function GetPhonesearchData($phonesearchParam, $searchParam) { $where = ""; if ($searchParam == "0") { $where = " mobile_number ='{$phonesearchParam}'"; } else { if ($searchParam == "1") { $where = " mobile_number like '{$phonesearchParam}%'"; } else { $where = " mobile_number like '%{$phonesearchParam}'"; } } $host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $database = "blinx"; $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link)); $query = "SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name, email_id, mobile_number, alternative_mobile_number, date_of_birth, gender, qualification, institution, occupation, state, district, location, address, document_path, create_time, update_time, cud, verified, m_id, verifier_mid, pwd \nFROM m_user where"; $sql = $query . $where; logToFile($sql); $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); logToFile('-------------------------------------------'); //logToFile($result); if (!$result) { echo "Could not successfully run query ({$sql}) from DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } $data['data'] = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { array_push($data['data'], $row); } echo json_encode($data); mysqli_close($conn); }
function GetblocationsearchData($lat1, $lng1) { $host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $database = "blinx"; $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link)); if ($lat1 == "" && $lng1 == "") { logToFile("No Latitude"); $query = "SELECT UserId,\n t.Id,\n helpId,\n h.Description,\n CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ', u.last_name) AS Name,\n t.Address,\n Requesteddate,\n Message\n FROM t_help_request t\n INNER JOIN f_help h ON t.helpId = h.Id\n INNER JOIN m_user u ON u.user_id = t.UserId\nWhere DATEDIFF(NOW(),Requesteddate)<100\nORDER BY Requesteddate asc\n LIMIT 0, 20"; } else { $query = "SELECT ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians({$lat1}) ) * " . "cos( radians( latitude ) ) * cos( radians( longitude ) - radians({$lng1}) ) + sin( radians({$lat1}) ) * " . "sin( radians( latitude ) ) ) ) AS distance,latitude,longitude,UserId," . "t.Id,helpId,h.Description,CONCAT(u.first_name, ' ' ,u.last_name) as Name, t.Address," . " Requesteddate , Message" . " FROM t_help_request t inner join f_help h on t.helpId=h.Id " . " inner join m_user u on u.user_id=t.UserId " . " HAVING distance < 10 ORDER BY distance LIMIT 0 , 20"; } $sql = $query; logToFile($sql); $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); logToFile('-------------------------------------------'); //logToFile($result); if (!$result) { echo "Could not successfully run query ({$sql}) from DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } $data['data'] = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { array_push($data['data'], $row); } echo json_encode($data); mysqli_close($conn); }
function processFbEvent($event) { foreach ($event->changes as $change) { switch ($change->field) { case 'feed': // process new comment logic if ($change->value->item == 'comment' && $change->value->verb == 'add' && $change->value->parent_id == $change->value->post_id && $change->value->sender_id != PAGE_ID && (USER_COMMENT_AUTO_LIKE_ON || USER_COMENT_AUTO_REPLY_ON)) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN, 'fields' => 'from{id}']; $postAuthorId = json_decode(fb_api_get("/" . $change->value->post_id, $params))->from->id; logToFile('curl.log', $postAuthorId); if ($postAuthorId != PAGE_ID) { continue; } if (USER_COMMENT_AUTO_LIKE_ON) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN]; fb_api_post("/{$change->value->comment_id}/likes", $params); } if (USER_COMMENT_AUTO_REPLY_ON) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN, 'message' => USER_COMMENT_AUTO_REPLY_MSG]; fb_api_post("/{$change->value->comment_id}/comments", $params); } } // process