function nonce($action = null) { echo get_nonce($action); }
echo $i18n['ADD_COMPONENT']; ?> </a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <form class="manyinputs" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES); ?> " method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" > <input type="hidden" id="id" value="<?php echo @$count; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="nonce" name="nonce" value="<?php echo get_nonce("modify_components"); ?> " /> <p><input type="submit" class="submit" name="submitted" id="button" value="<?php echo $i18n['SAVE_COMPONENTS']; ?> " /> <?php echo $i18n['OR']; ?> <a class="cancel" href="theme.php"><?php echo $i18n['CANCEL']; ?> </a></p> <div id="divTxt"></div> <?php
<div class="edit-nav clearfix" > <?php exec_action(get_filename_id() . '-edit-nav'); ?> </div> <?php exec_action(get_filename_id() . '-body'); ?> <!-- user form --> <form class="largeform" action="<?php myself(); ?> " method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" > <input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("save_profile"); ?> " /> <?php if ($adding === true) { ?> <input id="add" name="add" type="hidden" value="1" /> <?php } ?> <div class="leftsec"> <p><label for="user" ><?php i18n('LABEL_USERNAME'); ?> :</label><input class="text" id="user" name="user" type="text" <?php echo $adding === true ? '' : 'readonly';
function get_pages_menu_content($parent, $menu, $level) { global $pagesSorted; $items = array(); foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) { $items[(string) $page['url']] = $page; } if (count($items) > 0) { foreach ($items as $page) { $dash = ""; if ($page['parent'] != '') { $parentdata = getXML(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $page['parent'] . '.xml'); $parentTitle = $parentdata->parent; $dash = "<b>" . $parentTitle . "</b>:" . $page['parent'] . " "; } $menu .= '<tr id="tr-' . $page['url'] . '" >'; if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = '[No Title] » <em>' . $page['url'] . '</em>'; } if ($page['menuStatus'] != '') { $page['menuStatus'] = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('MENUITEM_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $page['menuStatus'] = ''; } if ($page['private'] != '') { $page['private'] = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $page['private'] = ''; } if ($page['url'] == 'index') { $homepage = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('HOMEPAGE_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $homepage = ''; } $menu .= '<td class="pagetitle">' . $dash . '<a title="' . i18n_r('EDITPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" href="cedit.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '" >' . cl($page['title']) . '</a><span class="showstatus toggle" >' . $homepage . $page['menuStatus'] . $page['private'] . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td style="width:80px;text-align:right;" ><span>' . shtDate($page['pubDate']) . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td class="secondarylink" >'; $menu .= '<a title="' . i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" target="_blank" href="' . find_url($page['url'], $page['parent']) . '">#</a>'; $menu .= '</td>'; if ($page['url'] != 'index') { $menu .= '<td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" href="cdeletefile.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("cdelete", "cdeletefile.php") . '" title="' . i18n_r('DELETEPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" >×</a></td>'; } else { $menu .= '<td class="delete" ></td>'; } $menu .= '</tr>'; } } return $menu; }
foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $r[] = rawurlencode($key) . "=" . rawurlencode($value); } return implode($delim, $r); //return complete base string } /** * Returns typical headers needed for a request * @param $consumer_key * @param $nonce */ function auth_headers($consumer_key, $nonce = '') { return array('oauth_consumer_key' => $consumer_key, 'oauth_nonce' => $nonce, 'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'oauth_timestamp' => time(), 'oauth_version' => '1.0'); } $nonce = get_nonce('', $api_key, $api_secret); $headers = auth_headers($api_key, $nonce); $fields = array('release_code' => $release_code, 'name' => $learner_name, 'email_address' => $learner_email); $result = call_elucidat($headers, $fields, 'GET', '', $api_secret); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if IE 6]> <html class="no-js ie6 ie-lt9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie7 ie-lt9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js ie8 ie-lt9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 9]> <html class="no-js ie9"> <![endif]--> <!--[if gt IE 9]><!--> <html class="no-js"> <!--<![endif]--> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title>Elucidat website integration example</title> <!-- viewport behaviour IMPORTANT -->
