// For replacing $DB->exec("UPDATE rings SET validFlag = '0', ciphertext = '{$newCipher}', hash = '{$newHash}' WHERE id = '{$i}'"); $numValid--; if ($numValid < 1) { while (!shredData(NONCE_ROOT . "{$req}.ring")) { // If it returns false, wait a few clock cycles usleep(1000); } } // Overwrite //ob_end_clean(); if (!$_COOKIE['neverForward']) { header("Location: {$data}"); die($url); } else { $data = removeXSS($data); // Experimental; without warranty include "includes/header.php"; echo "The destination URL is: <a href=\"" . $data . "\">" . $data . "</a>"; include "includes/footer.php"; } exit; } //echo substr( hash_hmac('sha512', $_POST['password'], $salt, false), 0, 64)." != ".$row['hash']."\n"; // DEBUG } //echo "</pre>"; //$data = ob_get_clean(); if (!$found) { include "includes/header.php"; echo "<div style=\"color: red;\">Incorrect password, or it has already been used.</div>\n"; //echo $data;
} else { unset($start); } if (!isset($_SESSION['messagefilter'])) { $_SESSION['messagefilter'] = ''; } if (!empty($_POST['clear'])) { $_SESSION['messagefilter'] = ''; $_SESSION['messagesortby'] = ''; $_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = MAX_MSG_PP; unset($_POST['filter']); unset($_POST['numPP']); unset($_POST['sortBy']); } if (isset($_POST['filter'])) { $_SESSION['messagefilter'] = removeXSS($_POST['filter']); if ($_SESSION['messagefilter'] == ' --- filter --- ') { $_SESSION['messagefilter'] = ''; } } if (!isset($_SESSION['messagenumpp'])) { $_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = MAX_MSG_PP; } if (isset($_POST['numPP'])) { $_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = sprintf('%d', $_POST['numPP']); if ($_SESSION['messagenumpp'] <= 0) { $_SESSION['messagenumpp'] = MAX_MSG_PP; } } # remember last one listed if (!isset($_GET['tab']) && !empty($_SESSION['lastmessagetype'])) {
$token = trim($_GET["deny"]); if ($token == "" || !validateActivationToken($token, TRUE)) { $errors[] = lang("FORGOTPASS_INVALID_TOKEN"); } else { $userdetails = fetchUserDetails(NULL, $token); if (!flagLostPasswordRequest($userdetails["user_name"], 0)) { $errors[] = lang("SQL_ERROR"); } else { $successes[] = lang("FORGOTPASS_REQUEST_CANNED"); } } } //Forms posted if (!empty($_POST)) { $email = removeXSS($_POST["email"]); $username = removeXSS(sanitize($_POST["username"])); //Perform some validation //Feel free to edit / change as required if (trim($email) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL"); } else { if (!isValidEmail($email) || !emailExists($email)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL"); } } if (trim($username) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME"); } else { if (!usernameExists($username)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME"); }
<?php /* UserCake Version: 2.0.2 http://usercake.com */ require_once "models/config.php"; if (!securePage($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { die; } //Forms posted if (!empty($_POST) && $emailActivation) { $email = removeXSS($_POST["email"]); $username = removeXSS($_POST["username"]); //Perform some validation //Feel free to edit / change as required if (trim($email) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_EMAIL"); } else { if (!isValidEmail($email) || !emailExists($email)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_INVALID_EMAIL"); } } if (trim($username) == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME"); } else { if (!usernameExists($username)) { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME"); } } if (count($errors) == 0) {
<?php include_once "includes/header.php"; ?> <h1>XSS Filter testing ground!</h1> <?php $vectors = array("https://tlwsd.in", "https://eff.org", "irc://", "'>://dsfjk:'\"\";", "http://\"><img src=\"/index.php\" />", "http://\"><script>alert('Unfiltered');</script>", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "https://<IMG SRC=javascript:alert("XSS")>", "http://';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\\';alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//\";alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))//--></SCRIPT>\">'><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))</SCRIPT>"); foreach ($vectors as $v) { //echo "<p style=\"display: inline-block; width: 400px; margin: 0;\">{$v}</p>"; $r = removeXSS($v); if (is_array($r)) { var_dump($r); echo "<br />\n"; } elseif (!empty($r)) { echo $r . "<br />\n"; } else { echo "<em>NULL -- Didn't pass the test!</em><br />\n"; } } ?> <?php include_once "includes/footer.php";
} //Prevent the user visiting the logged in page if he/she is already logged in if (isUserLoggedIn()) { session_write_close(); header("Location:account.php"); die; } $uname = ""; if (!empty($_GET)) { $uname = $_GET['uname']; } //Forms posted if (!empty($_POST)) { $errors = array(); $username = removeXSS(sanitize(trim($_POST["username"]))); $password = removeXSS(trim($_POST["password"])); if (!empty($username)) { $uname = $username; } //Perform some validation //Feel free to edit / change as required if ($username == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_USERNAME"); } if ($password == "") { $errors[] = lang("ACCOUNT_SPECIFY_PASSWORD"); } if (count($errors) == 0) { if (candidateExists($username)) { $userdetails = fetchCandDetails($username, $password); if (!isset($userdetails["candidateid"])) {
$_POST["forwardsubject"] = removeXSS($_POST["forwardsubject"]); } if (!isset($_POST["forwardmessage"])) { $_POST["forwardmessage"] = ""; } else { $_POST["forwardmessage"] = removeXSS($_POST["forwardmessage"]); } if (!isset($_POST["forwardfooter"])) { $_POST["forwardfooter"] = ""; } else { $_POST["forwardfooter"] = removeXSS($_POST["forwardfooter"]); } if (!isset($_POST["msgsubject"])) { $_POST["msgsubject"] = removeXSS($_POST["subject"]); } else { $_POST['subject'] = removeXSS($_POST['msgsubject']); } if ((!isset($_POST["year"]) || !is_array($_POST["year"])) && $_POST["embargo"] && $_POST["embargo"] != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $embargo->setDateTime($_POST["embargo"]); } if ((!isset($_POST["year"]) || !is_array($_POST["year"])) && $_POST["repeatuntil"] && $_POST["repeatuntil"] != "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $repeatuntil->setDateTime($_POST["repeatuntil"]); } # not sure why this is here, but it breaks things when tables are used in the # message, so for now disable it. if (0) { #$usefck) { $_POST["message"] = nl2br($_POST["message"]); } // Load the criteria settings... }