new post logic if ($change->value->item == 'post' && $change->value->verb == 'add' && $change->value->sender_id != PAGE_ID && (USER_POST_AUTO_LIKE_ON || USER_POST_REPLY_ON)) { if (USER_POST_AUTO_LIKE_ON) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN]; fb_api_post("/{$change->value->post_id}/likes", $params); } if (USER_POST_AUTO_REPLY_ON) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN, 'message' => USER_POST_AUTO_REPLY_MSG]; fb_api_post("/{$change->value->post_id}/comments", $params); } } break; case 'conversations': if (CONVERSATION_REPLY_ON) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN, 'fields' => 'from,created_time', 'since' => time() - CONVERSATION_AUTO_REPLY_COOLDOWN]; $lastMsgs = json_decode(fb_api_get("/{$change->value->thread_id}/messages", $params)); logToFile('curl.log', print_r($lastMsgs, 1)); $needReply = true; foreach ($lastMsgs as $msg) { if ($msg['from']['id'] == PAGE_ID) { $needReply = false; break; } } if ($needReply) { $params = ['client_id' => APP_ID, 'client_secret' => APP_SECRET, 'access_token' => PAGE_VERIFY_TOKEN, 'message' => CONVERSATION_AUTO_REPLY_MSG]; fb_api_post("/{$change->value->thread_id}/messages", $params); } } break; default: //do nothing } } }
function resetDemo() { checkConn(); unset($_SESSION['lastTextTime']); unset($_SESSION['lastAction']); $sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE `akshhhlt_blupay`.`users`"; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['sqli_conn'], $sql); logToFile($sql, $result); echo "reset successful"; return "reset successful"; }
function InsertBenificiaryData($firstname1, $lastname1, $email1, $phone1, $place1, $place2, $pwd) { $host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $database = "blinx"; $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link)); try { $sql1 = "select count(*) as count from m_volunteer where mobile_number='{$phone1}'"; logToFile($sql1); $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1); if (!$result) { logToFile(mysql_error()); echo 'Failed Registration'; } else { $count = mysqli_fetch_object($result)->count; //logToFile((string)$row[0]); if (intval($count) == 0) { $sql2 = "select COALESCE(MAX(volunteer_id), 0) as id from m_volunteer"; logToFile($sql2); $result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql2); if (!$result1) { echo "Failed Registration ({$sql2}) from DB: " . mysql_error(); } else { $id = mysqli_fetch_object($result1)->id; $bid = intval($id) + 1; logToFile($bid); $sql = "INSERT INTO m_volunteer " . "(volunteer_id," . "first_name," . "last_name," . "email_id," . "mobile_number," . "lati," . "longi," . "cud," . "create_time," . "pwd)" . "VALUES" . "( {$bid},'{$firstname1}'," . "'{$lastname1}','{$email1}','{$phone1}','{$place1}','{$place2}','C',now(),'{$pwd}')"; logToFile($sql); if (!mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) { logToFile(mysql_error()); mysqli_close($conn); echo '0'; } else { logToFile("Registration Success"); mysqli_close($conn); echo '1'; } } } else { echo '2'; } } } catch (Exception $e) { logToFile($e->getMessage()); logToFile(mysqli_close($conn)); echo 'fail'; } }
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); $message = ""; $message .= "-------------------------------------------------------\n"; $message .= "DATE : " . $date . "\n"; $message .= "ERRNO : " . $errno . "\n"; $message .= "ERRSTR : " . $errstr . "\n"; $message .= "ERRFILE : " . $errfile . "\n"; $message .= "ERRLINE : " . $errline . "\n"; $message .= "-------------------------------------------------------"; logToFile($message); die('Erreur serveur'); }
function checkSolarTemp() { global $minSolar; $sql = query("SELECT sensorId FROM sensoren where name = 'Solar'"); $row = fetch($sql); $temp = getSensorTemp($row[sensorId]); logToFile("Skript: Prüfe Solartemperatur - Solarpanel IST: {$temp} Min.: {$minSolar}"); if ($minSolar > $temp) { //logToFile("Skript: Solar EIN - Solarpanel IST: $temp Min.: $minSolar"); return 1; } else { //logToFile("Skript: Solar AUS - Solarpanel IST: $temp Min.: $minSolar"); return 0; } }