get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . i18n_r('GENERAL_SETTINGS')); ?> <?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <form class="largeform" action="<?php myself(); ?> " method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" > <input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("save_settings"); ?> " /> <div class="main"> <h3><?php i18n('WEBSITE_SETTINGS'); ?> </h3> <div class="leftsec"> <p><label for="sitenameinput" ><?php i18n('LABEL_WEBSITE'); ?> :</label><input class="text" id="sitenameinput" name="sitename" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($SITENAME1)) {
doNotify(i18n_r('FLUSHCACHE-SUCCESS'), 'success'); break; case 'del-error': doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . i18n_r('ER_PROBLEM_DEL') . '.', 'error'); break; case 'comp-success': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_COMPONENT_SAVE') . '. <a href="components.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; case 'comp-restored': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_COMPONENT_REST') . '. <a href="components.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; case 'profile-restored': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_PROFILE_RESTORED') . '. <a href="profile.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '&userid=' . $userid . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; case 'settings-restored': doNotify(i18n_r('ER_OLD_RESTORED') . '. <a href="settings.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>', 'success'); break; default: if (isset($error)) { doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . $error, 'error'); } elseif (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { doNotify(i18n_r('ER_CANCELLED_FAIL'), 'error'); } elseif (isset($_GET['logout'])) { doNotify(i18n_r('MSG_LOGGEDOUT'), 'info'); } elseif (!empty($err)) { doNotify('<b>' . i18n_r('ERROR') . ':</b> ' . $err, 'error'); } elseif (isset($success)) { doNotify($success, 'success'); } break; }
$plugin = antixss($pluginid); change_plugin($pluginid); redirect('plugins.php'); } } // Variable settings login_cookie_check(); $counter = 0; $table = null; $pluginfiles = getFiles(GSPLUGINPATH); sort($pluginfiles); $needsupdate = false; foreach ($pluginfiles as $fi) { $pathExt = pathinfo($fi, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $pathName = pathinfo_filename($fi); $setNonce = '&nonce=' . get_nonce("set", "plugins.php"); if ($pathExt == "php") { if ($live_plugins[$fi] == 'true') { $cls_Enabled = 'hidden'; $cls_Disabled = ''; $trclass = 'enabled'; } else { $cls_Enabled = ''; $cls_Disabled = 'hidden'; $trclass = 'disabled'; } $api_data = json_decode(get_api_details('plugin', $fi)); $updatelink = null; if (is_object($api_data) && $api_data->status == 'successful') { if ($api_data->version > $plugin_info[$pathName]['version']) { $updatelink = '<br /><a class="updatelink" href="' . $api_data->path . '" target="_blank">' . i18n_r('UPDATE_AVAILABLE') . ' ' . $api_data->version . '</a>';
$count = "0"; $path = tsl(GSBACKUPSPATH . 'zip/'); $filenames = getFiles($path); natsort($filenames); rsort($filenames); foreach ($filenames as $file) { if ($file[0] != ".") { $timestamp = explode('_', $file); $name = lngDate($timestamp[0]); clearstatcache(); $ss = stat($path . $file); $size = fSize($ss['size']); echo '<tr> <td><a title="' . i18n_r('DOWNLOAD') . ' ' . $name . '" href="download.php?file=' . $path . $file . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("archive", "download.php") . '">' . $name . '</a></td> <td style="width:70px;text-align:right;" ><span>' . $size . '</span></td> <td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" title="' . i18n_r('DELETE_ARCHIVE') . ': ' . $name . '?" href="deletefile.php?zip=' . $file . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("delete", "deletefile.php") . '">×</a></td> </tr>'; $count++; } } ?> </table> <p><em><b><span id="pg_counter"><?php echo $count; ?> </span></b> <?php i18n('TOTAL_ARCHIVES'); ?> </em></p> </div> </div>
