  * @param array $info
 function generatePhp($info)
     $php = "<?php\n";
     $php .= "/**\n";
     $php .= " * " . $info['class'] . "\n";
     $php .= " */\n";
     $php .= "namespace Sledgehammer\\Facebook;\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "use Sledgehammer\\Collection;\n";
     $php .= "use Sledgehammer\\GraphObject;\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "/**\n";
     $php .= " * " . $info['description'] . "\n";
     if (count($info['fields']['id']['permissions'])) {
         $php .= " * Requires " . quoted_human_implode(' or ', $info['fields']['id']['permissions']) . " permissions.\n";
     $php .= " *\n";
     $php .= " * @link " . $info['link'] . "\n";
     $php .= " * @package Facebook\n";
     $php .= " */\n";
     $php .= "class " . $info['class'] . " extends \\Sledgehammer\\GraphObject {\n";
     $php .= "\n";
     foreach ($info['fields'] as $field) {
         $php .= "\t/**\n";
         $php .= "\t * " . $this->addDot($field['description']) . "\n";
         if (count($field['permissions']) !== 0 && $info['fields']['id']['permissions'] !== $field['permissions']) {
             $php .= "\t * Requires " . quoted_human_implode(' or ', $field['permissions']) . " permissions.\n";
         if (in_array($field['returns'], array('number', 'string', 'boolean'))) {
             $php .= "\t * @var " . $field['returns'] . "\n";
         } else {
             $php .= "\t *\n\t * " . $field['returns'] . "\n";
         $php .= "\t */\n";
         $php .= "\tpublic \$" . $field['name'] . ";\n";
         $php .= "\n";
     $typeMapping = array('Achievement(instance)' => 'Achievement', 'Album' => 'Album', 'Event' => 'Event', 'Message' => 'Message', 'Order' => 'Order', 'Page' => 'Page', 'Photo' => 'Photo', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Thread' => 'Thread', 'User' => 'User', 'Friend' => 'User', 'Book' => 'Page', 'Movie' => 'Page', 'Like' => 'Page', 'Music' => 'Page', 'Television' => 'Page', 'Conversation' => 'Message', 'Conversation' => 'Message');
     $invalidTypes = array('Id', 'The', 'Activity', 'Interest', 'Setting', 'Account');
     if (count($info['connections']) != 0) {
         $knownConnections = '';
         foreach ($info['connections'] as $connection) {
             $php .= "\t/**\n";
             $php .= "\t * " . $this->addDot($connection['description']) . "\n";
             if (count($connection['permissions']) !== 0 && $info['fields']['id']['permissions'] !== $connection['permissions']) {
                 $php .= "\t * Requires " . quoted_human_implode(' or ', $connection['permissions']) . " permissions.\n";
             $type = false;
             // 'GraphObject';
             if (preg_match('/array of ([a-z()]+) objects/', $connection['returns'], $match)) {
                 $type = ucfirst($match[1]);
             } elseif (preg_match('/array of objects containing ([a-z()]+) /', $connection['returns'], $match)) {
                 $type = ucfirst($match[1]);
             if (isset($typeMapping[$type])) {
                 // Is the detected type valid?
                 $type = $typeMapping[$type];
             } elseif ($type) {
                 if (in_array($type, $invalidTypes) == false) {
                     notice('Unknown type: "' . $type . '"');
                 $type = false;
             if ($type) {
                 $php .= "\t * @var Collection|" . $type . "\n";
             } else {
                 $php .= "\t *\n\t * Returns " . $connection['returns'] . "\n";
                 $php .= "\t * @var Collection|GraphObject\n";
             $php .= "\t */\n";
             if (isset($info['fields'][$connection['name']])) {
                 $php .= '//';
                 // Prevent "duplicate property" parse error.