function debugArrayToFile($array, $var_name = 'ARRAY') { $keys = array_keys($array); foreach ($keys as $key) { $value = $array[$key]; $name_length = strlen($var_name); $temp_name = ''; for ($index = 0; $index < $name_length; $index++) { $temp_name .= ' '; } if (is_array($value)) { logToFile('DEBUG --- ' . $var_name); logArrayToFile($value, $temp_name . ' [\'' . $key . '\']'); } else { logToFile('DEBUG --- ' . $var_name . ' [\'' . $key . '\'] => ' . $value); } } }
function generateManifest($manifest_path, $parent, $catalog) { $plist = new CFPropertyList(); $plist->add($dict = new CFDictionary()); if ($catalog != '') { // Add manifest to production catalog by default $dict->add('catalogs', $array = new CFArray()); $array->add(new CFString($catalog)); } // Add parent manifest to included_manifests to achieve waterfall effect $dict->add('included_manifests', $array = new CFArray()); $array->add(new CFString($parent)); $tmp = explode('/', $manifest_path); $manifest = end($tmp); logToFile("Generating manifest '{$manifest}'..."); // Save the newly created plist $plist->saveXML($manifest_path); }
function VerifyLogin($username1, $password1) { $host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $database = "blinx"; $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link)); try { $sql1 = "select count(*) as count from m_volunteer where email_id='{$username1}'"; logToFile($sql1); $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql1); if (!$result) { logToFile(mysql_error()); echo 'Failed Registration'; } else { $count = mysqli_fetch_object($result)->count; logToFile($count); if (intval($count) >= 1) { $sql2 = "select count(*) as count from m_volunteer where email_id='{$username1}' and pwd='{$password1}'"; logToFile($sql2); $result1 = mysqli_query($conn, $sql2); if (!$result1) { echo "Failed Registration ({$sql2}) from DB: " . mysql_error(); } else { $value = mysqli_fetch_object($result1)->count; if (intval($value) == 1) { echo '0'; } else { echo '1'; } } } else { echo '2'; } } } catch (Exception $e) { logToFile($e->getMessage()); logToFile(mysqli_close($conn)); echo 'fail'; } }
function authenticateUser($username, $password) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username and password = :password"; try { $db = getConnection(); $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam("username", $username); $stmt->bindParam("password", $password); $stmt->execute(); $userDetails = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); logToFile("/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/HealthCareSystem/RestAPI/errorlog.log", "Hello User Details are " . $userDetails); $db = null; //echo '{"user": '******'}'; } catch (PDOException $e) { echo '{"error":{"text":' . $e->getMessage() . '}}'; throw new Exception('Uncaught Exception' . $e->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e1) { echo '{"error1":{"text1":' . $e1->getMessage() . '}}'; throw new Exception('Uncaught Exception' . $e1->getMessage()); } }
function GetDateFilterData() { $host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $database = "blinx"; $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link)); $sql = "SELECT Id,Description,IsUsed from f_date"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); logToFile('-------------------------------------------'); //logToFile($result); if (!$result) { echo "Could not successfully run query ({$sql}) from DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } $data['data'] = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { array_push($data['data'], $row); } echo json_encode($data); mysqli_close($conn); }