$nonce = $_GET['nonce']; if (!check_nonce($nonce, "undo", "support.php")) { die("CSRF detected!"); } $ufile = 'cp_settings.xml'; undo($ufile, $path, $bakpath); header('Location: support.php?rest=true'); } if (isset($_GET['restored'])) { $restored = 'true'; } else { $restored = 'false'; } // were changes submitted? if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { $success = $i18n['SETTINGS_UPDATED'] . '. <a href="support.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("restore", "support.php") . '">' . $i18n['UNDO'] . '</a>'; } ?> <?php get_template('header', cl($SITENAME) . ' » ' . $i18n['SUPPORT']); ?> <h1><a href="<?php echo $SITEURL; ?> " target="_blank" ><?php echo cl($SITENAME); ?> </a> <span>»</span> <?php echo $i18n['SUPPORT'];
} elseif ($err == 'false') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_SETTINGS_UPD'] . '. <a href="settings.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . $i18n['UNDO'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif ($restored == 'true') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_OLD_RESTORED'] . '. <a href="settings.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . $i18n['UNDO'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif (@$_GET['rest'] == 'true') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_OLD_RESTORED'] . '. <a href="support.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo", "support.php") . '">' . $i18n['UNDO'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif ($err == 'true') { echo '<div class="error"><b>' . $i18n['ERROR'] . ':</b> ' . @$msg . '</div>'; } elseif ($update == 'pwd-success') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_NEW_PWD_SENT'] . '. <a href="index.php">' . $i18n['LOGIN'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif ($update == 'pwd-error') { echo '<div class="error"><b>' . $i18n['ERROR'] . ':</b> ' . $i18n['ER_SENDMAIL_ERR'] . '.</div>'; } elseif ($update == 'del-success') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_FILE_DEL_SUC'] . ': <b>' . $_GET['id'] . '</b></div>'; } elseif ($update == 'del-error') { echo '<div class="error"><b>' . $i18n['ERROR'] . ':</b> ' . $i18n['ER_PROBLEM_DEL'] . '.</div>'; } elseif ($update == 'comp-success') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_COMPONENT_SAVE'] . '. <a href="components.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . $i18n['UNDO'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif ($update == 'comp-restored') { echo '<div class="updated">' . $i18n['ER_COMPONENT_REST'] . '. <a href="components.php?undo&nonce=' . get_nonce("undo") . '">' . $i18n['UNDO'] . '</a></div>'; } elseif (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { echo '<div class="error">' . $i18n['ER_CANCELLED_FAIL'] . '</div>'; } elseif (isset($error)) { echo '<div class="error">' . $error . '</div>'; } elseif (isset($success)) { echo '<div class="updated">' . $success . '</div>'; } elseif (isset($_GET['err'])) { echo '<div class="error"><b>' . $i18n['ERROR'] . ':</b> ' . $_GET['err'] . '</div>'; } elseif (isset($_GET['success'])) { echo '<div class="updated">' . $_GET['success'] . '</div>'; }
<div id="maincontent"> <div class="main" > <h3><?php i18n('RESET_PASSWORD'); ?> </h3> <p class="desc"><?php i18n('MSG_PLEASE_EMAIL'); ?> </p> <form class="login" action="" method="post" > <input name="nonce" id="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("reset_password"); ?> "/> <p><b><?php i18n('LABEL_USERNAME'); ?> :</b><br /><input class="text" name="username" type="text" value="" /></p> <p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="submitted" value="<?php echo i18n_r('SEND_NEW_PWD'); ?> " /></p> </form> <p class="cta"><a href="<?php echo $SITEURL; ?> "><?php
