function restoreDBFromBackup() { makeRed("Restore Database? WARNING: This will drop all tables and restore data to last backup!"); echo "(Y/N): "; $data = FOPEN("php://stdin", "rb"); $input = ''; while (1 == 1) { $chunk = FREAD($data, 1); if ($chunk == "\n" || $chunk == "\r") { break; } $input .= $chunk; } FCLOSE($data); if (strtolower(@$input) == 'y') { echo "Getting Credentials from application.ini...\n"; $application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini'); $bootstrap = $application->getBootstrap(); $options = $bootstrap->getOptions(); $db = $options['resources']['db']['params']; echo "Database Restoring. Please be patient, this could take a while..."; sleep(1); echo "."; sleep(1); echo "."; sleep(1); echo "."; echo "\n"; exec("mysql -u " . $db['username'] . " -p" . $db['password'] . " " . $db['dbname'] . " < " . APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/dbbackup.sql", $output); makeGreen("DONE!"); echo "\n\n"; } else { echo "Operation Cancelled.\n"; } }
function packageApplication($path = false) { if (!$path) { $path = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../data/"; } echo "Preparing to Archive Application. Please Be Patient...\n"; if (file_exists("{$path}")) { makeRed("Removing old archive...\n"); unlink("{$path}"); } exec("zip -9 -r {$path} ../*", $output); foreach ($output as $o) { echo "{$o}\n"; } makeGreen("DONE! Archive saved to " . str_replace("application/../", '', $path)); echo "\n\n"; }