function InsertBenificiaryData($Uid1, $email1, $phone1, $helpdId1, $requestdate1, $place1, $place2, $address1, $message1, $education1, $latitide1, $logitude1, $duration1) { try { $host = "localhost"; $user = "******"; $pass = "******"; $database = "blinx"; logToFile($database); $conn = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $pass, $database) or die("Error " . mysqli_error($link)); $sql2 = "select COALESCE(MAX(Id), 0) as MaxID from t_help_request"; logToFile($sql2); $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql2); if (!$result) { logToFile("Failed"); echo 'Failed Registration'; } else { $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $txnid = intval($row["MaxID"]) + 1; $Uid1 = intval($Uid1); $current_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $requestdate1 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($requestdate1)); $helpvalue1 = intval($helpvalue1); logToFile($requestdate1); $sql = "INSERT INTO t_help_request (Id,phone,email,UserId,helpId,Message,Address," . "Location,Requesteddate,Createddate,latitude,longitude,Duration)" . "VALUES( {$txnid},'{$phone1}','{$email1}',{$Uid1},{$helpdId1}," . "'{$message1}','{$address1}','{$place1}','{$requestdate1}'," . "'{$current_date}','{$latitide1}','{$logitude1}','{$duration1}')"; logToFile($sql); if (!mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) { logToFile(mysql_error()); echo 'Request Failed'; } else { logToFile("callsid added"); echo 'Request Success'; } } } catch (Exception $e) { logToFile($e->getMessage()); logToFile(mysql_close($con)); echo 'fail'; } }
function checkPasswordForLogin($Email, $Plain) { //Get the current password's salt, salt the given Plain-text password, and see if it's the same as // the existing saltedPasswordHash //While you're at it, if the user is valid, return the UserID for convenience (and efficiency, I suppose) $conn = connectToDB(); $userInfo = GetSingleDbValue("SELECT `SaltedHash`, `Salt`, `UserID` FROM `Users` WHERE `EmailAddress`='" . $Email . "'", $conn); $conn->close(); if (!$userInfo) { return false; } //Debug login override //TODO: Remove before final release and after properly instantiating User entries with salts and salted hashes if ($Plain == 'Debug') { return $userInfo['UserID']; } //TODO: next line temp logToFile("Log Debug Password.txt", $Email . " Password: "******" Salt: " . $userInfo['Salt'] . " SaltedHash: " . hash("sha256", $Plain . $userInfo['Salt'])); if (hash("sha256", $Plain . $userInfo['Salt']) !== $userInfo['SaltedHash']) { return false; } return $userInfo['UserID']; }
function replacement($environment,$file,$pfad,$datei,$namearray) { $filecontent = file_get_contents($pfad.$datei); ##################### # utf8 # ---- # text must be in utf8 # if not, we must convert to utf8 # because preg_match misses targets # if text is not in utf8 # ##################### include_once('functions/text_functions.php'); $filecontent = cs_utf8_encode2($filecontent); ##################### # utf8 ##################### logToFile($pfad.$datei); $disc_manager = $environment->getDiscManager(); $disc_manager->setPortalID($environment->getCurrentPortalID()); $disc_manager->setContextID($environment->getCurrentContextID()); $path_to_file = $disc_manager->getFilePath(); unset($disc_manager); $path = $path_to_file.'html_'.$file->getDiskFileNameWithoutFolder().'/'; $linkpath = ""; if ( $path != $pfad ) { $linkpath = str_replace($path,'',$pfad); } foreach ( $namearray['oldfilename'] as $index => $name ) { $pattern = "~[\\\./\d\wÄÖÜäöü_-]{0,}".$name."~isu"; #$pattern = "~".$name."