?> </a> </div> <div style="width:770px;margin:0px auto 2px auto;padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;color:black;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $t_ct_code; ?> </div> <form method="post" action="codetester.php" style="width:760px;margin:0px auto 0px auto;padding:10px;background-color:#EEEEEE;-moz-border-radius:2px;-khtml-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;border-radius:2px;"> <textarea name="sourcecode" rows="10" style="width:748px;margin:0px;padding:5px;border:1px solid #c0c0c0;"><?php echo '' . trim(file_get_contents('codesource.php')); ?> </textarea> <input type="hidden" name="to" value="interpretcode" /> <input type="hidden" name="nonce" value="<?php echo get_nonce(); /* Russell, 2012-11-10 */ ?> " /> <input type="submit" value="Interpret the code" class="submit" style="width:150px;margin:4px 0px 0px 0px;padding:0px;border:solid 1px silver;cursor:pointer;-moz-border-radius:2px;-khtml-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;border-radius:2px;" /> </form> <br /> <div style="width:770px;margin:0px auto 2px auto;padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;color:black;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;"><?php echo $t_ct_codeinterpreted; ?> </div> <div style="width:760px;margin:0px auto 0px auto;padding:10px;font-size:12px;background-color:#FFF3AF;-moz-border-radius:2px;-khtml-border-radius:2px;-webkit-border-radius:2px;border-radius:2px;"><?php include 'codesource.php'; ?> </div>
$count = "0"; $path = tsl(GSBACKUPSPATH . 'zip/'); $filenames = getFiles($path); natsort($filenames); rsort($filenames); foreach ($filenames as $file) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".htaccess") { $timestamp = explode('_', $file); $name = shtDate($timestamp[0]); clearstatcache(); $ss = @stat($path . $file); $size = fSize($ss['size']); echo '<tr> <td><a title="Download Archive ' . $name . '" target="_blank" href="download.php?file=' . $path . $file . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("archive", "download.php") . '">' . $name . '</a></td> <td style="width:70px;text-align:right;" ><span>' . $size . '</span></td> <td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" title="Delete Archive ' . $name . '?" href="deletefile.php?zip=' . $file . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("delete", "deletefile.php") . '">X</a></td> </tr>'; $count++; } } ?> </table> <p><em><b><?php echo $count; ?> </b> <?php echo $i18n['TOTAL_ARCHIVES']; ?> </em></p> </div> </div>
function getPublishedPageHead($editing = true, $path = '') { global $id, $draftExists, $pageExists; echo '<h3 class="floated">' . ($editing ? i18n_r('PAGE_EDIT_MODE') : i18n_r('CREATE_NEW_PAGE')) . '</h3>'; if (getDef('GSUSEDRAFTS', true) && $pageExists && getDef('GSSDRAFTSPUBLISHEDTAG', true)) { echo '<div class="title label label-ok unselectable">' . i18n_r('LABEL_PUBLISHED') . '</div>'; } echo '<!-- pill edit navigation -->', "\n", '<div class="edit-nav clearfix" >'; if ($editing) { echo '<a class="pageview" href="' . $path . '" target="_blank" accesskey="' . find_accesskey(i18n_r('VIEW')) . '" >' . i18n_r('VIEW') . '</a>'; if ($path != '') { echo '<a class="pageclone" href="pages.php?id=' . $id . '&action=clone&nonce=' . get_nonce("clone", "pages.php") . '" >' . i18n_r('CLONE') . '</a>'; } } exec_action(get_filename_id() . '-edit-nav'); echo "\n</div>"; }
echo '<a href="', find_url($url, $parent), '" target="_blank" accesskey="', find_accesskey(i18n_r('VIEW')), '" >', i18n_r('VIEW'), ' </a>'; } ?> <a href="#" id="metadata_toggle" accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('PAGE_OPTIONS')); ?> " ><?php i18n('PAGE_OPTIONS'); ?> </a> <div class="clear" ></div> </div> <form class="largeform" id="editform" action="cchangedata.php" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" > <input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("cedit", "cedit.php"); ?> " /> <input id="author" name="post-author" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $USR; ?> " /> <!-- page title toggle screen --> <p id="edit_window"> <label for="post-title" style="display:none;"><?php i18n('PAGE_TITLE'); ?> </label> <input class="text title" id="post-title" name="post-title" type="text" value="<?php echo $title;
</a></li> <?php } ?> <li id="cancel-updates" class="alertme"><a href="pages.php?cancel" ><?php i18n('CANCEL'); ?> </a></li> <?php if ($url != 'index' && $url != '') { ?> <li class="alertme" ><a href="deletefile.php?id=<?php echo $url; ?> &nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("delete", "deletefile.php"); ?> " ><?php echo strip_tags(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE')); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> </div> <?php if ($url != '') {
