Beispiel #1
 * Install our theme
function insert_templates()
    global $mybb, $output, $cache, $db, $lang;
    require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/config.php';
    $db = db_connection($config);
    require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_datacache.php';
    $cache = new datacache();
    $output->print_header($lang->theme_installation, 'theme');
    echo $lang->theme_step_importing;
    my_rmdir_recursive(MYBB_ROOT . "cache/themes", array(MYBB_ROOT . "cache/themes/index.html"));
    $insert_array = array('title' => 'Default Templates');
    $templateset = $db->insert_query("templatesets", $insert_array);
    $contents = @file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/mybb_theme.xml');
    if (!empty($mybb->config['admin_dir']) && file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . "/inc/functions_themes.php")) {
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . "/inc/functions.php";
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . "/inc/functions_themes.php";
    } elseif (file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . "admin/inc/functions_themes.php")) {
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . "admin/inc/functions.php";
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . "admin/inc/functions_themes.php";
    } else {
        $output->print_error("Please make sure your admin directory is uploaded correctly.");
    $theme_id = import_theme_xml($contents, array("templateset" => -2, "version_compat" => 1));
    $tid = build_new_theme("Default", null, $theme_id);
    // Update our properties template set to the correct one
    $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "stylesheets, properties", "tid='{$tid}'", array('limit' => 1));
    $theme = $db->fetch_array($query);
    $properties = my_unserialize($theme['properties']);
    $stylesheets = my_unserialize($theme['stylesheets']);
    $properties['templateset'] = $templateset;
    // 1.8: Stylesheet Colors
    $contents = @file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/mybb_theme_colors.xml');
    require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/class_xml.php";
    $parser = new XMLParser($contents);
    $tree = $parser->get_tree();
    if (is_array($tree) && is_array($tree['colors'])) {
        if (is_array($tree['colors']['scheme'])) {
            foreach ($tree['colors']['scheme'] as $tag => $value) {
                $exp = explode("=", $value['value']);
                $properties['colors'][$exp[0]] = $exp[1];
        if (is_array($tree['colors']['stylesheets'])) {
            $count = count($properties['disporder']) + 1;
            foreach ($tree['colors']['stylesheets']['stylesheet'] as $stylesheet) {
                $new_stylesheet = array("name" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['attributes']['name']), "tid" => $tid, "attachedto" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['attributes']['attachedto']), "stylesheet" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['value']), "lastmodified" => TIME_NOW, "cachefile" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['attributes']['name']));
                $sid = $db->insert_query("themestylesheets", $new_stylesheet);
                $css_url = "css.php?stylesheet={$sid}";
                $cached = cache_stylesheet($tid, $stylesheet['attributes']['name'], $stylesheet['value']);
                if ($cached) {
                    $css_url = $cached;
                // Add to display and stylesheet list
                $properties['disporder'][$stylesheet['attributes']['name']] = $count;
                $stylesheets[$stylesheet['attributes']['attachedto']]['global'][] = $css_url;
    $db->update_query("themes", array("def" => 1, "properties" => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($properties)), "stylesheets" => $db->escape_string(my_serialize($stylesheets))), "tid = '{$tid}'");
    echo $lang->theme_step_imported;
Beispiel #2
 * Custom rmdir function to loop through an entire directory and delete all files/folders within
 * @param string The path to the directory
 * @param array Any files you wish to ignore (optional)
function my_rmdir_recursive($path, $ignore = array())
    global $orig_dir;
    if (!isset($orig_dir)) {
        $orig_dir = $path;
    if (@is_dir($path) && !@is_link($path)) {
        if ($dh = @opendir($path)) {
            while (($file = @readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                if ($file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == '.svn' || in_array($path . '/' . $file, $ignore) || !my_rmdir_recursive($path . '/' . $file)) {
        // Are we done? Don't delete the main folder too and return true
        if ($path == $orig_dir) {
            return true;
        return @rmdir($path);
    return @unlink($path);
function insert_templates()
    global $output, $cache, $db, $lang;
    require MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/config.php';
    $db = db_connection($config);
    require_once MYBB_ROOT . 'inc/class_datacache.php';
    $cache = new datacache();
    $output->print_header($lang->theme_installation, 'theme');
    echo $lang->theme_step_importing;
    my_rmdir_recursive(MYBB_ROOT . "cache/themes", array(MYBB_ROOT . "cache/themes/index.html"));
    $insert_array = array('title' => 'Default Templates');
    $templateset = $db->insert_query("templatesets", $insert_array);
    $contents = @file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . 'resources/mybb_theme.xml');
    if (file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . "/inc/functions_themes.php")) {
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . "/inc/functions.php";
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->config['admin_dir'] . "/inc/functions_themes.php";
    } elseif (file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . "admin/inc/functions_themes.php")) {
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . "admin/inc/functions.php";
        require_once MYBB_ROOT . "admin/inc/functions_themes.php";
    } else {
        $output->print_error("Please make sure your admin directory is uploaded correctly.");
    $theme_id = import_theme_xml($contents, array("templateset" => -2, "version_compat" => 1));
    $tid = build_new_theme("Default", null, $theme_id);
    // Update our properties template set to the correct one
    $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "properties", "tid='{$tid}'", array('limit' => 1));
    $properties = unserialize($db->fetch_field($query, "properties"));
    $properties['templateset'] = $templateset;
    $db->update_query("themes", array("def" => 1, "properties" => $db->escape_string(serialize($properties))), "tid='{$tid}'");
    echo $lang->theme_step_imported;

 * Plugin Name: Advanced Sidebox for MyBB 1.6.x
 * Copyright 2014 WildcardSearch
 * this file removes any existing files from ASB 1.0
define('IN_MYBB', 1);
require_once '../../../global.php';
global $config;
$removed_files = array('inc/languages/english/adv_sidebox.lang.php', 'inc/plugins/adv_sidebox.php', 'jscripts/adv_sidebox.js', "{$config['admin_dir']}/jscripts/adv_sidebox_acp.js", "{$config['admin_dir']}/styles/adv_sidebox_acp.css", 'inc/plugins/asb/cleanup.php');
$removed_folders = array('inc/plugins/adv_sidebox');
// delete the old adv_sidebox_xxx files and folders
foreach ($removed_files as $filename) {
    $fullpath = MYBB_ROOT . $filename;
    if (file_exists($fullpath) && !is_dir($fullpath)) {
foreach ($removed_folders as $folder) {
    $fullpath = MYBB_ROOT . $folder;
    if (is_dir($fullpath)) {
require_once MYBB_ROOT . $config['admin_dir'] . '/inc/functions.php';
flash_message('All components of previous installation deleted', 'success');