~isu"; logToFile($pattern); #pr($pattern); preg_match_all($pattern, $filecontent, $current_treffer); #pr($current_treffer[0]); foreach ( $current_treffer[0] as $treffer ) { $trefferlowercase = mb_strtolower($treffer, 'UTF-8'); $path_relative = ''; if ( strlen($trefferlowercase) > (strlen($name)+1) and ( strstr($trefferlowercase,'/') or strstr($trefferlowercase,'\\') ) ) { $path_relative = str_replace('\\','/',$treffer); $path_relative = str_replace($name,'',$path_relative); if ( $path_relative[0] == '.' ) { $path_relative = substr($path_relative,1); } if ( $path_relative[0] == '/' or $path_relative[0] == '\\' ) { $path_relative = substr($path_relative,1); } } global $c_single_entry_point; if ( !isset($index) or !isset($namearray['filename'][$index]) ) { $namearray_filename_index = ''; } else { $namearray_filename_index = $namearray['filename'][$index]; } if ( !empty($path_relative) ) { if ( !empty($linkpath) and stristr($linkpath,$path_relative) ) { $path_relative = $linkpath; } $replacement = $c_single_entry_point.'?cid='.$environment->getCurrentContextID().'&mod=material&fct=showzip_file&iid='.$file->getFileID().'&file='.$path_relative.$namearray_filename_index; } else { $replacement = $c_single_entry_point.'?cid='.$environment->getCurrentContextID().'&mod=material&fct=showzip_file&iid='.$file->getFileID().'&file='.$linkpath.$namearray_filename_index; } if ( !mb_stristr($filecontent,$replacement) ) { $filecontent = str_replace($treffer, $replacement, $filecontent); } } if ( strstr($filecontent,"'".$name."'") ) { $trefferlowercase = mb_strtolower($name, 'UTF-8'); $treffer = "'".$name."'"; global $c_single_entry_point; if ( !isset($index) or !isset($namearray['filename'][$index]) ) { $namearray_filename_index = ''; } else { $namearray_filename_index = $namearray['filename'][$index]; } $replacement = $c_single_entry_point.'?cid='.$environment->getCurrentContextID().'&mod=material&fct=showzip_file&iid='.$file->getFileID().'&file='.$linkpath.$namearray_filename_index; $filecontent = str_replace($treffer, "'".$replacement."'", $filecontent); } } return $filecontent; }
<?php print_r($_POST); print_r($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]); #print_r( $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] ); if (isset($_POST)) { logToFile('POST.log', $_POST); } elseif (isset($_GET)) { logToFile('POST.log', $_GET); } function logToFile($filename, $msg) { $fd = fopen($filename, "a"); fwrite($fd, getDateString() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . " " . $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] . "\n"); if (is_array($msg)) { foreach ($msg as $key => $val) { fwrite($fd, $key . ":" . $val . "\n"); } } fclose($fd); } function getDateString() { return "[" . date("Y/m/d h:i:s", mktime()) . "] "; }
<?php include_once "includes/logging.php"; // include for logging $db_host = "localhost"; // host $db_user = "******"; // user $db_pass = "******"; // password $db_name = "mdbx10mx_mdbdb"; // name $conn = new mysqli($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name); if ($conn->connect_error) { logToFile("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error, "logs/log.txt"); die('Oops, database selection problem! --> ' . $conn->connect_error); }
logToFile('Bulleting', 'Added', $title); } // Logger header("Location: ./?module=admin&part=bulletin"); } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'update') { $title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $content = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['content']); $author = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['author']); $id = $_POST['id']; mysql_query("UPDATE bulletin SET title='{$title}', content='{$content}', author='{$author}' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); $_SESSION['text'] = 'Bulletin "' . $title . '" edited!'; $_SESSION['type'] = 'success'; if ($logFile) { logToFile('Bulleting', 'Edit', $title); } // Logger header("Location: ./?module=admin&part=bulletin"); } elseif ($_GET['a'] == 'delete') { mysql_query("DELETE FROM bulletin WHERE id='" . $_GET['id'] . "'"); $_SESSION['text'] = 'Bulletin successfully removed!'; $_SESSION['type'] = 'success'; if ($logFile) { logToFile('Bulleting', 'Deletion', $title); } // Logger header("Location: ./?module=admin&part=bulletin"); } } } } }
