {$value}"); } else { $this->_query->add_where("sc.{$name} & {$value}"); } } break; case 'sc.id_in': case 'sc.duration_in': case 'sc.year_in': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $type = substr($type, 0, -3); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'sc.id_not_in': case 'sc.duration_not_in': case 'sc.year_not_in': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $type = substr($type, 0, -7); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} NOT IN ({$condition})"); break; case 'sc.duration_lt': case 'sc.year_lt': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -3); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} < {$condition}"); break; case 'sc.duration_lte': case 'sc.year_lte': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -4); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} <= {$condition}"); break; case 'sc.duration_gt': case 'sc.year_lg': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -3); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} > {$condition}"); break; case 'sc.duration_gte': case 'sc.year_gte': $this->_query->add_join(' LEFT JOIN ' . VIVVO_DB_PREFIX . 'articles_schedule AS sc ON sc.article_id = ', 'sc'); $condition = (int) $condition; $type = substr($type, 0, -4); $this->_query->add_where("{$type} >= {$condition}"); break; } }
function add_filter($type, $cond = '') { $condition = secure_sql($cond); switch ($type) { case 'id': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("( IN ({$condition}))"); break; case 'notid': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("( NOT IN ({$condition}))"); break; case 'asset_id': $this->_query->add_where("(k.asset_id='{$condition}')"); break; case 'asset_id_list': $condition = secure_sql_in($condition); $this->_query->add_where("(k.asset_id IN ({$condition}))"); break; case 'keyword': $this->_query->add_where("(k.keyword='{$condition}')"); break; case 'keyword_starts_with': $this->_query->add_where("(k.keyword LIKE '{$condition}%')"); break; case 'fulltext': $this->_query->add_where("MATCH (k.keyword) AGAINST ('{$condition}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"); break; case 'like': $condition = escape_sql_like($condition); $this->_query->add_where("k.keyword LIKE '%{$condition}%'"); } }