function refresh_key() { // set up an RPC request $mnetrequest = new mnet_xmlrpc_client(); // Use any method - listServices is pretty lightweight. $mnetrequest->set_method('system/listServices'); // Do RPC call and store response if ($mnetrequest->send($this) === true) { // Ok - we actually don't care about the result $temp = new mnet_peer(); $temp->set_id($this->id); if ($this->public_key != $temp->public_key) { $newkey = param_clean($temp->public_key, PARAM_PEM); if (!empty($newkey)) { $this->public_key = $newkey; return true; } } } return false; }
/** * Processes the file to import the ALIS data * * Opens the file, loops through each row. Cleans the values in each column, * and inserts or updates the statistics for each subject, then loops over * the records in the table and flags any quality issues. * * Returns a report of successess and failures. * * @see open_file() * @global object $DB Database interface * @return string A report of successes and failures. */ public function process() { global $DB; $file = $this->open_file(); $qualtype = false; $import->qualcount = 0; $import->subjectcount = 0; $import->updatecount = 0; while ($line = \fgetcsv($file, 0, '|')) { // If there's only one column on this line, then it's a qualification heading if (\count($line) == 1) { $qualname = param_clean($line[0], \PARAM_ALPHANUM); // Create a new qualtype record if there isn't one already. if (!($qualtype = $DB->get_record_select('report_targetgrades_qualtype', $DB->sql_compare_text('name') . ' = ?', array($qualname)))) { if (!($qualscale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('name' => $qualname . ' MTG')))) { if ($scale = get_scale($qualname)) { $qualscale = new \stdClass(); $qualscale->name = $qualname . ' MTG'; $qualscale->scale = $scale; $qualscale->description = $qualname . ' Minimum/Target Grades'; $qualscale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $qualscale); } } if ($qualscale) { $qualtype = new \stdClass(); $qualtype->name = $qualname; $qualtype->scaleid = $qualscale->id; $qualtype->id = $DB->insert_record('report_targetgrades_qualtype', $qualtype); $import->qualcount++; } } } else { // If we have a record for this course's qualtype if ($qualtype) { $name = \clean_param($line[0], \PARAM_TEXT); $samplesize = \clean_param(str_replace(',', '', $line[1]), \PARAM_INT); $gradient = \clean_param($line[2], \PARAM_FLOAT); $intercept = \clean_param($line[3], \PARAM_FLOAT); $correlation = \clean_param($line[4], \PARAM_FLOAT); $standarddeviation = \clean_param($line[5], \PARAM_FLOAT); if ($subject = $DB->get_record_select('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $DB->sql_compare_text('name') . ' = ? AND qualtypeid = ?', array($name, $qualtype->id))) { $subject->samplesize = $samplesize; $subject->gradient = $gradient; $subject->intercept = $intercept; $subject->correlation = $correlation; $subject->standarddeviation = $standarddeviation; $DB->update_record('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $subject); $import->updatecount++; } else { $subject = new \stdClass(); $subject->name = $name; $subject->samplesize = $samplesize; $subject->gradient = $gradient; $subject->intercept = $intercept; $subject->correlation = $correlation; $subject->standarddeviation = $standarddeviation; $subject->qualtypeid = $qualtype->id; $DB->insert_record('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $subject); $import->subjectcount++; } } } } \fclose($file); // All the stats are now in the DB, so do a pass over the table to flag up any quality issues with the data $averagesize = round($DB->get_record_sql('SELECT AVG(samplesize) as avg FROM {report_targetgrades_alisdata}')->avg); $select = 'SELECT ta.*, as qualification '; $from = 'FROM {report_targetgrades_alisdata} ta JOIN {report_targetgrades_qualtype} tq ON ta.qualtypeid ='; $alisdata = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from); foreach ($alisdata as $alis) { if ($alis->samplesize < $averagesize) { if ($alis->samplesize < $averagesize / 2) { if ($alis->samplesize < $averagesize / 4) { $alis->quality_samplesize = 3; } else { $alis->quality_samplesize = 2; } } else { $alis->quality_samplesize = 1; } } else { $alis->quality_samplesize = 0; } if ($alis->correlation < CORRELATION_THRESHOLD) { $alis->quality_correlation = 1; } else { $alis->quality_correlation = 0; } switch ($alis->qualification) { case ALIS_GCSE: case ALIS_BTEC_FIRST_DIPLOMA: case ALIS_IB_STANDARD: case ALIS_IB_HIGHER: case ALIS_OCR_NATIONAL_CERTIFICATE: case ALIS_OCR_NATIONAL_DIPLOMA: $boundary = 1; break; case ALIS_ADVANCED_GCE: case ALIS_ADVANCED_GCE_DOUBLE: $boundary = 20; break; case ALIS_ADVANCED_SUBSIDIARY_GCE: case ALIS_ADVANCED_SUBSIDIARY_GCE_DOUBLE: $boundary = 10; break; case ALIS_BTEC_NATIONAL_AWARD: case ALIS_BTEC_NATIONAL_DIPLOMA: case ALIS_BTEC_NATIONAL_CERTIFICATE: $boundary = 40; break; case ALIS_CACHE_L3_DIPLOMA: $boundary = 60; break; } if ($alis->standarddeviation > $boundary) { if ($alis->standarddeviation > $boundary * 2) { $alis->quality_deviation = 2; } else { $alis->quality_deviation = 1; } } else { $alis->quality_deviation = 0; } $DB->update_record('report_targetgrades_alisdata', $alis); } return $import; }