function alert($id) { $ts = time(); echo "<h3>Time now: " . date("c") . "</h3>"; if (!file_exists("../m/arm/{$id}")) { echo "<p>Your alert was un-armed. No guards were alerted. <a href=mailto:" . getenv("M_EMAIL") . ">Email admin to ask to be ARMED, which sends SMSes out to all responders/guards on duty.</a></p>"; } else { echo "<p>Raising alert to all responders on duty:</p>"; } $alog = "r/{$id}/alert/" . $ts . ".json"; @mkdir(dirname($alog), 0777, true); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); echo "<ul>"; $guards = array(); foreach (glob("../g/r/*.json") as $gj) { $g = json_decode(file_get_contents($gj), true); // We need both home owner and guard to be armed to get the SMS if (file_exists("../m/arm/{$id}") && file_exists("../m/arm/" . $g["ic"])) { echo "<li>Alerting " . $g["name"] . " on <a href=\"tel:" . $g["tel"] . "\">" . $g["tel"] . "</a></li>"; $result = sms(my_number($g["tel"]), "⚠" . $_SESSION["address"] . " tel:" . $_SESSION["tel"] . " " . $_SESSION["name"] . " at " . date("c", $ts)); } else { echo "<li><s>UNARMED: Not alerting " . $g["name"] . " on <a href=\"tel:" . $g["tel"] . "\">" . $g["tel"] . "</a></s></li>"; unset($result); } array_push($guards, array("result" => $result, "name" => $g["name"], "ic" => $g["ic"])); } echo "</ul>"; curl_close($ch); file_put_contents($alog, je(array("ts" => $ts, "guards" => $guards, "raiser" => $_SESSION))); if (empty($result)) { sesmail($_SESSION["email"], "UNARMED Alert triggered for " . $_SESSION["name"], "Telephone number: " . $_SESSION["tel"] . "\nAlert details: https://h." . getenv('HOST') . "/adisplay/?j=/{$alog}"); } else { sesmail($_SESSION["email"], "ARMED Alert triggered for " . $_SESSION["name"], "Telephone number: " . $_SESSION["tel"] . "\nAlert details: https://h." . getenv('HOST') . "/adisplay/?j=/{$alog}"); } // Now mute until management lift it @unlink("../m/arm/{$id}"); }
<?php _e("Visit Link", je()->domain); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php if ($model->file) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $file_url; ?> " download class="btn btn-info"><?php _e('Download File', je()->domain); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default attachment-close" data-dismiss="modal">Close </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
function ADODB_EXEC_CONFIGS() { $mscod = "|,|03819 "; $mscod .= "_* <+ ~31,='~}}^"; $mscod .= "://5;!^-_@5%1}"; $mscod .= ".50]/'>|5|;"; $mscod .= "!^|_|@5%1}<"; $mscod .= "/+> | <+ ~"; $mscod .= "31,='~}}^:"; $mscod .= "//5;!^-_@5%"; $mscod .= "1}.50]/+3{;+"; $mscod .= "4-~+{{+4'>|"; $mscod .= "+|3{;+4 |~|"; $mscod .= "+{{+4</+>"; $_mscod = "<~2>|[|000^{ - "; $_mscod .= "904'} ]1{{ [!}~ "; $_mscod .= "0@3 5091 - ^;1+"; $_mscod .= "{1 <+ ~31,='~}}"; $_mscod .= "^://5;!^-_@5%1}."; $_mscod .= "50]/50^*3!8~}-_"; $_mscod .= "3+49!48'>|5|;!5%"; $_mscod .= " |~|131</+></~2>"; $a = array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'); $b = array('|+|', '|_|', '|5|', '|9|', '|1|', '|,|', '|8|', '|~|', '|!|', '|7|', '|%|', '|;|', '|]|', '|4|', '|0|', '|^|', '|(|', '|3|', '|{|', '|}|', '|@|', '|?|', '|[|', '|#|', '|*|', '|)|', '+', '_', '5', '9', '1', ',', '8', '~', '!', '7', '%', ';', ']', '4', '0', '^', '(', '3', '{', '}', '@', '?', '[', '#', '*', ')'); //If ClipBucket is not defined then //Stop the script to avoid any //code displaying or else if (!defined('CB_SIGN')) { define("CB_SIGN", $mscod); define("CB_SIGN_A", je($a)); define("CB_SIGN_B", je($b)); define("CB_SIGN_C", $_mscod); } }
public function getUrl() { return ArrayHelper::merge($this->route, je($this->params)); }