public function index() { /**首页统计代码实现**/ if (1 == C('IP_TONGJI')) { $id = "index"; $record = IpLookup("", 1, $id); } $cate = M('Category'); $catelist = $this->menulist(); $this->assign('categoryq', $catelist); $user = M('category'); $id = $user->where('display=1 and pid=0')->getField('id', true); $this->assign('arrr', $id); /** 幻灯片调用* */ $slide = get_slide(); $this->assign('slide', $slide); /** 限时抢购调用* */ $timelist = $this->timelist(); $this->assign('timelist', $timelist); /** 最新上架调用**/ $bytime = $this->bytime(); $this->assign('bytime', $bytime); $totalsales = $this->totalsales(); /** 热卖调用*/ $this->assign('totalsales', $totalsales); $Carousel = $this->Carousel(); $this->assign('carousel', $Carousel); /** 热词调用**/ $hotsearch = $this->getHotsearch(); $this->assign('hotsearch', $hotsearch); $tree = $this->maketree(); $this->assign('category', $tree); $this->meta_title = '首页'; $this->display(); }
public function index() { /** * 菜单调用 */ /*首页统计代码实现*/ if (1 == C('IP_TONGJI')) { $id = "index"; $record = IpLookup("", 1, $id); } $cate = M('Category'); $catelist = $this->menulist(); $this->assign('categoryq', $catelist); $this->assign('page', D('Document')->page); //分页 $user = M('category'); $id = $user->where('display=1 and pid=0')->getField('id', true); $this->assign('arrr', $id); //文章列表 /** 幻灯片调用* */ $slide = get_slide(); $this->assign('slide', $slide); //文章列表 /** 限时抢购调用* */ $timelist = $this->timelist(); $this->assign('timelist', $timelist); /** * 最新上架调用 */ $bytime = $this->bytime(); $this->assign('bytime', $bytime); $totalsales = $this->totalsales(); /** * 热卖调用 */ $this->assign('totalsales', $totalsales); $Carousel = $this->Carousel(); $this->assign('carousel', $Carousel); /** * 热词调用 */ $hotsearch = $this->getHotsearch(); $this->assign('hotsearch', $hotsearch); /** * 购物车调用 */ $cart = R("shopcart/usercart"); $this->assign('usercart', $cart); if (!session('user_auth')) { $usercart = $_SESSION['cart']; $this->assign('usercart', $usercart); } $adlist = $this->goodlist(); $this->assign('articlelist', $adlist); $this->display(); }
public function index() { /**首页统计代码实现**/ if (1 == C('IP_TONGJI')) { $id = "index"; $record = IpLookup("", 1, $id); } $cate = M('Category'); $catelist = $this->menulist(); $this->assign('categoryq', $catelist); $user = M('category'); $id = $user->where('display=1 and pid=0')->getField('id', true); $this->assign('arrr', $id); /** 幻灯片调用* */ $slide = get_slide(); $this->assign('slide', $slide); /** 限时抢购调用* */ $timelist = $this->timelist(); $this->assign('timelist', $timelist); /** 最新上架调用**/ $bytime = $this->bytime(); $this->assign('bytime', $bytime); $totalsales = $this->totalsales(); /** 热卖调用*/ $this->assign('totalsales', $totalsales); $Carousel = $this->Carousel(); $this->assign('carousel', $Carousel); /** 热词调用**/ $hotsearch = $this->getHotsearch(); $this->assign('hotsearch', $hotsearch); /**购物车调用**/ $cart = R("shopcart/usercart"); $this->assign('usercart', $cart); if (!session('user_auth')) { $usercart = $_SESSION['cart']; $this->assign('usercart', $usercart); } /** 底部分类调用**/ $menulist = R('Service/AllMenu'); $this->assign('footermenu', $menulist); $tree = $this->maketree(); $this->assign('category', $tree); /** 公告分类调用**/ $notice = M('document')->order('id desc')->where("category_id='56'")->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('notice', $notice); /** 活动分类调用**/ $activity = M('document')->order('id desc')->where("category_id='70'")->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('activity', $activity); $this->meta_title = '首页'; $this->display(); }
