Beispiel #1
 private function check_instance_knowing_chart($instance_id, $host, $port, $service_name)
     $sql = "select * from knowing_charts where target_type='instance' and target_id='{$instance_id}'";
     $charts = pdo_fetch_all($this->link, $sql);
     if (!$charts) {
         $this->add_instance_knowing_chart($instance_id, $host, $port, $service_name);
Beispiel #2

$base = dirname(__FILE__);
$solr_root = substr($base, 0, strrpos($base, 'scripts'));
$script_root = $solr_root . "/scripts";
include_once $script_root . "/common.php";
$strSQL = 'show tables like "status_log\\_%"';
$tables = pdo_fetch_all($link_log, $strSQL, array());
foreach ($tables as $table) {
    $table = array_pop($table);
    $strSQL = "select id from {$table} where log_time<? limit 10000";
    $arrArc = pdo_fetch_all($link_log, $strSQL, array(date('Y-m-d H:i:00', time() - 345600)));
    if (!empty($arrArc)) {
        $arrAllIDs = array();
        foreach ($arrArc as $arrData) {
            $arrAllIDs[] = $arrData['id'];
        $strPattern = join(',', array_fill(0, count($arrAllIDs), '?'));
        $strSQL = 'insert into status_logs_arc select * from ' . $table . ' where id in (' . $strPattern . ')';
        $sth = $link_log->prepare($strSQL);
        $strSQL = 'delete from ' . $table . ' where id in (' . $strPattern . ')';
        $sth = $link_log->prepare($strSQL);
Beispiel #3
    $arrLastLoad = pdo_fetch($link_log, $strSQL, array($arrHost['host_id'], 'host', 'loadaverage'));
    $arrHost['memoryused'] = $arrLastMem['log_value'];
    $arrHost['loadaverage'] = $arrLastLoad['log_value'];
    $strSQL = 'replace into report set r_type=?,target_id=?,r_data=?';
    $sth = $link_log->prepare($strSQL);
    $arrHost['lastupd'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $sth->execute(array('host', $arrHost['host_id'], json_encode($arrHost)));
$strSQL = 'select service_id from service';
$arrServices = pdo_fetch_all($link, $strSQL);
foreach ($arrServices as $arrService) {
    $strSQL = 'select log_value from status_logs where target_id=? and log_type=? and log_name=? order by id desc limit 20';
    $arrLastDocNumber = pdo_fetch_all($link_log, $strSQL, array($arrService['service_id'], 'service', 'docnumber'));
    $arrLastSelCnt = pdo_fetch_all($link_log, $strSQL, array($arrService['service_id'], 'service', 'select'));
    $arrLastUpdCnt = pdo_fetch_all($link_log, $strSQL, array($arrService['service_id'], 'service', 'update'));
    $arrMilliSecond = pdo_fetch_all($link_log, $strSQL, array($arrService['service_id'], 'service', 'millisecond_90'));
    if (false === $arrLastDocNumber) {
        $arrService['docnumber'] = '-';
    } else {
        $intTotal = $intTime = 0;
        foreach ($arrLastDocNumber as $arrTmp) {
            $intTotal = $intTotal + $arrTmp['log_value'];
        $arrService['docnumber'] = round($intTotal / $intTime);
    if (false === $arrLastSelCnt) {
        $arrService['selcnt'] = '-';
    } else {
        $intTotal = $intTime = 0;
        foreach ($arrLastSelCnt as $arrTmp) {
Beispiel #4
function select_frequentquery($pdo_log, $datetime, $service = false)
    if (!empty($service)) {
        $service = " and service='{$service}' ";
    } else {
        $service = '';
    $sql = "select * from frequentquery where log_time=?" . $service . " order by count desc limit 20";
    return pdo_fetch_all($pdo_log, $sql, array($datetime));