* * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage web * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] < 10) { print_error_permission(); return; } register_html_resource('js', 'clipboard.min.js'); register_html_resource('script', 'new Clipboard("#clipboard");'); // Load SQL config into $database_config load_sqlconfig($database_config); // cache default and config.php-defined values $defined_config = get_defined_settings(); $default_config = get_default_settings(); echo '<form id="settings" name="settings" method="post" action="" class="form form-inline">' . PHP_EOL; // Pretty inefficient looping everything if section != all, but meh // This is only done on this page, so there is no performance issue for the rest of Observium foreach ($config_subsections as $section => $subdata) { if (isset($config_sections[$section]['edition']) && $config_sections[$section]['edition'] != OBSERVIUM_EDITION) { // Skip sections not allowed for current Observium edition continue; } echo ' <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <!-- BEGIN SECTION ' . $section . ' -->' . PHP_EOL; if ($vars['section'] == 'all' || $vars['section'] == $section) { if ($vars['section'] == 'all') { // When printing all, also print the section name
dbQuery('SET SESSION `sql_mode` = ?', array(implode(',', $db_modes))); print_debug('DB STRICT mode disabled'); } //register_shutdown_function('dbClose'); // Maybe better in another place, but at least here it runs always; keep track of what svn revision we last saw, and eventlog the upgrade versions. // We have versions here from the includes above, and we just connected to the DB. $rev_old = @get_obs_attrib('current_rev'); if ($rev_old < OBSERVIUM_REV || !is_numeric($rev_old)) { set_obs_attrib('current_rev', OBSERVIUM_REV); log_event("Observium updated: {$rev_old} -> " . OBSERVIUM_REV); // FIXME log_event currently REQUIRES a device, the SQL query will fail. } } } // Load SQL configuration into $config variable load_sqlconfig($config); /** * OHMYGOD, this is very dangerous, because this is secure hole for override static definitions, * now already defined configs skipped in load_sqlconfig(). * // Reload configuration file into $config variable to make sure it overrules all SQL-supplied and default settings // Not the greatest hack, but array_merge was unfit for the job, unfortunately. include($config['install_dir']."/config.php"); */ // Disable nonexistant features in CE, do not try to turn on, it will not give effect if (OBSERVIUM_EDITION == 'community') { $config['enable_billing'] = 0; $config['api']['enabled'] = 0; // Disabled (not exist) modules unset($config['poller_modules']['oids'], $config['poller_modules']['loadbalancer'], $config['poller_modules']['aruba-controller'], $config['poller_modules']['netscaler-vsvr']); }