$allRecords[$month] = $parsed; $months[] = $month; } } //of foreach // if not found, display error if (!$found) { echo "<div class=\"container\"><div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-md-4\">"; echo "<p>Ο υπάλληλος δε βρέθηκε ή έχετε καταχωρήσει λανθασμένα στοιχεία...</p><br><br></div></div>"; echo "<div class=\"row\"><div class=\"col-md-2\"><a href=\"index.php\" class=\"btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block\" >Επιστροφή</a>"; echo "</div></div></div>"; exit; } // log to file if ($canLog) { logToFile($inpAfm, $logFile); } ?> <div class="container"> <!-- Create nav-tabs --> <div class="panel with-nav-tabs panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <?php $first = 1; foreach ($months as $mon) { echo "<li "; echo $first ? "class=\"active\"" : ''; echo "><a data-toggle=\"tab\" href=\"#{$mon}\">{$mon}</a></li>"; $first = 0; }
function type2QtType($fieldMeta) { logToFile('FIELD ' . $fieldMeta->name . ': ' . $fieldMeta->type . ' (' . $fieldMeta->blob . ', ' . $fieldMeta->zerofill . ')'); if ($fieldMeta->type == 'blob' && $fieldMeta->type != 1) { $type = 'string'; } else { $type = $fieldMeta->type; } $map = array('string' => 'QString', 'blob' => 'QByteArray', 'date' => 'QDate', 'time' => 'QTime', 'datetime' => 'QDateTime'); if (isset($map[$type])) { return $map[$type]; } else { return $type; } }
$p_title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['p_title']); $p_content = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['p_content']); $charid = mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_EVE_CHARID']); $date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id']); mysql_query("UPDATE pages SET p_name='{$p_name}', p_title='{$p_title}', p_content='{$p_content}', char_id='{$charid}', datetime='{$date}' WHERE id = '{$id}'"); $_SESSION['text'] = 'Page "' . $p_name . '" Updated Successfully!'; $_SESSION['type'] = 'success'; if ($logFile) { logToFile('Site Pages', 'Edit', $p_name); } // Logger //header('Location: ./?p=page_manager&do=edit&id='.$id.''); redirect('./?module=admin&part=page&do=edit&id=' . $id . ''); exit; } if (isset($_GET['a']) && $_GET['a'] == 'del') { $id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); $get_name = good_query_assoc("SELECT p_title FROM pages WHERE id='" . $id . "'"); $show_name = $get_name['p_title']; $_SESSION['text'] = 'Page "' . $show_name . '" Deleted Successfully!'; $_SESSION['type'] = 'success'; if ($logFile) { logToFile('Site Pages', 'Deletion', $show_name); } // Logger mysql_query("DELETE FROM pages WHERE id='" . $id . "'"); //header('Location: ./?p=page_manager'); redirect('./?module=admin&part=page'); exit; }
function logError($logfile, $msg, $level = 0) { if ($GLOBALS['nolog']) { return; } $trace = $msg . "\r\n"; if ($logfile != 'notrace') { ob_start(); debug_print_backtrace(); $trace .= "<<<\r\n" . ob_get_clean() . ">>>\r\n"; } logToFile('log/error.log', $trace); if ($level >= 10 || $logfile == 'display') { print '<div class="banner">' . $msg . '</div>'; if ($level >= 20) { die; } } }
function writeCrontab($start, $stop, $start1, $stop1, $startTablet, $stopTablet, $ladezeit) { $file = <<<END # Dieser Crontab wurde automatisch mit der Pool Steuerung erstellt. # Hier Keine Einträge machen, da diese automatisch mit einem Skript überschrieben werden. # CD 2013 END; //$file .= "@reboot wget -q -O /dev/null localhost/python/initial.php\n"; $file .= "*/5 {$start}-{$stop} * * * wget -q -O /dev/null localhost/python/steuerung.php\n"; $file .= "*/5 {$start1}-{$stop1} * * * wget -q -O /dev/null localhost/python/steuerung.php\n"; $file .= "*/5 {$startTablet}-{$stopTablet} * * {$ladezeit} wget -q -O /dev/null localhost/python/steuerungTablet.php\n"; logToFile("cronjob: {$file}"); $tmp = tempnam('/tmp', 'pooltimer'); $tmpHandle = fopen($tmp, "w"); fwrite($tmpHandle, $file); fclose($tmpHandle); exec("/usr/bin/crontab {$tmp}"); unlink($tmp); }