/** * do changedata ajax save checking for legacy * @param str $url [description] * @param str $oldslug [description] */ function changedataAjaxSave($url, $oldslug) { global $draft, $pageIsNew; if (isset($_POST['ajaxsave'])) { // force redirects // // @todo we update the slug with the assigned slug, but there could be other things plugins need to do when adding a page, // that needs to be available to the page after, things like custom link menus, actions etc. // for now we redirect, so pagestack works since it is not implemented yet for ajax if ($pageIsNew) { redirect('edit.php?id=' . $url . '&nodraft&upd=edit-success&ptype=new', true); } // ajax response wrapper, still using html parsing for now echo "<div>"; // if this was an autosave add autosave response if (isset($_POST['autosave']) && $_POST['autosave'] == '1') { echo '<div class="autosavenotify">' . sprintf(i18n_r('AUTOSAVE_NOTIFY'), output_time(date())) . '</div>'; } // setup error checking vars and include error checking for notifications $id = $url; $update = 'edit-success'; $ptype = 'edit'; if ($url !== $oldslug) { $oldid = $oldslug; } // if slug was changed set $oldid $upddraft = $draft; include 'template/error_checking.php'; // send new inputs for slug changes and new nonces echo '<input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="' . get_nonce("edit", "edit.php") . '" />'; echo '<input id="existing-url" name="existing-url" type="hidden" value="' . $url . '" />'; echo '<input id="post-id" name="post-id" type="hidden" value="' . $url . '" />'; echo "</div>"; die; } }
/** * Check Nonce * * @since 2.03 * @author tankmiche * @uses get_nonce * * @param string $nonce * @param string $action * @param string $file Optional, default is empty string * @return bool */ function check_nonce($nonce, $action, $file = "") { return $nonce === get_nonce($action, $file) || $nonce === get_nonce($action, $file, true); }
/** * get table row for pages display * * @since 3.4 * @param array $page page array * @param int $level current level * @param int $index current index * @param int $parent parent index * @param int $children number of children * @return str html for table row */ function getPagesRow($page, $level, $index, $parent, $children) { $indentation = $menu = ''; // indentation $indent = '<span class="tree-indent"></span>'; $last = '<span class="tree-indent indent-last">–</span>'; // add indents based on level $indentation .= $level > 0 ? str_repeat($indent, $level - 1) : ''; $indentation .= $level > 0 ? $last : ''; // add indents or expanders $isParent = $children > 0; // add expanders in php // $expander = '<span class="tree-expander tree-expander-expanded"></span>'; // $expander = $isParent ? $expander : '<span class="tree-indent"></span>'; // $indentation = $indentation . $expander; // depth level identifiers $class = 'depth-' . $level; $class .= $isParent ? ' tree-parent' : ''; $menu .= '<tr id="tr-' . $page['url'] . '" class="' . $class . '" data-depth="' . $level . '">'; $pagetitle = $pagemenustatus = $pageprivate = $pagedraft = $pageindex = ''; if ($page['title'] == '') { $pagetitle = '[No Title] » <em>' . $page['url'] . '</em>'; } else { $pagetitle = $page['title']; } if ($page['menuStatus'] != '') { $pagemenustatus = ' <span class="label label-ghost">' . i18n_r('MENUITEM_SUBTITLE') . '</span>'; } if ($page['private'] != '') { $pageprivate = ' <span class="label label-ghost">' . i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE') . '</span>'; } if (pageHasDraft($page['url'])) { $pagedraft = ' <span class="label label-ghost">' . lowercase(i18n_r('LABEL_DRAFT')) . '</span>'; } if ($page['url'] == getDef('GSINDEXSLUG')) { $pageindex = ' <span class="label label-ghost">' . i18n_r('HOMEPAGE_SUBTITLE') . '</span>'; } if (dateIsToday($page['pubDate'])) { $pagepubdate = ' <span class="datetoday">' . output_date($page['pubDate']) . '</span>'; } else { $pagepubdate = '<span>' . output_date($page['pubDate']) . "</span>"; } $pagetitle = cl($pagetitle); $menu .= '<td class="pagetitle">' . $indentation . '<a title="' . i18n_r('EDITPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . var_out($pagetitle) . '" href="edit.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '" >' . $pagetitle . '</a>'; $menu .