             $php .= "\tpublic \$" . $connection['name'] . ";\n";
             $php .= "\n";
             $knownConnections .= "\t\t\t'" . $connection['name'] . "' => array(";
             if ($type) {
                 $knownConnections .= "'class' => '\\Sledgehammer\\Facebook\\" . $type . "'";
             $knownConnections .= "),\n";
     if ($info['constructor']) {
         $php .= "\t/**\n";
         $php .= "\t * Constructor\n";
         $php .= "\t * @param mixed \$id\n";
         $php .= "\t * @param array \$parameters\n";
         $php .= "\t * @param bool \$preload  true: Fetch fields now. false: Fetch fields when needed.\n";
         $php .= "\t */\n";
         $php .= "\tfunction __construct(\$id, \$parameters = null, \$preload = false) {\n";
         $php .= "\t\tif (\$id === null || is_array(\$id)) {\n";
         $php .= "\t\t\tparent::__construct(\$id, \$parameters, \$preload);\n";
         $php .= "\t\t\treturn;\n";
         $php .= "\t\t}\n";
         $php .= "\t\tif (\$parameters === null) { // Fetch all allowed fields?\n";
         $php .= "\t\t\t\$parameters = array(\n";
         $php .= "\t\t\t\t'fields' => implode(',', \$this->getAllowedFields(array('id' => \$id))),\n";
         $php .= "\t\t\t);\n";
         $php .= "\t\t}\n";
         $php .= "\t\tparent::__construct(\$id, \$parameters, \$preload);\n";
         $php .= "\t}\n";
         $php .= "\n";
     // @todo generate getFieldPermissions()
     if (count($info['connections']) != 0) {
         $php .= "\tprotected static function getKnownConnections(\$options = array()) {\n";
         $php .= "\t\t\$connections = array(\n";
         $php .= $knownConnections;
         $php .= "\t\t);\n";
         // @todo Add permissions based on 'user/friend' option.
         $php .= "\t\treturn \$connections;\n";
         $php .= "\t}\n";
         $php .= "\n";
     $php .= "}\n\n";
     $php .= "?>";
     return $php;
Beispiel #2
  * Post a link or status-message to the users feed.
  * @permission publish_stream
  * @param Facebook\Post|GraphObject|array $post
  * @return Facebook\Post
 function postToFeed($post)
     if (is_array($post)) {
         $post = new Facebook\Post($post);
     $fb = Facebook::getInstance();
     if (in_array('publish_stream', $fb->getPermissions()) === false) {
         notice('Posting to the user\'s feed requires the "publish_stream" permission', 'Current permissions: ' . quoted_human_implode(' and ', $fb->getPermissions()));
     $response = $fb->post($this->id . '/feed', $post);
     $class = get_class($post);
     return new $class($response['id']);
Beispiel #3
  * Handle postTo* methods.
  * @param string $method
  * @param array $arguments
 function __call($method, $arguments)
     if (text($method)->startsWith('get')) {
         // a get*($parameters) method?
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             throw new \Exception('Can\'t fetch a connection without an id');
         if (count($arguments) > 0) {
             $parameters = $arguments[0];
         } else {
             $parameters = array();
         $connection = lcfirst(substr($method, 3));
         $connections = $this->getKnownConnections(array('id' => $this->id));
         if (isset($connections[$connection]['class'])) {
             $class = $connections[$connection]['class'];
         } else {
             $class = '\\Sledgehammer\\GraphObject';
         if (isset($connections[$connection]['permission']) && $connections[$connection]['permission'] !== 'denied' && in_array($connections[$connection]['permission'], Facebook::getInstance()->getPermissions()) === false) {
             notice('Connection "' . $connection . '" requires the "' . $connections[$connection]['permission'] . '" permission', 'Current permissions: ' . quoted_human_implode(' and ', Facebook::getInstance()->getPermissions()));
         $objects = array();
         $response = Facebook::all($this->id . '/' . $connection, $parameters);
         foreach ($response as $data) {
             $objects[] = new $class($data);
         if (empty($arguments['fields'])) {
             foreach ($objects as $object) {
                 $object->_state = 'partial';
         return new Collection($objects);
     if (text($method)->startsWith('postTo')) {
         // a postTo*($data) method?
         if (empty($this->id)) {
             throw new \Exception('Can\'t post to a connection without an id');
         if (count($arguments) > 0) {
             $parameters = $arguments[0];
         } else {
             notice('Missing argument 1 for ' . $method . '()');
             $parameters = array();
         $response = Facebook::post($this->id . '/' . lcfirst(substr($method, 6)), $parameters);
         return new GraphObject($response['id']);
     } else {
         return parent::__call($method, $arguments);