<?php // Export to PDF using mPDF require_once './vendor/autoload.php'; require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'functions.php'; $data = htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST['data']); $afm = $_REQUEST['afm']; $stylesheet = file_get_contents('lib/bootstrap.min.css'); $fname = 'pdf/es_' . $afm . '_' . rand() . '.pdf'; $footer = "{$dnsiStrShort}"; // mPDF initialization & pdf creation $mpdf = new mPDF(); $mpdf->SetFooter($footer); $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1); $mpdf->WriteHTML($data, 2); $mpdf->Output($fname); //log to file if ($canLog) { logToFile($afm, $logFile, 1); } // echo (return) file link echo "<a href='{$fname}' target='_blank'><strong>Λήψη αρχείου</strong></a>";
header("HTTP/1.1 418 I'm a teapot"); return; } $curl = curl_init($service_url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); //we need it to echo curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curl_post_data); logToFile("Executing request"); $response = curl_exec($curl); $httpcode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); //if 0, server not found logToFile("{$httpcode} recieved"); curl_close($curl); if ($httpcode >= 200 && $httpcode < 300) { echo $response; //default code is 200 } else { http_response_code($httpcode ? $httpcode : 404); } } catch (Exception $e) { logToFile('Message: ' . $e->getMessage()); } logToFile("end"); /////////////// //UTILITIES/// ///////////// function logToFile($log) { file_put_contents("logs.log", $log . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
$cacheUpdate = "UPDATE cacheduntil SET cacheexpire = '" . $xmlCache . "' WHERE keyID = '" . $keyID . "' AND addressID = '2'"; $cacheUpdateResult = mysql_query($cacheUpdate) or die(mysql_error()); if (!$cacheUpdateResult) { //echo "die"; $sm = "DB Update Failed!"; if ($logFile) { logToFile('MembTrack V2', 'DB Update', 'Failed'); } // Logger $_SESSION['text'] = 'DB Update Failed!'; $_SESSION['type'] = 'warning'; } else { //echo "success!!!!"; $sm = "DB Update Success!"; if ($logFile) { logToFile('MembTrack V2', 'DB Update', 'Success'); } // Logger $_SESSION['text'] = 'DB Update Succeeded!'; $_SESSION['type'] = 'success'; // (step 6) Load the local functional xml file and retrieve online times! //#################################################################### updateDB.php BOF $string = file_get_contents($apiUrlLocal); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($string); $xmlrowset = $xml->result->rowset; $xmlrow = $xml->result->rowset->row; $member = $xml->result->rowset->row; // (step 7) Update all results and skip duplicates based on charid and charlogon! $cnt = 0; /* while ($member->$cnt) {
} catch (Exception $e) { $messageCode = $e->getMessage(); $message = array(); $createMessage = FALSE; switch ($messageCode) { case 'SUBMIT-ERROR': $message["type"] = "error"; $message["text"] = "Er werd met het formulier geknoeid"; break; case 'VALIDATION-CODE-LENGTH': $message['type'] = "error"; $message['text'] = "niet de juiste lengte"; $createMessage = TRUE; break; } logToFile($message); if ($createMessage) { createMessage($message); } $toShow = showMessage(); echo $toShow; } function showMessage() { if (isset($_SESSION["message"])) { $type = $_SESSION["message"]["type"]; $newMessage = $_SESSION["message"]["message"]; unset($_SESSION["message"]); return " er was een " . $type . " met bootschap " . $newMessage; } else { return FALSE;