= '<div class="showstatus toggle" >' . $pageindex . $pagedraft . $pageprivate . $pagemenustatus . '</div></td>'; // keywords used for filtering $menu .= '<td style="width:80px;text-align:right;" ><span>' . $pagepubdate . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td class="secondarylink" >'; $menu .= '<a title="' . i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . var_out($pagetitle) . '" target="_blank" href="' . find_url($page['url'], $page['parent']) . '">#</a>'; $menu .= '</td>'; // add delete buttons, exclude index page if ($page['url'] != 'index') { $menu .= '<td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" href="deletefile.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("delete", "deletefile.php") . '" title="' . i18n_r('DELETEPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" >×</a></td>'; } else { $menu .= '<td class="delete" ></td>'; } // add indexcolumn and tagcolumn for filtering $menu .= '<td class="indexColumn hidden">' . strip_tags(lowercase($pagetitle . $pageindex . $pagemenustatus . $pageprivate . $pagedraft)) . '</div></td>'; // keywords used for filtering $menu .= '<td class="tagColumn hidden">' . str_replace(',', ' ', $page['meta']) . '</div></td>'; // keywords used for filtering $menu .= '</tr>'; return $menu; }
function verify_nonce() { $nonce = get_nonce(); // Fetch the nonce from the last request remove_nonce(); // clear it so it can't be used again now we have it locally session_regenerate_id(true); // replace old session, stops session fixation // only verify if nonce is sent and matches what is expected return isset($_POST['nonce']) and $_POST['nonce'] == $nonce; }
<h3 class="floated"><?php i18n('PAGE_BACKUPS'); ?> </h3> <?php if ($counter > 0) { ?> <div class="edit-nav clearfix" ><a href="javascript:void(0)" id="filtertable" accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('FILTER')); ?> " ><?php i18n('FILTER'); ?> </a> <a href="backups.php?deleteall&nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("deleteall"); ?> " title="<?php i18n('DELETE_ALL_BAK'); ?> " accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE_ALL')); ?> " class="confirmation" ><?php i18n('ASK_DELETE_ALL'); ?> </a></div> <div id="filter-search"> <form><input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="text" id="q" placeholder="<?php echo strip_tags(lowercase(i18n_r('FILTER'))); ?>
echo $id; ?> &nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("restore", "backup-edit.php"); ?> " accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_RESTORE')); ?> " ><?php i18n('ASK_RESTORE'); ?> </a> <a href="backup-edit.php?p=delete&id=<?php echo $id; ?> &nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("delete", "backup-edit.php"); ?> " title="<?php i18n('DELETEPAGE_TITLE'); ?> : <?php echo $title; ?> ?" id="delback" accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('ASK_DELETE')); ?> " class="delconfirm noajax" ><?php i18n('ASK_DELETE'); ?> </a> <div class="clear"></div>
if ($pluginid) { if (check_nonce($nonce, "set_" . pathinfo_filename($pluginid), "plugins.php")) { $plugin = antixss($pluginid); change_plugin($plugin); redirect('plugins.php?success=' . i18n_r('PLUGIN_UPDATED')); } else { redirect('plugins.php?error=' . i18n_r('ERROR_OCCURED')); } } // Variable settings $counter = 0; $table = ''; $needsupdate = false; $plugin_info_sorted = subval_sort($plugin_info, 'name'); foreach ($plugin_info_sorted as $pluginid => $plugininfo) { $setNonce = '&nonce=' . get_nonce("set_" . $pluginid, "plugins.php"); // @todo disabled plugins have a version of (str) 'disabled', should be 0 or null $pluginver = $plugininfo['version'] == 'disabled' ? 0 : $plugininfo['version']; if (plugin_active($pluginid)) { $cls_Enabled = 'hidden'; $cls_Disabled = ''; $trclass = 'enabled'; } else { $cls_Enabled = ''; $cls_Disabled = 'hidden'; $trclass = 'disabled'; } // get extend api for this plugin filename $api_data = json_decode(get_api_details('plugin', $pluginid)); $updatelink = ''; // api success
<h3 class="floated"><?php i18n('VIEWING'); ?> <?php i18n('LOG_FILE'); ?> : ‘<em><?php echo $log_name; ?> </em>’</h3> <div class="edit-nav" > <a href="log.php?log=<?php echo $log_name; ?> &action=delete&nonce=<?php echo get_nonce("delete"); ?> " accesskey="<?php echo find_accesskey(i18n_r('CLEAR_ALL_DATA')); ?> " title="<?php i18n('CLEAR_ALL_DATA'); ?> <?php echo $log_name; ?> ?" /><?php i18n('CLEAR_THIS_LOG'); ?> </a> <div class="clear"></div>