public function index() { /**首页统计代码实现**/ if (1 == C('IP_TONGJI')) { $id = "index"; $record = IpLookup("", 1, $id); } //左导航 $cate = M('Category'); $catelist = $this->menulist(); $result['$catelist'] = $catelist; //分页 $this->assign('page', D('Document')->page); $user = M('category'); $ids = $user->where('display=1 and pid=0')->getField('id', true); $result['page'] = $ids; /** 幻灯片调用* */ $slide = get_slide(); $result['slide'] = $slide; /** 限时抢购调用* */ $time_list = $this->timelist(); $result['time_list'] = $time_list; /** 最新上架调用**/ $bytime = $this->bytime(); $result['bytime'] = $bytime; /** 折扣 */ $totalsales = $this->totalsales(); $result['totalsales'] = $totalsales; /** 热卖调用*/ $carousel = $this->Carousel(); $result['carousel'] = $carousel; /** 热词调用**/ $hotsearch = $this->getHotsearch(); $result['hotsearch'] = $hotsearch; /**购物车调用**/ $usercart = D("shopcart")->getcart(); $result['usercart'] = $usercart; if (!session('user_auth')) { $usercart = $_SESSION['cart']; $result['usercart'] = $usercart; } /** 底部分类调用**/ $footermenu = R('Service/AllMenu'); $result['footermenu'] = $footermenu; /** 楼梯 **/ $tree = $this->maketree(); $this->assign('category', $tree); $result['tree'] = $tree; $this->ajaxReturn($result); }
public function index() { /**首页统计代码实现**/ if (1 == C('IP_TONGJI')) { $id = "index"; $record = IpLookup("", 1, $id); } //左导航 $cate = M('Category'); $catelist = $this->menulist(); $this->assign('categoryq', $catelist); $this->assign('page', D('Document')->page); //分页 $user = M('category'); $id = $user->where('display=1 and pid=0')->getField('id', true); $this->assign('arrr', $id); /** 幻灯片调用* */ $slide = get_slide(); $this->assign('slide', $slide); /** 限时抢购调用* */ $timelist = $this->timelist(); $this->assign('timelist', $timelist); /** 最新上架调用**/ $bytime = $this->bytime(); $this->assign('bytime', $bytime); $totalsales = $this->totalsales(); /** 热卖调用*/ $this->assign('totalsales', $totalsales); $Carousel = $this->Carousel(); $this->assign('carousel', $Carousel); /** 热词调用**/ $hotsearch = $this->getHotsearch(); $this->assign('hotsearch', $hotsearch); /**购物车调用**/ $cart = D("shopcart")->getcart(); $this->assign('usercart', $cart); if (!session('user_auth')) { $usercart = $_SESSION['cart']; $this->assign('usercart', $usercart); } /** 底部分类调用**/ $menulist = R('Service/AllMenu'); $this->assign('footermenu', $menulist); /** 楼梯 **/ $tree = $this->maketree(); $this->assign('category', $tree); $this->meta_title = '首页'; $this->display(); }
public function index() { /**首页统计代码实现**/ $ip_tongji = C('IP_TONGJI'); if (1 == $ip_tongji) { $id = "index"; $record = IpLookup("", 1, $id); } /** 幻灯片调用* */ if (S(C('HOME_SLIDE_BANNER'))) { $slide = S(C('HOME_SLIDE_BANNER')); } else { $slide = get_slide(); S(C('HOME_SLIDE_BANNER'), $slide, 3600 * 24 * 30); } $this->assign('slide', $slide); /** 限时抢购调用* */ /*$timelist=$this->timelist(); $this->assign('timelist',$timelist);*/ /** 最新上架调用**/ /*$bytime=$this->bytime(); $this->assign('bytime',$bytime);*/ /** 热卖调用*/ /*$totalsales=$this->totalsales(); $this->assign('totalsales',$totalsales); $Carousel=$this->Carousel(); $this->assign('carousel',$Carousel);*/ /** 热词调用 热门搜索**/ $hotsearch = C('HOT_SEARCH'); $this->assign('hotsearch', $hotsearch); /** 主体商品内容 **/ $tree = S(C('HOME_SHOP_CENTER')); if (empty($tree)) { $tree = $this->maketree(); S(C('HOME_SHOP_CENTER'), $tree, 3600 * 24 * 5); } $this->assign('category', $tree); $this->meta_title = '首页'; $this->display(); }
] </li><?php } } } else { echo "{$_empty}"; } ?> </ul></div><div class="announcement_bottom"><span class="more" ><a href="<?php echo channelurl($T2); ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo L("More"); ?> ...</a></span></div></div><?php echo get_slide("#announcement", "", "", "mainCell:'ul.announcementlist',", "autoPlay:true,", "interTime:3000,", "", "", "", "", "vis:1,", "", "", "", "effect:'top'"); ?> <!--公告 结束--><?php } if (!in_array($ChannelID, explode(',', "1,2"))) { ?> <!--当前位置 开始--><div id="location_main"><div id="location"><b><?php echo L("CurrentPosition"); ?> :</b><?php if (is_array($SitePath)) { $i = 0; $__LIST__ = $SitePath; if (count($__LIST__) == 0) { echo ""; } else {