} foreach ($promotions as $key => $val) { foreach ($val as $or_key => $or_val) { $rows_affected = $wpdb->insert($wpdb->prefix . "plimus_pn", array('pn_orn' => $transaction_id, 'pn_meta_key' => $or_key, 'pn_meta_value' => $or_val)); } } if (pn_is_ntf_mail_service_on() && $pn_request['transactionType'] == "CHARGE") { pn_send_email_notification($pn_request['email'], $pn_request['title'] . ' ' . $pn_request['firstName'] . ' ' . $pn_request['lastName'], $pn_request['productName'], $pn_request['contractName'], $pn_request['transactionDate']); } } if ($pn_request['username'] != '' && pn_is_register_user_on() && $pn_request['transactionType'] == "CHARGE") { $pn_user = $pn_request['email']; $pn_email = $pn_request['email']; $pass_u = pn_create_user($pn_user, $pn_email, $pn_request['firstName'], $pn_request['lastName'], $pn_request['title']); if ($pass_u) { logToFile($pn_user . ', ' . $pn_email . ', ' . $pass_u); $m_sub = 'Account information'; $m_msg = html_entity_decode(get_option('pn_email_template')); $m_user = $pn_user; $m_pass = $pass_u; $m_login = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-login.php'; $tmp_from = array('{USER_NAME}', '{PASSWORD}', '{LOGIN_URL}'); $tmp_to = array($m_user, $m_pass, $m_login); $m_msg = str_replace($tmp_from, $tmp_to, $m_msg); $m_headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $m_headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $m_headers .= 'From: "Administrator" ' . get_bloginfo('admin_email') . "\r\n"; if (pn_is_reg_mail_service_on()) { mail($pn_request['email'], $m_sub, $m_msg, $m_headers); } }
// if the $txn_id isn't set then this might be a recurring payment id, for which we log the txn_id as it uses the // field name recurring_payment_id instead of txn_id for recurring profiles (PayPal) if (!$txn_id) { $txn_id = isset($_POST['recurring_payment_id']) ? $dbSocket->escapeSimple($_POST['recurring_payment_id']) : ""; } // sadly, on some txn_type's like subscribe and not payment the field name will be subscr_id and on recurring payments it // will be recurring_payments_id, though both of those fields are idential, just differ in the different transactions types // being made. if (!$txn_id) { $txn_id = isset($_POST['subscr_id']) ? $dbSocket->escapeSimple($_POST['subscr_id']) : ""; } provisionUser($dbSocket, $txnId, $txn_id); include 'library/closedb.php'; } else { // log for manual investigation logToFile(); saveToDb(); } fclose($fp); } /***************************************************************************************** * logToFile() * logs all post variables to file * * $customMsg custom text to be written to the log file *****************************************************************************************/ function logToFile($customMsg = "") { include 'library/config_read.php'; $fh = fopen($configValues['CONFIG_LOG_MERCHANT_IPN_FILENAME'], 'a'); if ($fh) {
} else { $message = $message . "\n" . "info=updated " . $localPgnFile; if ($newLastPgnUrlModification != "") { $message = $message . "\n" . "oldTimestamp=" . $lastPgnUrlModification; $message = $message . "\n" . "newTimestamp=" . $newLastPgnUrlModification; $lastPgnUrlModification = $newLastPgnUrlModification; } $logOk = TRUE; } } } } if ($logOk) { logToFile("step 1 of " . $refreshSteps . ", new PGN data found", $overwrite); } else { logToFile("step 1 of " . $refreshSteps . ", no new data", $overwrite); } if ($refreshSteps == 0) { $message = $message . "\n" . "info=timer not restarted"; } else { $message = $message . "\n" . "info=timer restarted"; print "<script type='text/javascript'>" . "if (grabTimeout) { clearTimeout(grabTimeout); } " . "grabTimeout = setTimeout('grabPgnUrl()'," . 1000 * $refreshSeconds . "); " . "</script>"; } } } break; case "save PGN text": $message = $message . "\n" . "action=" . $action . "\n" . "localPgnFile=" . $localPgnFile; $errorMessage = checkFileExisting($localPgnFile, $localPgnTmpFile, $localPgnLogFile); if (!$overwrite && $errorMessage) { $message = $message . "\n" . $errorMessage;