?> <div class="error"> <p><?php echo $error; ?> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <form method="post" action="?id=backup&action=authorize_ftp"> <input type="hidden" name="_action" value="authorize_ftp" /> <input type="hidden" name="_nonce" value="<?php echo get_nonce('authorize_ftp', $info['id']); ?> " /> <p> <label for="ftp_server">Server</label> <input type="text" id="ftp_server" name="ftp_server" value="" /> </p> <p> <label for="ftp_username">Username</label> <input type="text" id="ftp_username" name="ftp_username" value="" /> </p> <p> <label for="ftp_password">Password</label>
// file perms column if ($showperms) { $filePerms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path . $upload['name'])), -4); if ($isUnixHost) { $fileOwner = function_exists('posix_getpwuid') ? posix_getpwuid(fileowner($path . $upload['name'])) : ''; $fileOwnerName = isset($fileOwner['name']) ? $fileOwner['name'] : ''; } else { $fileOwnerName = getenv('USERNAME'); } echo '<td style="width:70px;text-align:right;"><span>' . $fileOwnerName . '/' . $filePerms . '</span></td>'; } echo '<td class="file_date right"><span class="' . (dateIsToday($upload['date']) ? 'datetoday' : '') . '">' . output_date($upload['date']) . '</span></td>'; // delete echo '<td class="delete">'; if ($allowdelete) { echo '<a class="delconfirm" title="' . i18n_r('DELETE_FILE') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($upload['name']) . '" href="deletefile.php?file=' . rawurlencode($upload['name']) . '&path=' . $urlPath . '&nonce=' . get_nonce("delete", "deletefile.php") . '">×</a>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; } } exec_action('file-extras'); // @hook file-extras after file list table rows echo '</tbody></table>'; if ($counter > 0) { $sizedesc = '(' . fSize($totalsize) . ')'; } else { $sizedesc = ''; } $totalcount = (int) $counter + (int) $foldercount; echo '<p><em><b><span id="pg_counter">' . $totalcount . '</span></b> ' . i18n_r('TOTAL_FILES') . ' ' . $sizedesc . '</em></p>'; ?>
<?php $content = file_get_contents($relative . 'theme/' . tsl($TEMPLATE) . $TEMPLATE_FILE); ?> <form action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES); ?> ?t=<?php echo $TEMPLATE; ?> &f=<?php echo $TEMPLATE_FILE; ?> " method="post" > <input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("save"); ?> " /> <p><textarea name="content" id="codetext" ><?php echo htmlentities($content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> </textarea></p> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo tsl($TEMPLATE) . $TEMPLATE_FILE; ?> " name="edited_file" /> <?php exec_action('theme-edit-extras'); ?> <p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="submitsave" value="<?php echo $i18n['BTN_SAVECHANGES'];
<?php include 'template/include-nav.php'; ?> <div class="bodycontent clearfix"> <div id="maincontent"> <div class="main"> <h3><?php i18n('CHOOSE_THEME'); ?> </h3> <form action="" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8" > <input id="nonce" name="nonce" type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_nonce("activate"); ?> " /> <?php $theme_path = str_replace(GSROOTPATH, '', GSTHEMESPATH); if ($SITEURL) { echo '<p><b>' . i18n_r('THEME_PATH') . ': </b> <code>' . $SITEURL . $theme_path . $TEMPLATE . '/</code></p>'; } ?> <p><select id="theme_select" class="text" style="width:250px;" name="template" > <?php echo $theme_options; ?> </select> <input class="submit" type="submit" name="submitted" value="<?php i18n('ACTIVATE_THEME'); ?>
function DM_PE_getPages($parent, $menu, $level) { global $pagesSorted; $items = array(); foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) { if ($page['parent'] == $parent) { $items[(string) $page['url']] = $page; } } $toggleMenu = get_nonce("menu", "toggle.php"); $togglePrivate = get_nonce("private", "toggle.php"); $gsVersion = get_site_version(false); if (count($items) > 0) { foreach ($items as $page) { $dash = ""; if ($page['parent'] != '') { $page['parent'] = $page['parent'] . "/"; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $level - 1; $i++) { if ($i != $level - 1) { $dash .= '<span> </span>'; } else { $dash .= '<span> – </span>'; } } $delNonce = get_nonce("delete", "deletefile.php"); $cloneNonce = get_nonce("clone", "pages.php"); $menuNonce = get_nonce("menu", "toggle.php"); $privateNonce = get_nonce("private", "toggle.php"); $menu .= '<tr class="hover" id="tr-' . $page['url'] . '" >'; if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = '[No Title] » <em>' . $page['url'] . '</em>'; } if ($page['menuStatus'] != '') { $page['menuStatus'] = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('MENUITEM_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $page['menuStatus'] = ''; } if ($page['private'] != '') { $page['private'] = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $page['private'] = ''; } if ($page['url'] == 'index') { $homepage = ' <sup>[' . i18n_r('HOMEPAGE_SUBTITLE') . ']</sup>'; } else { $homepage = ''; } $menu .= '<td class="pagetitle">' . $dash . '<a title="' . i18n_r('EDITPAGE_TITLE') . ': ' . cl($page['title']) . '" href="edit.php?id=' . $page['url'] . '" >' . cl($page['title']) . '</a><span class="showstatus toggle" >' . $homepage . $page['menuStatus'] . $page['private'] . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td style="width:80px;text-align:left;" ><span>' . shtDate($page['pubDate']) . '</span></td>'; $menu .= '<td style="width:24px;text-align:right;" >'; /** $menu .= '<a href="edit.php?id='.$page['url'].'"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/document_edit.gif" title="Edit Page" alt="Edit Page" /></a> '; $menu .= '<a href="edit.php?parent='.$page['url'].'"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/document_right.gif" title="Create Child Page" alt="Create Child Page" /></a> '; $menu .= '<a href="pages.php?id='.$page['url'].'&action=clone&nonce='.$cloneNonce.'"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/documents_duplicate.gif" title="Clone Page" alt="Clone Page" /></a> '; if ($page['menuStatus'] != '' ) { $menu .= '<a href="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/toggle.php?func=menu&id='.$page['url'].'&nonce='.$menuNonce.'" class="toggleMenu"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/menu.gif" title="Toggle Menu Off" alt="Toggle Menu Off" /></a> '; } else { $menu .= '<a href="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/toggle.php?func=menu&id='.$page['url'].'&nonce='.$menuNonce.'" class="toggleMenu"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/menu_off.gif" title="Toggle Menu On" alt="Toggle Menu On" /></a> '; } if ($page['private'] != '' ) { $menu .= '<a href="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/toggle.php?func=private&id='.$page['url'].'&nonce='.$privateNonce.'" class="togglePrivate"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/security_off.gif" title="Toggle Private On" alt="Toggle Private On" /></a> '; } else { $menu .= '<a href="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/toggle.php?func=private&id='.$page['url'].'&nonce='.$privateNonce.'" class="togglePrivate"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/security.gif" title="Toggle Private Off" alt="Toggle Private Off" /></a> '; } $menu .= '<a title="'.i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE').': '. cl($page['title']) .'" target="_blank" href="'. find_url($page['url'],$page['parent']) .'"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/theme.gif" title="View Page" alt="View Page" /></a> '; if ($page['url'] != 'index' ) { $menu .= '<a href="deletefile.php?id='.$page['url'].'&nonce='.$delNonce.'" class="delconfirm" title="Delete Page: '.$page['url'].'"><img src="../plugins/DM_PE_pageedit/images/trash.gif" title="Delete Page" alt="Clone Page" /></a>'; } else { $menu .= ''; } **/ $menu .= '<div class="dropdown">'; $menu .= '<img src="images/icon_spacer.gif" alt="" class="sprite icon dropdownIcon ">'; /* $menu .= '<ul class="dropdownmenu">'; $menu .= '<li id="save-close" ><a href="#" >Save & Close</a></li>'; $menu .= '<li><a href="pages.php?id=test&action=clone&nonce=16992ac218003b7b85b536aa5523af78468ae4c2" >Clone</a></li>'; $menu .= '<li id="cancel-updates" class="alertme"><a href="pages.php?cancel" >Cancel</a></li>'; $menu .= '<li class="alertme" ><a href="deletefile.php?id=test&nonce=b6ed4bcaf21d3a569ca66db6d2a39b9a30b5e8cb" >Delete</a></li>'; $menu .= '</ul>'; */ $menu .= '</div>'; $menu .= '</td>'; $menu .= '</tr>'; $menu = DM_PE_getPages((string) $page['url'], $menu, $level + 1); } } return $menu; }